blob: 1340137cd1c0c23b6b47f29e002355fcf62945f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package injector
import (
corev1 ""
logf ""
const (
// the label means whether to enbale injection , "true" or "false".
ActiveInjectorLabel = "swck-java-agent-injected"
// SidecarInjectSucceedAnno represents injection succeed
SidecarInjectSucceedAnno = ""
// the annotation means which container to inject
sidecarInjectContainerAnno = ""
// the annotation that specify the reason for injection failure
sidecarInjectErrorAnno = ""
// those annotations with the following prefixes represent sidecar information
sidecarAnnotationPrefix = ""
// those annotations with the following prefixes represent agent information
agentAnnotationPrefix = ""
// If user want to use other Plugins' config ,the annotation must have the following form
//${} = ${config.value}
// for example , if user want to enable plugin.mongodb.trace_param
// the annotation is "true"
pluginsAnnotationPrefix = ""
// If user want to use optional-plugins , the annotation must match a optinal plugin
// such as "trace|webflux|cloud-gateway-2.1.x"
// Notice , If the injected container's image don't has the optional plugin ,
// the container will panic
optionsAnnotation = ""
// If user want to use optional-reporter-plugins , the annotation must match a optinal-reporter plugin
// such as "kafka"
optionsReporterAnnotation = ""
// the mount path of empty volume, which shared by init container and target container.
mountPath = "/sky/agent"
// log is for logging in this package.
var log = logf.Log.WithName("injector")
// SidecarInjectField contains all info that will be injected
type SidecarInjectField struct {
// determine whether to inject , default is not to inject
NeedInject bool
// Initcontainer is a container that has the agent folder
Initcontainer corev1.Container
// sidecarVolume is a shared directory between App's container and initcontainer
SidecarVolume corev1.Volume
// sidecarVolumeMount is a path that specifies a shared directory
SidecarVolumeMount corev1.VolumeMount
// configmapVolume is volume that provide user with configmap
ConfigmapVolume corev1.Volume
// configmapVolumeMount is the configmap's mountpath for user
// Notice : the mount path will overwrite the original agent/config/agent.config
// So the mount path must match the path of agent.config in the image
ConfigmapVolumeMount corev1.VolumeMount
// env is used to set java agent’s parameters
Env corev1.EnvVar
// envs is the envs pass to target containers
Envs []corev1.EnvVar
// the string is used to set jvm agent ,just like following
// -javaagent: /sky/agent/skywalking-agent,jar=jvmAgentConfigStr
JvmAgentConfigStr string
// determine which container to inject , default is to inject all containers
InjectContainer string
// NewSidecarInjectField will create a new SidecarInjectField
func NewSidecarInjectField() *SidecarInjectField {
return new(SidecarInjectField)
// Inject will do real injection
func (s *SidecarInjectField) Inject(pod *corev1.Pod) {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("inject pod : %s", pod.GenerateName))
// add initcontrainers to spec
if pod.Spec.InitContainers != nil {
pod.Spec.InitContainers = append(pod.Spec.InitContainers, s.Initcontainer)
} else {
pod.Spec.InitContainers = []corev1.Container{s.Initcontainer}
// add volume to spec
if pod.Spec.Volumes == nil {
pod.Spec.Volumes = []corev1.Volume{}
pod.Spec.Volumes = append(pod.Spec.Volumes, s.SidecarVolume)
if len(s.ConfigmapVolume.Name) > 0 && len(s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap.Name) > 0 {
pod.Spec.Volumes = append(pod.Spec.Volumes, s.ConfigmapVolume)
// choose a specific container to inject
targetContainers := s.findInjectContainer(pod.Spec.Containers)
// add volumemount and env to container
for i := range targetContainers {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("inject container : %s", targetContainers[i].Name))
if (*targetContainers[i]).VolumeMounts == nil {
(*targetContainers[i]).VolumeMounts = []corev1.VolumeMount{}
(*targetContainers[i]).VolumeMounts = append((*targetContainers[i]).VolumeMounts, s.SidecarVolumeMount)
if len(s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.Name) > 0 && len(s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.MountPath) > 0 {
(*targetContainers[i]).VolumeMounts = append((*targetContainers[i]).VolumeMounts, s.ConfigmapVolumeMount)
if (*targetContainers[i]).Env != nil {
(*targetContainers[i]).Env = append((*targetContainers[i]).Env, s.Env)
} else {
(*targetContainers[i]).Env = []corev1.EnvVar{s.Env}
// envs to be append
var envsTBA []corev1.EnvVar
for j, envInject := range s.Envs {
isExists := false
for _, envExists := range targetContainers[i].Env {
if strings.EqualFold(envExists.Name, envInject.Name) {
isExists = true
if !isExists {
envsTBA = append(envsTBA, s.Envs[j])
if len(s.Envs) > 0 {
(*targetContainers[i]).Env = append((*targetContainers[i]).Env, envsTBA...)
