blob: 8f5d06192c99eb086a26e71a9c01396784c6cf3a [file] [log] [blame]
package deployers
import (
// name of directory that can contain source code
const FileSystemSourceDirectoryName = "actions"
type FileSystemReader struct {
serviceDeployer *ServiceDeployer
func NewFileSystemReader(serviceDeployer *ServiceDeployer) *FileSystemReader {
var reader FileSystemReader
reader.serviceDeployer = serviceDeployer
return &reader
func (reader *FileSystemReader) ReadProjectDirectory(manifest *parsers.ManifestYAML) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
fmt.Println("Inspecting project directory for actions....")
projectPathCount, err := reader.getFilePathCount(reader.serviceDeployer.ProjectPath)
actions := make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
err = filepath.Walk(reader.serviceDeployer.ProjectPath, func(fpath string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fpath != reader.serviceDeployer.ProjectPath {
pathCount, err := reader.getFilePathCount(fpath)
if !f.IsDir() {
if pathCount-projectPathCount == 1 || strings.HasPrefix(fpath, reader.serviceDeployer.ProjectPath+"/"+FileSystemSourceDirectoryName) {
ext := filepath.Ext(fpath)
foundFile := false
switch ext {
case ".swift":
foundFile = true
case ".js":
foundFile = true
case ".py":
foundFile = true
if foundFile == true {
_, action, err := reader.CreateActionFromFile(reader.serviceDeployer.ManifestPath, fpath)
var record utils.ActionRecord
record.Action = action
record.Packagename = manifest.Package.Packagename
record.Filepath = fpath
actions = append(actions, record)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fpath, reader.serviceDeployer.ProjectPath+"/"+FileSystemSourceDirectoryName) {
fmt.Println("Searching directory " + filepath.Base(fpath) + " for action source code.")
} else {
return filepath.SkipDir
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return actions, nil
func (reader *FileSystemReader) CreateActionFromFile(manipath, filePath string) (string, *whisk.Action, error) {
ext := filepath.Ext(filePath)
baseName := filepath.Base(filePath)
name := strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, filepath.Ext(baseName))
action := new(whisk.Action)
// process source code files
if ext == ".swift" || ext == ".js" || ext == ".py" {
kind := "nodejs:default"
switch ext {
case ".swift":
kind = "swift:default"
case ".js":
kind = "nodejs:default"
case ".py":
kind = "python"
dat, err := new(utils.ContentReader).LocalReader.ReadLocal(filePath)
action.Exec = new(whisk.Exec)
code := string(dat)
action.Exec.Code = &code
action.Exec.Kind = kind
action.Name = name
pub := false
action.Publish = &pub
return name, action, nil
// If the action is not supported, we better to return an error.
return "", nil, errors.New("Unsupported action type.")
func (reader *FileSystemReader) getFilePathCount(path string) (int, error) {
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
pathList := strings.Split(absPath, "/")
return len(pathList) - 1, nil
func (reader *FileSystemReader) SetFileActions(actions []utils.ActionRecord) error {
dep := reader.serviceDeployer
for _, fileAction := range actions {
existAction, exists := reader.serviceDeployer.Deployment.Packages[fileAction.Packagename].Actions[fileAction.Action.Name]
if exists == true {
if existAction.Filepath == fileAction.Filepath || existAction.Filepath == "" {
// we're adding a filesystem detected action so just updated code and filepath if needed
existAction.Action.Exec.Code = fileAction.Action.Exec.Code
existAction.Filepath = fileAction.Filepath
} else {
// Action exists, but references two different sources
return errors.New("Conflict detected for action named " + existAction.Action.Name + ". Found two locations for source file: " + existAction.Filepath + " and " + fileAction.Filepath)
} else {
// not a new action so to actions in package
reader.serviceDeployer.Deployment.Packages[fileAction.Packagename].Actions[fileAction.Action.Name] = fileAction
return nil