blob: ac7e0f52cd50a63af67eb152d708b2e597fb33a7 [file] [log] [blame]
Release 3.3.7 - TBD
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-1376. does not correctly check for
$SERVER_JVMFLAGS (Skye W-M via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-1581. change copyright in notice to 2012 (breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1613. The documentation still points to 2008 in the
copyright notice (Edward Ribeiro via phunt)
Release 3.3.6 - 2012-08-01
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-1466. QuorumCnxManager.shutdown missing synchronization.
(Patrick Hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1403. script quoting issue (James Page via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1433. improve ZxidRolloverTest (test seems flakey) (phunt via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-1395. node-watcher double-free redux (Mike Lundy via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-1450. Backport of ZOOKEEPER-1294 fix to 3.4 and 3.3 (Norman Bishop via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1305. zookeeper.c:prepend_string func can dereference null ptr (Daniel Lescohier via michim)
ZOOKEEPER-1048. addauth command does not work in cli_mt/cli_st (allengao via michim)
ZOOKEEPER-1339. C client doesn't build with --enable-debug (Eric Liang via michim)
ZOOKEEPER-1318. In Python binding, get_children (and get and exists, and probably others)
with expired session doesn't raise exception properly (henryr via michim)
ZOOKEEPER-1431. zkpython async calls leak memory (Kapil Thangavelu and Andre Cruz via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-1163. Memory leak in zk_hashtable.c:do_insert_watcher_object()
(Anupam Chanda via michim)
ZOOKEEPER-1489. Data loss after truncate on transaction log (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1521. LearnerHandler initLimit/syncLimit problems
specifying follower socket timeout limits (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1493. C Client: zookeeper_process doesn't invoke
completion callback if zookeeper_close has been called
(Michi Mutsuzaki via phunt and mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1454. Document how to run autoreconf if cppunit is
installed in a non-standard directory (Michi Mutsuzaki via phunt)
Release 3.3.5 - 2012-03-18
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-1089. status does not work due to invalid
option of nc (Roman Shaposhnik via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1345. Add a .gitignore file with general exclusions and
Eclipse project files excluded (Harsh J via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-973. bind() could fail on Leader because it does not
setReuseAddress on its ServerSocket (Harsh J via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1367. Data inconsistencies and unexpired ephemeral nodes after
cluster restart. (Benjamin Reed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1353. C client test suite fails consistently.
(Clint Byrum via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1352. server.InvalidSnapshotTest is using connection timeouts
that are too short. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1309. Creating a new ZooKeeper client can leak file handles. (Daniel Lord via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1386. avoid flaky URL redirection in "ant javadoc" :
replace "" with
"" (Eugene Koontz via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1277. servers stop serving when lower 32bits of zxid roll
over (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1412. java client watches inconsistently triggered on
reconnect (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1389. it would be nice if start-foreground used exec $JAVA
in order to get rid of the intermediate shell process
(Roman Shaposhnik via phunt)
Release 3.3.4 - 2011-11-16
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-1006. QuorumPeer "Address already in use" -- regression in 3.3.3 (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-1087. ForceSync VM arguement not working when set to "no" (Nate Putnam via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-1103. In QuorumTest, use the same "for ( .. try { break }
catch { } )" pattern in testFollowersStartAfterLeaders as in
testSessionMove. (Eugene Koontz via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1097. Quota is not correctly rehydrated on snapshot reload (camille via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-1117. zookeeper 3.3.3 fails to build with gcc >= 4.6.1 on
Debian/Ubuntu (James Page via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1154. Data inconsistency when the node(s) with the highest zxid is not present at the time of leader election. (Vishal Kathuria via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1156. Log truncation truncating log too much - can cause data loss. (Vishal Kathuria via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-961. Watch recovery after disconnection when connection string contains a prefix.
