change line endings

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/ b/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
index 438aef7..82eea9a 100644
--- a/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
@@ -1,282 +1,282 @@
-/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */


-package compile.scomp.detailed;


-import compile.scomp.common.CompileCommon;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Iterator;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;



-public class DetailedCompTests {

-    /**

-     * This test requires laxDoc.xsd to be compiled and

-     * on the classpath ahead of time, otherwise documentation

-     * element processing would not occur

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testLaxDocProcessing() throws Exception {

-        QName q = new QName("urn:lax.Doc.Compilation", "ItemRequest");

-        ArrayList err = new ArrayList();

-        XmlOptions xm_opt = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(err);

-        xm_opt.setSavePrettyPrint();


-        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(

-                new File(CompileCommon.fileLocation+"/detailed/laxDoc.xsd"));

-        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{xObj};



-        // ensure exception is thrown when

-        // xmloptions flag is not set

-        boolean valDocEx = false;

-        try{

-            SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null, null,

-                schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, xm_opt);

-            assertNotNull("STS was null", sts);

-        }catch(XmlException xmlEx){

-            valDocEx = true;

-            System.err.println("Expected Error: "+xmlEx.getMessage());

-        } catch(Exception e){

-            throw e;

-        }


-        //check exception was thrown

-        if(!valDocEx)

-            throw new Exception("Documentation processing " +

-                    "should have thrown and error");

-        // validate error code

-        valDocEx = false;

-        for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-            XmlError xErr = (XmlError);

-            //System.out.println("ERROR: '"+ xErr+"'");

-            //any one of these are possible

-            if(xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.4") == 0 ||

-                    xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.2.3") == 0 ||

-                    xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.2.4c") == 0)

-                valDocEx = true;

-        }


-        if (!valDocEx)

-            throw new Exception("Expected Error code did not validate");


-        //reset errors

-        err.clear();


-        //ensure no exception when error

-        xm_opt = xm_opt.setCompileNoValidation();

-        try {

-            SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null, null,

-                    schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null,

-                    xm_opt);


-            if(!err.isEmpty())

-                throw new Exception("Error listener should be empty");


-            for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-                System.out.println(;

-            }


-            SchemaGlobalElement sge = sts.findElement(q);

-            System.out.println("QName: " + sge.getName());

-            System.out.println("Type: " + sge.getType());



-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            throw e;

-        }


-    }


-    private static final String schema_begin = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=\"\">\n";

-    private static final String root_decl    = "<xs:element name=\"root\">\n  <xs:complexType>\n";

-    private static final String att_decl     = "    <xs:attribute name=\"att\" type=\"simpleNotType\"/>\n";

-    private static final String root_end     = "  </xs:complexType>\n</xs:element>\n";

-    private static final String schema_end   = "</xs:schema>\n";


-    private static final String notation1    = "    <xs:attribute name=\"att\" type=\"xs:NOTATION\"/>\n";

-    private static final String notation2    = "<xs:simpleType name=\"simpleNotType\">\n" +

-                                               "  <xs:restriction base=\"xs:NOTATION\">\n" +

-                                               "    <xs:pattern value=\"ns:.*\"/>\n" +

-                                               "  </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n";

-    private static final String notation3    = "    <xs:sequence>\n      " +

-                                               "<xs:element name=\"elem\" type=\"xs:ID\"/>\n" +

-                                               "    </xs:sequence>\n";

-    private static final String notation4    = " targetNamespace=\"scomp.detailed.CompilationTests\" " +

-                                               "xmlns=\"scomp.detailed.CompilationTests\">\n";

-    private static final String simpleTypeDef= "<xs:simpleType name=\"simpleNotType\">\n" +

-                                               "  <xs:restriction base=\"enumDef\">\n";

-    private static final String notation6    = "    <xs:pattern value=\"ns:.*\"/>\n";

-    private static final String notation5    = "    <xs:length value=\"6\"/>\n";

-    private static final String enumDef      = "  </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n" +

-                                               "<xs:simpleType name=\"enumDef\">\n" +

-                                               "  <xs:restriction base=\"xs:NOTATION\" xmlns:ns=\"namespace.notation\">\n" +

-                                               "    <xs:enumeration value=\"ns:app1\"/>\n" +

-                                               "    <xs:enumeration value=\"ns:app2\"/>\n" +

-                                               "  </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n";


-    private static final String doc_begin    = "<root xmlns:ns=\"namespace.notation\" " +

-                                               "xmlns:app=\"namespace.notation\" att=\"";

-    private static final String doc_end      = "\"/>";

-    private static final String notation7    = "ns1:app1";

-    private static final String notation8    = "ns:app";

-    private static final String notation9    = "app:app1";

-    private static final String notation10   = "ns:app1";


-    /**

-     * This tests usage of the xs:NOTATION type

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testNotation() throws Exception

-    {

-        String schema;

-        String xml;

-        SchemaTypeSystem typeSystem;

-        XmlObject[] parsedSchema = new XmlObject[1];

-        XmlObject parsedDoc;

-        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions();

-        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();

-        opts.setErrorListener(errors);

-        opts.setCompilePartialTypesystem();


-        // 1. Negative test - Error if xs:NOTATION used directly

-        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + notation1 + root_end + schema_end;

-//        System.out.println(schema);

-        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);

-        errors.clear();

-        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected error: NOTATION type cannot be used directly", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected error: NOTATION type cannot be used directly",

-            XmlErrorCodes.ATTR_NOTATION_TYPE_FORBIDDEN, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());


