blob: 5e080b64c7d71c1c5087a10363acd391dd6a51c4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Net::ZooKeeper - Perl extension for Apache ZooKeeper
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use File::Spec;
use Test::More tests => 107;
BEGIN { use_ok('Net::ZooKeeper', qw(:all)) };
my $test_dir;
(undef, $test_dir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
require File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, '');
my($hosts, $root_path, $node_path) = zk_test_setup(1);
## new()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::new\(package, hosts, \.\.\.\)/,
'new(): no hostname specified');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper->new($hosts, 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'new(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper->new($hosts, 'session_timeout' => -3);
like($@, qr/invalid session timeout/,
'new(): invalid session timeout');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper->new($hosts, 'session_timeout' => 0x4000_0000);
like($@, qr/invalid session timeout/,
'new(): invalid session timeout');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper->new($hosts, 'session_id' => 'abcdef');
like($@, qr/invalid session ID/,
'new(): invalid session ID');
my $zkh = Net::ZooKeeper->new($hosts);
isa_ok($zkh, 'Net::ZooKeeper',
'new(): created handle');
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::DESTROY\(zkh\)/,
'DESTROY(): too many arguments');
my $bad_zkh = {};
$bad_zkh = bless($bad_zkh, 'Net::ZooKeeper');
my $ret = $bad_zkh->DESTROY();
'DESTROY(): no action on invalid handle');
## add_auth()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::add_auth\(zkh, scheme, cert\)/,
'add_auth(): no scheme specified');
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::add_auth\(zkh, scheme, cert\)/,
'add_auth(): no certificate specified');
eval {
$zkh->add_auth('foo', 'foo', 'bar');
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::add_auth\(zkh, scheme, cert\)/,
'add_auth(): too many arguments');
eval {
$bad_zkh->add_auth('foo', 'foo');
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'add_auth(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::add_auth(1, 'foo', 'foo');
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'add_auth(): invalid hash reference');
## create()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::create\(zkh, path, buf, \.\.\.\)/,
'create(): no path specified');
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::create\(zkh, path, buf, \.\.\.\)/,
'create(): no data buffer specified');
eval {
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'create(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'path_read_len' => -3);
like($@, qr/invalid path read length/,
'create(): invalid path read length');
eval {
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'path_read_len' => 1);
like($@, qr/invalid path read length/,
'create(): invalid path read length');
eval {
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'flags' => 15);
like($@, qr/invalid create flags/,
'create(): invalid create flags');
eval {
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'flags' => ZOO_EPHEMERAL, 'acl', 'foo');
like($@, qr/invalid ACL array reference/,
'create(): invalid ACL array reference');
eval {
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', {});
like($@, qr/invalid ACL array reference/,
'create(): invalid ACL array reference to hash');
eval {
my @acl = ('foo', 'bar');
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', \@acl);
like($@, qr/invalid ACL entry hash reference/,
'create(): invalid ACL entry hash reference');
eval {
my @acl = ({ 'foo' => 'bar' });
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', \@acl);
like($@, qr/no ACL entry perms element/,
'create(): no ACL entry perms element');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => -1
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', \@acl);
like($@, qr/invalid ACL entry perms/,
'create(): invalid ACL entry perms');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => ZOO_PERM_ALL
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', \@acl);
like($@, qr/no ACL entry scheme element/,
'create(): no ACL entry scheme element');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => ZOO_PERM_ALL,
'scheme' => 'foo'
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', \@acl);
like($@, qr/no ACL entry id element/,
'create(): no ACL entry id element');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => ZOO_PERM_ALL,
'scheme' => 'foo',
'id' => 'bar'
$zkh->create($node_path, 'foo', 'acl', \@acl);
like($@, qr/invalid ACL entry hash reference/,
'create(): invalid second ACL entry hash reference');
eval {
$bad_zkh->create($node_path, 'foo');
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'create(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::create(1, $node_path, 'foo');
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'create(): invalid hash reference');
## delete()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::delete\(zkh, path, \.\.\.\)/,
'delete(): no path specified');
eval {
$zkh->delete($node_path, 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'delete(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->delete($node_path, 'version' => -3);
like($@, qr/invalid version requirement/,
