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<h1>BookKeeper Getting Started Guide</h1>
<div id="front-matter">
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<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#bk_GettingStarted">Getting Started: Setting up BookKeeper to write logs.</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#bk_Prerequisites">Pre-requisites</a>
<a href="#bk_Download">Download</a>
<a href="#bk_localBK">LocalBookKeeper</a>
<a href="#bk_setupBookies">Setting up bookies</a>
<a href="#bk_setupZK">Setting up ZooKeeper</a>
<a href="#bk_example">Example</a>
<a name="bk_GettingStarted"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Getting Started: Setting up BookKeeper to write logs.</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>This document contains information to get you started quickly with
BookKeeper. It is aimed primarily at developers willing to try it out, and
contains simple installation instructions for a simple BookKeeper installation
and a simple programming example. For further programming detail, please refer to
<a href="bookkeeperProgrammer.html">BookKeeper Programmer's Guide</a>.
<a name="bk_Prerequisites"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Pre-requisites</h3>
<p>See <a href="bookkeeperConfig.html#bk_sysReq">
System Requirements</a> in the Admin guide.</p>
<a name="bk_Download"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Download</h3>
<p> BookKeeper is distributed along with ZooKeeper. To get a ZooKeeper distribution,
download a recent
<a href="">
stable</a> release from one of the Apache Download
<a name="bk_localBK"></a>
<h3 class="h4">LocalBookKeeper</h3>
<p> Under org.apache.bookkeeper.util, you'll find a java program
called that sets you up to run BookKeeper on a
single machine. This is far from ideal from a performance perspective,
but the program is useful for both test and educational purposes.
<a name="bk_setupBookies"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Setting up bookies</h3>
<p> If you're bold and you want more than just running things locally, then
you'll need to run bookies in different servers. You'll need at least three bookies
to start with.
For each bookie, we need to execute a command like the following:
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
java -cp .:./zookeeper-&lt;version&gt;-bookkeeper.jar:./zookeeper-&lt;version&gt;.jar\
org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookieServer 3181 /path_to_log_device/\
<p> "/path_to_log_device/" and "/path_to_ledger_device/" are different paths. Also, port 3181
is the port that a bookie listens on for connection requests from clients. is the hostname:port
for the ZooKeeper server. In this example, the standalone ZooKeeper server is running locally on port 2181.
If we had multiple ZooKeeper servers, this parameter would be a comma separated list of all the hostname:port
values corresponding to them.
<a name="bk_setupZK"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Setting up ZooKeeper</h3>
<p> ZooKeeper stores metadata on behalf of BookKeeper clients and bookies. To get a minimal
ZooKeeper installation to work with BookKeeper, we can set up one server running in
standalone mode. Once we have the server running, we need to create a few znodes:
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">
<p> For each bookie, we add one znode such that the name of the znode is the
concatenation of the machine name and the port number that the bookie is
listening on. For example, if a bookie is running on an is listening
on port 3181, we add a znode
<span class="codefrag computeroutput">/ledgers/available/</span>.
<a name="bk_example"></a>
<h3 class="h4">Example</h3>
In the following excerpt of code, we:
Create a ledger;
Write to the ledger;
Close the ledger;
Open the same ledger for reading;
Read from the ledger;
Close the ledger again;
<pre class="code">
LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(ledgerPassword);
ledgerId = lh.getId();
ByteBuffer entry = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
for(int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++){
lh = bkc.openLedger(ledgerId, ledgerPassword);
Enumeration&lt;LedgerEntry&gt; ls = lh.readEntries(0, 9);
int i = 0;
ByteBuffer origbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(
Integer origEntry = origbb.getInt();
ByteBuffer result = ByteBuffer.wrap(
Integer retrEntry = result.getInt();
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