(Matthias Spycher via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1160. test timeouts are too small (breed via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1189. For an invalid snapshot file(less than 10bytes size)
RandomAccessFile stream is leaking. (Rakesh R via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1203. Zookeeper systest is missing Junit Classes
(Prashant Gokhale via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1206. Sequential node creation does not use always use
digits in node name given certain Locales. (Mark Miller via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1174. FD leak when network unreachable. (Ted Dunning via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1049. Session expire/close flooding renders heartbeats to
delay significantly (Chang Song via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1212. stop action is not conformat with LSB para
20.2 Init Script Actions (Roman Shaposhnik via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1264. FollowerResyncConcurrencyTest failing intermittently. (phunt via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1271. testEarlyLeaderAbandonment failing on solaris -
clients not retrying connection (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1208. Ephemeral node not removed after the client session is long gone. (phunt via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1283. building 3.3 branch fails with Ant 1.8.2 (success with 1.7.1 though). (phunt via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1239. add logging/stats to identify fsync stalls. (phunt via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1301. backport patches related to the zk startup script
from 3.4 to 3.3 release (Giridharan Kesavan via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1301 includes:
ZOOKEEPER-905. enhance for easier zookeeper automation-izing (Nicholas Harteau via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-796. should support an external PIDFILE variable (Alex Newman via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-983. running start remotely using ssh hangs (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-976. ZooKeeper startup script doesn't use JAVA_HOME (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1013 usage message should mention all startup options (eugene koontz via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1012. support distinct JVMFLAGS for zookeeper server in and zookeeper client in (Eugene Koontz via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-1061. Zookeeper stop fails if start called twice. (Ted Dunning via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1074. is missing nohup/sleep, which are necessary for remote invocation. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-1119. zkServer stop command incorrectly reading comment lines in zoo.cfg (phunt via mahadev)
Release 3.3.3 - 2011-02-23
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-957. doesn't do anything (Ted Dunning via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-888. c-client / zkpython: Double free corruption on node
watcher (Austin Shoemaker via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-921. zkPython incorrectly checks for existence of required
ACL elements (Nicholas Knight via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-882. Startup loads last transaction from snapshot
(Jared Cantwell via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-962. leader/follower coherence issue when follower is receiving a
DIFF (Camille Fournier via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-913. Version parser fails to parse "3.3.2-dev" from build.xml
(Anthony Urso and phunt via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-985. Test BookieRecoveryTest fails on trunk. (fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-880. QuorumCnxManager$SendWorker grows without bounds (vishal via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-1046. Creating a new sequential node results in a ZNODEEXISTS error. (Vishal K via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-1069. Calling shutdown() on a QuorumPeer too quickly can lead to a corrupt log. (Vishal K via camille)
ZOOKEEPER-963. Make Forrest work with JDK6 (Carl Steinbach via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-712. Bookie recovery (Erwin and flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-465. Ledger size in bytes. (Flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-960. Publish BookKeeper jars into maven. (mahadev via breed)
Release 3.3.2 - 2010-11-04
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-783. committedLog in ZKDatabase is not properly synchronized
(henry via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-790. Last processed zxid set prematurely while establishing
leadership (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-772. zkpython segfaults when watcher from async get children
is invoked. (henry robinson via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-795. eventThread isn't shutdown after a connection
"session expired" event coming (sergey doroshenko via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-792. zkpython memory leak (Lei Zhang via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-785. Zookeeper 3.3.1 shouldn't infinite loop if someone creates a
server.0 line (phunt and Andrei Savu via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-785. Zookeeper 3.3.1 shouldn't infinite loop if someone creates a
server.0 line (part 2) (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-846. zookeeper client doesn't shut down cleanly on the close call
ZOOKEEPER-804. c unit tests failing due to "assertion cptr failed" (michi
mutsuzaki via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-844. handle auth failure in java client
(Camille Fournier via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-822. Leader election taking a long time to complete
(Vishal K via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-881. ZooKeeperServer.loadData loads database twice
(Jared Cantwell via fpj)
ZOOKEEPER-855. clientPortBindAddress should be clientPortAddress
(Jared Cantwell via fpj)
ZOOKEEPER-893. ZooKeeper high cpu usage when invalid requests
(Thijs Terlouw via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-804. c unit tests failing due to "assertion cptr failed"
(second try - Jared Cantwell via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-820. update c unit tests to ensure "zombie" java server
processes don't cause failure (Michi Mutsuzaki via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-794. Callbacks are not invoked when the client is closed
(Alexis Midon via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-800. zoo_add_auth returns ZOK if zookeeper handle is in
ZOO_CLOSED_STATE (Michi Mutsuzaki via mahadev konar)
ZOOKEEPER-904. super digest is not actually acting as a full superuser
(Camille Fournier via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-897. C Client seg faults during close (jared cantwell via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-898. C Client might not cleanup correctly during close
(jared cantwell via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-907. Spurious "KeeperErrorCode = Session moved" messages (vishal k via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-789. Improve FLE log messages (flavio via phunt)
Release 3.3.1 - 2010-05-11
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-735. cppunit test testipv6 assumes that the machine is ipv6
enabled. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-720. Use zookeeper-{version}-sources.jar instead of
zookeeper-{version}-src.jar to publish sources in the Maven repository
(paolo via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-722. uses sh's builtin echo on BSD, behaves
incorrectly. (Ivan Kelly via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-741. root level create on REST proxy fails (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-631. zkpython's C code could do with a style clean-up
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-738. zookeeper.jute.h fails to compile with -pedantic
(Jozef Hatala via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-734. and
do not handle windows path correctly (Vishal K via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-754. numerous misspellings "succesfully"
(Savu Andrei via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-749. OSGi metadata not included in binary only jar (phunt
via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-750. move maven artifacts into "dist-maven" subdir of the
release (package target) (phunt via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-758. zkpython segfaults on invalid acl with missing key
(Kapil Thangavelu via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-737. some 4 letter words may fail with netcat (nc) (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-763. Deadlock on close w/ zkpython / c client
(henry via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-764. Observer elected leader due to inconsistent voting view
(henry via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-766. forrest recipes docs don't mention the lock/queue recipe
implementations available in the release (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-790. Last processed zxid set prematurely while establishing leadership (fpj via breed)
Release 3.3.0 - 2010-03-24
Non-backward compatible changes:
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-59. Synchronized block in NIOServerCnxn (fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-524. DBSizeTest is not really testing anything (breed)
ZOOKEEPER-469. make sure CPPUNIT_CFLAGS isn't overwritten
(chris via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-471. update zkperl for 3.2.x branch (chris via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-470. include unistd.h for sleep() in c tests (chris via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPR-460. bad testRetry in cppunit tests (hudson failure)
(giri via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-467. Change log level in BookieHandle. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-482. ignore sigpipe in testRetry to avoid silent immediate
failure. (chris via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-487. setdata on root (/) crashes the servers (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-457. Make ZookeeperMain public, support for HBase (and other)
embedded clients (ryan rawson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-481. Add lastMessageSent to QuorumCnxManager. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-479. QuorumHierarchical does not count groups correctly
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-466. crash on zookeeper_close() when using auth with empty cert
(Chris Darroch via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-480. FLE should perform leader check when node is not leading and
add vote of follower (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-491. Prevent zero-weight servers from being elected.
