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<h1>ZooKeeper Programmer's Guide</h1>
<h3>Developing Distributed Applications that use ZooKeeper</h3>
<div id="minitoc-area">
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#_introduction">Introduction</a>
<a href="#ch_zkDataModel">The ZooKeeper Data Model</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#sc_zkDataModel_znodes">ZNodes</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#sc_zkDataMode_watches">Watches</a>
<a href="#Data+Access">Data Access</a>
<a href="#Ephemeral+Nodes">Ephemeral Nodes</a>
<a href="#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming">Sequence Nodes -- Unique Naming</a>
<a href="#sc_timeInZk">Time in ZooKeeper</a>
<a href="#sc_zkStatStructure">ZooKeeper Stat Structure</a>
<a href="#ch_zkSessions">ZooKeeper Sessions</a>
<a href="#ch_zkWatches">ZooKeeper Watches</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#sc_WatchGuarantees">What ZooKeeper Guarantees about Watches</a>
<a href="#sc_WatchRememberThese">Things to Remember about Watches</a>
<a href="#sc_ZooKeeperAccessControl">ZooKeeper access control using ACLs</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#sc_ACLPermissions">ACL Permissions</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#sc_BuiltinACLSchemes">Builtin ACL Schemes</a>
<a href="#ZooKeeper+C+client+API">ZooKeeper C client API</a>
<a href="#sc_ZooKeeperPluggableAuthentication">Pluggable ZooKeeper authentication</a>
<a href="#ch_zkGuarantees">Consistency Guarantees</a>
<a href="#ch_bindings">Bindings</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Java+Binding">Java Binding</a>
<a href="#C+Binding">C Binding</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Installation">Installation</a>
<a href="#Using+the+C+Client">Using the C Client</a>
<a href="#ch_guideToZkOperations">Building Blocks: A Guide to ZooKeeper Operations</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#sc_errorsZk">Handling Errors</a>
<a href="#sc_connectingToZk">Connecting to ZooKeeper</a>
<a href="#sc_readOps">Read Operations</a>
<a href="#sc_writeOps">Write Operations</a>
<a href="#sc_handlingWatches">Handling Watches</a>
<a href="#sc_miscOps">Miscelleaneous ZooKeeper Operations</a>
<a href="#ch_programStructureWithExample">Program Structure, with Simple Example</a>
<a href="#ch_gotchas">Gotchas: Common Problems and Troubleshooting</a>
<a name="N1000B"></a><a name="_introduction"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Introduction</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>This document is a guide for developers wishing to create
distributed applications that take advantage of ZooKeeper's coordination
services. It contains conceptual and practical information.</p>
<p>The first four sections of this guide present higher level
discussions of various ZooKeeper concepts. These are necessary both for an
understanding of how ZooKeeper works as well how to work with it. It does
not contain source code, but it does assume a familiarity with the
problems associated with distributed computing. The sections in this first
group are:</p>
<a href="#ch_zkDataModel">The ZooKeeper Data Model</a>
<a href="#ch_zkSessions">ZooKeeper Sessions</a>
<a href="#ch_zkWatches">ZooKeeper Watches</a>
<a href="#ch_zkGuarantees">Consistency Guarantees</a>
<p>The next four sections provide practical programming
information. These are:</p>
<a href="#ch_guideToZkOperations">Building Blocks: A Guide to ZooKeeper Operations</a>
<a href="#ch_bindings">Bindings</a>
<a href="#ch_programStructureWithExample">Program Structure, with Simple Example</a>
<a href="#ch_gotchas">Gotchas: Common Problems and Troubleshooting</a>
<p>The book concludes with an <a href="#apx_linksToOtherInfo">appendix</a> containing links to other
useful, ZooKeeper-related information.</p>
<p>Most of information in this document is written to be accessible as
stand-alone reference material. However, before starting your first
ZooKeeper application, you should probably at least read the chaptes on
the <a href="#ch_zkDataModel">ZooKeeper Data Model</a> and <a href="#ch_guideToZkOperations">ZooKeeper Basic Operations</a>. Also,
the <a href="#ch_programStructureWithExample">Simple Programmming
Example</a> <em>[tbd]</em> is helpful for understanding the basic
structure of a ZooKeeper client application.</p>
<a name="N1007D"></a><a name="ch_zkDataModel"></a>
<h2 class="h3">The ZooKeeper Data Model</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>ZooKeeper has a hierarchal name space, much like a distributed file
system. The only difference is that each node in the namespace can have
data associated with it as well as children. It is like having a file
system that allows a file to also be a directory. Paths to nodes are
always expressed as canonical, absolute, slash-separated paths; there are
no relative reference. Any unicode character can be used in a path subject
to the following constraints:</p>
<p>The null character (\u0000) cannot be part of a path name. (This
causes problems with the C binding.)</p>
<p>The following characters can't be used because they don't
display well, or render in confusing ways: \u0001 - \u0019 and \u007F
- \u009F.</p>
<p>The following characters are not allowed: \ud800 -uF8FFF,
\uFFF0-uFFFF, \uXFFFE - \uXFFFF (where X is a digit 1 - E), \uF0000 -
<p>The "." character can be used as part of another name, but "."
and ".." cannot alone be used to indicate a node along a path,
because ZooKeeper doesn't use relative paths. The following would be
invalid: "/a/b/./c" or "/a/b/../c".</p>
<p>The token "zookeeper" is reserved.</p>
<a name="N100A7"></a><a name="sc_zkDataModel_znodes"></a>
<h3 class="h4">ZNodes</h3>
<p>Every node in a ZooKeeper tree is referred to as a
<em>znode</em>. Znodes maintain a stat structure that
includes version numbers for data changes, acl changes. The stat
structure also has timestamps. The version number, together with the
timestamp allow ZooKeeper to validate the cache and to coordinate
updates. Each time a znode's data changes, the version number increases.
For instance, whenever a client retrieves data, it also receives the
version of the data. And when a client performs an update or a delete,
it must supply the version of the data of the znode it is changing. If
the version it supplies doesn't match the actual version of the data,
the update will fail. (This behavior can be overridden. For more
information see... )<em>[tbd...]</em>
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
<p>In distributed application engineering, the word
<em>node</em> can refer to a generic host machine, a
server, a member of an ensemble, a client process, etc. In the ZooKeeper
documentation, <em>znodes</em> refer to the data nodes.