-        // 2. Negative test - Error if xs:NOTATION restricted without enumeration

-        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + notation2 + schema_end;

-//        System.out.println(schema);

-        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);

-        errors.clear();

-        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected error: restriction of NOTATION must use enumeration facet", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected error: restriction of NOTATION must use enumeration facet",

-            XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_ENUM_NOTATION, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());


-        // 3. Warning if xs:NOTATION used as type of an element

-        final String correctTypes = simpleTypeDef + notation6 + enumDef;

-        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + notation3 + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;

-//        System.out.println(schema);

-        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);

-        errors.clear();

-        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used on elements", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used on elements",

-            XmlErrorCodes.ELEM_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());


-        // 4. Warning if xs:NOTATION is used in a Schema with target namespace

-        schema = schema_begin.substring(0, schema_begin.length() - 2) + notation4 + root_decl +

-            att_decl + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;

-//        System.out.println(schema);

-        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);

-        errors.clear();

-        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used in a Schema with target namespace", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used in a Schema with target namespace",

-            XmlErrorCodes.ATTR_COMPATIBILITY_TARGETNS, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());


-        // 5. Warning - Deprecation of minLength, maxLength and length facets

-        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + simpleTypeDef + notation5 +

-            enumDef + schema_end;

-//        System.out.println(schema);

-        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);

-        errors.clear();

-        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected warning: length facet cannot be used on a type derived from NOTATION", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected warning: length facet cannot be used on a type derived from NOTATION",

-            XmlErrorCodes.FACETS_DEPRECATED_NOTATION, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());


-        // 6. Positive test - Test restriction via enumeration, then same as 2

-        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;

-//        System.out.println(schema);

-        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);

-        errors.clear();

-        typeSystem = XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected no errors or warnings", errors.size() == 0);

-        SchemaType docType = typeSystem.findDocumentType(new QName("", "root"));

-        SchemaType type = docType.getElementProperty(new QName("", "root")).getType().

-            getAttributeProperty(new QName("", "att")).getType();

-        assertEquals(type.getPrimitiveType().getBuiltinTypeCode(), SchemaType.BTC_NOTATION);


-        SchemaTypeLoader loader = XmlBeans.typeLoaderUnion(new SchemaTypeLoader[] {typeSystem,

-            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem()});


-        // 7. Validation negative - Test error if QName has bad prefix

-        xml = doc_begin + notation7 + doc_end;

-        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);

-        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());

-        errors.clear();

-        parsedDoc.validate(opts);

-        // Both "prefix not found" and "pattern doesn't match" errors

-        assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 2);

-        // Unfortunately, can't get the error code because it is logged via an intermediate exception

-        assertTrue("Expected prefix not found error", ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getMessage().

-            indexOf("Invalid QName") >= 0);

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());

-//        System.out.println(xml);


-        // 8. Validation negative - Test error if QName has correct prefix but not in enumeration

-        xml = doc_begin + notation8 + doc_end;

-        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);

-        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());

-        errors.clear();

-        parsedDoc.validate(opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected prefix not found error", XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_ENUM_VALID,

-            ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());

-//        System.out.println(xml);


-        // 9. Validation negative - Test error if QName doesn't match the extra facet

-        xml = doc_begin + notation9 + doc_end;

-        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);

-        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());

-        errors.clear();

-        parsedDoc.validate(opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 1);

-        assertEquals("Expected prefix not found error", XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_VALID$PATTERN_VALID,

-            ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());

-        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());

-//        System.out.println(xml);


-        // 10. Validation positive - Test that validation can be performed correctly

-        xml = doc_begin + notation10 + doc_end;

-        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);

-        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());

-        errors.clear();

-        parsedDoc.validate(opts);

-        assertTrue("Expected no validation errors", errors.size() == 0);

-//        System.out.println(xml);

