blob: 270bf3105c7055ad3ef6b4088ced3c2a371bb623 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ZkTreeUtil.h"
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
namespace zktreeutil
using std::map;
using std::pair;
static ZkTreeNodeSptr loadZkTree_ (ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandle,
const string& path)
// Extract the node value
string value = zkHandle->getNodeData(path);
// Extract nodename from the path
string nodename = "/";
if (path != "/")
vector< string > nodes;
boost::split(nodes, path, boost::is_any_of ("/") );
nodename = nodes[nodes.size()-1];
// Create tree-node with name and value
ZkTreeNodeSptr nodeSptr = ZkTreeNodeSptr (new ZkTreeNode (nodename, value));
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] loaded nodename: "
<< nodename
<< " value: "
<< value
<< std::endl;
// Load all the children
vector< string > cnodes = zkHandle->getNodeChildren (path);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cnodes.size(); i++)
nodeSptr->addChild (loadZkTree_ (zkHandle, cnodes[i]));
// Return the constructed node
return nodeSptr;
static ZkTreeNodeSptr loadZkTreeXml_ (xmlNode* xmlNodePtr)
// Null check
if (xmlNodePtr == NULL)
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] empty XML node encountered" << std::endl;
exit (-1);
// Get the node name
xmlChar* name = xmlGetProp (xmlNodePtr, BAD_CAST "name");
string nameStr = (const char*)name;
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] node name: " << nameStr;
xmlFree (name);
// Get the node value
string valueStr;
xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp (xmlNodePtr, BAD_CAST "value");
if (value)
valueStr = (const char*)value;
std::cerr << " value: " << valueStr;
xmlFree (value);
// Get the ignore flag
bool doIgnore = false;
xmlChar* ignore = xmlGetProp (xmlNodePtr, BAD_CAST "ignore");
if (ignore)
string ignoreStr = (const char*) ignore;
if (ignoreStr == "true" || ignoreStr == "yes" || ignoreStr == "1")
doIgnore = true;
std::cerr << " <ignore:>";
xmlFree (ignore);
std::cerr << std::endl;
// Create the zk node
ZkTreeNodeSptr nodeSptr =
ZkTreeNodeSptr (new ZkTreeNode (nameStr,
ZkNodeData (valueStr, doIgnore)));
// Load the children
for (xmlNode* chldNode = xmlNodePtr->children;
chldNode = chldNode->next)
if (chldNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
nodeSptr->addChild (loadZkTreeXml_ (chldNode));
// Return the loaded node
return nodeSptr;
static void writeZkTree_ (ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandle,
const ZkTreeNodeSptr zkNodeSptr,
const string& path)
// Create the path in zk-tree
zkHandle->createNode(path.c_str(), "", 0, false);
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] created key: " << path << std::endl;
// Set value for the path
string value = zkNodeSptr->getData().value;
if (value != "")
zkHandle->setNodeData (path.c_str(), value.c_str());
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] set value: " << std::endl;
// Go deep to write the subtree rooted in the node, if not to be ignored
if (!(zkNodeSptr->getData().ignoreUpdate))
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkNodeSptr->numChildren(); i++)
ZkTreeNodeSptr childNodeSptr = zkNodeSptr->getChild (i);
// Add the node name into the path and write in zk-tree
string cpath = ((path != "/")? path : "")
+ string("/")
+ childNodeSptr->getKey();
writeZkTree_ (zkHandle, childNodeSptr, cpath);
static void addTreeZkAction_ (const ZkTreeNodeSptr zkNodeSptr,
const string& path,
vector< ZkAction >& actions)
// Create the key
actions.push_back (ZkAction (ZkAction::CREATE, path));
// Set value for the new key
if (zkNodeSptr->getData().value != "")
actions.push_back (ZkAction (ZkAction::VALUE,
// Add all the children
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkNodeSptr->numChildren(); i++)
ZkTreeNodeSptr childSptr = zkNodeSptr->getChild (i);
string cpath = path + string("/") + childSptr->getKey();
