blob: 52d336034f970925b189a75408f68c4c3c53d1df [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zookeeper.server;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.PortAssignment;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZKTestCase;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.Ids;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.Util;
import org.apache.zookeeper.test.ClientBase;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class PurgeTxnTest extends ZKTestCase {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PurgeTxnTest.class);
private static String HOSTPORT = "" + PortAssignment.unique();
private static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 3000;
private static final long OP_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS = 90000;
private File tmpDir;
public void teardown() {
if (null != tmpDir) {
* test the purge
* @throws Exception an exception might be thrown here
public void testPurge() throws Exception {
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
ZooKeeperServer zks = new ZooKeeperServer(tmpDir, tmpDir, 3000);
final int PORT = Integer.parseInt(HOSTPORT.split(":")[1]);
ServerCnxnFactory f = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(PORT, -1);
assertTrue("waiting for server being up ", ClientBase.waitForServerUp(HOSTPORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
ZooKeeper zk = ClientBase.createZKClient(HOSTPORT);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
zk.create("/invalidsnap-" + i, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} finally {
assertTrue("waiting for server to shutdown", ClientBase.waitForServerDown(HOSTPORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
// now corrupt the snapshot
PurgeTxnLog.purge(tmpDir, tmpDir, 3);
FileTxnSnapLog snaplog = new FileTxnSnapLog(tmpDir, tmpDir);
List<File> listLogs = snaplog.findNRecentSnapshots(4);
int numSnaps = 0;
for (File ff : listLogs) {
if (ff.getName().startsWith("snapshot")) {
assertTrue("exactly 3 snapshots ", (numSnaps == 3));
* Tests purge when logs are rolling or a new snapshot is created, then
* these newer files should alse be excluded in the current cycle.
* For frequent snapshotting, configured SnapCount to 30. There are three
* threads which will create 1000 znodes each and simultaneously do purge
* call
public void testPurgeWhenLogRollingInProgress() throws Exception {
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
ZooKeeperServer zks = new ZooKeeperServer(tmpDir, tmpDir, 3000);
final int PORT = Integer.parseInt(HOSTPORT.split(":")[1]);
ServerCnxnFactory f = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(PORT, -1);
assertTrue("waiting for server being up ", ClientBase.waitForServerUp(HOSTPORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
final ZooKeeper zk = ClientBase.createZKClient(HOSTPORT);
final CountDownLatch doPurge = new CountDownLatch(1);
final CountDownLatch purgeFinished = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicBoolean opFailed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
PurgeTxnLog.purge(tmpDir, tmpDir, 3);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("Exception when purge", ioe);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.error("Exception when purge", ie);
} finally {
final int thCount = 3;
List<String> znodes = manyClientOps(zk, doPurge, thCount, "/invalidsnap");
assertTrue("Purging is not finished!", purgeFinished.await(OP_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertFalse("Purging failed!", opFailed.get());
for (String znode : znodes) {
try {
zk.getData(znode, false, null);
} catch (Exception ke) {
LOG.error("Unexpected exception when visiting znode!", ke);
fail("Unexpected exception when visiting znode!");
* Tests finding n recent snapshots from set of snapshots and data logs
public void testFindNRecentSnapshots() throws Exception {
int nRecentSnap = 4; // n recent snap shots
int nRecentCount = 30;
int offset = 0;
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
File version2 = new File(tmpDir.toString(), "version-2");
assertTrue("Failed to create version_2 dir:" + version2.toString(), version2.mkdir());
// Test that with no snaps, findNRecentSnapshots returns empty list
FileTxnSnapLog txnLog = new FileTxnSnapLog(tmpDir, tmpDir);
List<File> foundSnaps = txnLog.findNRecentSnapshots(1);
assertEquals(0, foundSnaps.size());
List<File> expectedNRecentSnapFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
int counter = offset + (2 * nRecentCount);
for (int i = 0; i < nRecentCount; i++) {
// simulate log file
File logFile = new File(version2 + "/log." + Long.toHexString(--counter));
assertTrue("Failed to create log File:" + logFile.toString(), logFile.createNewFile());
// simulate snapshot file
File snapFile = new File(version2 + "/snapshot." + Long.toHexString(--counter));
assertTrue("Failed to create snap File:" + snapFile.toString(), snapFile.createNewFile());
// add the n recent snap files for assertion
if (i < nRecentSnap) {
