blob: 7bb7c42410a007a0d7508a1b7373bdca385995be [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zookeeper.server.admin;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Environment;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Environment.Entry;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Version;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.DataTree;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerCnxnFactory;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerMetrics;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooTrace;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.SnapshotInfo;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.Follower;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.FollowerZooKeeperServer;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.Leader;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.LeaderZooKeeperServer;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.MultipleAddresses;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer.LearnerType;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumZooKeeperServer;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.flexible.QuorumVerifier;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.util.ZxidUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Class containing static methods for registering and running Commands, as well
* as default Command definitions.
* @see Command
* @see JettyAdminServer
public class Commands {
static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Commands.class);
/** Maps command names to Command instances */
private static Map<String, Command> commands = new HashMap<String, Command>();
private static Set<String> primaryNames = new HashSet<String>();
* Registers the given command. Registered commands can be run by passing
* any of their names to runCommand.
public static void registerCommand(Command command) {
for (String name : command.getNames()) {
Command prev = commands.put(name, command);
if (prev != null) {
LOG.warn("Re-registering command {} (primary name = {})", name, command.getPrimaryName());
* Run the registered command with name cmdName. Commands should not produce
* any exceptions; any (anticipated) errors should be reported in the
* "error" entry of the returned map. Likewise, if no command with the given
* name is registered, this will be noted in the "error" entry.
* @param cmdName
* @param zkServer
* @param kwargs String-valued keyword arguments to the command
* (may be null if command requires no additional arguments)
* @return Map representing response to command containing at minimum:
* - "command" key containing the command's primary name
* - "error" key containing a String error message or null if no error
public static CommandResponse runCommand(
String cmdName,
ZooKeeperServer zkServer,
Map<String, String> kwargs) {
Command command = getCommand(cmdName);
if (command == null) {
return new CommandResponse(cmdName, "Unknown command: " + cmdName);
if (command.isServerRequired() && (zkServer == null || !zkServer.isRunning())) {
return new CommandResponse(cmdName, "This ZooKeeper instance is not currently serving requests");
return, kwargs);
* Returns the primary names of all registered commands.
public static Set<String> getPrimaryNames() {
return primaryNames;
* Returns the commands registered under cmdName with registerCommand, or
* null if no command is registered with that name.
public static Command getCommand(String cmdName) {
return commands.get(cmdName);
static {
registerCommand(new CnxnStatResetCommand());
registerCommand(new ConfCommand());
registerCommand(new ConsCommand());
registerCommand(new DigestCommand());
registerCommand(new DirsCommand());
registerCommand(new DumpCommand());
registerCommand(new EnvCommand());
registerCommand(new GetTraceMaskCommand());
registerCommand(new InitialConfigurationCommand());
registerCommand(new IsroCommand());
registerCommand(new LastSnapshotCommand());
registerCommand(new LeaderCommand());
registerCommand(new MonitorCommand());
registerCommand(new ObserverCnxnStatResetCommand());
registerCommand(new RuokCommand());
registerCommand(new SetTraceMaskCommand());
registerCommand(new SrvrCommand());
registerCommand(new StatCommand());
registerCommand(new StatResetCommand());
registerCommand(new SyncedObserverConsCommand());
registerCommand(new SystemPropertiesCommand());
registerCommand(new VotingViewCommand());
registerCommand(new WatchCommand());
registerCommand(new WatchesByPathCommand());
registerCommand(new WatchSummaryCommand());
registerCommand(new ZabStateCommand());
* Reset all connection statistics.
public static class CnxnStatResetCommand extends CommandBase {
public CnxnStatResetCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("connection_stat_reset", "crst"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
return response;
* Server configuration parameters.