-    }


+/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package compile.scomp.detailed;
+import compile.scomp.common.CompileCommon;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class DetailedCompTests {
+    /**
+     * This test requires laxDoc.xsd to be compiled and
+     * on the classpath ahead of time, otherwise documentation
+     * element processing would not occur
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testLaxDocProcessing() throws Exception {
+        QName q = new QName("urn:lax.Doc.Compilation", "ItemRequest");
+        ArrayList err = new ArrayList();
+        XmlOptions xm_opt = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(err);
+        xm_opt.setSavePrettyPrint();
+        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(
+                new File(CompileCommon.fileLocation+"/detailed/laxDoc.xsd"));
+        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{xObj};
+        // ensure exception is thrown when
+        // xmloptions flag is not set
+        boolean valDocEx = false;
+        try{
+            SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null, null,
+                schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, xm_opt);
+            assertNotNull("STS was null", sts);
+        }catch(XmlException xmlEx){
+            valDocEx = true;
+            System.err.println("Expected Error: "+xmlEx.getMessage());
+        } catch(Exception e){
+            throw e;
+        }
+        //check exception was thrown
+        if(!valDocEx)
+            throw new Exception("Documentation processing " +
+                    "should have thrown and error");
+        // validate error code
+        valDocEx = false;
+        for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+            XmlError xErr = (XmlError);
+            //System.out.println("ERROR: '"+ xErr+"'");
+            //any one of these are possible
+            if(xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.4") == 0 ||
+                    xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.2.3") == 0 ||
+                    xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.2.4c") == 0)
+                valDocEx = true;
+        }
+        if (!valDocEx)
+            throw new Exception("Expected Error code did not validate");
+        //reset errors
+        err.clear();
+        //ensure no exception when error
+        xm_opt = xm_opt.setCompileNoValidation();
+        try {
+            SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null, null,
+                    schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null,
+                    xm_opt);
+            if(!err.isEmpty())
+                throw new Exception("Error listener should be empty");
+            for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                System.out.println(;
+            }
+            SchemaGlobalElement sge = sts.findElement(q);
+            System.out.println("QName: " + sge.getName());
+            System.out.println("Type: " + sge.getType());
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            throw e;
+        }
+    }
+    private static final String schema_begin = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=\"\">\n";
+    private static final String root_decl    = "<xs:element name=\"root\">\n  <xs:complexType>\n";
+    private static final String att_decl     = "    <xs:attribute name=\"att\" type=\"simpleNotType\"/>\n";
+    private static final String root_end     = "  </xs:complexType>\n</xs:element>\n";
+    private static final String schema_end   = "</xs:schema>\n";
+    private static final String notation1    = "    <xs:attribute name=\"att\" type=\"xs:NOTATION\"/>\n";
+    private static final String notation2    = "<xs:simpleType name=\"simpleNotType\">\n" +
+                                               "  <xs:restriction base=\"xs:NOTATION\">\n" +
+                                               "    <xs:pattern value=\"ns:.*\"/>\n" +
+                                               "  </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n";
+    private static final String notation3    = "    <xs:sequence>\n      " +
+                                               "<xs:element name=\"elem\" type=\"xs:ID\"/>\n" +
+                                               "    </xs:sequence>\n";
+    private static final String notation4    = " targetNamespace=\"scomp.detailed.CompilationTests\" " +
+                                               "xmlns=\"scomp.detailed.CompilationTests\">\n";
+    private static final String simpleTypeDef= "<xs:simpleType name=\"simpleNotType\">\n" +
+                                               "  <xs:restriction base=\"enumDef\">\n";
+    private static final String notation6    = "    <xs:pattern value=\"ns:.*\"/>\n";
+    private static final String notation5    = "    <xs:length value=\"6\"/>\n";
+    private static final String enumDef      = "  </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n" +
+                                               "<xs:simpleType name=\"enumDef\">\n" +
+                                               "  <xs:restriction base=\"xs:NOTATION\" xmlns:ns=\"namespace.notation\">\n" +
+                                               "    <xs:enumeration value=\"ns:app1\"/>\n" +
+                                               "    <xs:enumeration value=\"ns:app2\"/>\n" +
+                                               "  </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n";
+    private static final String doc_begin    = "<root xmlns:ns=\"namespace.notation\" " +
+                                               "xmlns:app=\"namespace.notation\" att=\"";
+    private static final String doc_end      = "\"/>";
+    private static final String notation7    = "ns1:app1";
+    private static final String notation8    = "ns:app";
+    private static final String notation9    = "app:app1";
+    private static final String notation10   = "ns:app1";
+    /**
+     * This tests usage of the xs:NOTATION type
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testNotation() throws Exception
+    {
+        String schema;
+        String xml;
+        SchemaTypeSystem typeSystem;
+        XmlObject[] parsedSchema = new XmlObject[1];
+        XmlObject parsedDoc;
+        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions();
+        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
+        opts.setErrorListener(errors);
+        opts.setCompilePartialTypesystem();
+        // 1. Negative test - Error if xs:NOTATION used directly
+        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + notation1 + root_end + schema_end;
+//        System.out.println(schema);
+        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
+        errors.clear();
+        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected error: NOTATION type cannot be used directly", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected error: NOTATION type cannot be used directly",
+            XmlErrorCodes.ATTR_NOTATION_TYPE_FORBIDDEN, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+        // 2. Negative test - Error if xs:NOTATION restricted without enumeration
+        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + notation2 + schema_end;
+//        System.out.println(schema);
+        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
+        errors.clear();
+        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected error: restriction of NOTATION must use enumeration facet", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected error: restriction of NOTATION must use enumeration facet",
+            XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_ENUM_NOTATION, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+        // 3. Warning if xs:NOTATION used as type of an element
+        final String correctTypes = simpleTypeDef + notation6 + enumDef;
+        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + notation3 + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;
+//        System.out.println(schema);
+        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
+        errors.clear();
+        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used on elements", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used on elements",
+            XmlErrorCodes.ELEM_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+        // 4. Warning if xs:NOTATION is used in a Schema with target namespace
+        schema = schema_begin.substring(0, schema_begin.length() - 2) + notation4 + root_decl +
+            att_decl + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;
+//        System.out.println(schema);
+        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
+        errors.clear();
+        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used in a Schema with target namespace", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used in a Schema with target namespace",
+            XmlErrorCodes.ATTR_COMPATIBILITY_TARGETNS, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+        // 5. Warning - Deprecation of minLength, maxLength and length facets
+        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + simpleTypeDef + notation5 +
+            enumDef + schema_end;
+//        System.out.println(schema);
+        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
+        errors.clear();
+        XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected warning: length facet cannot be used on a type derived from NOTATION", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected warning: length facet cannot be used on a type derived from NOTATION",
+            XmlErrorCodes.FACETS_DEPRECATED_NOTATION, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+        // 6. Positive test - Test restriction via enumeration, then same as 2
+        schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;
+//        System.out.println(schema);
+        parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
+        errors.clear();
+        typeSystem = XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected no errors or warnings", errors.size() == 0);
+        SchemaType docType = typeSystem.findDocumentType(new QName("", "root"));
+        SchemaType type = docType.getElementProperty(new QName("", "root")).getType().
+            getAttributeProperty(new QName("", "att")).getType();
+        assertEquals(type.getPrimitiveType().getBuiltinTypeCode(), SchemaType.BTC_NOTATION);
+        SchemaTypeLoader loader = XmlBeans.typeLoaderUnion(new SchemaTypeLoader[] {typeSystem,
+            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem()});
+        // 7. Validation negative - Test error if QName has bad prefix
+        xml = doc_begin + notation7 + doc_end;
+        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
+        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
+        errors.clear();
+        parsedDoc.validate(opts);
+        // Both "prefix not found" and "pattern doesn't match" errors
+        assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 2);
+        // Unfortunately, can't get the error code because it is logged via an intermediate exception
+        assertTrue("Expected prefix not found error", ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getMessage().
+            indexOf("Invalid QName") >= 0);
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+//        System.out.println(xml);
+        // 8. Validation negative - Test error if QName has correct prefix but not in enumeration
+        xml = doc_begin + notation8 + doc_end;
+        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
+        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
+        errors.clear();
+        parsedDoc.validate(opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected prefix not found error", XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_ENUM_VALID,
+            ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+//        System.out.println(xml);
+        // 9. Validation negative - Test error if QName doesn't match the extra facet
+        xml = doc_begin + notation9 + doc_end;
+        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
+        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
+        errors.clear();
+        parsedDoc.validate(opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 1);
+        assertEquals("Expected prefix not found error", XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_VALID$PATTERN_VALID,
+            ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
+        assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
+//        System.out.println(xml);
+        // 10. Validation positive - Test that validation can be performed correctly
+        xml = doc_begin + notation10 + doc_end;
+        parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
+        assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
+        errors.clear();
+        parsedDoc.validate(opts);
+        assertTrue("Expected no validation errors", errors.size() == 0);
+//        System.out.println(xml);
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/ b/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
index b39a389..a20fe75 100644
--- a/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
-/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */

-package compile.scomp.detailed;


-import common.Common;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;

-import org.junit.Test;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import static;



- * This class contains tests that need to invoke the SchemaCompiler class which is

- * equivalent to using scomp from the command line and capture errors

- *

- * The tests need to be run with cmd line param that points to the test case root directory and xmlbeans root

- * ex: -Dcases.location=D:\svnnew\xmlbeans\trunk\test\cases -Dxbean.rootdir=D:\svnnew\xmlbeans\trunk

- */

-public class SchemaCompilerTests extends Common


-    public static String scompTestFilesRoot = XBEAN_CASE_ROOT + P + "compile" + P + "scomp" + P + "schemacompiler" + P;

-    public static String schemaCompOutputDirPath = OUTPUTROOT + P + "compile" + P + "scomp" + P;


-    private void _testCompile(File[] xsdFiles,

-                              String outputDirName,

-                              String testName)

-    {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));

-        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));

-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))

-        {

-            fail(testName + "(): failure when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testUnionRedefine()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "union_initial.xsd"),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "union_redefine.xsd") };

-        String outputDirName = "unionred";

-        String testname = "testUnionRedefine";

-        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);

-    }


-    /** This tests a bug where compilation of a schema redefining a type

-        involving an enumeration fails.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testEnumerationRedefine1()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum1.xsd_"),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum1_redefine.xsd_") };

-        String outputDirName = "enumRedef1";

-        String testname = "testEnumerationRedefine1";

-        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);

-    }


-    /** This tests a bug where compilation of a schema redefining a type

-        involving an enumeration fails.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testEnumerationRedefine2()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum2.xsd_"),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum2_redefine.xsd_") };

-        String outputDirName = "enumRedef2";

-        String testname = "testEnumerationRedefine2";

-        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);

-    }


-    /** This tests a bug where compilation of a schema redefining a type

-        involving an enumeration fails.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testEnumerationRedefine3()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum1.xsd_"),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum3.xsd_"),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum3_redefine.xsd_") };

-        String outputDirName = "enumRedef3";

-        String testname = "testEnumerationRedefine3";

-        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-205]:

-     * using static handlers for extension interfaces with same method names

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testExtensionHandlerMethodNameCollision()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsd_") };

-        File[] configFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsdconfig_") };

-        File[] javaFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + ""),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + ""),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + ""),

-                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + "")};

-        String outputDirName = "methodsColide_jira205";


-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);

-        params.setConfigFiles(configFiles);

-        params.setJavaFiles(javaFiles);

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));

-        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));


-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))

-        {

-            fail("testExtensionHandlerMethodNameCollision(): failure when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-278]:

-     * -noext flag for compilation

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void testNoExt()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsd_") };

-        File[] configFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsdconfig_") };

-        String outputDirName = "noExt";


-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);

-        params.setConfigFiles(configFiles);

-        // no java files, if noExt flag doesn't work should fail for not finding the java files  params.setJavaFiles(javaFiles);

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));

-        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));


-        // no extensions

-        params.setNoExt(true);


-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))

-        {

-            fail("testNoExt(): failure when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


