Add the missing windows binary (#192)

1 file changed
tree: 3a7d4f9752083d67f273cc812eaf07e514a542d9
  1. cmd/
  2. config/
  3. deployers/
  4. Godeps/
  5. parsers/
  6. specification/
  7. tests/
  8. tools/
  9. utils/
  10. wski18n/
  11. .gitignore
  12. .travis.yml
  15. doc.go
  16. Dockerfile
  18. main.go
  19. Makefile

Whisk Deploy wskdeploy

DISCLAIMER - wskdeploy is an experimental tool.

wskdeploy is a utility to help you create and deploy OpenWhisk projects. Deploy all your actions, triggers, and rules using a single command! You can use this in addition to the OpenWhisk CLI.

wskdeploy is currenty under development and in its very early stages. Check back often to see how its progressing.

How to use

wskdeploy is written in Go. You can invoke it as a Go program, or run its binary file wskdeploy directly after building.

You can get the detail usage of this tool by using following commands:

$ go run main.go --help


$ ./wskdeploy --help

For example,

$ go run main.go -m tests/usecases/triggerrule/manifest.yml -d tests/usecases/triggerrule/deployment.yml


$ ./wskdeploy -m tests/usecases/triggerrule/manifest.yml -d tests/usecases/triggerrule/deployment.yml

will deploy the triggerrule test case.

How to build on local host

wskdeploy can be built with Go tool.

Make sure $GOPATH is defined. If not, setup your Go development environment.

Then download wskdeploy and dependencies by typing:

$ cd $GOPATH
$ go get  # see known issues below if you get an error

And finally build wskdeploy

$ cd src/
$ go build -o wskdeploy

If you want to build with the godep tool, please execute the following commands.

$ go get # Install the godep tool.
$ godep get                     # Download and install packages with specified dependencies.
$ godep go build -o wskdeploy   # build the wskdeploy tool.

You can verify your build by running:

./wskdeploy --help

Note: we have no releases yet so you should build the development branch.


Start by creating a fork of openwhisk-wskdeploy and then change the git origin to point to your forked repository, as follows:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git remote rename origin upstream
$ git remote add origin<your fork>/openwhisk-wskdeploy
$ git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master  # track master from origin now

You can now use git push to push changes to your repository and submit pull requests.

How to Build with Docker

If you don't want to bother with go installation, build, git clone etc, you can do it with Docker, then you can run wskdeploy tool in your container.

  1. First you need a docker daemon running locally on your machine or whatever in a VM etc.

  2. Get the Docker file.

wget -O Dockerfile
  1. Build and tag a docker image.
docker build -f Dockerfile .  -t openwhisk/wskdeploy
  1. Bring up the docker container.
docker run -ti openwhisk/wskdeploy
  1. Inside the container, run wskdeploy and have fun.

Note: Based on user role, you may need add sudo before your command to run as root.

Known issues

You might get this error when downloading openwhisk-wskdeploy

 Cloning into ''$GOAPTH/src/'...
 error: RPC failed; HTTP 301 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 301
 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

This is caused by newer git not forwarding request anymore. One solution is to allow forwarding for

$ git config --global http. true

DISCLAIMER - wskdeploy is an experimental tool.