* @see ZooKeeperServer#getConf()
public static class ConfCommand extends CommandBase {
public ConfCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("configuration", "conf", "config"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
return response;
* Information on client connections to server. Returned Map contains:
* - "connections": list of connection info objects
* @see org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerCnxn#getConnectionInfo(boolean)
public static class ConsCommand extends CommandBase {
public ConsCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("connections", "cons"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
ServerCnxnFactory serverCnxnFactory = zkServer.getServerCnxnFactory();
if (serverCnxnFactory != null) {
response.put("connections", serverCnxnFactory.getAllConnectionInfo(false));
} else {
response.put("connections", Collections.emptyList());
ServerCnxnFactory secureServerCnxnFactory = zkServer.getSecureServerCnxnFactory();
if (secureServerCnxnFactory != null) {
response.put("secure_connections", secureServerCnxnFactory.getAllConnectionInfo(false));
} else {
response.put("secure_connections", Collections.emptyList());
return response;
* Information on ZK datadir and snapdir size in bytes
public static class DirsCommand extends CommandBase {
public DirsCommand() {
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("datadir_size", zkServer.getDataDirSize());
response.put("logdir_size", zkServer.getLogDirSize());
return response;
* Information on session expirations and ephemerals. Returned map contains:
* - "expiry_time_to_session_ids": Map&lt;Long, Set&lt;Long&gt;&gt;
* time -&gt; sessions IDs of sessions that expire at time
* - "session_id_to_ephemeral_paths": Map&lt;Long, Set&lt;String&gt;&gt;
* session ID -&gt; ephemeral paths created by that session
* @see ZooKeeperServer#getSessionExpiryMap()
* @see ZooKeeperServer#getEphemerals()
public static class DumpCommand extends CommandBase {
public DumpCommand() {
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("expiry_time_to_session_ids", zkServer.getSessionExpiryMap());
response.put("session_id_to_ephemeral_paths", zkServer.getEphemerals());
return response;
* All defined environment variables.
public static class EnvCommand extends CommandBase {
public EnvCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("environment", "env", "envi"), false);
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
for (Entry e : Environment.list()) {
response.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return response;
* Digest histories for every specific number of txns.
public static class DigestCommand extends CommandBase {
public DigestCommand() {
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("digests", zkServer.getZKDatabase().getDataTree().getDigestLog());
return response;
* The current trace mask. Returned map contains:
* - "tracemask": Long
public static class GetTraceMaskCommand extends CommandBase {
public GetTraceMaskCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("get_trace_mask", "gtmk"), false);
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("tracemask", ZooTrace.getTextTraceLevel());
return response;
public static class InitialConfigurationCommand extends CommandBase {
public InitialConfigurationCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("initial_configuration", "icfg"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("initial_configuration", zkServer.getInitialConfig());
return response;
* Is this server in read-only mode. Returned map contains:
* - "is_read_only": Boolean
public static class IsroCommand extends CommandBase {
public IsroCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("is_read_only", "isro"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("read_only", zkServer instanceof ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer);
return response;
* Command returns information of the last snapshot that zookeeper server
* has finished saving to disk. During the time between the server starts up
* and it finishes saving its first snapshot, the command returns the zxid
* and last modified time of the snapshot file used for restoration at
* server startup. Returned map contains:
* - "zxid": String
* - "timestamp": Long
public static class LastSnapshotCommand extends CommandBase {
public LastSnapshotCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("last_snapshot", "lsnp"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
SnapshotInfo info = zkServer.getTxnLogFactory().getLastSnapshotInfo();
response.put("zxid", Long.toHexString(info == null ? -1L : info.zxid));
response.put("timestamp", info == null ? -1L : info.timestamp);
return response;
* Returns the leader status of this instance and the leader host string.
public static class LeaderCommand extends CommandBase {
public LeaderCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("leader", "lead"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
if (zkServer instanceof QuorumZooKeeperServer) {
response.put("is_leader", zkServer instanceof LeaderZooKeeperServer);
QuorumPeer peer = ((QuorumZooKeeperServer) zkServer).self;
response.put("leader_id", peer.getLeaderId());
String leaderAddress = peer.getLeaderAddress();
response.put("leader_ip", leaderAddress != null ? leaderAddress : "");
} else {
response.put("error", "server is not initialized");
return response;
* Some useful info for monitoring. Returned map contains:
* - "version": String
* server version
* - "avg_latency": Long
* - "max_latency": Long
* - "min_latency": Long
* - "packets_received": Long
* - "packets_sents": Long
* - "num_alive_connections": Integer
* - "outstanding_requests": Long
* number of unprocessed requests
* - "server_state": "leader", "follower", or "standalone"
* - "znode_count": Integer
* - "watch_count": Integer
* - "ephemerals_count": Integer
* - "approximate_data_size": Long
* - "open_file_descriptor_count": Long (unix only)
* - "max_file_descriptor_count": Long (unix only)
* - "fsync_threshold_exceed_count": Long
* - "followers": Integer (leader only)
* - "synced_followers": Integer (leader only)
* - "pending_syncs": Integer (leader only)
public static class MonitorCommand extends CommandBase {
public MonitorCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("monitor", "mntr"), false);
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
return response;
* Reset all observer connection statistics.