// GetInjectStrategy gets user's injection strategy
func (s *SidecarInjectField) GetInjectStrategy(a Annotations, labels,
annotation *map[string]string) {
// set default value
s.NeedInject = false
// set NeedInject's value , if the pod has the label "swck-java-agent-injected=true", means need inject
if *labels == nil {
if strings.EqualFold((*labels)[ActiveInjectorLabel], "true") {
s.NeedInject = true
if *annotation == nil {
// set injectContainer's value
if v, ok := (*annotation)[sidecarInjectContainerAnno]; ok {
s.InjectContainer = v
func (s *SidecarInjectField) findInjectContainer(containers []corev1.Container) []*corev1.Container {
var targetContainers []*corev1.Container
if len(containers) == 0 {
return targetContainers
// validate the container is or not exist
if len(s.InjectContainer) == 0 {
for i := range containers {
targetContainers = append(targetContainers, &containers[i])
return targetContainers
containerMatcher, err := regexp.Compile(s.InjectContainer)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to compile regular expression: %s", s.InjectContainer))
targetContainers = append(targetContainers, &containers[0])
return targetContainers
for i := range containers {
if containerMatcher.MatchString(containers[i].Name) {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("container %s matched. ", containers[i].Name))
targetContainers = append(targetContainers, &containers[i])
return targetContainers
func (s *SidecarInjectField) injectErrorAnnotation(annotation *map[string]string, errorInfo string) {
(*annotation)[sidecarInjectErrorAnno] = errorInfo
func (s *SidecarInjectField) injectSucceedAnnotation(annotation *map[string]string) {
(*annotation)[SidecarInjectSucceedAnno] = "true"
(*annotation)[ActiveInjectorLabel] = "true"
// SidecarOverlayandGetValue get final value of sidecar
func (s *SidecarInjectField) SidecarOverlayandGetValue(ao *AnnotationOverlay, annotation *map[string]string,
a Annotation) (string, bool) {
if _, ok := (*annotation)[a.Name]; ok {
err := ao.SetOverlay(annotation, a)
if err != nil {
s.injectErrorAnnotation(annotation, err.Error())
return "", false
return (*ao)[a], true
// annotation > swAgent > default
func (s *SidecarInjectField) setValue(config *string, ao *AnnotationOverlay, annotation *map[string]string,
a Annotation) bool {
if v, ok := s.SidecarOverlayandGetValue(ao, annotation, a); ok {
if len(v) > 0 {
*config = v
return true
} else if len(*config) > 0 {
return true
} else {
*config = a.DefaultValue
return true
return false
func (s *SidecarInjectField) OverlaySwAgentCR(swAgentL *v1alpha1.SwAgentList, pod *corev1.Pod) bool {
s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap = new(corev1.ConfigMapVolumeSource)
// chose the last matched SwAgent
if len(swAgentL.Items) > 0 {
swAgent := swAgentL.Items[len(swAgentL.Items)-1]
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("agent %s loaded.", swAgent.Name))
// shared volume, mount path is fixed
s.SidecarVolume.Name = swAgent.Spec.SharedVolumeName
s.SidecarVolume.VolumeSource.EmptyDir = &corev1.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}
s.SidecarVolumeMount.Name = swAgent.Spec.SharedVolumeName
s.SidecarVolumeMount.MountPath = mountPath
// agent configmap
if swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume != nil {
if len(swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.Name) > 0 &&
len(swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.ConfigMapName) > 0 &&
len(swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.ConfigMapMountFile) > 0 {
//s.ConfigmapVolume = corev1.Volume{}
s.ConfigmapVolume.Name = swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.Name
s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap = new(corev1.ConfigMapVolumeSource)
s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap.Name = swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.ConfigMapName
//s.ConfigmapVolumeMount = corev1.VolumeMount{}
s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.Name = swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.Name
s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.MountPath = "/sky/agent/config/" + swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.ConfigMapMountFile
s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.SubPath = swAgent.Spec.SwConfigMapVolume.ConfigMapMountFile
// init container
s.Initcontainer.Name = swAgent.Spec.JavaSidecar.Name
s.Initcontainer.Image = swAgent.Spec.JavaSidecar.Image