'delete(): invalid version requirement');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'delete(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::delete(1, $node_path);
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'delete(): invalid hash reference');
## exists()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::exists\(zkh, path, \.\.\.\)/,
'exists(): no path specified');
eval {
$zkh->exists($node_path, 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'exists(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->exists($node_path, 'watch', 'bar');
like($@, qr/watch is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'exists(): invalid watch hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->exists($node_path, 'watch', []);
like($@, qr/watch is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'exists(): invalid watch hash reference to array');
eval {
$zkh->exists($node_path, 'stat', 'bar');
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'exists(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->exists($node_path, 'stat', []);
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'exists(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'exists(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::exists(1, $node_path);
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'exists(): invalid hash reference');
## get_children()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::get_children\(zkh, path, \.\.\.\)/,
'get_children(): no path specified');
eval {
$zkh->get_children($node_path, 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'get_children(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->get_children($node_path, 'watch', 'bar');
like($@, qr/watch is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'get_children(): invalid watch hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->get_children($node_path, 'watch', []);
like($@, qr/watch is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'get_children(): invalid watch ash reference to array');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'get_children(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::get_children(1, $node_path);
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'get_children(): invalid hash reference');
## get()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::get\(zkh, path, \.\.\.\)/,
'get(): no path specified');
eval {
$zkh->get($node_path, 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'get(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->get($node_path, 'data_read_len' => -3);
like($@, qr/invalid data read length/,
'get(): invalid data read length');
eval {
$zkh->get($node_path, 'data_read_len' => 10, 'watch', 'bar');
like($@, qr/watch is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'get(): invalid watch hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->get($node_path, 'watch', []);
like($@, qr/watch is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'get(): invalid watch hash reference to array');
eval {
$zkh->get($node_path, 'stat', 'bar');
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'get(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->get($node_path, 'stat', []);
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'get(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'get(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::get(1, $node_path);
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'get(): invalid hash reference');
## set()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set\(zkh, path, buf, \.\.\.\)/,
'set(): no path specified');
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set\(zkh, path, buf, \.\.\.\)/,
'set(): no data buffer specified');
eval {
$zkh->set($node_path, 'foo', 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'set(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->set($node_path, 'foo', 'version' => -3);
like($@, qr/invalid version requirement/,
'set(): invalid version requirement');
eval {
$zkh->set($node_path, 'foo', 'version', 0, 'stat', 'bar');
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'set(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->set($node_path, 'foo', 'stat', []);
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'set(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
$bad_zkh->set($node_path, 'foo');
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'set(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::set(1, $node_path, 'foo');
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'set(): invalid hash reference');
## get_acl()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::get_acl\(zkh, path, \.\.\.\)/,
'get_acl(): no path specified');
eval {
$zkh->get_acl($node_path, 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'get_acl(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->get_acl($node_path, 'stat', 'bar');
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'get_acl(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->get_acl($node_path, 'stat', []);
like($@, qr/stat is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Stat/,
'get_acl(): invalid stat hash reference');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'get_acl(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::get_acl(1, $node_path);
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'get_acl(): invalid hash reference');