public static class ObserverCnxnStatResetCommand extends CommandBase {
public ObserverCnxnStatResetCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("observer_connection_stat_reset", "orst"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
if (zkServer instanceof LeaderZooKeeperServer) {
Leader leader = ((LeaderZooKeeperServer) zkServer).getLeader();
} else if (zkServer instanceof FollowerZooKeeperServer) {
Follower follower = ((FollowerZooKeeperServer) zkServer).getFollower();
return response;
* No-op command, check if the server is running
public static class RuokCommand extends CommandBase {
public RuokCommand() {
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
return initializeResponse();
* Sets the trace mask. Required arguments:
* - "traceMask": Long
* Returned Map contains:
* - "tracemask": Long
public static class SetTraceMaskCommand extends CommandBase {
public SetTraceMaskCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("set_trace_mask", "stmk"), false);
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
long traceMask;
if (!kwargs.containsKey("traceMask")) {
response.put("error", "setTraceMask requires long traceMask argument");
return response;
try {
traceMask = Long.parseLong(kwargs.get("traceMask"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
response.put("error", "setTraceMask requires long traceMask argument, got " + kwargs.get("traceMask"));
return response;
response.put("tracemask", traceMask);
return response;
* Server information. Returned map contains:
* - "version": String
* version of server
* - "read_only": Boolean
* is server in read-only mode
* - "server_stats": ServerStats object
* - "node_count": Integer
public static class SrvrCommand extends CommandBase {
public SrvrCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("server_stats", "srvr"));
// Allow subclasses (e.g. StatCommand) to specify their own names
protected SrvrCommand(List<String> names) {
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();"running stat");
response.put("version", Version.getFullVersion());
response.put("read_only", zkServer instanceof ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer);
response.put("server_stats", zkServer.serverStats());
response.put("client_response", zkServer.serverStats().getClientResponseStats());
if (zkServer instanceof LeaderZooKeeperServer) {
Leader leader = ((LeaderZooKeeperServer) zkServer).getLeader();
response.put("proposal_stats", leader.getProposalStats());
response.put("node_count", zkServer.getZKDatabase().getNodeCount());
return response;
* Same as SrvrCommand but has extra "connections" entry.
public static class StatCommand extends SrvrCommand {
public StatCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("stats", "stat"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response =, kwargs);
final Iterable<Map<String, Object>> connections;
if (zkServer.getServerCnxnFactory() != null) {
connections = zkServer.getServerCnxnFactory().getAllConnectionInfo(true);
} else {
connections = Collections.emptyList();
response.put("connections", connections);
final Iterable<Map<String, Object>> secureConnections;
if (zkServer.getSecureServerCnxnFactory() != null) {
secureConnections = zkServer.getSecureServerCnxnFactory().getAllConnectionInfo(true);
} else {
secureConnections = Collections.emptyList();
response.put("secure_connections", secureConnections);
return response;
* Resets server statistics.
public static class StatResetCommand extends CommandBase {
public StatResetCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("stat_reset", "srst"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
return response;
* Information on observer connections to server. Returned Map contains:
* - "synced_observers": Integer (leader/follower only)
* - "observers": list of observer learner handler info objects (leader/follower only)
* @see org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.LearnerHandler#getLearnerHandlerInfo()
public static class SyncedObserverConsCommand extends CommandBase {
public SyncedObserverConsCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("observers", "obsr"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
if (zkServer instanceof LeaderZooKeeperServer) {
Leader leader = ((LeaderZooKeeperServer) zkServer).getLeader();
response.put("synced_observers", leader.getObservingLearners().size());
response.put("observers", leader.getObservingLearnersInfo());
return response;
} else if (zkServer instanceof FollowerZooKeeperServer) {
Follower follower = ((FollowerZooKeeperServer) zkServer).getFollower();
Integer syncedObservers = follower.getSyncedObserverSize();
if (syncedObservers != null) {
response.put("synced_observers", syncedObservers);
response.put("observers", follower.getSyncedObserversInfo());
return response;
response.put("synced_observers", 0);
response.put("observers", Collections.emptySet());
return response;
* All defined system properties.
public static class SystemPropertiesCommand extends CommandBase {
public SystemPropertiesCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("system_properties", "sysp"), false);
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();
SortedMap<String, String> sortedSystemProperties = new TreeMap<>();
systemProperties.forEach((k, v) -> sortedSystemProperties.put(k.toString(), v.toString()));
return response;
* Returns the current ensemble configuration information.