s.Initcontainer.Args = swAgent.Spec.JavaSidecar.Args
s.Initcontainer.Command = swAgent.Spec.JavaSidecar.Command
s.Initcontainer.VolumeMounts = append(s.Initcontainer.VolumeMounts, corev1.VolumeMount{
Name: swAgent.Spec.SharedVolumeName,
MountPath: mountPath,
// target container
s.Envs = swAgent.Spec.JavaSidecar.Env
s.InjectContainer = swAgent.Spec.ContainerMatcher
return true
// OverlaySidecar overlays default config
func (s *SidecarInjectField) OverlaySidecar(a Annotations, ao *AnnotationOverlay, annotation *map[string]string) bool {
s.Initcontainer.Command = make([]string, 1)
s.Initcontainer.Args = make([]string, 2)
if nil == s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap {
s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap = new(corev1.ConfigMapVolumeSource)
limitsStr := ""
requestStr := ""
// every annotation map a pointer to the field of SidecarInjectField
annoField := map[string]*string{
"initcontainer.Name": &s.Initcontainer.Name,
"initcontainer.Image": &s.Initcontainer.Image,
"initcontainer.Command": &s.Initcontainer.Command[0],
"initcontainer.args.Option": &s.Initcontainer.Args[0],
"initcontainer.args.Command": &s.Initcontainer.Args[1],
"initcontainer.resources.limits": &limitsStr,
"initcontainer.resources.requests": &requestStr,
"sidecarVolume.Name": &s.SidecarVolume.Name,
"sidecarVolumeMount.MountPath": &s.SidecarVolumeMount.MountPath,
"configmapVolume.ConfigMap.Name": &s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap.Name,
"configmapVolume.Name": &s.ConfigmapVolume.Name,
"configmapVolumeMount.MountPath": &s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.MountPath,
"env.Name": &s.Env.Name,
"env.Value": &s.Env.Value,
anno := GetAnnotationsByPrefix(a, sidecarAnnotationPrefix)
for _, v := range anno.Annotations {
fieldName := strings.TrimPrefix(v.Name, sidecarAnnotationPrefix)
if pointer, ok := annoField[fieldName]; ok {
if !s.setValue(pointer, ao, annotation, v) {
return false
s.SidecarVolumeMount.Name = s.SidecarVolume.Name
s.ConfigmapVolumeMount.Name = s.ConfigmapVolume.Name
s.Initcontainer.VolumeMounts = []corev1.VolumeMount{s.SidecarVolumeMount}
// add requests and limits to initcontainer
if limitsStr != "nil" {
limits := make(corev1.ResourceList)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(limitsStr), &limits)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "unmarshal limitsStr error")
return false
s.Initcontainer.Resources.Limits = limits
if requestStr != "nil" {
requests := make(corev1.ResourceList)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(requestStr), &requests)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "unmarshal requestStr error")
return false
s.Initcontainer.Resources.Requests = requests
// the sidecar volume's type is determined
s.SidecarVolume.VolumeSource.EmptyDir = nil
return true
// AgentOverlayandGetValue will do real annotation overlay
func (s *SidecarInjectField) AgentOverlayandGetValue(ao *AnnotationOverlay, annotation *map[string]string,
a Annotation) bool {
if _, ok := (*annotation)[a.Name]; ok {
err := ao.SetOverlay(annotation, a)
if err != nil {
s.injectErrorAnnotation(annotation, err.Error())
return false
return true
// OverlayAgent overlays agent
func (s *SidecarInjectField) OverlayAgent(a Annotations, ao *AnnotationOverlay, annotation *map[string]string) bool {
// jvmAgentConfigStr init
s.JvmAgentConfigStr = ""
anno := GetAnnotationsByPrefix(a, agentAnnotationPrefix)
for k, v := range *annotation {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, agentAnnotationPrefix) {
for _, an := range anno.Annotations {
if strings.EqualFold(k, an.Name) {
if !s.AgentOverlayandGetValue(ao, annotation, an) {
return false
configName := strings.TrimPrefix(k, agentAnnotationPrefix)
config := strings.Join([]string{configName, v}, "=")
// add to jvmAgentConfigStr
if s.JvmAgentConfigStr != "" {
s.JvmAgentConfigStr = strings.Join([]string{s.JvmAgentConfigStr, config}, ",")
} else {
s.JvmAgentConfigStr = config
return true
// OverlayOptional overlays optional plugins and move optional plugins to the directory(/plugins)
// user must ensure that the optional plugins are in the injected container's image
// Notice , user must specify the correctness of the regular value
// such as "trace|webflux|cloud-gateway-2.1.x" or
// "kafka"
// the final command will be "cd /optional-plugins && ls | grep -E "trace|webflux|cloud-gateway-2.1.x" | xargs -i cp {} /plugins