addTreeZkAction_ (childSptr, cpath, actions);
static xmlNodePtr dumpZkTreeXml_ (const ZkTreeNodeSptr zkNodeSptr)
// Create xml node with zknode name and value
string nodename = zkNodeSptr->getKey ();
string value = zkNodeSptr->getData().value;
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "zknode");
xmlNewProp (node, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST nodename.c_str());
if (value.length())
xmlNewProp (node, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST value.c_str());
// Add all the children rotted at this node
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkNodeSptr->numChildren(); i++)
xmlAddChild (node, dumpZkTreeXml_ (zkNodeSptr->getChild (i)));
// Return xml node
return node;
static void dumpZkTree_ (const ZkTreeNodeSptr zkNodeSptr,
int maxLevel,
int level,
vector< bool >& masks)
// Check the max. dlevel to be dumped
if (level > maxLevel)
// Create branch
for (int i=0; i < level; i++)
if ( i== level-1) std::cout << "| ";
else if (masks[i]) std::cout << " ";
else std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i < level-1; i++)
if (masks[i]) std::cout << " ";
else std::cout << "| ";
// Dump the node name and value
std::cout << "|--[" << zkNodeSptr->getKey();
if (zkNodeSptr->getData().value != "")
std::cout << " => " << zkNodeSptr->getData().value;
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
// Dump all the children
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkNodeSptr->numChildren(); i++)
// Add mask for last child
if (i == zkNodeSptr->numChildren()-1)
dumpZkTree_ (zkNodeSptr->getChild (i), maxLevel, level+1, masks);
static ZkTreeNodeSptr traverseBranch_ (const ZkTreeNodeSptr& zkRootSptr,
const string& path)
// Check if the tree is loaded into memory
if (zkRootSptr == NULL)
string errMsg = "[zktreeutil] null root passed for traversing";
std::cout << errMsg << std::endl;
throw std::logic_error (errMsg);
// Split the path and add intermediate znodes
vector< string > nodes;
boost::split(nodes, path, boost::is_any_of ("/") );
// Start traversing the tree
ZkTreeNodeSptr currNodeSptr = zkRootSptr;
for (unsigned znode_idx = 1; znode_idx < nodes.size(); znode_idx++)
bool found = false;
for (unsigned i=0; i < currNodeSptr->numChildren(); i++)
ZkTreeNodeSptr childNodeSptr = currNodeSptr->getChild(i);
if (childNodeSptr->getKey() == nodes[znode_idx])
// Found! go to the znode
currNodeSptr = childNodeSptr;
found = true;
if (!found) // No such znode found; return NULL node-ptr
string errMsg = string("[zktreeutil] unknown znode during traversal: ")
+ nodes[znode_idx];
std::cout << errMsg << std::endl;
throw std::logic_error (errMsg);
return currNodeSptr;
static ZkTreeNodeSptr createAncestors_ (const string& path)
// Create the root znode
ZkTreeNodeSptr zkRootSptr = ZkTreeNodeSptr (new ZkTreeNode ("/"));
ZkTreeNodeSptr currNodeSptr = zkRootSptr;
// Split the path and add intermediate znodes
vector< string > nodes;
boost::split(nodes, path, boost::is_any_of ("/") );
for (unsigned i=1; i < nodes.size()-1; i++)
ZkTreeNodeSptr childNodeSptr = ZkTreeNodeSptr (new ZkTreeNode (nodes[i]));
currNodeSptr->addChild (childNodeSptr);
currNodeSptr = childNodeSptr;
//Return the root of the branch
return zkRootSptr;
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr ZkTreeUtil::get_zkHandle (const string& zkHosts)
// Create an instance of ZK adapter.
ZooKeeperConfig config (zkHosts, 10000);
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandleSptr =
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr (new ZooKeeperAdapter (config));
return zkHandleSptr;
catch (const ZooKeeperException &e)
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] zooKeeper exception caught: "
<< e.what()
<< std::endl;
catch (std::exception &stde)
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] standard exception caught: "
<< stde.what()
<< std::endl;
catch (...)