* It provides list of current voting members in the ensemble.
public static class VotingViewCommand extends CommandBase {
public VotingViewCommand() {
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
if (zkServer instanceof QuorumZooKeeperServer) {
QuorumPeer peer = ((QuorumZooKeeperServer) zkServer).self;
Map<Long, QuorumServerView> votingView = peer.getVotingView().entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> new QuorumServerView(e.getValue())));
response.put("current_config", votingView);
} else {
response.put("current_config", Collections.emptyMap());
return response;
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "URF_UNREAD_FIELD", justification = "class is used only for JSON serialization")
private static class QuorumServerView {
private List<String> serverAddresses;
private List<String> electionAddresses;
private String clientAddress;
private String learnerType;
public QuorumServerView(QuorumPeer.QuorumServer quorumServer) {
this.serverAddresses = getMultiAddressString(quorumServer.addr);
this.electionAddresses = getMultiAddressString(quorumServer.electionAddr);
this.learnerType = quorumServer.type.equals(LearnerType.PARTICIPANT) ? "participant" : "observer";
this.clientAddress = getAddressString(quorumServer.clientAddr);
private static List<String> getMultiAddressString(MultipleAddresses multipleAddresses) {
if (multipleAddresses == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return multipleAddresses.getAllAddresses().stream()
private static String getAddressString(InetSocketAddress address) {
if (address == null) {
return "";
return String.format("%s:%d", QuorumPeer.QuorumServer.delimitedHostString(address), address.getPort());
* Watch information aggregated by session. Returned Map contains:
* - "session_id_to_watched_paths": Map&lt;Long, Set&lt;String&gt;&gt; session ID -&gt; watched paths
* @see DataTree#getWatches()
* @see DataTree#getWatches()
public static class WatchCommand extends CommandBase {
public WatchCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("watches", "wchc"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
DataTree dt = zkServer.getZKDatabase().getDataTree();
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("session_id_to_watched_paths", dt.getWatches().toMap());
return response;
* Watch information aggregated by path. Returned Map contains:
* - "path_to_session_ids": Map&lt;String, Set&lt;Long&gt;&gt; path -&gt; session IDs of sessions watching path
* @see DataTree#getWatchesByPath()
public static class WatchesByPathCommand extends CommandBase {
public WatchesByPathCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("watches_by_path", "wchp"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
DataTree dt = zkServer.getZKDatabase().getDataTree();
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
response.put("path_to_session_ids", dt.getWatchesByPath().toMap());
return response;
* Summarized watch information.
* @see DataTree#getWatchesSummary()
public static class WatchSummaryCommand extends CommandBase {
public WatchSummaryCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("watch_summary", "wchs"));
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
DataTree dt = zkServer.getZKDatabase().getDataTree();
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
return response;
* Returns the current phase of Zab protocol that peer is running.
public static class ZabStateCommand extends CommandBase {
public ZabStateCommand() {
super(Arrays.asList("zabstate"), false);
public CommandResponse run(ZooKeeperServer zkServer, Map<String, String> kwargs) {
CommandResponse response = initializeResponse();
if (zkServer instanceof QuorumZooKeeperServer) {
QuorumPeer peer = ((QuorumZooKeeperServer) zkServer).self;
QuorumPeer.ZabState zabState = peer.getZabState();
QuorumVerifier qv = peer.getQuorumVerifier();
QuorumPeer.QuorumServer voter = qv.getVotingMembers().get(peer.getId());
boolean voting = (
voter != null
&& voter.addr.equals(peer.getQuorumAddress())
&& voter.electionAddr.equals(peer.getElectionAddress())
response.put("myid", zkServer.getConf().getServerId());
response.put("is_leader", zkServer instanceof LeaderZooKeeperServer);
response.put("quorum_address", peer.getQuorumAddress());
response.put("election_address", peer.getElectionAddress());
response.put("client_address", peer.getClientAddress());
response.put("voting", voting);
long lastProcessedZxid = zkServer.getZKDatabase().getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid();
response.put("last_zxid", "0x" + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(lastProcessedZxid));
response.put("zab_epoch", ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(lastProcessedZxid));
response.put("zab_counter", ZxidUtils.getCounterFromZxid(lastProcessedZxid));
} else {
response.put("voting", false);
response.put("zabstate", "");
return response;
private Commands() {