<em>Servers</em> refer to machines that make up the
ZooKeeper service; <em>quorum peers</em> refer to the
servers that make up an ensemble; client refers to any host or process
which uses a ZooKeeper service.</p>
<p>Znodes are the main enitity that a programmer access. They have
several characteristics that are worth mentioning here.</p>
<a name="N100CA"></a><a name="sc_zkDataMode_watches"></a>
<p>Clients can set watches on znodes. Changes to that znode trigger
the watch and then clear the watch. When a watch triggers, ZooKeeper
sends the client a notification. More information about watches can be
found in the section
<a href="#ch_zkWatches">ZooKeeper Watches</a>.</p>
<a name="N100D8"></a><a name="Data+Access"></a>
<h4>Data Access</h4>
<p>The data stored at each znode in a namespace is read and written
atomically. Reads get all the data bytes associated with a znode and a
write replaces all the data. Each node has an Access Control List
(ACL) that restricts who can do what.</p>
<p>ZooKeeper was not designed to be a general database or large
object store. Instead, it manages coordination data. This data can
come in the form of configuration, status information, rendezvous, etc.
A common property of the various forms of coordination data is that
they are relatively small: measured in kilobytes.
The ZooKeeper client and the server implementations have sanity checks
to ensure that znodes have less than 1M of data, but the data should
be much less than that on average. Operating on relatively large data
sizes will cause some operations to take much more time than others and
will affect the latencies of some operations because of the extra time
needed to move more data over the network and onto storage media. If
large data storage is needed, the usually pattern of dealing with such
data is to store it on a bulk storage system, such as NFS or HDFS, and
store pointers to the storage locations in ZooKeeper.</p>
<a name="N100E5"></a><a name="Ephemeral+Nodes"></a>
<h4>Ephemeral Nodes</h4>
<p>ZooKeeper also has the notion of ephemeral nodes. These znodes
exists as long as the session that created the znode is active. When
the session ends the znode is deleted. Because of this behavior
ephemeral znodes are not allowed to have children.</p>
<a name="N100EF"></a><a name="Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming"></a>
<h4>Sequence Nodes -- Unique Naming</h4>
<p>When creating a znode you can also request that
ZooKeeper append a monotonically increasing counter to the end
of path. This counter is unique to the parent znode. The
counter has a format of %010d -- that is 10 digits with 0
(zero) padding (the counter is formatted in this way to
simplify sorting), i.e. "&lt;path&gt;0000000001". See
<a href="recipes.html#sc_recipes_Queues">Queue
Recipe</a> for an example use of this feature. Note: the
counter used to store the next sequence number is a signed int
(4bytes) maintained by the parent node, the counter will
overflow when incremented beyond 2147483647 (resulting in a
name "&lt;path&gt;-2147483647").</p>
<a name="N100FE"></a><a name="sc_timeInZk"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Time in ZooKeeper</h3>
<p>ZooKeeper tracks time multiple ways:</p>
<p>Every change to the ZooKeeper state receives a stamp in the
form of a <em>zxid</em> (ZooKeeper Transaction Id).
This exposes the total ordering of all changes to ZooKeeper. Each
change will have a unique zxid and if zxid1 is smaller than zxid2
then zxid1 happened before zxid2.</p>
<strong>Version numbers</strong>
<p>Every change to a a node will cause an increase to one of the
version numbers of that node. The three version numbers are version
(number of changes to the data of a znode), cversion (number of
changes to the children of a znode), and aversion (number of changes
to the ACL of a znode).</p>
<p>When using multi-server ZooKeeper, servers use ticks to define
timing of events such as status uploads, session timeouts,
connection timeouts between peers, etc. The tick time is only
indirectly exposed through the minimum session timeout (2 times the
tick time); if a client requests a session timeout less than the
minimum session timeout, the server will tell the client that the
session timeout is actually the minimum session timeout.</p>
<strong>Real time</strong>
<p>ZooKeeper doesn't use real time, or clock time, at all except
to put timestamps into the stat structure on znode creation and
znode modification.</p>
<a name="N10136"></a><a name="sc_zkStatStructure"></a>
<h3 class="h4">ZooKeeper Stat Structure</h3>
<p>The Stat structure for each znode in ZooKeeper is made up of the
following fields:</p>
<p>The zxid of the change that caused this znode to be
<p>The zxid of the change that last modified this znode.</p>
<p>The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was
<p>The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was last
<p>The number of changes to the data of this znode.</p>
<p>The number of changes to the children of this znode.</p>
<p>The number of changes to the ACL of this znode.</p>
<p>The session id of the owner of this znode if the znode is an
ephemeral node. If it is not an ephemeral node, it will be
<p>The length of the data field of this znode.</p>
<p>The number of children of this znode.</p>
<a name="N101A8"></a><a name="ch_zkSessions"></a>
<h2 class="h3">ZooKeeper Sessions</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>A ZooKeeper client establishes a session with the ZooKeeper
service by creating a handle to the service using a language
binding. Once created, the handle starts of in the CONNECTING state
and the client library tries to connect to one of the servers that
make up the ZooKeeper service at which point it switches to the
CONNECTED state. During normal operation will be in one of these
two states. If an unrecoverable error occurs, such as session
expiration or authentication failure, or if the application explicitly
closes the handle, the handle will move to the CLOSED state.