// or "cd /optional-reporter-plugins && ls | grep -E "kafka" | xargs -i cp {} /plugins"
func (s *SidecarInjectField) OverlayOptional(swAgentL []v1alpha1.SwAgent, annotation *map[string]string) {
sourceOptionalPath := strings.Join([]string{s.SidecarVolumeMount.MountPath, "optional-plugins/"}, "/")
sourceOptionalReporterPath := strings.Join([]string{s.SidecarVolumeMount.MountPath, "optional-reporter-plugins/"}, "/")
targetPath := strings.Join([]string{s.SidecarVolumeMount.MountPath, "plugins/"}, "/")
command := ""
optionalPlugin := ""
optinalReporterPlugins := ""
// chose the last matched SwAgent
if len(swAgentL) > 0 {
swAgent := swAgentL[len(swAgentL)-1]
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("agent %s loaded.", swAgent.Name))
if len(swAgent.Spec.OptionalPlugins) > 0 {
optionalPlugin = strings.Join(swAgent.Spec.OptionalPlugins, "|")
if len(swAgent.Spec.OptionalReporterPlugins) > 0 {
optinalReporterPlugins = strings.Join(swAgent.Spec.OptionalReporterPlugins, "|")
for k, v := range *annotation {
if strings.EqualFold(k, optionsAnnotation) {
optionalPlugin = v
} else if strings.EqualFold(k, optionsReporterAnnotation) {
optinalReporterPlugins = v
if command != "" {
s.Initcontainer.Args[1] = strings.Join([]string{s.Initcontainer.Args[1], command}, " && ")
if len(optionalPlugin) > 0 {
command = "cd " + sourceOptionalPath + " && ls | grep -E \"" + optionalPlugin + "\" | xargs -i cp {} " + targetPath
s.Initcontainer.Args[1] = strings.Join([]string{s.Initcontainer.Args[1], command}, " && ")
if len(optinalReporterPlugins) > 0 {
command = "cd " + sourceOptionalReporterPath + " && ls | grep -E \"" + optinalReporterPlugins + "\" | xargs -i cp {} " + targetPath
s.Initcontainer.Args[1] = strings.Join([]string{s.Initcontainer.Args[1], command}, " && ")
// OverlayPlugins will add Plugins' config to JvmAgentStr without verification
// Notice, if a config is not in agent.config, it will be seen as a plugin config
// user must ensure the accuracy of configuration.
// Otherwides,If a separator(, or =) in the option or value, it should be wrapped in quotes.
func (s *SidecarInjectField) OverlayPlugins(annotation *map[string]string) {
for k, v := range *annotation {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, pluginsAnnotationPrefix) {
configName := strings.TrimPrefix(k, pluginsAnnotationPrefix)
config := strings.Join([]string{configName, v}, "=")
// add to jvmAgentConfigStr
if s.JvmAgentConfigStr != "" {
s.JvmAgentConfigStr = strings.Join([]string{s.JvmAgentConfigStr, config}, ",")
} else {
s.JvmAgentConfigStr = config
// ValidateConfigmap will validate a configmap(if exists) to set java agent config.
func (s *SidecarInjectField) ValidateConfigmap(ctx context.Context, kubeclient client.Client, namespace string,
annotation *map[string]string) bool {
if len(s.ConfigmapVolume.Name) == 0 || len(s.ConfigmapVolume.ConfigMap.Name) == 0 {
return true
configmap := &corev1.ConfigMap{}
configmapName := s.ConfigmapVolume.VolumeSource.ConfigMap.LocalObjectReference.Name
// check whether the configmap is existed
err := kubeclient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: namespace, Name: configmapName}, configmap)
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Error(err, "Get Configmap failed", "configmapName", configmapName, "namespace", namespace)
return false
// if configmap exist , validate it
if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
ok, errinfo := ValidateConfigmap(configmap)
if ok {
log.Info("the configmap validate true", "configmapName", configmapName)
return true
log.Error(errinfo, "the configmap validate false", "configmapName", configmapName)
return true
func GetInjectedAgentConfig(annotation *map[string]string, configuration *map[string]string) {
for k, v := range *annotation {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, agentAnnotationPrefix) {
option := strings.TrimPrefix(k, agentAnnotationPrefix)
(*configuration)[option] = strings.Join([]string{"\"", "\""}, v)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(k, pluginsAnnotationPrefix) {
option := strings.TrimPrefix(k, pluginsAnnotationPrefix)
(*configuration)[option] = strings.Join([]string{"\"", "\""}, v)
} else if strings.EqualFold(k, optionsAnnotation) {
option := "optional-plugin"
(*configuration)[option] = strings.Join([]string{"\"", "\""}, v)
} else if strings.EqualFold(k, optionsReporterAnnotation) {
option := "optional-reporter-plugin"
(*configuration)[option] = strings.Join([]string{"\"", "\""}, v)