// Test that when we ask for recent snaps we get the number we asked for and
// the files we expected
List<File> nRecentSnapFiles = txnLog.findNRecentSnapshots(nRecentSnap);
assertEquals("exactly 4 snapshots ", 4, nRecentSnapFiles.size());
assertEquals("Didn't get the recent snap files", 0, expectedNRecentSnapFiles.size());
// Test that when asking for more snaps than we created, we still only get snaps
// not logs or anything else (per ZOOKEEPER-2420)
nRecentSnapFiles = txnLog.findNRecentSnapshots(nRecentCount + 5);
assertEquals(nRecentCount, nRecentSnapFiles.size());
for (File f : nRecentSnapFiles) {
assertTrue("findNRecentSnapshots() returned a non-snapshot: "
+ f.getPath(), (Util.getZxidFromName(f.getName(), "snapshot") != -1));
* Tests purge where the data directory contains old snapshots and data
* logs, newest snapshots and data logs, (newest + n) snapshots and data
* logs
public void testSnapFilesGreaterThanToRetain() throws Exception {
int nRecentCount = 4;
int fileAboveRecentCount = 4;
int fileToPurgeCount = 2;
AtomicInteger offset = new AtomicInteger(0);
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
File version2 = new File(tmpDir.toString(), "version-2");
assertTrue("Failed to create version_2 dir:" + version2.toString(), version2.mkdir());
List<File> snapsToPurge = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> logsToPurge = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> snaps = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> logs = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> snapsAboveRecentFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> logsAboveRecentFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
createDataDirFiles(offset, fileToPurgeCount, false, version2, snapsToPurge, logsToPurge);
createDataDirFiles(offset, nRecentCount, false, version2, snaps, logs);
logs.add(logsToPurge.remove(0)); // log that precedes first retained snapshot is also retained
createDataDirFiles(offset, fileAboveRecentCount, false, version2, snapsAboveRecentFiles, logsAboveRecentFiles);
* The newest log file preceding the oldest retained snapshot is not removed as it may
* contain transactions newer than the oldest snapshot.
FileTxnSnapLog txnLog = new FileTxnSnapLog(tmpDir, tmpDir);
PurgeTxnLog.purgeOlderSnapshots(txnLog, snaps.get(snaps.size() - 1));
verifyFilesAfterPurge(snapsToPurge, false);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(logsToPurge, false);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(snaps, true);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(logs, true);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(snapsAboveRecentFiles, true);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(logsAboveRecentFiles, true);
* Tests purge where the data directory contains snap files and log files equals to the
* number of files to be retained
public void testSnapFilesEqualsToRetain() throws Exception {
* Tests purge where the data directory contains snap files equals to the
* number of files to be retained, and a log file that precedes the earliest snapshot
public void testSnapFilesEqualsToRetainWithPrecedingLog() throws Exception {
public void internalTestSnapFilesEqualsToRetain(boolean testWithPrecedingLogFile) throws Exception {
int nRecentCount = 3;
AtomicInteger offset = new AtomicInteger(0);
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
File version2 = new File(tmpDir.toString(), "version-2");
assertTrue("Failed to create version_2 dir:" + version2.toString(), version2.mkdir());
List<File> snaps = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> logs = new ArrayList<File>();
createDataDirFiles(offset, nRecentCount, testWithPrecedingLogFile, version2, snaps, logs);
FileTxnSnapLog txnLog = new FileTxnSnapLog(tmpDir, tmpDir);
PurgeTxnLog.purgeOlderSnapshots(txnLog, snaps.get(snaps.size() - 1));
verifyFilesAfterPurge(snaps, true);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(logs, true);
* Tests purge where the data directory contains old snapshots and data
* logs, newest snapshots and data logs
public void testSnapFilesLessThanToRetain() throws Exception {
int nRecentCount = 4;
int fileToPurgeCount = 2;
AtomicInteger offset = new AtomicInteger(0);
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
File version2 = new File(tmpDir.toString(), "version-2");
assertTrue("Failed to create version_2 dir:" + version2.toString(), version2.mkdir());
List<File> snapsToPurge = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> logsToPurge = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> snaps = new ArrayList<File>();
List<File> logs = new ArrayList<File>();
createDataDirFiles(offset, fileToPurgeCount, false, version2, snapsToPurge, logsToPurge);
createDataDirFiles(offset, nRecentCount, false, version2, snaps, logs);
logs.add(logsToPurge.remove(0)); // log that precedes first retained snapshot is also retained
* The newest log file preceding the oldest retained snapshot is not removed as it may
* contain transactions newer than the oldest snapshot.