The following figure shows the possible state transitions of a
ZooKeeper client:</p>
<img alt="" src="images/state_dia.jpg"><p>To create a client session the application code must provide
a connection string containing a comma separated list of host:port pairs,
each corresponding to a ZooKeeper server (e.g. "" or
",,"). The ZooKeeper
client library will pick an arbitrary server and try to connect to
it. If this connection fails, or if the client becomes
disconnected from the server for any reason, the client will
automatically try the next server in the list, until a connection
is (re-)established.</p>
<strong>Added in 3.2.0</strong>: An
optional "chroot" suffix may also be appended to the connection
string. This will run the client commands while interpreting all
paths relative to this root (similar to the unix chroot
command). If used the example would look like:
"" or
",," where the
client would be rooted at "/app/a" and all paths would be relative
to this root - ie getting/setting/etc... "/foo/bar" would result
in operations being run on "/app/a/foo/bar" (from the server
perspective). This feature is particularly useful in multi-tenant
environments where each user of a particular ZooKeeper service
could be rooted differently. This makes re-use much simpler as
each user can code his/her application as if it were rooted at
"/", while actual location (say /app/a) could be determined at
deployment time.</p>
<p>When a client gets a handle to the ZooKeeper service,
ZooKeeper creates a ZooKeeper session, represented as a 64-bit
number, that it assigns to the client. If the client connects to a
different ZooKeeper server, it will send the session id as a part
of the connection handshake. As a security measure, the server
creates a password for the session id that any ZooKeeper server
can validate.The password is sent to the client with the session
id when the client establishes the session. The client sends this
password with the session id whenever it reestablishes the session
with a new server.</p>
<p>One of the parameters to the ZooKeeper client library call
to create a ZooKeeper session is the session timeout in
milliseconds. The client sends a requested timeout, the server
responds with the timeout that it can give the client. The current
implementation requires that the timeout be a minimum of 2 times
the tickTime (as set in the server configuration) and a maximum of
20 times the tickTime. The ZooKeeper client API allows access to
the negotiated timeout.</p>
<p>When a client (session) becomes partitioned from the ZK
serving cluster it will begin searching the list of servers that
were specified during session creation. Eventually, when
connectivity between the client and at least one of the servers is
re-established, the session will either again transition to the
"connected" state (if reconnected within the session timeout
value) or it will transition to the "expired" state (if
reconnected after the session timeout). It is not advisable to
create a new session object (a new ZooKeeper.class or zookeeper
handle in the c binding) for disconnection. The ZK client library
will handle reconnect for you. In particular we have heuristics
built into the client library to handle things like "herd effect",
etc... Only create a new session when you are notified of session
expiration (mandatory).</p>
<p>Session expiration is managed by the ZooKeeper cluster
itself, not by the client. When the ZK client establishes a
session with the cluster it provides a "timeout" value detailed
above. This value is used by the cluster to determine when the
client's session expires. Expirations happens when the cluster
does not hear from the client within the specified session timeout
period (i.e. no heartbeat). At session expiration the cluster will
delete any/all ephemeral nodes owned by that session and
immediately notify any/all connected clients of the change (anyone
watching those znodes). At this point the client of the expired
session is still disconnected from the cluster, it will not be
notified of the session expiration until/unless it is able to
re-establish a connection to the cluster. The client will stay in
disconnected state until the TCP connection is re-established with
the cluster, at which point the watcher of the expired session
will receive the "session expired" notification.</p>
<p>Example state transitions for an expired session as seen by
the expired session's watcher:</p>
<p>'connected' : session is established and client
is communicating with cluster (client/server communication is
operating properly)</p>
<p>.... client is partitioned from the
<p>'disconnected' : client has lost connectivity
with the cluster</p>
<p>.... time elapses, after 'timeout' period the
cluster expires the session, nothing is seen by client as it is
disconnected from cluster</p>
<p>.... time elapses, the client regains network
level connectivity with the cluster</p>
<p>'expired' : eventually the client reconnects to
the cluster, it is then notified of the
<p>Another parameter to the ZooKeeper session establishment
call is the default watcher. Watchers are notified when any state
change occurs in the client. For example if the client loses
connectivity to the server the client will be notified, or if the
client's session expires, etc... This watcher should consider the
initial state to be disconnected (i.e. before any state changes
events are sent to the watcher by the client lib). In the case of
a new connection, the first event sent to the watcher is typically
the session connection event.</p>
<p>The session is kept alive by requests sent by the client. If
the session is idle for a period of time that would timeout the
session, the client will send a PING request to keep the session
alive. This PING request not only allows the ZooKeeper server to
know that the client is still active, but it also allows the
client to verify that its connection to the ZooKeeper server is
still active. The timing of the PING is conservative enough to
ensure reasonable time to detect a dead connection and reconnect
to a new server.</p>
Once a connection to the server is successfully established
(connected) there are basically two cases where the client lib generates
connectionloss (the result code in c binding, exception in Java -- see
the API documentation for binding specific details) when either a synchronous or
asynchronous operation is performed and one of the following holds:
<p>The application calls an operation on a session that is no
longer alive/valid</p>
<p>The ZooKeeper client disconnects from a server when there
are pending operations to that server, i.e., there is a pending asynchronous call.
<strong>Added in 3.2.0 -- SessionMovedException</strong>. There is an internal
exception that is generally not seen by clients called the SessionMovedException.
This exception occurs because a request was received on a connection for a session
which has be reestablished on a different server. The normal cause of this error is
a client that sends a request to a server, but the network packet gets delayed, so
the client times out and connects to a new server. When the delayed packet arrives at
the first server, the old server detects that the session has moved, and closes the
client connection. Clients normally do not see this error since they do not read
from those old connections. (Old connections are usually closed.) One situation in which this
condition can be seen is when two clients try to reestablish the same connection using
a saved session id and password. One of the clients will reestablish the connection
and the second client will be disconnected (causing the pair to attempt to re-establish
it's connection/session indefinitely).</p>
<a name="N10203"></a><a name="ch_zkWatches"></a>
<h2 class="h3">ZooKeeper Watches</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>All of the read operations in ZooKeeper - <strong>getData()</strong>, <strong>getChildren()</strong>, and <strong>exists()</strong> - have the option of setting a watch as a
side effect. Here is ZooKeeper's definition of a watch: a watch event is
one-time trigger, sent to the client that set the watch, which occurs when
the data for which the watch was set changes. There are three key points
to consider in this definition of a watch:</p>
<strong>One-time trigger</strong>
<p>One watch event will be sent to the client when the data has changed.