+/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package compile.scomp.detailed;
+import common.Common;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static;
+ * This class contains tests that need to invoke the SchemaCompiler class which is
+ * equivalent to using scomp from the command line and capture errors
+ *
+ * The tests need to be run with cmd line param that points to the test case root directory and xmlbeans root
+ * ex: -Dcases.location=D:\svnnew\xmlbeans\trunk\test\cases -Dxbean.rootdir=D:\svnnew\xmlbeans\trunk
+ */
+public class SchemaCompilerTests extends Common
+    public static String scompTestFilesRoot = XBEAN_CASE_ROOT + P + "compile" + P + "scomp" + P + "schemacompiler" + P;
+    public static String schemaCompOutputDirPath = OUTPUTROOT + P + "compile" + P + "scomp" + P;
+    private void _testCompile(File[] xsdFiles,
+                              String outputDirName,
+                              String testName)
+    {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));
+        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))
+        {
+            fail(testName + "(): failure when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUnionRedefine()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "union_initial.xsd"),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "union_redefine.xsd") };
+        String outputDirName = "unionred";
+        String testname = "testUnionRedefine";
+        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);
+    }
+    /** This tests a bug where compilation of a schema redefining a type
+        involving an enumeration fails.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testEnumerationRedefine1()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum1.xsd_"),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum1_redefine.xsd_") };
+        String outputDirName = "enumRedef1";
+        String testname = "testEnumerationRedefine1";
+        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);
+    }
+    /** This tests a bug where compilation of a schema redefining a type
+        involving an enumeration fails.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testEnumerationRedefine2()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum2.xsd_"),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum2_redefine.xsd_") };
+        String outputDirName = "enumRedef2";
+        String testname = "testEnumerationRedefine2";
+        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);
+    }
+    /** This tests a bug where compilation of a schema redefining a type
+        involving an enumeration fails.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testEnumerationRedefine3()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum1.xsd_"),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum3.xsd_"),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "enum3_redefine.xsd_") };
+        String outputDirName = "enumRedef3";
+        String testname = "testEnumerationRedefine3";
+        _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName, testname);
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-205]:
+     * using static handlers for extension interfaces with same method names
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testExtensionHandlerMethodNameCollision()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsd_") };
+        File[] configFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsdconfig_") };
+        File[] javaFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + ""),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + ""),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + ""),
+                         new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "ext" + P + "")};
+        String outputDirName = "methodsColide_jira205";
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);
+        params.setConfigFiles(configFiles);
+        params.setJavaFiles(javaFiles);
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));
+        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))
+        {
+            fail("testExtensionHandlerMethodNameCollision(): failure when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-278]:
+     * -noext flag for compilation
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testNoExt()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsd_") };
+        File[] configFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "methodsColide_jira205_278.xsdconfig_") };
+        String outputDirName = "noExt";
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);
+        params.setConfigFiles(configFiles);
+        // no java files, if noExt flag doesn't work should fail for not finding the java files  params.setJavaFiles(javaFiles);
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));
+        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));
+        // no extensions
+        params.setNoExt(true);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))
+        {
+            fail("testNoExt(): failure when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/ b/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
index 48ab1f8..14c33f5 100644
--- a/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/compile/scomp/detailed/
@@ -1,310 +1,310 @@
-/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */


-package compile.scomp.detailed;


-import compile.scomp.common.CompileTestBase;

-import compile.scomp.common.mockobj.TestBindingConfig;

-import compile.scomp.common.mockobj.TestFiler;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlconfig.ConfigDocument;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;




- * Ensure that several compilation mechanisms all generate

- * the same schematypesystem

- */

-public class XmlBeanCompilationTests extends CompileTestBase {

-    private final List<XmlError> xm_errors = new ArrayList<>();

-    private final XmlOptions xm_opts = new XmlOptions();


-    public XmlBeanCompilationTests() {

-        xm_opts.setErrorListener(xm_errors);

-        xm_opts.setSavePrettyPrint();

-    }


-    @After

-    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

-        if (xm_errors.size() > 0) {

-            xm_errors.clear();

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Filer != null for BindingConfig to be used

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_bindingconfig_extension_compilation() throws Exception {

-        TestFiler f = new TestFiler();

-        //initialize all of the values

-        String extCaseDir = XBEAN_CASE_ROOT + P + "extensions" + P;

-        String extSrcDir = getRootFile() + P +

-                           "src" + P + "test" + P + "java" + P + "xmlobject" + P + "extensions" + P;

-        File[] cPath = CompileTestBase.getClassPath();

-        String dir = extCaseDir + P + "interfaceFeature" + P + "averageCase";

-        String dir2 = extCaseDir + P + "prePostFeature" + P +

-                      "ValueRestriction";


-        ConfigDocument.Config bConf = ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(

-            new File(dir + P + "po.xsdconfig"))

-            .getConfig();

-        ConfigDocument.Config cConf = ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(

-            new File(dir2 + P + "company.xsdconfig"))

-            .getConfig();


-        String simpleConfig = "<xb:config " +

-                              "xmlns:xb=\"\"\n" +

-                              " xmlns:ep=\"http://xbean.interface_feature/averageCase/PurchaseOrder\">\n" +

-                              "<xb:namespace uri=\"http://xbean.interface_feature/averageCase/PurchaseOrder\">\n" +

-                              "<xb:package>com.easypo</xb:package>\n" +

-                              "</xb:namespace></xb:config>";

-        ConfigDocument.Config confDoc = ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(simpleConfig).getConfig();

-        ConfigDocument.Config[] confs = new ConfigDocument.Config[]{bConf, confDoc, cConf};


-        String fooHandlerPath = extSrcDir + P + "interfaceFeature" + P +

-                                "averageCase" + P + "existing" + P + "";

-        String iFooPath = extSrcDir + P + "interfaceFeature" + P +

-                          "averageCase" + P + "existing" + P + "";