FileTxnSnapLog txnLog = new FileTxnSnapLog(tmpDir, tmpDir);
PurgeTxnLog.purgeOlderSnapshots(txnLog, snaps.get(snaps.size() - 1));
verifyFilesAfterPurge(snapsToPurge, false);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(logsToPurge, false);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(snaps, true);
verifyFilesAfterPurge(logs, true);
* PurgeTxnLog is called with dataLogDir snapDir -n count This test case
* verify these values are parsed properly and functionality works fine
public void testPurgeTxnLogWithDataDir() throws Exception {
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
File dataDir = new File(tmpDir, "dataDir");
File dataLogDir = new File(tmpDir, "dataLogDir");
File dataDirVersion2 = new File(dataDir, "version-2");
File dataLogDirVersion2 = new File(dataLogDir, "version-2");
// create dummy log and transaction file
int totalFiles = 20;
// create transaction and snapshot files in different-different
// directories
for (int i = 0; i < totalFiles; i++) {
// simulate log file
File logFile = new File(dataLogDirVersion2, "log." + Long.toHexString(i));
// simulate snapshot file
File snapFile = new File(dataDirVersion2, "snapshot." + Long.toHexString(i));
int numberOfSnapFilesToKeep = 10;
// scenario where four parameter are passed
String[] args = new String[]{dataLogDir.getAbsolutePath(), dataDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-n", Integer.toString(numberOfSnapFilesToKeep)};
assertEquals(numberOfSnapFilesToKeep, dataDirVersion2.listFiles().length);
// Since for each snapshot we have a log file with same zxid, expect same # logs as snaps to be kept
assertEquals(numberOfSnapFilesToKeep, dataLogDirVersion2.listFiles().length);
* PurgeTxnLog is called with dataLogDir -n count This test case verify
* these values are parsed properly and functionality works fine
public void testPurgeTxnLogWithoutDataDir() throws Exception {
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
File dataDir = new File(tmpDir, "dataDir");
File dataLogDir = new File(tmpDir, "dataLogDir");
File dataDirVersion2 = new File(dataDir, "version-2");
File dataLogDirVersion2 = new File(dataLogDir, "version-2");
// create dummy log and transaction file
int totalFiles = 20;
// create transaction and snapshot files in data directory
for (int i = 0; i < totalFiles; i++) {
// simulate log file
File logFile = new File(dataLogDirVersion2, "log." + Long.toHexString(i));
// simulate snapshot file
File snapFile = new File(dataLogDirVersion2, "snapshot." + Long.toHexString(i));
int numberOfSnapFilesToKeep = 10;
// scenario where only three parameter are passed
String[] args = new String[]{dataLogDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-n", Integer.toString(numberOfSnapFilesToKeep)};
* 2, // Since for each snapshot we have a log file with same zxid, expect same # logs as snaps to be kept
* Verifies that purge does not delete any log files which started before the oldest retained
* snapshot but which might extend beyond it.
* @throws Exception an exception might be thrown here
public void testPurgeDoesNotDeleteOverlappingLogFile() throws Exception {
// Setting used for snapRetainCount in this test.
final int SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT = 3;
// Number of znodes this test creates in each snapshot.
final int NUM_ZNODES_PER_SNAPSHOT = 100;
* Set a sufficiently high snapCount to ensure that we don't rollover the log. Normally,
* the default value (100K at time of this writing) would ensure this, but we make that
* dependence explicit here to make the test future-proof. Not rolling over the log is
* important for this test since we are testing retention of the one and only log file which
* predates each retained snapshot.