For example, if a client does a getData("/znode1", true) and later the
data for /znode1 is changed or deleted, the client will get a watch
event for /znode1. If /znode1 changes again, no watch event will be
sent unless the client has done another read that sets a new
<strong>Sent to the client</strong>
<p>This implies that an event is on the way to the client, but may
not reach the client before the successful return code to the change
operation reaches the client that initiated the change. Watches are
sent asynchronously to watchers. ZooKeeper provides an ordering
guarantee: a client will never see a change for which it has set a
watch until it first sees the watch event. Network delays or other
factors may cause different clients to see watches and return codes
from updates at different times. The key point is that everything seen
by the different clients will have a consistent order.</p>
<strong>The data for which the watch was
<p>This refers to the different ways a node can change. It
helps to think of ZooKeeper as maintaining two lists of
watches: data watches and child watches. getData() and
exists() set data watches. getChildren() sets child
watches. Alternatively, it may help to think of watches being
set according to the kind of data returned. getData() and
exists() return information about the data of the node,
whereas getChildren() returns a list of children. Thus,
setData() will trigger data watches for the znode being set
(assuming the set is successful). A successful create() will
trigger a data watch for the znode being created and a child
watch for the parent znode. A successful delete() will trigger
both a data watch and a child watch (since there can be no
more children) for a znode being deleted as well as a child
watch for the parent znode.</p>
<p>Watches are maintained locally at the ZooKeeper server to which the
client is connected. This allows watches to be light weight to set,
maintain, and dispatch. When a client connects to a new server, the watch
will be triggered for any session events. Watches will not be received
while disconnected from a server. When a client reconnects, any previously
registered watches will be reregistered and triggered if needed. In
general this all occurs transparently. There is one case where a watch
may be missed: a watch for the existance of a znode not yet created will
be missed if the znode is created and deleted while disconnected.</p>
<a name="N10239"></a><a name="sc_WatchGuarantees"></a>
<h3 class="h4">What ZooKeeper Guarantees about Watches</h3>
<p>With regard to watches, ZooKeeper maintains these
<p>Watches are ordered with respect to other events, other
watches, and asynchronous replies. The ZooKeeper client libraries
ensures that everything is dispatched in order.</p>
<p>A client will see a watch event for a znode it is watching
before seeing the new data that corresponds to that znode.</p>
<p>The order of watch events from ZooKeeper corresponds to the
order of the updates as seen by the ZooKeeper service.</p>
<a name="N1025E"></a><a name="sc_WatchRememberThese"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Things to Remember about Watches</h3>
<p>Watches are one time triggers; if you get a watch event and
you want to get notified of future changes, you must set another
<p>Because watches are one time triggers and there is latency
between getting the event and sending a new request to get a watch
you cannot reliably see every change that happens to a node in
ZooKeeper. Be prepared to handle the case where the znode changes
multiple times between getting the event and setting the watch
again. (You may not care, but at least realize it may
<p>A watch object, or function/context pair, will only be
triggered once for a given notification. For example, if the same
watch object is registered for an exists and a getData call for the
same file and that file is then deleted, the watch object would
only be invoked once with the deletion notification for the file.
<p>When you disconnect from a server (for example, when the
server fails), you will not get any watches until the connection
is reestablished. For this reason session events are sent to all
outstanding watch handlers. Use session events to go into a safe
mode: you will not be receiving events while disconnected, so your
process should act conservatively in that mode.</p>
<a name="N1028A"></a><a name="sc_ZooKeeperAccessControl"></a>
<h2 class="h3">ZooKeeper access control using ACLs</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>ZooKeeper uses ACLs to control access to its znodes (the
data nodes of a ZooKeeper data tree). The ACL implementation is
quite similar to UNIX file access permissions: it employs
permission bits to allow/disallow various operations against a
node and the scope to which the bits apply. Unlike standard UNIX
permissions, a ZooKeeper node is not limited by the three standard
scopes for user (owner of the file), group, and world
(other). ZooKeeper does not have a notion of an owner of a
znode. Instead, an ACL specifies sets of ids and permissions that
are associated with those ids.</p>
<p>Note also that an ACL pertains only to a specific znode. In
particular it does not apply to children. For example, if
<em>/app</em> is only readable by ip: and
<em>/app/status</em> is world readable, anyone will
be able to read <em>/app/status</em>; ACLs are not
<p>ZooKeeper supports pluggable authentication schemes. Ids are
specified using the form <em>scheme:id</em>,
where <em>scheme</em> is a the authentication scheme
that the id corresponds to. For
example, <em>ip:</em> is an id for a
host with the address <em></em>.</p>
<p>When a client connects to ZooKeeper and authenticates
itself, ZooKeeper associates all the ids that correspond to a
client with the clients connection. These ids are checked against
the ACLs of znodes when a clients tries to access a node. ACLs are
made up of pairs of <em>(scheme:expression,
perms)</em>. The format of
the <em>expression</em> is specific to the scheme. For
example, the pair <em>(ip:, READ)</em>
gives the <em>READ</em> permission to any clients with
an IP address that starts with 19.22.</p>
<a name="N102BD"></a><a name="sc_ACLPermissions"></a>
<h3 class="h4">ACL Permissions</h3>
<p>ZooKeeper supports the following permissions:</p>
<strong>CREATE</strong>: you can create a child node</p>
<strong>READ</strong>: you can get data from a node and list its children.</p>
<strong>WRITE</strong>: you can set data for a node</p>
<strong>DELETE</strong>: you can delete a child node</p>
<strong>ADMIN</strong>: you can set permissions</p>
<p>The <em>CREATE</em>
and <em>DELETE</em> permissions have been broken out
of the <em>WRITE</em> permission for finer grained
access controls. The cases for <em>CREATE</em>
and <em>DELETE</em> are the following:</p>
<p>You want A to be able to do a set on a ZooKeeper node, but
not be able to <em>CREATE</em>
or <em>DELETE</em> children.</p>
without <em>DELETE</em>: clients create requests by
creating ZooKeeper nodes in a parent directory. You want all
clients to be able to add, but only request processor can
