blob: 9776f74ca907b54cd3953d518ff67fdb9250a162 [file] [log] [blame]
README file for Packaging Notes
ant (recommended version 1.9.4 or later for concurrent JUnit test execution)
gcc, cppunit and python-setuptools are required to build
C and python bindings.
On RHEL machine:
yum install cppunit
yum install python-setuptools
On Ubuntu:
apt-get --install cppunit
apt-get --install python-setuptools
Package build command
The ZooKeeper project publishes releases as tarballs. For ZooKeeper packages
specific to your OS (such as rpm and deb), consider using Apache Bigtop:
Command to build tarball package: ant tar
zookeeper-<version>.tar.gz tarball file structure layout
/bin - User executable
/sbin - System executable
/libexec - Configuration boot trap script
/lib - Library dependencies
/docs - Documents
/share/zookeeper - Project files
Command to build tarball package with native components: ant package-native tar
zookeeper-<version>-lib.tar.gz tarball file structure layout
/bin - User executable
/lib - Native libraries
/include/zookeeper - Native library headers