blob: 4b67f5b50bbdb8c38d5d1b505034829a2c1ecc7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZKTestCase;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.apache.zookeeper.metrics.MetricsUtils;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.RequestProcessor;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerMetrics;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.WorkerService;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class CommitProcessorMetricsTest extends ZKTestCase {
protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommitProcessorMetricsTest.class);
CommitProcessor commitProcessor;
DummyFinalProcessor finalProcessor;
CountDownLatch requestScheduled = null;
CountDownLatch requestProcessed = null;
CountDownLatch commitSeen = null;
CountDownLatch poolEmpytied = null;
public void setup() {"setup");
// ensure no leaked parallelism properties
public void setupProcessors(int commitWorkers, int finalProcTime) {
finalProcessor = new DummyFinalProcessor(finalProcTime);
commitProcessor = new TestCommitProcessor(finalProcessor, commitWorkers);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {"tearDown starting");
private class TestCommitProcessor extends CommitProcessor {
int numWorkerThreads;
public TestCommitProcessor(RequestProcessor finalProcessor, int numWorkerThreads) {
super(finalProcessor, "1", true, null);
this.numWorkerThreads = numWorkerThreads;
public void start() {
super.workerPool = new TestWorkerService(numWorkerThreads);
// Since there are two threads--the test thread that puts requests into the queue and the processor
// thread (this thread) that removes requests from the queue--the execution order in general is
// indeterminate, making it hard to check the test results.
// In some tests, we really want the requests processed one by one. To achieve this, we make sure that
// things happen in this order:
// processor thread gets into WAITING -> test thread sets requestProcessed latch -> test thread puts
// a request into the queue (which wakes up the processor thread in the WAITING state) and waits for
// the requestProcessed latch -> the processor thread wakes up and removes the request from the queue and
// processes it and opens the requestProcessed latch -> the test thread continues onto the next request
// So it is important for the processor thread to get into WAITING before any request is put into the queue.
// Otherwise, it would miss the wakeup signal and wouldn't process the request or open the latch and the
// test thread waiting on the latch would be stuck
Thread.State state = super.getState();
while (state != State.WAITING) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
state = super.getState();
}"numWorkerThreads in Test is {}", numWorkerThreads);
protected void endOfIteration() {
if (requestProcessed != null) {
protected void waitForEmptyPool() throws InterruptedException {
if (commitSeen != null) {
if (poolEmpytied != null) {
private class TestWorkerService extends WorkerService {
public TestWorkerService(int numWorkerThreads) {
super("CommitProcWork", numWorkerThreads, true);
public void schedule(WorkRequest workRequest, long id) {
super.schedule(workRequest, id);
if (requestScheduled != null) {
private class DummyFinalProcessor implements RequestProcessor {
int processTime;
public DummyFinalProcessor(int processTime) {
this.processTime = processTime;
public void processRequest(Request request) {
if (processTime > 0) {
try {
if (commitSeen != null) {
commitSeen.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void shutdown() {
private void checkMetrics(String metricName, long min, long max, double avg, long cnt, long sum) {
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(min, values.get("min_" + metricName), "expected min is " + min);
assertEquals(max, values.get("max_" + metricName), "expected max is: " + max);
assertEquals(avg, (Double) values.get("avg_" + metricName), 0.001, "expected avg is: " + avg);
assertEquals(cnt, values.get("cnt_" + metricName), "expected cnt is: " + cnt);
assertEquals(sum, values.get("sum_" + metricName), "expected sum is: " + sum);
private void checkTimeMetric(long actual, long lBoundrary, long hBoundrary) {
assertThat(actual, greaterThanOrEqualTo(lBoundrary));
assertThat(actual, lessThanOrEqualTo(hBoundrary));
private Request createReadRequest(long sessionId, int xid) {
return new Request(null, sessionId, xid, ZooDefs.OpCode.getData, ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[10]), null);
private Request createWriteRequest(long sessionId, int xid) {
return new Request(null, sessionId, xid, ZooDefs.OpCode.setData, ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[10]), null);
private void processRequestWithWait(Request request) throws Exception {
requestProcessed = new CountDownLatch(1);
requestProcessed.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void commitWithWait(Request request) throws Exception {
requestProcessed = new CountDownLatch(1);
requestProcessed.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void testRequestsInSessionQueue() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 1);
checkMetrics("requests_in_session_queue", 1L, 1L, 1D, 1L, 1L);
//these two read requests will be stuck in the session queue because there is write in front of them
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 2));
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 3));
checkMetrics("requests_in_session_queue", 1L, 3L, 2D, 3L, 6);
checkMetrics("requests_in_session_queue", 1L, 3L, 2.25D, 4L, 9);
public void testWriteFinalProcTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 1000);
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
//no request sent to next processor yet
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(0L, values.get("cnt_write_final_proc_time_ms"));
values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_write_final_proc_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_write_final_proc_time_ms"), 1000L, 2000L);
public void testReadFinalProcTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 1000);
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 1));
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_read_final_proc_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_read_final_proc_time_ms"), 1000L, 2000L);
public void testCommitProcessTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 1));
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_commit_process_time"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_commit_process_time"), 0L, 1000L);
public void testServerWriteCommittedTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
//a commit w/o pending request is a write from other servers
commitWithWait(createWriteRequest(1L, 1));