SyncRequestProcessor.setSnapCount(SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT * NUM_ZNODES_PER_SNAPSHOT * 10);
// Create Zookeeper and connect to it.
tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir();
ZooKeeperServer zks = new ZooKeeperServer(tmpDir, tmpDir, 3000);
final int PORT = Integer.parseInt(HOSTPORT.split(":")[1]);
ServerCnxnFactory f = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(PORT, -1);
assertTrue("waiting for server being up ", ClientBase.waitForServerUp(HOSTPORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
ZooKeeper zk = ClientBase.createZKClient(HOSTPORT);
// Unique identifier for each znode that we create.
int unique = 0;
try {
* Create some znodes and take a snapshot. Repeat this until we have SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT
* snapshots. Do not rollover the log.
for (int snapshotCount = 0; snapshotCount < SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT; snapshotCount++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++, unique++) {
zk.create("/snap-" + unique, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
// Create some additional znodes without taking a snapshot afterwards.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++, unique++) {
zk.create("/snap-" + unique, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} finally {
// Shutdown Zookeeper.
assertTrue("waiting for server to shutdown", ClientBase.waitForServerDown(HOSTPORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
// Purge snapshot and log files.
PurgeTxnLog.purge(tmpDir, tmpDir, SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT);
// Initialize Zookeeper again from the same dataDir.
zks = new ZooKeeperServer(tmpDir, tmpDir, 3000);
f = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(PORT, -1);
zk = ClientBase.createZKClient(HOSTPORT);
* Verify that the last znode that was created above exists. This znode's creation was
* captured by the transaction log which was created before any of the above
* SNAP_RETAIN_COUNT snapshots were created, but it's not captured in any of these
* snapshots. So for it it exist, the (only) existing log file should not have been purged.
final String lastZnode = "/snap-" + (unique - 1);
final Stat stat = zk.exists(lastZnode, false);
assertNotNull("Last znode does not exist: " + lastZnode, stat);
// Shutdown for the last time.
private File createDataDirLogFile(File version_2, int Zxid) throws IOException {
File logFile = new File(version_2 + "/log." + Long.toHexString(Zxid));
assertTrue("Failed to create log File:" + logFile.toString(), logFile.createNewFile());
return logFile;
private void createDataDirFiles(AtomicInteger offset, int limit, boolean createPrecedingLogFile, File version_2, List<File> snaps, List<File> logs) throws IOException {
int counter = offset.get() + (2 * limit);
if (createPrecedingLogFile) {
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
// simulate log file
logs.add(createDataDirLogFile(version_2, --counter));
// simulate snapshot file
File snapFile = new File(version_2 + "/snapshot." + Long.toHexString(--counter));
assertTrue("Failed to create snap File:" + snapFile.toString(), snapFile.createNewFile());
if (createPrecedingLogFile) {
logs.add(createDataDirLogFile(version_2, --counter));
private void verifyFilesAfterPurge(List<File> logs, boolean exists) {
for (File file : logs) {
assertEquals("After purging, file " + file, exists, file.exists());
private List<String> manyClientOps(final ZooKeeper zk, final CountDownLatch doPurge, int thCount, final String prefix) {
Thread[] ths = new Thread[thCount];
final List<String> znodes = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
final CountDownLatch finished = new CountDownLatch(thCount);
for (int indx = 0; indx < thCount; indx++) {
final String myprefix = prefix + "-" + indx;
Thread th = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
try {
String mynode = myprefix + "-" + i;
zk.create(mynode, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Unexpected exception", e);
if (i == 200) {
ths[indx] = th;
for (Thread thread : ths) {
try {
assertTrue("ZkClient ops is not finished!", finished.await(OP_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.error("Unexpected exception", ie);
fail("Unexpected exception occurred!");
return znodes;