-        String iSetterPath = extSrcDir + P + "prePostFeature" + P +

-                             "ValueRestriction" + P + "existing" + P + "";

-        String setterHandlerPath = extSrcDir + P + "prePostFeature" + P +

-                                   "ValueRestriction" + P + "existing" + P + "";



-        File[] fList = new File[]{new File(fooHandlerPath), new File(iFooPath),

-            new File(iSetterPath),

-            new File(setterHandlerPath)};


-        //use created BindingConfig

-        TestBindingConfig bind = new TestBindingConfig(confs, fList, cPath);


-        //set XSDs

-        XmlObject obj1 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(dir + P + "po.xsd"));

-        XmlObject obj2 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(

-            new File(dir2 + P + "company.xsd"));

-        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{obj1, obj2};


-        //filer must be present on this method

-        SchemaTypeSystem apiSts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans("apiCompile", null,

-            schemas, bind, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), f, xm_opts);


-        if (!bind.isIslookupPrefixForNamespace()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIslookupPrefixForNamespace not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIslookupPackageForNamespace()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIslookupPackageForNamespace not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIslookupSuffixForNamespace()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIslookupSuffixForNamespace not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIslookupJavanameForQName()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIslookupJavanameForQName not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIsgetInterfaceExtensionsString()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIsgetInterfaceExtensionsString not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIsgetInterfaceExtensions()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIsgetInterfaceExtensions not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIsgetPrePostExtensions()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIsgetPrePostExtensions not invoked");

-        }

-        if (!bind.isIsgetPrePostExtensionsString()) {

-            throw new Exception("isIsgetPrePostExtensionsString not invoked");

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify basic incremental compilation

-     * and compilation with partial SOM usages

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_incrCompile() throws Exception {

-        XmlObject obj1 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(forXsd);

-        obj1.documentProperties().setSourceName("OBJ1");

-        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{obj1};

-        QName sts1 = new QName("http://baz", "elName");


-        XmlObject obj2 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(incrXsd);

-        obj2.documentProperties().setSourceName("OBJ2");

-        XmlObject[] schemas2 = new XmlObject[]{obj2};

-        QName sts2 = new QName("http://bar", "elName");


-        XmlObject obj3 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(errXsd);

-        obj3.documentProperties().setSourceName("OBJ3");

-        XmlObject[] schemas3 = new XmlObject[]{obj3};

-        QName sts3 = new QName("http://bar", "elErrName");


-        SchemaTypeSystem sts;

-        ArrayList err = new ArrayList();

-        XmlOptions opt = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(err);

-        opt.setCompilePartialTypesystem();



-        sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,

-            null, schemas, null,

-            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, opt);


-        assertTrue("Errors should have been empty", err.isEmpty());

-        // find element in the type System

-        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts1)) {

-            throw new Exception(

-                "Could Not find Type from first Type System: " + sts1);

-        }



-        sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,

-            sts, schemas2, null,

-            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, opt);

-        assertTrue("Errors should have been empty", err.isEmpty());

-        // find element in the type System


-        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts1)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from first Type System: " +

-                                sts1);

-        }


-        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts2)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 2nd Type System: " +

-                                sts2);

-        }


-        System.out.println("Building over Existing");


-        sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,

-            sts, schemas2, null,

-            sts, null, opt);

-        assertTrue("Errors should have been empty", err.isEmpty());

-        // find element in the type System


-        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts1)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from first Type System: " +

-                                sts1);

-        }


-        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts2)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 2nd Type System: " +

-                                sts2);

-        }



-        err.clear();

-        SchemaTypeSystem b = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,

-            sts, schemas3, null,

-            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, opt);

-        // find element in the type System

-        if (!findGlobalElement(b.globalElements(), sts1)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from first Type System: " +

-                                sts1);

-        }


-        if (!findGlobalElement(b.globalElements(), sts2)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 2nd Type System: " +

-                                sts2);

-        }


-        if (!findGlobalElement(b.globalElements(), sts3)) {

-            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 3rd Type System: " +

-                                sts3);

-        }


-        printSTS(b);



-        boolean psom_expError = false;

-        // print out the recovered xm_errors

-        if (!err.isEmpty()) {

-            System.out.println(

-                "Schema invalid: partial schema type system recovered");

-            for (Iterator i = err.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {

-                XmlError xErr = (XmlError);

-                System.out.println(xErr);

-                //compare to the expected xm_errors

-                if ((xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("src-resolve") == 0) &&

-                    (xErr.getMessage().compareTo(

-                        "type 'bType@http://baz' not found.") ==

-                     0)) {

-                    psom_expError = true;

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        if (!psom_expError) {

-            throw new Exception("Error Code was not as Expected");

-        }



-    }



-    @Test

-    public void test_diff_compilationMethods() throws IOException,

-        XmlException, Exception {



-        //initialize the schema compiler

-        SchemaCompiler.Parameters params = new SchemaCompiler.Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{scompFile});

-        params.setSrcDir(scompDirFile);

-        params.setClassesDir(scompDirFile);


-        //save out schema for use in scomp later

-        XmlObject obj1 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(forXsd);



-        //scomp saved out schema

-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);


-        //use new api to get typesystem

-        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{obj1};

-        SchemaTypeSystem apiSts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans("apiCompile", null,

-            schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, xm_opts);


-        //use alternative api to get typesystem

-        SchemaTypeSystem altSts = XmlBeans.compileXsd(schemas,

-            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null);


-        //save out sts for diff later

-        SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(apiSts, apiDirFile, null, null,

-            null);