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_server_write_committed_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_server_write_committed_time_ms"), 0L, 1000L);
public void testLocalWriteCommittedTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_local_write_committed_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_local_write_committed_time_ms"), 0L, 1000L);
Request req2 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
//the second write will be stuck in the session queue for at least one second
//but the LOCAL_WRITE_COMMITTED_TIME is from when the commit is received
values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(2L, values.get("cnt_local_write_committed_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_local_write_committed_time_ms"), 0L, 1000L);
public void testWriteCommitProcTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_write_commitproc_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_write_commitproc_time_ms"), 0L, 1000L);
Request req2 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
//the second write will be stuck in the session queue for at least one second
values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(2L, values.get("cnt_write_commitproc_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_write_commitproc_time_ms"), 1000L, 2000L);
public void testReadCommitProcTime() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 1));
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(1L, values.get("cnt_read_commitproc_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_read_commitproc_time_ms"), 0L, 1000L);
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 3));
//the second read will be stuck in the session queue for at least one second
values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(2L, values.get("cnt_read_commitproc_time_ms"));
checkTimeMetric((long) values.get("max_read_commitproc_time_ms"), 1000L, 2000L);
public void testTimeWaitingEmptyPoolInCommitProcessorRead() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(1, 1000);
//three read requests will be scheduled first
requestScheduled = new CountDownLatch(3);
commitProcessor.processRequest(createReadRequest(0L, 2));
commitProcessor.processRequest(createReadRequest(1L, 3));
commitProcessor.processRequest(createReadRequest(2L, 4));
requestScheduled.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//add a commit request to trigger waitForEmptyPool
poolEmpytied = new CountDownLatch(1);
commitProcessor.commit(createWriteRequest(1L, 1));
poolEmpytied.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
long actual = (long) MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics().get("max_time_waiting_empty_pool_in_commit_processor_read_ms");
//since each request takes 1000ms to process, so the waiting shouldn't be more than three times of that
checkTimeMetric(actual, 2500L, 3500L);
public void testConcurrentRequestProcessingInCommitProcessor() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(3, 1000);
//three read requests will be processed in parallel
commitSeen = new CountDownLatch(1);
requestScheduled = new CountDownLatch(3);
commitProcessor.processRequest(createReadRequest(1L, 2));
commitProcessor.processRequest(createReadRequest(1L, 3));
commitProcessor.processRequest(createReadRequest(1L, 4));
requestScheduled.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//add a commit request to trigger waitForEmptyPool, which will record number of requests being proccessed
poolEmpytied = new CountDownLatch(1);
commitProcessor.commit(createWriteRequest(1L, 1));
poolEmpytied.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//this will change after we upstream batch write in CommitProcessor
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(3L, values.get("max_concurrent_request_processing_in_commit_processor"));
public void testReadsAfterWriteInSessionQueue() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
//this read request is before write
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 1));
//one write request
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 1);
//three read requests after the write
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 2));
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 3));
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 4));
//commit the write
checkMetrics("reads_after_write_in_session_queue", 3L, 3L, 3d, 1, 3);
public void testReadsQueuedInCommitProcessor() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 1));
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 2));
//recorded reads in the queue are 1, 1
checkMetrics("read_commit_proc_req_queued", 1L, 1L, 1d, 2, 2);
public void testWritesQueuedInCommitProcessor() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 1);
Request req2 = createWriteRequest(1L, 2);
//since we haven't got any commit request, the write request stays in the queue
//recorded writes in the queue are 1, 2
checkMetrics("write_commit_proc_req_queued", 1L, 2L, 1.5d, 2, 3);
//recording is done before commit request is processed, so writes in the queue are: 1, 2, 2
checkMetrics("write_commit_proc_req_queued", 1L, 2L, 1.6667d, 3, 5);
//writes in the queue are 1, 2, 2, 1
checkMetrics("write_commit_proc_req_queued", 1L, 2L, 1.5d, 4, 6);
//send a read request to trigger the recording, this time the write queue should be empty
//writes in the queue are 1, 2, 2, 1, 0
processRequestWithWait(createReadRequest(1L, 1));
checkMetrics("write_commit_proc_req_queued", 0L, 2L, 1.2d, 5, 6);
public void testCommitsQueuedInCommitProcessor() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
commitWithWait(createWriteRequest(1L, 1));
commitWithWait(createWriteRequest(1L, 2));
//recorded commits in the queue are 1, 1
checkMetrics("commit_commit_proc_req_queued", 1L, 1L, 1d, 2, 2);
public void testCommitsQueued() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
commitWithWait(createWriteRequest(1L, 1));
commitWithWait(createWriteRequest(1L, 2));
Map<String, Object> values = MetricsUtils.currentServerMetrics();
assertEquals(2L, (long) values.get("request_commit_queued"));
public void testPendingSessionQueueSize() throws Exception {
setupProcessors(0, 0);
//one write request for session 1
Request req1 = createWriteRequest(1L, 1);
//two write requests for session 2
Request req2 = createWriteRequest(2L, 2);
Request req3 = createWriteRequest(2L, 3);
//there are two sessions with pending requests
checkMetrics("pending_session_queue_size", 2L, 2L, 2d, 1, 2);
//there is on session with pending requests
checkMetrics("pending_session_queue_size", 1L, 2L, 1.5d, 2, 3);
//there is one session with pending requests
checkMetrics("pending_session_queue_size", 1L, 2L, 1.333d, 3, 4);