blob: 3858081dc7e9f514fd0911cb19d7583faf395c3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module {
class Id {
ustring scheme;
ustring id;
class ACL {
int perms;
Id id;
// information shared with the client
class Stat {
long czxid; // created zxid
long mzxid; // last modified zxid
long ctime; // created
long mtime; // last modified
int version; // version
int cversion; // child version
int aversion; // acl version
long ephemeralOwner; // owner id if ephemeral, 0 otw
int dataLength; //length of the data in the node
int numChildren; //number of children of this node
long pzxid; // last modified children
// information explicitly stored by the server persistently
class StatPersisted {
long czxid; // created zxid
long mzxid; // last modified zxid
long ctime; // created
long mtime; // last modified
int version; // version
int cversion; // child version
int aversion; // acl version
long ephemeralOwner; // owner id if ephemeral, 0 otw
long pzxid; // last modified children
module org.apache.zookeeper.proto {
class ConnectRequest {
int protocolVersion;
long lastZxidSeen;
int timeOut;
long sessionId;
buffer passwd;
class ConnectResponse {
int protocolVersion;
int timeOut;
long sessionId;
buffer passwd;
class SetWatches {
long relativeZxid;
class RequestHeader {
int xid;
int type;
class MultiHeader {
int type;
boolean done;
int err;
class AuthPacket {
int type;
ustring scheme;
buffer auth;
class ReplyHeader {
int xid;
long zxid;
int err;
class GetDataRequest {
ustring path;
boolean watch;
class SetDataRequest {
ustring path;
buffer data;
int version;
class ReconfigRequest {
ustring joiningServers;
ustring leavingServers;
ustring newMembers;
long curConfigId;
class SetDataResponse { stat;
class GetSASLRequest {
buffer token;
class SetSASLRequest {
buffer token;
class SetSASLResponse {
buffer token;
class CreateRequest {
ustring path;
buffer data;
vector<> acl;
int flags;
class DeleteRequest {
ustring path;
int version;
class GetChildrenRequest {
ustring path;
boolean watch;
class GetChildren2Request {
ustring path;
boolean watch;
class CheckVersionRequest {
ustring path;
int version;
class GetMaxChildrenRequest {
ustring path;
class GetMaxChildrenResponse {
int max;
class SetMaxChildrenRequest {
ustring path;
int max;
class SyncRequest {
ustring path;
class SyncResponse {
ustring path;
class GetACLRequest {
ustring path;
class SetACLRequest {
ustring path;
vector<> acl;
int version;
class SetACLResponse { stat;
class WatcherEvent {
int type; // event type
int state; // state of the Keeper client runtime
ustring path;
class ErrorResponse {
int err;
class CreateResponse {
ustring path;
class Create2Response {
ustring path; stat;
class ExistsRequest {
ustring path;
boolean watch;
class ExistsResponse { stat;
class GetDataResponse {
buffer data; stat;
class GetChildrenResponse {
vector<ustring> children;
class GetChildren2Response {
vector<ustring> children; stat;
class GetACLResponse {
vector<> acl; stat;
class CheckWatchesRequest {
ustring path;
int type;
class RemoveWatchesRequest {
ustring path;
int type;
module org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum {
class LearnerInfo {
long serverid;
int protocolVersion;
long configVersion;
class QuorumPacket {
int type; // Request, Ack, Commit, Ping
long zxid;
buffer data; // Only significant when type is request
vector<> authinfo;
module org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence {
class FileHeader {
int magic;
int version;
long dbid;
module org.apache.zookeeper.txn {
class TxnHeader {
long clientId;
int cxid;
long zxid;
long time;
int type;
class CreateTxnV0 {
ustring path;
buffer data;
vector<> acl;
boolean ephemeral;
class CreateTxn {
ustring path;
buffer data;
vector<> acl;
boolean ephemeral;
int parentCVersion;
class CreateContainerTxn {
ustring path;
buffer data;
vector<> acl;
int parentCVersion;
class DeleteTxn {
ustring path;
class SetDataTxn {
ustring path;
buffer data;
int version;
class CheckVersionTxn {
ustring path;
int version;
class SetACLTxn {
ustring path;
vector<> acl;
int version;
class SetMaxChildrenTxn {
ustring path;
int max;
class CreateSessionTxn {
int timeOut;
class ErrorTxn {
int err;
class Txn {
int type;
buffer data;
class MultiTxn {
vector<org.apache.zookeeper.txn.Txn> txns;