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-447. doesn't allow different config files to be
specified on the command line (henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-493. patch for command line setquota (steve bendiola via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-311. handle small path lengths in zoo_create()
(chris barroch via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-484. Clients get SESSION MOVED exception when switching from
follower to a leader. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-490. the java docs for session creation are misleading/incomplete
ZOOKEEPER-501. CnxManagerTest failed on hudson. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-499. electionAlg should default to FLE (3) - regression
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-477. is flaky (fernando via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-498. Unending Leader Elections : WAN configuration
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-508. proposals and commits for DIFF and Truncate messages from the
leader to the followers is buggy. (mahadev and ben via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-518. DEBUG message for outstanding proposals in leader should be
moved to trace. (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-533. ant error running clean twice (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-535. ivy task does not enjoy being defined twice
(build error) (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-420. build/test should not require install in zkpython
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-538. zookeeper.async causes python to segfault
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-542. c-client can spin when server unresponsive (Christian
Wiedmann via mahadev)
ZOOKEEEPER-510. zkpython lumps all exceptions as IOError, needs specialized
exceptions for KeeperException types (henry & pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-541. zkpython limited to 256 handles (henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-554. zkpython can segfault when statting a deleted node
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-512. FLE election fails to elect leader (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-563. ant test for recipes is broken. (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-562. c client can flood server with pings if tcp send queue
filled. (ben reed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-537. The zookeeper jar includes the java source files
(Thomas Dudziak via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-551. unnecessary SetWatches message on new session.
(phunt via flavio)
ZOOKEEPER-566. "reqs" four letter word (command port) returns no information
(phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-567. javadoc for getchildren2 needs to mention "new in 3.3.0"
(phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-547. Sanity check in QuorumCnxn Manager and quorum communication
port. (mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-532. java compiler should be target Java 1.5
(hiram chirino and phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-519. Followerhandler should close the socket if it gets an exception
on a write. (mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-570. AsyncHammerTest is broken, callbacks need to validate rc
parameter (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-3. syncLimit has slightly different comments in the class header,
and > inline with the variable. (mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-576. docs need to be updated for session moved exception and how
to handle it (breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-582. ZooKeeper can revert to old data when a snapshot is created
outside of normal processing (ben reed and mahadev via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-597. ASyncHammerTest is failing intermittently on hudson trunk
(Patrick Hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-598. LearnerHandler is misspelt in the thread's constructor
(Henry Robinson via fpj)
ZOOKEEPER-597. ASyncHammerTest is failing intermittently on hudson trunk (take 2)
ZOOKEEPER-597. ASyncHammerTest is failing intermittently on hudson trunk
(take 3) (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-597. ASyncHammerTest is failing intermittently on hudson trunk
(take 4) (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-597. ASyncHammerTest is failing intermittently on hudson trunk
(take 5) (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-611. hudson build failiure (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-611. hudson build failure (take 2) (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-615. wrong javadoc for create with a sequence flag
(mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-588. remove unnecessary/annoying log of tostring error in
Request.toString() (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-587. client should log timeout negotiated with server
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-610. cleanup final fields, esp those used for locking
(phunt via henry)
ZOOKEEPER-614. Improper synchronisation in getClientCnxnCount
(henry via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-609. ObserverTest failure "zk should not be connected expected not
same" (henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-630. Trunk has duplicate files
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-627. zkpython arbitrarily restricts the size of a 'get' to 512
bytes (henry robinson via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-534. The test target in contib/bookkeeper does not depend on jar
target. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-623. ClientBase in bookkeeper.util requires junit (fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-600. TODO pondering about allocation behavior in zkpython may be
removed (gustavo via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-596. The last logged zxid calculated by zookeeper servers could
cause problems in leader election if data gets corrupted. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-637. Trunk build is failing (fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-637. Trunk build is failing - second patch (breed via fpj)
ZOOKEEPER-644. Nightly build failed on hudson. (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-651: Log exception trace in QuorumCnxManager.SendWorker
(flavio via henry)
ZOOKEEPER-608. Receipt of ACK from observer should not be logged as ERROR
(henry via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-647. hudson failure in testLeaderShutdown (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-574. the documentation on snapcount in the admin guide has the
wrong default (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-656. SledgeHammer test - deprecated (kay kay via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-413. two flaws need addressing in the c tests that can cause false
positive failures (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-495. c client logs an invalid error when zookeeper_init is called
with chroot (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-589. When create a znode, a NULL ACL parameter cannot be accepted.
(breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-673. Fix observer documentation regarding leader election (flavio
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-672. typo nits across documentation (Kay Kay via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-668. Close method in LedgerInputStream doesn't do anything (flavio
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-569. Failure of elected leader can lead to never-ending leader
election (henry via flavio)
ZOOKEEPER-669. watchedevent tostring should clearly output the
state/type/path (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-683. LogFormatter fails to parse transactional log files (phunt
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-682. Event is not processed when the watcher is set to watch "/"
if chrooted (Scott Wang via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-687. LENonterminatetest fails on some machines. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-681. Minor doc issue re unset maxClientCnxns (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-622. Test for pending watches in send_set_watches should be moved
(ben and steven via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-689. release build broken - ivysettings.xml not copied during
"package" (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-59. Synchronized block in NIOServerCnxn (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-691. Interface changed for NIOServer.Factory (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-685. Race in LENonTerminateTest (henry via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-677. c client doesn't allow ipv6 numeric connect string
(breed & phunt & mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-693. TestObserver stuck in tight notification loop in FLE
(flavio via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-696. NPE in the hudson logs, seems nioservercnxn closed twice
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-511. bad error handling in FollowerHandler.sendPackets
(mahadev via flavio)
ZOOKEEPER-604. zk needs to prevent export of any symbol not listed in their
api (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-121. SyncRequestProcessor is not closing log stream during
shutdown (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-698. intermittent JMX test failures due to not verifying QuorumPeer
shutdown (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-121_2. SyncRequestProcessor is not closing log stream during
shutdown (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-121_3. SyncRequestProcessor is not closing log stream during
shutdown (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-121_4. SyncRequestProcessor is not closing log stream during
shutdown (mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-586. c client does not compile under cygwin (phunt, mahadev, breed via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-624. The C Client cause core dump when receive error data from
Zookeeper Server (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-591. The C Client cannot exit properly in some situation (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-591_2. The C Client cannot exit properly in some situation
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-709. bookkeeper build failing with missing factory
ZOOKEEPER-708. zkpython failing due to undefined symbol
deallocate_String_vector (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-436. Bookies should auto register to ZooKeeper (erwin tam & fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-710. permanent ZSESSIONMOVED error after client app reconnects to zookeeper cluster (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-718. the fatjar is missing libraries (ben via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-717. add a preferred list to the instancemanager (breed via
ZOOKEEPER-473. cleanup junit tests to eliminate false positives due to
"socket reuse" and failure to close client (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-488. Fix to add clover.jar in classpath
(Giridharan Kesavan via gkesavan)
ZOOKEEPER-516. add support for 10 minute test ie "pre-commit" test (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-529. Use Ivy to pull dependencies and also generate pom (phunt
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-530. Memory corruption: Zookeeper c client IPv6 implementation
does not honor struct sockaddr_in6 size (isabel drost via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-549. Refactor Followers and related classes into a Peer->Follower
hierarchy in preparation for Observers (henry robinson via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-472. Making DataNode not instantiate a HashMap when the node is
ephmeral (Erik Holstad via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-425. Add OSGi metadata to zookeeper.jar (david bosschaert via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-599. Changes to FLE and QuorumCnxManager to support Observers
(fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-506. QuorumBase should use default leader election (fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-633. Fetch netty using ivy for bookkeeper (giri via fpj)
ZOOKEEPER-544. improve client testability - allow test client to access
connected server location (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-426. Windows versions of zookeeper scripts
(David Bosschaert via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-638. upgrade ivy to 2.1.0 final from 2.1.0 release
candidate (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-648. Fix releaseaudit warning count to zero (phunt via henry)
ZOOKEEPER-626. ensure the c/java cli's print xid/sessionid/etc... in hex
(pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-655. StringBuffer -> StringBuilder - conversion of references as
necessary (Kay Kay via henry)
ZOOKEEPER-612. Make Zookeeper C client can be compiled by gcc of early
version (qian via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-456. CREATOR_ALL_ACL has unnecessary PERMS.ADMIN in the
declartion. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-593. java client api does not allow client to access negotiated
session timeout (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-507. BookKeeper client re-write (Utkarsh and ben via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-665. Add BookKeeper streaming documentation (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-664. BookKeeper API documentation (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-607. improve bookkeeper overview (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-485. Need ops documentation that details supervision of ZK server
processes. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-658. update forrest docs - AuthFLE no longer supported (flavio via
ZOOKEEPER-640. make build.xml more configurable to ease packaging for linux
distros (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-579. zkpython needs more test coverage for ACL code paths (henry
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-688. explain session expiration better in the docs & faq (phunt
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-663. hudson failure in ZKDatabaseCorruptionTest (mahadev via henryr)
ZOOKEEPER-543. Tests for ZooKeeper examples (steven via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-692. upgrade junit to latest version (4.8.1) (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-601. allow configuration of session timeout min/max bounds (phunt
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-539. generate eclipse project via ant target. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-555. Add stat information to GetChildrenResponse. (Arni Jonson and
phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-550. Java Queue Recipe. (steven cheng via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-368. Observers: core functionality (henry robinson via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-496. zookeeper-tree utility for export, import and incremental
updates (anirban roy via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-572. add ability for operator to examine state of watches
currently registered with a server (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-678. Gui browser application to view and edit the contents of a
zookeeper instance (Colin Goodheart-Smithe via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-635. Server supports listening on a specified network address (phunt via breed)
Release 3.2.0 - 2009-06-30
Non-backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-444. perms definition for PERMS_ALL differ in C and java (mahadev)
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-303. Bin scripts dont work on a Mac. (tom white via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-330. zookeeper standalone server does not startup with just a
port and datadir. (chris darroch and mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-319. add locking around auth info in zhandle_t.
