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// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
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// this work for additional information regarding copyright
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package injector
import (
corev1 ""
// Injection is each step of the injection process
type Injection interface {
execute(*InjectProcessData) admission.Response
// set next step
// InjectProcessData defines data that needs to be processed in the injection process
// Divide the entire injection process into 6 steps
// 1.Get injection strategy
// 2.Overlay the sidecar info
// 3.Overlay the agent by setting jvm string
// 4.Overlay the plugins by setting jvm string and set the optional plugins
// 5.Get the ConfigMap
// 6.Inject fields into Pod
// After all steps are completed, return fully injected Pod, Or there is an error
// in a certain step, inject error info into annotations and return incompletely injected Pod
type InjectProcessData struct {
injectFileds *SidecarInjectField
annotation *Annotations
annotationOverlay *AnnotationOverlay
swAgentL *v1alpha1.SwAgentList
pod *corev1.Pod
req admission.Request
log logr.Logger
kubeclient client.Client
ctx context.Context
// PatchReq is to fill the injected pod into the request and return the Response
func PatchReq(pod *corev1.Pod, req admission.Request) admission.Response {
marshaledPod, err := json.Marshal(pod)
if err != nil {
return admission.Errored(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
return admission.PatchResponseFromRaw(req.Object.Raw, marshaledPod)
// GetStrategy is the first step of injection process
type GetStrategy struct {
next Injection
// get injection strategy from pod's labels and annotations
// if don't need to inject, then return the original pod, otherwise go to the next step
func (gs *GetStrategy) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info("=============== GetStrategy ================")
ipd.injectFileds.GetInjectStrategy(*ipd.annotation, &ipd.pod.ObjectMeta.Labels, &ipd.pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations)
if !ipd.injectFileds.NeedInject {
log.Info("don't inject agent")
return admission.Allowed("ok")
func (gs *GetStrategy) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// OverlaySwAgentCR is the cr config step of injection process
type OverlaySwAgentCR struct {
next Injection
// get configs from SwAgent CR
func (gs *OverlaySwAgentCR) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("=============== OverlaySwAgentCR(%d) ================ ", len(ipd.swAgentL.Items)))
if !ipd.injectFileds.OverlaySwAgentCR(ipd.swAgentL, ipd.pod) {
log.Info("overlay SwAgent cr config error.")
return PatchReq(ipd.pod, ipd.req)
func (gs *OverlaySwAgentCR) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// OverlaySidecar is the second step of injection process
type OverlaySidecar struct {
next Injection
// OverlaySidecar will inject sidecar information such as image, command, args etc.
// Since we did not set the validation function for these fields, it usually goes to the next step
func (os *OverlaySidecar) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info("=============== OverlaySidecar ================")
if !ipd.injectFileds.OverlaySidecar(*ipd.annotation, ipd.annotationOverlay, &ipd.pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations) {
return PatchReq(ipd.pod, ipd.req)
func (os *OverlaySidecar) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// OverlayAgent is the third step of injection process
type OverlayAgent struct {
next Injection
// OverlayAgent overlays the agent by getting the pod's annotations
// If the agent overlay option is not set, go directly to the next step
// If set the wrong value in the annotation , inject the error info and return
func (oa *OverlayAgent) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info("=============== OverlayAgent ================")
if !ipd.injectFileds.OverlayAgent(*ipd.annotation, ipd.annotationOverlay, &ipd.pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations) {
ipd.log.Info("overlay agent config error!please look the error annotation!")
return PatchReq(ipd.pod, ipd.req)
func (oa *OverlayAgent) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// OverlayPlugins is the fourth step of injection process
type OverlayPlugins struct {
next Injection
// OverlayPlugins contains two step , the first is to set jvm string , the second is to set optional plugins
// during the step , we need to add jvm string to the Env of injected container
func (op *OverlayPlugins) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info("=============== OverlayPlugins ================")
if ipd.injectFileds.JvmAgentConfigStr != "" {
ipd.injectFileds.Env.Value = strings.Join([]string{ipd.injectFileds.Env.Value, ipd.injectFileds.JvmAgentConfigStr}, "=")
ipd.injectFileds.OverlayOptional(ipd.swAgentL.Items, &ipd.pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations)
func (op *OverlayPlugins) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// GetConfigmap is the fifth step of injection process
type GetConfigmap struct {
next Injection
// GetConfigmap will get the configmap specified in the annotation. if not exist ,
// we will get data from default configmap and create configmap in the req's namespace
func (gc *GetConfigmap) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info("=============== GetConfigmap ================")
if !ipd.injectFileds.ValidateConfigmap(ipd.ctx, ipd.kubeclient, ipd.req.Namespace, &ipd.pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations) {
return PatchReq(ipd.pod, ipd.req)
func (gc *GetConfigmap) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// PodInject is the sixth step of injection process
type PodInject struct {
next Injection
// PodInject will inject all fields to the pod
func (pi *PodInject) execute(ipd *InjectProcessData) admission.Response {
log.Info("=============== PodInject ================")
log.Info("inject successfully!")
return PatchReq(ipd.pod, ipd.req)
func (pi *PodInject) setNext(next Injection) { = next
// NewInjectProcess create a new InjectProcess
func NewInjectProcess(ctx context.Context, injectFileds *SidecarInjectField, annotation *Annotations,
annotationOverlay *AnnotationOverlay, swAgentL *v1alpha1.SwAgentList, pod *corev1.Pod, req admission.Request, log logr.Logger,
kubeclient client.Client) *InjectProcessData {
return &InjectProcessData{
ctx: ctx,
injectFileds: injectFileds,
annotation: annotation,
annotationOverlay: annotationOverlay,
swAgentL: swAgentL,
pod: pod,
req: req,
log: log,
kubeclient: kubeclient,
// Run will connect the above six steps into a chain and start to execute the first step
func (ipd *InjectProcessData) Run() admission.Response {
// set final step
podInject := &PodInject{}
// set next step is PodInject
getConfigmap := &GetConfigmap{}
// set next step is GetConfigmap
overlayPlugins := &OverlayPlugins{}
// set next step is OverlayPlugins
overlayAgent := &OverlayAgent{}
// set next step is OverlayAgent
overlaysidecar := &OverlaySidecar{}
// set next step is OverlaySwAgentCR
overlaySwAgentCR := &OverlaySwAgentCR{}
// set next step is OverlaySidecar
getStrategy := &GetStrategy{}
// this is first step and do real injection
return getStrategy.execute(ipd)