blob: 5420ef0629dd0e0da5317eabefc92fd31f4a4ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
This java file is copyright by Daniele Piras ("danielepiras80", no email known) released under the Apache Software License 2.0
It has been downloaded in december 2009 from the CVS web interface of the sourceforge project . The web interface to CVS is not available anymore on sourceforge.
The icons in src/main/resources/icons are taken from the Tango project
downloaded from on 2011-09-06.
The Tango project is public domain.
Distribution packagers should not include the icons in the package but rather depend on tango-icon-theme (Debian package name). ZooInspector will then try to get the icons from /usr/share/icons/Tango rather then from its jar file.