-        SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(altSts, baseDirFile, null, null,

-            null);


-        //diff new api to old api

-        xm_errors = null;

-        xm_errors = new ArrayList();

-        Diff.dirsAsTypeSystems(apiDirFile, baseDirFile, xm_errors);

-        if (xm_errors.size() >= 1)

-            throw new Exception("API STS ERRORS: " + xm_errors.toString());


-        //diff scomp sts to new api

-        xm_errors = null;

-        xm_errors = new ArrayList();

-        Diff.dirsAsTypeSystems(apiDirFile, scompDirFile, xm_errors);

-        if (xm_errors.size() >= 1)

-            throw new Exception("API SCOMP ERRORS: " + xm_errors.toString());

-    }




+/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package compile.scomp.detailed;
+import compile.scomp.common.CompileTestBase;
+import compile.scomp.common.mockobj.TestBindingConfig;
+import compile.scomp.common.mockobj.TestFiler;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlconfig.ConfigDocument;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+ * Ensure that several compilation mechanisms all generate
+ * the same schematypesystem
+ */
+public class XmlBeanCompilationTests extends CompileTestBase {
+    private final List<XmlError> xm_errors = new ArrayList<>();
+    private final XmlOptions xm_opts = new XmlOptions();
+    public XmlBeanCompilationTests() {
+        xm_opts.setErrorListener(xm_errors);
+        xm_opts.setSavePrettyPrint();
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+        if (xm_errors.size() > 0) {
+            xm_errors.clear();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Filer != null for BindingConfig to be used
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_bindingconfig_extension_compilation() throws Exception {
+        TestFiler f = new TestFiler();
+        //initialize all of the values
+        String extCaseDir = XBEAN_CASE_ROOT + P + "extensions" + P;
+        String extSrcDir = getRootFile() + P +
+                           "src" + P + "test" + P + "java" + P + "xmlobject" + P + "extensions" + P;
+        File[] cPath = CompileTestBase.getClassPath();
+        String dir = extCaseDir + P + "interfaceFeature" + P + "averageCase";
+        String dir2 = extCaseDir + P + "prePostFeature" + P +
+                      "ValueRestriction";
+        ConfigDocument.Config bConf = ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(
+            new File(dir + P + "po.xsdconfig"))
+            .getConfig();
+        ConfigDocument.Config cConf = ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(
+            new File(dir2 + P + "company.xsdconfig"))
+            .getConfig();
+        String simpleConfig = "<xb:config " +
+                              "xmlns:xb=\"\"\n" +
+                              " xmlns:ep=\"http://xbean.interface_feature/averageCase/PurchaseOrder\">\n" +
+                              "<xb:namespace uri=\"http://xbean.interface_feature/averageCase/PurchaseOrder\">\n" +
+                              "<xb:package>com.easypo</xb:package>\n" +
+                              "</xb:namespace></xb:config>";
+        ConfigDocument.Config confDoc = ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(simpleConfig).getConfig();
+        ConfigDocument.Config[] confs = new ConfigDocument.Config[]{bConf, confDoc, cConf};
+        String fooHandlerPath = extSrcDir + P + "interfaceFeature" + P +
+                                "averageCase" + P + "existing" + P + "";
+        String iFooPath = extSrcDir + P + "interfaceFeature" + P +
+                          "averageCase" + P + "existing" + P + "";
+        String iSetterPath = extSrcDir + P + "prePostFeature" + P +
+                             "ValueRestriction" + P + "existing" + P + "";
+        String setterHandlerPath = extSrcDir + P + "prePostFeature" + P +
+                                   "ValueRestriction" + P + "existing" + P + "";
+        File[] fList = new File[]{new File(fooHandlerPath), new File(iFooPath),
+            new File(iSetterPath),
+            new File(setterHandlerPath)};
+        //use created BindingConfig
+        TestBindingConfig bind = new TestBindingConfig(confs, fList, cPath);
+        //set XSDs
+        XmlObject obj1 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(dir + P + "po.xsd"));
+        XmlObject obj2 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(
+            new File(dir2 + P + "company.xsd"));
+        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{obj1, obj2};
+        //filer must be present on this method
+        SchemaTypeSystem apiSts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans("apiCompile", null,
+            schemas, bind, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), f, xm_opts);
+        if (!bind.isIslookupPrefixForNamespace()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIslookupPrefixForNamespace not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIslookupPackageForNamespace()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIslookupPackageForNamespace not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIslookupSuffixForNamespace()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIslookupSuffixForNamespace not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIslookupJavanameForQName()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIslookupJavanameForQName not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIsgetInterfaceExtensionsString()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIsgetInterfaceExtensionsString not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIsgetInterfaceExtensions()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIsgetInterfaceExtensions not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIsgetPrePostExtensions()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIsgetPrePostExtensions not invoked");
+        }
+        if (!bind.isIsgetPrePostExtensionsString()) {
+            throw new Exception("isIsgetPrePostExtensionsString not invoked");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Verify basic incremental compilation
+     * and compilation with partial SOM usages
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_incrCompile() throws Exception {
+        XmlObject obj1 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(forXsd);
+        obj1.documentProperties().setSourceName("OBJ1");
+        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{obj1};
+        QName sts1 = new QName("http://baz", "elName");
+        XmlObject obj2 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(incrXsd);
+        obj2.documentProperties().setSourceName("OBJ2");
+        XmlObject[] schemas2 = new XmlObject[]{obj2};
+        QName sts2 = new QName("http://bar", "elName");
+        XmlObject obj3 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(errXsd);
+        obj3.documentProperties().setSourceName("OBJ3");
+        XmlObject[] schemas3 = new XmlObject[]{obj3};
+        QName sts3 = new QName("http://bar", "elErrName");
+        SchemaTypeSystem sts;
+        ArrayList err = new ArrayList();
+        XmlOptions opt = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(err);
+        opt.setCompilePartialTypesystem();
+        sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,
+            null, schemas, null,
+            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, opt);
+        assertTrue("Errors should have been empty", err.isEmpty());
+        // find element in the type System
+        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts1)) {
+            throw new Exception(
+                "Could Not find Type from first Type System: " + sts1);
+        }
+        sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,
+            sts, schemas2, null,
+            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, opt);
+        assertTrue("Errors should have been empty", err.isEmpty());
+        // find element in the type System
+        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts1)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from first Type System: " +
+                                sts1);
+        }
+        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts2)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 2nd Type System: " +
+                                sts2);
+        }
+        System.out.println("Building over Existing");
+        sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,
+            sts, schemas2, null,
+            sts, null, opt);
+        assertTrue("Errors should have been empty", err.isEmpty());
+        // find element in the type System
+        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts1)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from first Type System: " +
+                                sts1);
+        }
+        if (!findGlobalElement(sts.globalElements(), sts2)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 2nd Type System: " +
+                                sts2);
+        }
+        err.clear();
+        SchemaTypeSystem b = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null,
+            sts, schemas3, null,
+            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, opt);
+        // find element in the type System
+        if (!findGlobalElement(b.globalElements(), sts1)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from first Type System: " +
+                                sts1);
+        }
+        if (!findGlobalElement(b.globalElements(), sts2)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 2nd Type System: " +
+                                sts2);
+        }
+        if (!findGlobalElement(b.globalElements(), sts3)) {
+            throw new Exception("Could Not find Type from 3rd Type System: " +
+                                sts3);
+        }
+        printSTS(b);
+        boolean psom_expError = false;
+        // print out the recovered xm_errors
+        if (!err.isEmpty()) {
+            System.out.println(
+                "Schema invalid: partial schema type system recovered");
+            for (Iterator i = err.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+                XmlError xErr = (XmlError);
+                System.out.println(xErr);
+                //compare to the expected xm_errors
+                if ((xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("src-resolve") == 0) &&
+                    (xErr.getMessage().compareTo(
+                        "type 'bType@http://baz' not found.") ==
+                     0)) {
+                    psom_expError = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (!psom_expError) {
+            throw new Exception("Error Code was not as Expected");
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void test_diff_compilationMethods() throws IOException,
+        XmlException, Exception {
+        //initialize the schema compiler
+        SchemaCompiler.Parameters params = new SchemaCompiler.Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{scompFile});
+        params.setSrcDir(scompDirFile);
+        params.setClassesDir(scompDirFile);
+        //save out schema for use in scomp later
+        XmlObject obj1 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(forXsd);
+        //scomp saved out schema
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        //use new api to get typesystem
+        XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{obj1};
+        SchemaTypeSystem apiSts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans("apiCompile", null,
+            schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, xm_opts);
+        //use alternative api to get typesystem
+        SchemaTypeSystem altSts = XmlBeans.compileXsd(schemas,
+            XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null);
+        //save out sts for diff later
+        SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(apiSts, apiDirFile, null, null,
+            null);
+        SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(altSts, baseDirFile, null, null,
+            null);
+        //diff new api to old api
+        xm_errors = null;
+        xm_errors = new ArrayList();
+        Diff.dirsAsTypeSystems(apiDirFile, baseDirFile, xm_errors);
+        if (xm_errors.size() >= 1)
+            throw new Exception("API STS ERRORS: " + xm_errors.toString());
+        //diff scomp sts to new api
+        xm_errors = null;
+        xm_errors = new ArrayList();
+        Diff.dirsAsTypeSystems(apiDirFile, scompDirFile, xm_errors);
+        if (xm_errors.size() >= 1)
+            throw new Exception("API SCOMP ERRORS: " + xm_errors.toString());
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index fe546fc..4d673d8 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,129 +1,129 @@