delete. (This is kind of like the APPEND permission for
<p>Also, the <em>ADMIN</em> permission is there
since ZooKeeper doesn&rsquo;t have a notion of file owner. In some
sense the <em>ADMIN</em> permission designates the
entity as the owner. ZooKeeper doesn&rsquo;t support the LOOKUP
permission (execute permission bit on directories to allow you
to LOOKUP even though you can't list the directory). Everyone
implicitly has LOOKUP permission. This allows you to stat a
node, but nothing more. (The problem is, if you want to call
zoo_exists() on a node that doesn't exist, there is no
permission to check.)</p>
<a name="N10313"></a><a name="sc_BuiltinACLSchemes"></a>
<h4>Builtin ACL Schemes</h4>
<p>ZooKeeeper has the following built in schemes:</p>
<strong>world</strong> has a
single id, <em>anyone</em>, that represents
<strong>auth</strong> doesn't
use any id, represents any authenticated
<strong>digest</strong> uses
a <em>username:password</em> string to generate
MD5 hash which is then used as an ACL ID
identity. Authentication is done by sending
the <em>username:password</em> in clear text. When
used in the ACL the expression will be
the <em>username:base64</em>
encoded <em>SHA1</em>
password <em>digest</em>.</p>
<strong>ip</strong> uses the
client host IP as an ACL ID identity. The ACL expression is of
the form <em>addr/bits</em> where the most
significant <em>bits</em>
of <em>addr</em> are matched against the most
significant <em>bits</em> of the client host
<a name="N10357"></a><a name="ZooKeeper+C+client+API"></a>
<h4>ZooKeeper C client API</h4>
<p>The following constants are provided by the ZooKeeper C
<em>const</em> <em>int</em> ZOO_PERM_READ; //can read node&rsquo;s value and list its children</p>
<em>const</em> <em>int</em> ZOO_PERM_WRITE;// can set the node&rsquo;s value</p>
<em>const</em> <em>int</em> ZOO_PERM_CREATE; //can create children</p>
<em>const</em> <em>int</em> ZOO_PERM_DELETE;// can delete children</p>
<em>const</em> <em>int</em> ZOO_PERM_ADMIN; //can execute set_acl()</p>
<em>const</em> <em>int</em> ZOO_PERM_ALL;// all of the above flags OR&rsquo;d together</p>
<p>The following are the standard ACL IDs:</p>
<em>struct</em> Id ZOO_ANYONE_ID_UNSAFE; //(&lsquo;world&rsquo;,&rsquo;anyone&rsquo;)</p>
<em>struct</em> Id ZOO_AUTH_IDS;// (&lsquo;auth&rsquo;,&rsquo;&rsquo;)</p>
<p>ZOO_AUTH_IDS empty identity string should be interpreted as &ldquo;the identity of the creator&rdquo;.</p>
<p>ZooKeeper client comes with three standard ACLs:</p>
<em>struct</em> ACL_vector ZOO_CREATOR_ALL_ACL; //(ZOO_PERM_ALL,ZOO_AUTH_IDS)</p>
<p>The ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE is completely open free for all
ACL: any application can execute any operation on the node and
can create, list and delete its children. The
ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE is read-only access for any
application. CREATE_ALL_ACL grants all permissions to the
creator of the node. The creator must have been authenticated by
the server (for example, using &ldquo;<em>digest</em>&rdquo;
scheme) before it can create nodes with this ACL.</p>
<p>The following ZooKeeper operations deal with ACLs:</p>
<em>int</em> <em>zoo_add_auth</em>
(zhandle_t *zh,<em>const</em> <em>char</em>*
scheme,<em>const</em> <em>char</em>*
cert, <em>int</em> certLen, void_completion_t
completion, <em>const</em> <em>void</em>
<p>The application uses the zoo_add_auth function to
authenticate itself to the server. The function can be called
multiple times if the application wants to authenticate using
different schemes and/or identities.</p>
<em>int</em> <em>zoo_create</em>
(zhandle_t *zh, <em>const</em> <em>char</em>
*path, <em>const</em> <em>char</em>
valuelen, <em>const</em> <em>struct</em>
ACL_vector *acl, <em>int</em>
*realpath, <em>int</em>
<p>zoo_create(...) operation creates a new node. The acl
parameter is a list of ACLs associated with the node. The parent
node must have the CREATE permission bit set.</p>
<em>int</em> <em>zoo_get_acl</em>
(zhandle_t *zh, <em>const</em> <em>char</em>
*path,<em>struct</em> ACL_vector
*acl, <em>struct</em> Stat *stat);</p>
<p>This operation returns a node&rsquo;s ACL info.</p>
<em>int</em> <em>zoo_set_acl</em>
(zhandle_t *zh, <em>const</em> <em>char</em>
*path, <em>int</em>
version,<em>const</em> <em>struct</em>
ACL_vector *acl);</p>
<p>This function replaces node&rsquo;s ACL list with a new one. The
node must have the ADMIN permission set.</p>
<p>Here is a sample code that makes use of the above APIs to
authenticate itself using the &ldquo;<em>foo</em>&rdquo; scheme
and create an ephemeral node &ldquo;/xyz&rdquo; with create-only
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
<p>This is a very simple example which is intended to show
how to interact with ZooKeeper ACLs
specifically. See <span class="codefrag filename">.../trunk/src/c/src/cli.c</span>
for an example of a proper C client implementation</p>
<pre class="code">
#include &lt;string.h&gt;
#include &lt;errno.h&gt;
#include "zookeeper.h"
static zhandle_t *zh;
* In this example this method gets the cert for your
* environment -- you must provide
char *foo_get_cert_once(char* id) { return 0; }
/** Watcher function -- empty for this example, not something you should
* do in real code */
void watcher(zhandle_t *zzh, int type, int state, const char *path,
void *watcherCtx) {}
int main(int argc, char argv) {
char buffer[512];
char p[2048];
char *cert=0;
char appId[64];
strcpy(appId, "example.foo_test");
cert = foo_get_cert_once(appId);
if(cert!=0) {
"Certificate for appid [%s] is [%s]\n",appId,cert);
strncpy(p,cert, sizeof(p)-1);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Certificate for appid [%s] not found\n",appId);
strcpy(p, "dummy");
zh = zookeeper_init("localhost:3181", watcher, 10000, 0, 0, 0);
if (!zh) {
return errno;
return 2;
struct ACL_vector CREATE_ONLY = {1, CREATE_ONLY_ACL};
int rc = zoo_create(zh,"/xyz","value", 5, &amp;CREATE_ONLY, ZOO_EPHEMERAL,
buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
/** this operation will fail with a ZNOAUTH error */
int buflen= sizeof(buffer);
struct Stat stat;
rc = zoo_get(zh, "/xyz", 0, buffer, &amp;buflen, &amp;stat);
if (rc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error %d for %s\n", rc, __LINE__);
return 0;
<a name="N1046E"></a><a name="sc_ZooKeeperPluggableAuthentication"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Pluggable ZooKeeper authentication</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>ZooKeeper runs in a variety of different environments with
various different authentication schemes, so it has a completely
pluggable authentication framework. Even the builtin authentication
schemes use the pluggable authentication framework.</p>
<p>To understand how the authentication framework works, first you must
understand the two main authentication operations. The framework
first must authenticate the client. This is usually done as soon as
the client connects to a server and consists of validating information
sent from or gathered about a client and associating it with the connection.
