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<h1>Streaming with BookKeeper</h1>
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<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#bk_StreamSummary">Summary</a>
<a href="#bk_LedgerOutputStream">Writing a stream of bytes</a>
<a href="#bk_LedgerInputStream">Reading a stream of bytes</a>
<a name="N10009"></a><a name="bk_StreamSummary"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Summary</h2>
<div class="section">
When using the BookKeeper API, an application has to split the data to write into entries, each
entry being a byte array. This is natural for many applications. For example, when using BookKeeper
for write-ahead logging, an application typically wants to write the modifications corresponding
to a command or a transaction. Some other applications, however, might not have a natural boundary
for entries, and may prefer to write and read streams of bytes. This is exactly the purpose of the
stream API we have implemented on top of BookKeeper.
The stream API is implemented in the package <span class="codefrag computeroutput">Streaming</span>, and it contains two main classes: <span class="codefrag computeroutput">LedgerOutputStream</span> and
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">LedgerInputStream</span>. The class names are indicative of what they do.
<a name="N10022"></a><a name="bk_LedgerOutputStream"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Writing a stream of bytes</h2>
<div class="section">
Class <span class="codefrag computeroutput">LedgerOutputStream</span> implements two constructors and five public methods:
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public LedgerOutputStream(LedgerHandle lh)
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">lh</span> is a ledger handle for a previously created and open ledger.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public LedgerOutputStream(LedgerHandle lh, int size)
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">lh</span> is a ledger handle for a previously created and open ledger.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">size</span> is the size of the byte buffer to store written bytes before flushing.
<strong>Closing a stream.</strong> This call closes the stream by flushing the write buffer.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public void close()
which has no parameters.
<strong>Flushing a stream.</strong> This call essentially flushes the write buffer.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized void flush()
which has no parameters.
<strong>Writing bytes.</strong> There are three calls for writing bytes to a stream.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized void write(byte[] b)
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span> is an array of bytes to write.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized void write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span> is an array of bytes to write.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">off</span> is a buffer offset.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">len</span> is the length to write.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized void write(int b)
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span> contains a byte to write. The method writes the least significant byte of the integer four bytes.
<a name="N100E7"></a><a name="bk_LedgerInputStream"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Reading a stream of bytes</h2>
<div class="section">
Class <span class="codefrag computeroutput">LedgerOutputStream</span> implements two constructors and four public methods:
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public LedgerInputStream(LedgerHandle lh)
throws BKException, InterruptedException
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">lh</span> is a ledger handle for a previously created and open ledger.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public LedgerInputStream(LedgerHandle lh, int size)
throws BKException, InterruptedException
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">lh</span> is a ledger handle for a previously created and open ledger.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">size</span> is the size of the byte buffer to store bytes that the application
will eventually read.
<strong>Closing.</strong> There is one call to close an input stream, but the call
is currently empty and the application is responsible for closing the ledger handle.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public void close()
which has no parameters.
<strong>Reading.</strong> There are three calls to read from the stream.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized int read()
throws IOException
which has no parameters.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized int read(byte[] b)
throws IOException
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span> is a byte array to write to.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
public synchronized int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
throws IOException
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span> is a byte array to write to.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">off</span> is an offset for byte array <span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span>.
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">len</span> is the length in bytes to write to <span class="codefrag computeroutput">b</span>.
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