<< "[zktreeutil] unknown exception while connecting to zookeeper"
<< std::endl;
void ZkTreeUtil::loadZkTree (const string& zkHosts,
const string& path,
bool force)
// Check if already loaded
if (loaded_ && !force)
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] zk-tree already loaded into memory"
<< std::endl;
// Connect to ZK server
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandle = get_zkHandle (zkHosts);
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] connected to ZK serverfor reading"
<< std::endl;
// Check the existence of the path to znode
if (!zkHandle->nodeExists (path))
string errMsg = string("[zktreeutil] path does not exists : ") + path;
std::cout << errMsg << std::endl;
throw std::logic_error (errMsg);
// Load the rooted (sub)tree
ZkTreeNodeSptr zkSubrootSptr = loadZkTree_ (zkHandle, path);
// Create the ancestors before loading the rooted subtree
if (path != "/")
zkRootSptr_ = createAncestors_(path);
string ppath = path.substr (0, path.rfind('/'));
ZkTreeNodeSptr parentSptr = traverseBranch_( zkRootSptr_, ppath);
parentSptr->addChild (zkSubrootSptr);
else // Loaded entire zk-tree
zkRootSptr_ = zkSubrootSptr;
// Set load flag
loaded_ = true;
void ZkTreeUtil::loadZkTreeXml (const string& zkXmlConfig,
bool force)
// Check if already loaded
if (loaded_ && !force)
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] zk-tree already loaded into memory"
<< std::endl;
// Parse the file and get the DOM
xmlDocPtr docPtr = xmlReadFile(zkXmlConfig.c_str(), NULL, 0);
if (docPtr == NULL) {
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] could not parse XML file "
<< zkXmlConfig
<< std::endl;
exit (-1);
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] zk-tree XML parsing successful"
<< std::endl;
// Get the root element node
xmlNodePtr rootPtr = xmlDocGetRootElement(docPtr);
// Create the root zk node
zkRootSptr_ = ZkTreeNodeSptr (new ZkTreeNode ("/"));
// Load the rooted XML tree
for (xmlNode* chldNode = rootPtr->children;
chldNode = chldNode->next)
if (chldNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
zkRootSptr_->addChild (loadZkTreeXml_ (chldNode));
// set oad flag
loaded_ = true;
// Cleanup stuff
void ZkTreeUtil::writeZkTree (const string& zkHosts,
const string& path,
bool force) const
// Connect to ZK server
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandle = get_zkHandle (zkHosts);
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] connected to ZK server for writing"
<< std::endl;
// Go to the rooted subtree
ZkTreeNodeSptr zkRootSptr = traverseBranch_ (zkRootSptr_, path);
// Cleanup before write if forceful write enabled
if (force)
if (path != "/") // remove the subtree rooted at the znode
// Delete the subtree rooted at the znode before write
if (zkHandle->nodeExists (path))
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] deleting subtree rooted at "
<< path
<< "..."
<< std::endl;
zkHandle->deleteNode (path, true);
else // remove the rooted znodes
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] deleting rooted zk-tree"
<< "..."
<< std::endl;
// Get the root's children
vector< string > cnodes = zkHandle->getNodeChildren ("/");
for (unsigned i=0; i < cnodes.size(); i++)
if ( cnodes[i] != "/zookeeper") // reserved for zookeeper use
zkHandle->deleteNode(cnodes[i], true);
// Start tree construction
writeZkTree_ (zkHandle, zkRootSptr, path);
void ZkTreeUtil::dumpZkTree (bool xml, int depth) const
if (xml)
// Creates a new document, a node and set it as a root node
xmlDocPtr docPtr = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0");
xmlNodePtr rootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "root");
xmlDocSetRootElement(docPtr, rootNode);
// Add all the rooted children
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkRootSptr_->numChildren(); i++)
xmlAddChild (rootNode, dumpZkTreeXml_ (zkRootSptr_->getChild (i)));
// Dumping document to stdio or file
xmlSaveFormatFileEnc("-", docPtr, "UTF-8", 1);
// Cleanup stuff
// Dump text
std::cout << "/" << std::endl;
vector< bool > masks;
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkRootSptr_->numChildren(); i++)
if (i == zkRootSptr_->numChildren()-1)
dumpZkTree_ (zkRootSptr_->getChild (i), depth, 1, masks);
vector< ZkAction > ZkTreeUtil::diffZkTree (const string& zkHosts,
const string& path) const
// Action container
vector< ZkAction > actions;
if (!loaded_)