The second operation handled by the framework is finding the entries in an
ACL that correspond to client. ACL entries are &lt;<em>idspec,
permissions</em>&gt; pairs. The <em>idspec</em> may be
a simple string match against the authentication information associated
with the connection or it may be a expression that is evaluated against that
information. It is up to the implementation of the authentication plugin
to do the match. Here is the interface that an authentication plugin must
<pre class="code">
public interface AuthenticationProvider {
String getScheme();
KeeperException.Code handleAuthentication(ServerCnxn cnxn, byte authData[]);
boolean isValid(String id);
boolean matches(String id, String aclExpr);
boolean isAuthenticated();
<p>The first method <em>getScheme</em> returns the string
that identifies the plugin. Because we support multiple methods of authentication,
an authentication credential or an <em>idspec</em> will always be
prefixed with <em>scheme:</em>. The ZooKeeper server uses the scheme
returned by the authentication plugin to determine which ids the scheme
applies to.</p>
<em>handleAuthentication</em> is called when a client
sends authentication information to be associated with a connection. The
client specifies the scheme to which the information corresponds. The
ZooKeeper server passes the information to the authentication plugin whose
<em>getScheme</em> matches the scheme passed by the client. The
implementor of <em>handleAuthentication</em> will usually return
an error if it determines that the information is bad, or it will associate information
with the connection using <em>cnxn.getAuthInfo().add(new Id(getScheme(), data))</em>.
<p>The authentication plugin is involved in both setting and using ACLs. When an
ACL is set for a znode, the ZooKeeper server will pass the id part of the entry to
the <em>isValid(String id)</em> method. It is up to the plugin to verify
that the id has a correct form. For example, <em>ip:</em>
is a valid id, but <em></em> is not. If the new ACL includes
an "auth" entry, <em>isAuthenticated</em> is used to see if the
authentication information for this scheme that is assocatied with the connection
should be added to the ACL. Some schemes
should not be included in auth. For example, the IP address of the client is not
considered as an id that should be added to the ACL if auth is specified.</p>
<p>ZooKeeper invokes
<em>matches(String id, String aclExpr)</em> when checking an ACL. It
needs to match authentication information of the client against the relevant ACL
entries. To find the entries which apply to the client, the ZooKeeper server will
find the scheme of each entry and if there is authentication information
from that client for that scheme, <em>matches(String id, String aclExpr)</em>
will be called with <em>id</em> set to the authentication information
that was previously added to the connection by <em>handleAuthentication</em> and
<em>aclExpr</em> set to the id of the ACL entry. The authentication plugin
uses its own logic and matching scheme to determine if <em>id</em> is included
in <em>aclExpr</em>.
<p>There are two built in authentication plugins: <em>ip</em> and
<em>digest</em>. Additional plugins can adding using system properties. At
startup the ZooKeeper server will look for system properties that start with
"zookeeper.authProvider." and interpret the value of those properties as the class name
of an authentication plugin. These properties can be set using the
<em>-Dzookeeeper.authProvider.X=com.f.MyAuth</em> or adding entries such as
the following in the server configuration file:</p>
<pre class="code">
<p>Care should be taking to ensure that the suffix on the property is unique. If there are
duplicates such as <em>-Dzookeeeper.authProvider.X=com.f.MyAuth -Dzookeeper.authProvider.X=com.f.MyAuth2</em>,
only one will be used. Also all servers must have the same plugins defined, otherwise clients using
the authentication schemes provided by the plugins will have problems connecting to some servers.
<a name="N104DA"></a><a name="ch_zkGuarantees"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Consistency Guarantees</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>ZooKeeper is a high performance, scalable service. Both reads and
write operations are designed to be fast, though reads are faster than
writes. The reason for this is that in the case of reads, ZooKeeper can
serve older data, which in turn is due to ZooKeeper's consistency
<term>Sequential Consistency</term>
<p>Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they
were sent.</p>
<p>Updates either succeed or fail -- there are no partial
<term>Single System Image</term>
<p>A client will see the same view of the service regardless of
the server that it connects to.</p>
<p>Once an update has been applied, it will persist from that
time forward until a client overwrites the update. This guarantee
has two corollaries:</p>
<p>If a client gets a successful return code, the update will
have been applied. On some failures (communication errors,
timeouts, etc) the client will not know if the update has
applied or not. We take steps to minimize the failures, but the
only guarantee is only present with successful return codes.
(This is called the <em>monotonicity condition</em> in Paxos.)</p>
<p>Any updates that are seen by the client, through a read
request or successful update, will never be rolled back when
recovering from server failures.</p>
<p>The clients view of the system is guaranteed to be up-to-date
within a certain time bound. (On the order of tens of seconds.)
Either system changes will be seen by a client within this bound, or
the client will detect a service outage.</p>
<p>Using these consistency guarantees it is easy to build higher level
functions such as leader election, barriers, queues, and read/write
revocable locks solely at the ZooKeeper client (no additions needed to
ZooKeeper). See <a href="recipes.html">Recipes and Solutions</a>
for more details.</p>
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
<p>Sometimes developers mistakenly assume one other guarantee that
ZooKeeper does <em>not</em> in fact make. This is:</p>
<term>Simultaneously Consistent Cross-Client Views</term>
<p>ZooKeeper does not guarantee that at every instance in
time, two different clients will have identical views of
ZooKeeper data. Due to factors like network delays, one client
may perform an update before another client gets notified of the
change. Consider the scenario of two clients, A and B. If client
A sets the value of a znode /a from 0 to 1, then tells client B
to read /a, client B may read the old value of 0, depending on
which server it is connected to. If it
is important that Client A and Client B read the same value,
Client B should should call the <strong>sync()</strong> method from the ZooKeeper API
method before it performs its read.</p>
<p>So, ZooKeeper by itself doesn't guarantee that changes occur
synchronously across all servers, but ZooKeeper
primitives can be used to construct higher level functions that
provide useful client synchronization. (For more information,
see the <a href="recipes.html">ZooKeeper Recipes</a>.