(chris darroch via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-320. call auth completion in free_completions().
(chris darroch via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-334. bookkeeper benchmark ( has compiling errors.
(flavio and mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-281. autoreconf fails for /zookeeper-3.0.1/src/c/ (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-318. remove locking in zk_hashtable.c or add locking in
collect_keys() (chris darroch via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-333. helgrind thread issues identified in mt c client code
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-309. core dump using zoo_get_acl() (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-341. regression in QuorumPeerMain,
tickTime from config is lost, cannot start quorum (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-360. WeakHashMap in causes NPE (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-362. Issues with FLENewEpochTest. (fix bug in Fast leader election)
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-363. NPE when recovering ledger with no hint. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-370. Fix critical problems reported by findbugs.
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-347. zkfuse uses non-standard String. (patrick hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-355. make validatePath non public in Zookeeper client api.
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-374. Uninitialized struct variable in C causes warning which
is treated as an error (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-337. improve logging in leader election lookForLeader method when
address resolution fails (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-367. RecoveryTest failure - "unreasonable length" IOException
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-346. remove the kill command fro mthe client port.
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-377. running ant cppunit tests, a failure still results in
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (giri via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-382. zookeeper cpp tests fails on 64 bit machines with gcc 4.1.2
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-365. javadoc is wrong for setLast in LedgerHandle
(flavio via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-392. Change log4j properties in bookkeeper. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-400. Issues with procedure to close ledger. (flavio)
ZOOKEEPER-405. nullpointer exception in zookeeper java shell.
(mahadev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-410. address all findbugs warnings in client/server classes.
(phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-403. cleanup javac compiler warnings. (flavio via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-407. address all findbugs warnings in
org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.** packages.
(flavio via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-411. Building zookeeper fails on RHEL 5 64 bit during test-cppunit
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-402. zookeeper c library segfaults on data for a node in zookeeper
being null. (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-415. zookeeper c tests hang. (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-385. crctest failed on hudson patch test (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-192. trailing whitespace in config file can cause number format
exceptions (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-409. address all findbugs warnings in jute related classes
(phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-416. bookkeeper jar includes unnnecessary files.
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-419. Reference counting bug in Python bindings causes abort errors
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-421. zkpython is missing #!
(henry robinson via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-406. address all findbugs warnings in persistence classes.
(phunt et al via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-435. allow "super" admin digest based auth to be configurable
(phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-375. zoo_add_auth only retains most recent auth on re-sync.
ZOOKEEPER-433. getacl on root znode (/) fails. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-408. address all findbugs warnings in persistence classes.
(phunt, mahadev, flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-427. ZooKeeper server unexpectedly high CPU utilisation
(Sergey Zhuravlev via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-446. some traces of the host auth scheme left (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-438. addauth fails to register auth on new client that's not yet
connected (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-448. png files do nto work with forrest. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-417. stray message problem when changing servers
(breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-449. sesssionmoved in java code and ZCLOSING in C have the same
value. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-452. zookeeper performance graph should have percentage of reads
rather than percentage of writes - zkperfRW-3.2.jpg (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-450. emphemeral cleanup not happening with session timeout.
(breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-453. Worker is not removed in QuorumCnxManager upon crash.
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-454. allow compilation with jdk1.5 (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-455. zookeeper c client crashes with chroot specified in the string.
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-468. avoid compile warning in send_auth_info().
ZOOKEEPER-308. improve the atomic broadcast performance 3x.
(breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-326. standalone server ignores tickTime configuration.
(chris darroch via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-279. Allow specialization of quorum config parsing
(e.g. variable expansion in zoo.cfg) (Jean-Daniel Cryans via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-351. to run checkstyle (giridharan kesavan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-350. to run rats for releaseaudit.