std::cout << "[zktreeutil] zk-tree not loaded for diff"
<< std::endl;
exit (-1);
// Load the rooted subtree from zookeeper
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandle = get_zkHandle (zkHosts);
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] connected to ZK server for reading"
<< std::endl;
ZkTreeNodeSptr zkLiveRootSptr = loadZkTree_ (zkHandle, path);
// Go to the saved rooted subtree
ZkTreeNodeSptr zkLoadedRootSptr =
traverseBranch_ (zkRootSptr_, path);
// Check the root value first
if (zkLoadedRootSptr->getData().value
!= zkLiveRootSptr->getData().value)
actions.push_back (ZkAction (ZkAction::VALUE,
// Start traversal from root
vector< string > ppaths;
vector< pair< ZkTreeNodeSptr, ZkTreeNodeSptr > > commonNodes;
ppaths.push_back ((path != "/")? path : "");
commonNodes.push_back (pair< ZkTreeNodeSptr, ZkTreeNodeSptr >
(zkLoadedRootSptr, zkLiveRootSptr));
for (unsigned j=0; j < commonNodes.size(); j++)
// Get children of loaded tree
map< string, ZkTreeNodeSptr > loadedChildren;
for (unsigned i=0; i < commonNodes[j].first->numChildren(); i++)
ZkTreeNodeSptr childSptr = commonNodes[j].first->getChild (i);
loadedChildren[childSptr->getKey()] = childSptr;
// Get children of live tree
map< string, ZkTreeNodeSptr > liveChildren;
for (unsigned i=0; i < commonNodes[j].second->numChildren(); i++)
ZkTreeNodeSptr childSptr = commonNodes[j].second->getChild (i);
liveChildren[childSptr->getKey()] = childSptr;
// Start comparing the children
for (map< string, ZkTreeNodeSptr >::const_iterator it =
it != loadedChildren.end();
bool ignoreKey = it->second->getData().ignoreUpdate;
string loadedVal = it->second->getData().value;
// Path to this node
string path = ppaths[j] + string("/") + it->first;
map< string, ZkTreeNodeSptr >::const_iterator jt =
liveChildren.find (it->first);
if (jt != liveChildren.end())
// Key is present in live zk-tree
string liveVal = jt->second->getData().value;
// Check value for the key, if not ignored
if (!ignoreKey)
if (loadedVal != liveVal)
// Value differs, set the new value for the key
actions.push_back (ZkAction (ZkAction::VALUE,
// Add node to common nodes
ppaths.push_back (path);
commonNodes.push_back (pair< ZkTreeNodeSptr, ZkTreeNodeSptr >
(it->second, jt->second));
// Remove the live zk node
liveChildren.erase (it->first);
// Add the subtree rooted to this node, if not ignored
if (!ignoreKey)
addTreeZkAction_ (it->second, path, actions);
// Remaining live zk nodes to be deleted
for (map< string, ZkTreeNodeSptr >::const_iterator it = liveChildren.begin();
it != liveChildren.end(); it++)
string path = ppaths[j] + string("/") + it->first;
actions.push_back (ZkAction (ZkAction::DELETE, path));
// return the diff actions
return actions;
void ZkTreeUtil::executeZkActions (const string& zkHosts,
const vector< ZkAction >& zkActions,
int execFlags) const
// Execute the diff zk actions
if (zkActions.size())
// Connect to Zookeeper for writing
ZooKeeperAdapterSptr zkHandleSptr;
if ((execFlags & EXECUTE)
|| (execFlags & INTERACTIVE))
zkHandleSptr = get_zkHandle (zkHosts);
std::cerr << "[zktreeutil] connected to ZK server for writing"
<< std::endl;
for (unsigned i=0; i < zkActions.size(); i++)
if (zkActions[i].action == ZkAction::CREATE)
if (execFlags & PRINT)
std::cout << "CREAT- key:" << zkActions[i].key << std::endl;
if (execFlags & EXECUTE)
if (execFlags & INTERACTIVE)
string resp;
std::cout << "Execute this action?[yes/no]: ";
std::getline(std::cin, resp);
if (resp != "yes")
zkHandleSptr->createNode(zkActions[i].key.c_str(), "", 0, false);
else if (zkActions[i].action == ZkAction::DELETE)
if (execFlags & PRINT)
std::cout << "DELET- key:" << zkActions[i].key << std::endl;
if (execFlags & EXECUTE)
if (execFlags & INTERACTIVE)
string resp;
std::cout << "Execute this action?[yes/no]: ";
std::getline(std::cin, resp);
if (resp != "yes")
zkHandleSptr->deleteNode(zkActions[i].key.c_str(), true);
else if (zkActions[i].action == ZkAction::VALUE)
if (execFlags & PRINT)
std::cout << "VALUE- key:"
<< zkActions[i].key
<< " value:" << zkActions[i].newval;
if (zkActions[i].oldval != "")
std::cout << " old_value:" << zkActions[i].oldval;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (execFlags & EXECUTE)
if (execFlags & INTERACTIVE)
string resp;
std::cout << "Execute this action?[yes/no]: ";
std::getline(std::cin, resp);
if (resp != "yes")
zkHandleSptr->setNodeData (zkActions[i].key, zkActions[i].newval);