<a name="N10541"></a><a name="ch_bindings"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Bindings</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>The ZooKeeper client libraries come in two languages: Java and C.
The following sections describe these.</p>
<a name="N1054A"></a><a name="Java+Binding"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Java Binding</h3>
<p>There are two packages that make up the ZooKeeper Java binding:
<strong>org.apache.zookeeper</strong> and <strong></strong>. The rest of the
packages that make up ZooKeeper are used internally or are part of the
server implementation. The <strong></strong> package is made up of
generated classes that are used simply as containers.</p>
<p>The main class used by a ZooKeeper Java client is the <strong>ZooKeeper</strong> class. Its two constructors differ only
by an optional session id and password. ZooKeeper supports session
recovery accross instances of a process. A Java program may save its
session id and password to stable storage, restart, and recover the
session that was used by the earlier instance of the program.</p>
<p>When a ZooKeeper object is created, two threads are created as
well: an IO thread and an event thread. All IO happens on the IO thread
(using Java NIO). All event callbacks happen on the event thread.
Session maintenance such as reconnecting to ZooKeeper servers and
maintaining heartbeat is done on the IO thread. Responses for
synchronous methods are also processed in the IO thread. All responses
to asynchronous methods and watch events are processed on the event
thread. There are a few things to notice that result from this
<p>All completions for asynchronous calls and watcher callbacks
will be made in order, one at a time. The caller can do any
processing they wish, but no other callbacks will be processed
during that time.</p>
<p>Callbacks do not block the processing of the IO thread or the
processing of the synchronous calls.</p>
<p>Synchronous calls may not return in the correct order. For
example, assume a client does the following processing: issues an
asynchronous read of node <strong>/a</strong> with
<em>watch</em> set to true, and then in the completion
callback of the read it does a synchronous read of <strong>/a</strong>. (Maybe not good practice, but not illegal
either, and it makes for a simple example.)</p>
<p>Note that if there is a change to <strong>/a</strong> between the asynchronous read and the
synchronous read, the client library will receive the watch event
saying <strong>/a</strong> changed before the
response for the synchronous read, but because the completion
callback is blocking the event queue, the synchronous read will
return with the new value of <strong>/a</strong>
before the watch event is processed.</p>
<p>Finally, the rules associated with shutdown are straightforward:
once a ZooKeeper object is closed or receives a fatal event
(SESSION_EXPIRED and AUTH_FAILED), the ZooKeeper object becomes invalid.
On a close, the two threads shut down and any further access on zookeeper
handle is undefined behavior and should be avoided. </p>
<a name="N10593"></a><a name="C+Binding"></a>
<h3 class="h4">C Binding</h3>
<p>The C binding has a single-threaded and multi-threaded library.
The multi-threaded library is easiest to use and is most similar to the
Java API. This library will create an IO thread and an event dispatch
thread for handling connection maintenance and callbacks. The
single-threaded library allows ZooKeeper to be used in event driven
applications by exposing the event loop used in the multi-threaded
<p>The package includes two shared libraries: zookeeper_st and
zookeeper_mt. The former only provides the asynchronous APIs and
callbacks for integrating into the application's event loop. The only
reason this library exists is to support the platforms were a
<em>pthread</em> library is not available or is unstable
(i.e. FreeBSD 4.x). In all other cases, application developers should
link with zookeeper_mt, as it includes support for both Sync and Async
<a name="N105A2"></a><a name="Installation"></a>
<p>If you're building the client from a check-out from the Apache
repository, follow the steps outlined below. If you're building from a
project source package downloaded from apache, skip to step <strong>3</strong>.</p>
<p>Run <span class="codefrag command">ant compile_jute</span> from the ZooKeeper
top level directory (<span class="codefrag filename">.../trunk</span>).
This will create a directory named "generated" under
<span class="codefrag filename">.../trunk/src/c</span>.</p>
<p>Change directory to the<span class="codefrag filename">.../trunk/src/c</span>
and run <span class="codefrag command">autoreconf -if</span> to bootstrap <strong>autoconf</strong>, <strong>automake</strong> and <strong>libtool</strong>. Make sure you have <strong>autoconf version 2.59</strong> or greater installed.
Skip to step<strong> 4</strong>.</p>
<p>If you are building from a project source package,
unzip/untar the source tarball and cd to the<span class="codefrag filename">
zookeeper-x.x.x/src/c</span> directory.</p>
<p>Run <span class="codefrag command">./configure &lt;your-options&gt;</span> to
generate the makefile. Here are some of options the <strong>configure</strong> utility supports that can be
useful in this step:</p>
<span class="codefrag command">--enable-debug</span>
<p>Enables optimization and enables debug info compiler
options. (Disabled by default.)</p>
<span class="codefrag command">--without-syncapi </span>
<p>Disables Sync API support; zookeeper_mt library won't be
built. (Enabled by default.)</p>
<span class="codefrag command">--disable-static </span>
<p>Do not build static libraries. (Enabled by
<span class="codefrag command">--disable-shared</span>
<p>Do not build shared libraries. (Enabled by
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
<p>See INSTALL for general information about running
<p>Run <span class="codefrag command">make</span> or <span class="codefrag command">make
install</span> to build the libraries and install them.</p>
<p>To generate doxygen documentation for the ZooKeeper API, run
<span class="codefrag command">make doxygen-doc</span>. All documentation will be
placed in a new subfolder named docs. By default, this command
only generates HTML. For information on other document formats,
run <span class="codefrag command">./configure --help</span>
<a name="N1064B"></a><a name="Using+the+C+Client"></a>
<h4>Using the C Client</h4>
<p>You can test your client by running a ZooKeeper server (see
instructions on the project wiki page on how to run it) and connecting
to it using one of the cli applications that were built as part of the
installation procedure. cli_mt (multithreaded, built against
zookeeper_mt library) is shown in this example, but you could also use
cli_st (singlethreaded, built against zookeeper_st library):</p>
<span class="codefrag command">$ cli_mt zookeeper_host:9876</span>
<p>This is a client application that gives you a shell for
executing simple ZooKeeper commands. Once successfully started
and connected to the server it displays a shell prompt. You
can now enter ZooKeeper commands. For example, to create a
<span class="codefrag command">&gt; create /my_new_node</span>
<p>To verify that the node's been created:</p>
<span class="codefrag command">&gt; ls /</span>
<p>You should see a list of node who are children of the root node
<p>In order to be able to use the ZooKeeper API in your application
you have to remember to</p>
<p>Include ZooKeeper header: #include
<p>If you are building a multithreaded client, compile with
-DTHREADED compiler flag to enable the multi-threaded version of
the library, and then link against against the
<em>zookeeper_mt</em> library. If you are building a
single-threaded client, do not compile with -DTHREADED, and be
sure to link against the<em> zookeeper_st
<p>Refer to <a href="#ch_programStructureWithExample">Program Structure, with Simple Example</a>
for examples of usage in Java and C.