(giridharan kesavan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-352. to add standard ant targets required by script
(giridharan kesavan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-353. javadoc warnings needs to be fixed.
(giridharan kesavan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-354. to fix javadoc warning in the source files. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-349. to automate patch testing. (giridharan kesavan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-288. Cleanup and fixes to BookKeeper (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-305. Replace timers with semaphores in FLENewEpochTest.
(flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-60. Get cppunit tests running as part of Hudson CI.
(girish via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-343. add tests that specifically verify the zkmain and
qpmain classes. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-361. integrate cppunit testing as part of hudson patch process.
(giri via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-373. One thread per bookie (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-384. keeper exceptions missing path (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-380. bookkeeper should have a streaming api so that its easier to
store checpoints/snapshots in bookkeeper. (mahadev via flavio)
ZOOKEEPER-389. add help/usage to the c shell cli.c (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-376. ant test target re-compiles cppunit code every time
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-391. bookeeper mainline code should not be calling
printStackTrace. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-300. zk jmx code is calling printStackTrace when creating bean
name (should not be) (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-94. JMX tests are needed to verify that the JMX MBeans work
properly (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-404. nightly build failed on hudson.
(henry robinson and pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-345. the CLIs should allow addAuth to be invoked.
(henry robinson via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-292. commit configure scripts (autotools) to svn for c projects and
include in release (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-383. Asynchronous version of createLedger(). (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-358. Throw exception when ledger does not exist. (flavio via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-431. Expose methods to ease ZK integration. (Jean-Daniel via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-396. race condition in zookeeper client library between
zookeeper_close and zoo_synchronous api. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-196. doxygen comment for state argument of watcher_fn typedef and
implementation differ (" of the *_STATE constants, otherwise -1")
(breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-336. single bad client can cause server to stop accepting
connections (henry robinson via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-434. the java shell should indicate connection status on command
prompt (henry robinson via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-437. Variety of Documentation Updates (grant via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-443. trace logging in watch notification not wrapped with
istraceneabled - inefficient (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-432. Various improvements to zkpython bindings.
(henry via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-428. logging should be makred as warn rathen than error in
NIOServerCnxn. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-422. Java CLI should support ephemeral and sequential node creation
(henry via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-315. add forrest docs for bookkeeper. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-329. document how to integrate 3rd party authentication into ZK
server ACLs. (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-356. Masking bookie failure during writes to a ledger
(flavio via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-327. document effects (latency) of storing large amounts of data
in znodes. (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-264. docs should include a state transition diagram for client
state (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-440. update the performance documentation in forrest
(breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-371. jdiff documentation included in build/release (giri via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-78. added a high level protocol/feature - for easy Leader
Election or exclusive Write Lock creation (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-29. Flexible quorums (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-378. perl binding for zookeeper (chris darroch via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-386. improve java cli shell. (henry robinson via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-36. REST access to ZooKeeper (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-395. Python bindings. (henry robinson via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-237. Add a Chroot request (phunt and mahadev)
Release 3.1.0 - 2009-02-06
Non-backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-255. zoo_set() api does not return stat datastructure.
(avery ching via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-246. review error code definition in both source and docs.
(pat via mahadev)
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-211. Not all Mock tests are working (ben via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-223. change default level in root logger to INFO.
(pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-212. fix the snapshot to be asynchronous. (mahadev and ben)
ZOOKEEPER-213. fix programmer guide C api docs to be in sync with latest
zookeeper.h (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-219. fix events.poll timeout in watcher test to be longer.
(pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-217. Fix errors in config to be thrown as Exceptions. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-228. fix apache header missing in DBTest. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-218. fix the error in the barrier example code. (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-206. documentation tab should contain the version number and
other small site changes. (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-226. fix exists calls that fail on server if node has null data.
ZOOKEEPER-204. SetWatches needs to be the first message after auth
messages to the server (ben via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-208. Zookeeper C client uses API that are not thread safe,
causing crashes when multiple instances are active.
(austin shoemaker, chris daroch and ben reed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-227. gcc warning from recordio.h (chris darroch via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-232. fix apache licence header in TestableZookeeper (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-249. QuorumPeer.getClientPort() always returns -1.
(nitay joffe via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-248. QuorumPeer should use Map interface instead of HashMap
implementation. (nitay joffe via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-241. Build of a distro fails after clean target is run.
(patrick hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-245. update readme/quickstart to be release tar, rather than
source, based (patrick hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-251. NullPointerException stopping and starting Zookeeper servers
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-250. isvalidsnapshot should handle the case of 0 snapshot
files better. (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-265. remove (deprecate) unused NoSyncConnected from KeeperState.
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-273. Zookeeper c client build should not depend on CPPUNIT. (pat
and runping via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-268. tostring on jute generated objects can cause NPE. (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-267. java client incorrectly generating syncdisconnected event when in disconnected state. (pat via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-263. document connection host:port as comma separated list in forrest docs (pat via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-275. Bug in FastLeaderElection. (flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-272. getchildren can fail for large number of children. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-16. Need to do path validation. (pat, mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-252. PurgeTxnLog is not handling the new dataDir directory
structure (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-291. regression for legacy code using KeeperException.Code
constants (due to 246). (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-255. zoo_set() api does not return stat datastructure.