## set_acl()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set_acl\(zkh, path, acl_arr, \.\.\.\)/,
'set_acl(): no path specified');
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set_acl\(zkh, path, acl_arr, \.\.\.\)/,
'set_acl(): no data buffer specified');
eval {
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, 'foo');
like($@, qr/acl_arr is not an array reference/,
'set_acl(): invalid ACL array reference');
eval {
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, {});
like($@, qr/acl_arr is not an array reference/,
'set_acl(): invalid ACL array reference to hash');
eval {
my @acl = ('foo', 'bar');
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, \@acl);
like($@, qr/invalid ACL entry hash reference/,
'set_acl(): invalid ACL entry hash reference');
eval {
my @acl = ({ 'foo' => 'bar' });
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, \@acl);
like($@, qr/no ACL entry perms element/,
'set_acl(): no ACL entry perms element');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => -1
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, \@acl);
like($@, qr/invalid ACL entry perms/,
'set_acl(): invalid ACL entry perms');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => ZOO_PERM_ALL
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, \@acl);
like($@, qr/no ACL entry scheme element/,
'set_acl(): no ACL entry scheme element');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => ZOO_PERM_ALL,
'scheme' => 'foo'
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, \@acl);
like($@, qr/no ACL entry id element/,
'set_acl(): no ACL entry id element');
eval {
my @acl = (
'perms' => ZOO_PERM_ALL,
'scheme' => 'foo',
'id' => 'bar'
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, \@acl);
like($@, qr/invalid ACL entry hash reference/,
'set_acl(): invalid second ACL entry hash reference');
eval {
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, [], 'bar');
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'set_acl(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
$zkh->set_acl($node_path, [], 'version' => -3);
like($@, qr/invalid version requirement/,
'set_acl(): invalid version requirement');
eval {
$bad_zkh->set_acl($node_path, []);
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'set_acl(): invalid handle');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::set_acl(1, $node_path, []);
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'set_acl(): invalid hash reference');
## stat()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::stat\(zkh\)/,
'stat(): too many arguments');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'stat(): invalid handle');
eval {
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'stat(): invalid hash reference');
my $stat = $zkh->stat();
isa_ok($stat, 'Net::ZooKeeper::Stat',
'stat(): created stat handle');
## stat DESTROY()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::Stat::DESTROY\(zksh\)/,
'stat DESTROY(): too many arguments');
my $bad_stat = {};
$bad_stat = bless($bad_stat, 'Net::ZooKeeper::Stat');
$ret = $bad_stat->DESTROY();
'stat DESTROY(): no action on invalid handle');
## watch()
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'watch(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'watch(): invalid handle');
eval {
like($@, qr/zkh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper/,
'watch(): invalid hash reference');
my $watch = $zkh->watch();
isa_ok($watch, 'Net::ZooKeeper::Watch',
'watch(): created watch handle');
## watch DESTROY()
eval {
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::Watch::DESTROY\(zkwh\)/,
'watch DESTROY(): too many arguments');
my $bad_watch = {};
$bad_watch = bless($bad_watch, 'Net::ZooKeeper::Watch');
$ret = $bad_watch->DESTROY();
'watch DESTROY(): no action on invalid handle');
## wait()
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid number of arguments/,
'wait(): invalid number of arguments');
eval {
like($@, qr/invalid handle/,
'wait(): invalid watch handle');
eval {
like($@, qr/zkwh is not a hash reference of type Net::ZooKeeper::Watch/,
'wait(): invalid watch hash reference');
## set_log_level()
eval {
my $f = \&Net::ZooKeeper::set_log_level;
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set_log_level\(level\)/,
'set_log_level(): no level specified');
eval {
my $f = \&Net::ZooKeeper::set_log_level;
&$f(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_OFF, 'foo');
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set_log_level\(level\)/,
'set_log_level(): too many arguments');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::set_log_level((ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_OFF) - 1);
like($@, qr/invalid log level/,
'set_log_level(): invalid low log level');
eval {
Net::ZooKeeper::set_log_level((ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) + 1);
like($@, qr/invalid log level/,
'set_log_level(): invalid high log level');
## set_deterministic_conn_order()
eval {
my $f = \&Net::ZooKeeper::set_deterministic_conn_order;
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set_deterministic_conn_order\(flag\)/,
'set_deterministic_conn_order(): no flag specified');
eval {
my $f = \&Net::ZooKeeper::set_deterministic_conn_order;
&$f(1, 'foo');
like($@, qr/Usage: Net::ZooKeeper::set_deterministic_conn_order\(flag\)/,
'set_deterministic_conn_order(): too many arguments');