<a name="N10691"></a><a name="ch_guideToZkOperations"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Building Blocks: A Guide to ZooKeeper Operations</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>This section surveys all the operations a developer can perform
against a ZooKeeper server. It is lower level information than the earlier
concepts chapters in this manual, but higher level than the ZooKeeper API
Reference. It covers these topics:</p>
<a href="#sc_connectingToZk">Connecting to ZooKeeper</a>
<a name="N106A5"></a><a name="sc_errorsZk"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Handling Errors</h3>
<p>Both the Java and C client bindings may report errors. The Java client binding does so by throwing KeeperException, calling code() on the exception will return the specific error code. The C client binding returns an error code as defined in the enum ZOO_ERRORS. API callbacks indicate result code for both language bindings. See the API documentation (javadoc for Java, doxygen for C) for full details on the possible errors and their meaning.</p>
<a name="N106AF"></a><a name="sc_connectingToZk"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Connecting to ZooKeeper</h3>
<a name="N106B8"></a><a name="sc_readOps"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Read Operations</h3>
<a name="N106C1"></a><a name="sc_writeOps"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Write Operations</h3>
<a name="N106CA"></a><a name="sc_handlingWatches"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Handling Watches</h3>
<a name="N106D3"></a><a name="sc_miscOps"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Miscelleaneous ZooKeeper Operations</h3>
<a name="N106DD"></a><a name="ch_programStructureWithExample"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Program Structure, with Simple Example</h2>
<div class="section">
<a name="N106E8"></a><a name="ch_gotchas"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Gotchas: Common Problems and Troubleshooting</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>So now you know ZooKeeper. It's fast, simple, your application
works, but wait ... something's wrong. Here are some pitfalls that
ZooKeeper users fall into:</p>
<p>If you are using watches, you must look for the connected watch
event. When a ZooKeeper client disconnects from a server, you will
not receive notification of changes until reconnected. If you are
watching for a znode to come into existance, you will miss the event
if the znode is created and deleted while you are disconnected.</p>
<p>You must test ZooKeeper server failures. The ZooKeeper service
can survive failures as long as a majority of servers are active. The
question to ask is: can your application handle it? In the real world
a client's connection to ZooKeeper can break. (ZooKeeper server
failures and network partitions are common reasons for connection
loss.) The ZooKeeper client library takes care of recovering your
connection and letting you know what happened, but you must make sure
that you recover your state and any outstanding requests that failed.
Find out if you got it right in the test lab, not in production - test
with a ZooKeeper service made up of a several of servers and subject
them to reboots.</p>
<p>The list of ZooKeeper servers used by the client must match the
list of ZooKeeper servers that each ZooKeeper server has. Things can
work, although not optimally, if the client list is a subset of the
real list of ZooKeeper servers, but not if the client lists ZooKeeper
servers not in the ZooKeeper cluster.</p>
<p>Be careful where you put that transaction log. The most
performance-critical part of ZooKeeper is the transaction log.
ZooKeeper must sync transactions to media before it returns a
response. A dedicated transaction log device is key to consistent good
performance. Putting the log on a busy device will adversely effect
performance. If you only have one storage device, put trace files on
NFS and increase the snapshotCount; it doesn't eliminate the problem,
but it can mitigate it.</p>
<p>Set your Java max heap size correctly. It is very important to
<em>avoid swapping.</em> Going to disk unnecessarily will
almost certainly degrade your performance unacceptably. Remember, in
ZooKeeper, everything is ordered, so if one request hits the disk, all
other queued requests hit the disk.</p>
<p>To avoid swapping, try to set the heapsize to the amount of
physical memory you have, minus the amount needed by the OS and cache.
The best way to determine an optimal heap size for your configurations
is to <em>run load tests</em>. If for some reason you
can't, be conservative in your estimates and choose a number well
below the limit that would cause your machine to swap. For example, on
a 4G machine, a 3G heap is a conservative estimate to start
<a name="apx_linksToOtherInfo"></a>
<appendix id="apx_linksToOtherInfo">
<title>Links to Other Information</title>
<p>Outside the formal documentation, there're several other sources of
information for ZooKeeper developers.</p>
<term>ZooKeeper Whitepaper <em>[tbd: find url]</em>
<p>The definitive discussion of ZooKeeper design and performance,
by Yahoo! Research</p>
<term>API Reference <em>[tbd: find url]</em>
<p>The complete reference to the ZooKeeper API</p>
<a href="">ZooKeeper
Talk at the Hadoup Summit 2008</a>
<p>A video introduction to ZooKeeper, by Benjamin Reed of Yahoo!
<a href="">Barrier and
Queue Tutorial</a>
<p>The excellent Java tutorial by Flavio Junqueira, implementing
simple barriers and producer-consumer queues using ZooKeeper.</p>
<a href="">ZooKeeper
- A Reliable, Scalable Distributed Coordination System</a>
<p>An article by Todd Hoff (07/15/2008)</p>
<a href="recipes.html">ZooKeeper Recipes</a>
<p>Pseudo-level discussion of the implementation of various
synchronization solutions with ZooKeeper: Event Handles, Queues,
Locks, and Two-phase Commits.</p>
<p>Any other good sources anyone can think of...</p>
<p align="right">
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