(avery ching via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-293. zoo_set needs to be abi compatible (3.1 changed the
signature), fix this by adding zoo_set2 (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-302. Quote values in JMX objectnames. (tom and pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-64. Log system env information when initializing server and
client (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-243. add SEQUENCE flag documentation to the programming guide.
(patrick hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-161. Content needed: "Designing a ZooKeeper Deployment"
(breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-247. fix formatting of C API in ACL section of programmer guide.
(patrick hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-230. Improvements to FLE. (Flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-225. c client should log an info message in zookeeper_init
detailing connection parameters. (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-222. print C client log message timestamp in human readable
form. (pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-256. support use of JMX to manage log4j configuration at runtime.
(pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-214. add new "stat reset" command to server admin port.
(pat via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-258. docs incorrectly state max client timeout as 60 seconds
(it's based on server ticktime). (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-135. Fat jar build target. (phunt and breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-234. Eliminate using statics to initialize the sever. Should
allow server to be more embeddable in OSGi enviorments. (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-259. cleanup the logging levels used (use the correct level)
and messages generated. (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-210. Require Java 6. (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-177. needed: docs for JMX (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-253. documentation of DataWatcher state transition is misleading
regarding auto watch reset on reconnect. (phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-269. connectionloss- add more documentation to detail. (phunt and
flavio via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-260. document the recommended values for server id's
(mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-215. expand system test environment (breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-229. improve documentation regarding user's responsibility to
cleanup datadir (snaps/logs) (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-69. ZooKeeper logo
ZOOKEEPER-286. Make GenerateLoad use InstanceContainers. (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-220. programming guide watches section should clarify
server/clientlib role in data/child watch maint. (breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-289. add debug messages to nioserver select loop. (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-276. Bookkeeper contribution (Flavio and Luca Telloli via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-231. Quotas in ZooKeeper. (mahadev)
Release 3.0.0 - 2008-10-21
Non-backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-43. Server side of auto reset watches. (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-132. Create Enum to replace CreateFlag in ZooKepper.create
method (Jakob Homan via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-139. Create Enums for WatcherEvent's KeeperState and EventType
(Jakob Homan via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-18. keeper state inconsistency (Jakob Homan via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-38. headers (version+) in log/snap files (Andrew Kornev and Mahadev
Konar via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-8. Stat enchaned to include num of children and size
ZOOKEEPER-6. List of problem identifiers in zookeeper.h
ZOOKEEPER-7. Use enums rather than ints for types and state
(Jakob Homan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-27. Unique DB identifiers for servers and clients
ZOOKEEPER-32. CRCs for ZooKeeper data
ZOOKEEPER-33. Better ACL management
Backward compatible changes:
ZOOKEEPER-203. fix datadir typo in releasenotes (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-145. write detailed release notes for users migrating from 2.x
to 3.0 (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-23. Auto reset of watches on reconnect (breed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-191. forrest docs for upgrade. (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-201. validate magic number when reading snapshot and transaction
logs (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-200. the magic number for snapshot and log must be different
(currently same) (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-199. fix log messages in persistence code (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-197. create checksums for snapshots (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-198. apache license header missing from
ZOOKEEPER-5. Upgrade Feature in Zookeeper server. (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-194. Fix terminology in zookeeperAdmin.xml
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-151. Document change to server configuration
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-193. update java example doc to compile with latest zookeeper
ZOOKEEPER-187. CreateMode api docs missing (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-186. add new "releasenotes.xml" to forrest documentation
ZOOKEEPER-190. Reorg links to docs and navs to docs into related sections
(robbie via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-189. forrest build not validated xml of input documents
(robbie via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-188. Check that election port is present for all servers
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-185. Improved version of FLETest (Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-184. tests: An explicit include derective is needed for the usage
of memcpy(), memset(), strlen(), strdup() and free() functions
(Maxim P. Dementiev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-183. Array subscript is above array bounds in od_completion(),
src/cli.c. (Maxim P. Dementiev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-182. zookeeper_init accepts empty host-port string and returns
valid pointer to zhandle_t. (Maxim P. Dementiev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-17. zookeeper_init doc needs clarification (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-181. Some Source Forge Documents did not get moved over:
javaExample, zookeeperTutorial, zookeeperInternals (robbie via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-180. Placeholder sections needed in document for new topics that
the umbrella jira discusses (robbie via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-179. Programmer's Guide "Basic Operations" section is missing
content (robbie via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-178. FLE test. (Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-159. Cover two corner cases of leader election
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-156. update programmer guide with acl details from old wiki page
ZOOKEEPER-154. reliability graph diagram in overview doc needs context
ZOOKEEPER-157. Peer can't find existing leader (Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-155. improve "the zookeeper project" section of overview doc
ZOOKEEPER-140. Deadlock in QuorumCnxManager (Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-147. This is version of the documents with most of the [tbd...]
scrubbed out (robbie via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-150. zookeeper build broken (mahadev via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-136. sync causes hang in all followers of quorum. (breed)
ZOOKEEPER-134. findbugs cleanup (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-133. hudson tests failing intermittently (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-144. add tostring support for watcher event, and enums for event
type/state (Jakob Homan via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-21. Improve zk ctor/watcher (state transition) docs (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-142. Provide Javadoc as to the maximum size of the data byte
array that may be stored within a znode (Jakob Homan via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-93. Create Documentation for Zookeeper (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-117. threading issues in Leader election (fpj via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-137. client watcher objects can lose events (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-131. Old leader election can elect a dead leader over and over
again (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-130. update build.xml to support apache release process
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-118. findbugs flagged switch statement in (Flavio Paiva Junqueira via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-115. Potential NPE in QuorumCnxManager
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-114. cleanup ugly event messages in zookeeper client
(Jakob Homan)
ZOOKEEPER-112. src/java/main has test code embedded into it.
ZOOKEEPER-39. Use Watcher objects rather than boolean on read operations.
(Andrew Kornev)
ZOOKEEPER-97. supports optional output directory in code generator. (Hiram
Chirino via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-101. Integrate ZooKeeper with "violations" feature on hudson
ZOOKEEPER-105. Catch Zookeeper exceptions and print on the stderr.
(Anthony Urso via Mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-42. Change Leader Election to fast tcp. (Flavio Paiva Junqueira
via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-48. auth_id now handled correctly when no auth ids present
(Benjamin Reed via phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-44. Create sequence flag children with prefixes of 0's so that
they can be lexicographically sorted. (Jakob Homan via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-108. Fix sync operation reordering on a Quorum.
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira via Mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-25. Fuse module for Zookeeper. (Swee Lim, Bart, Patrick Hunt and
Andrew Kornev via Mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-58. Race condition on (breed)
ZOOKEEPER-56. Add clover support to build.xml. (Patrick Hunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-75. register the ZooKeeper mailing lists with (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-54. remove sleeps in the tests. (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-55. build.xml failes to retrieve a release number from SVN and
the ant target "dist" fails (Andrew Kornev)
ZOOKEEPER-89. invoke WhenOwnerListener.whenNotOwner() when the ZK
connection fails (james strachan)
ZOOKEEPER-90. invoke WhenOwnerListener.whenNotOwner() when the ZK
session expires and the znode is the leader (james strachan)
ZOOKEEPER-82. Make the ZooKeeperServer more DI friendly. (Hiram Chirino via
ZOOKEEPER-110. Build script relies on svnant, which is not compatible
with subversion 1.5 working copies (Jakob Homan)
ZOOKEEPER-111. Significant cleanup of existing tests. (Patrick Hunt via
ZOOKEEPER-122. Fix NPE in jute's Utils.toCSVString. (Anthony Urso via
ZOOKEEPER-123. Fix the wrong class is specified for the logger. (Jakob Homan
via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-2. Fix synchronization issues in QuorumPeer and FastLeader
election. (Flavio Paiva Junqueira via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-125. Remove unwanted class declaration in FastLeaderElection.
(Flavio Paiva Junqueira via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-61. Address (remove) use of sleep(#) in client/server test cases.
ZOOKEEPER-75. cleanup the library directory (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-109. cleanup of NPE and Resource issue nits found by static
analysis (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-76. Commit 677109 removed the cobertura library, but not the
build targets. (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-63. Race condition in client close() operation. (phunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-70. Add skeleton forrest doc structure for ZooKeeper (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-79. Document jacob's leader election on the wiki recipes page
(Flavio Junqueira)
ZOOKEEPER-73. Move ZK wiki from SourceForge to Apache (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-72. Initial creation/setup of ZooKeeper ASF site. (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-71. Determine what to do re ZooKeeper Changelog(s) (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-68. parseACLs in fails to parse elements of ACL,
should be lastIndexOf rather than IndexOf (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-130. update build.xml to support apache release process.
(phunt via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-131. Fix Old leader election can elect a dead leader over and over
again. (breed via mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-137. client watcher objects can lose events (Patrick Hunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-117. threading issues in Leader election (Flavio Junqueira and
Patrick Hunt via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-128. test coverage on async client operations needs to be improved
ZOOKEEPER-127. Use of non-standard election ports in config breaks services
(Mark Harwood and Flavio Junqueira via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-53. tests failing on solaris. (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-172. FLE Test (Flavio Junqueira via breed)
ZOOKEEPER-41. Sample startup script (mahadev)
ZOOKEEPER-33. Better ACL management (Mahadev Konar)
ZOOKEEPER-49. SetACL does not work (breed)
ZOOKEEPER-20. Child watches are not triggered when the node is deleted
ZOOKEEPER-15. handle failure better in build.xml:test (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-11. ArrayList is used instead of List (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-45. Restructure the SVN repository after initial import (phunt)
ZOOKEEPER-1. Initial ZooKeeper code contribution from Yahoo! (phunt)