- *   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */

-package misc.detailed;


-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;


-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;

-import org.junit.Test;



-import java.math.BigDecimal;

-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;



- *

- */

-public class JiraRegression151_200Test extends JiraTestBase



-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-175]   Validation of decimal in exponential representation fails

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans175() throws Exception{


-        TestExponentDocument.TestExponent exponent = TestExponentDocument.TestExponent.Factory.newInstance();

-        exponent.setDecimal(new BigDecimal("1E1"));


-        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();

-        XmlOptions validationOptions = new XmlOptions();

-        validationOptions.setErrorListener(errors);

-        exponent.validate(validationOptions);


-        for (Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-            System.out.println("Validation Error:" +;

-        }


-        // fails, IMHO should not!

-        assertEquals(0, errors.size());

-        /* note: the following uses JDK 1.5 API, not supported in 1.4

-        // workaround

-        exponent.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(new BigDecimal("1E1").toPlainString()));

-        errors.removeAll(errors);

-        exponent.validate(validationOptions);

-        assertEquals(0, errors.size());

-        */

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-179]   Saving xml with '&' and '<' characters in attribute values throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans179() throws Exception{

-        String xmlWithIssues = "<Net id=\"dbid:66754220\" name=\"3&lt;.3V\" type=\"POWER\"/>";


-        XmlObject xobj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlWithIssues);

-        File outFile = new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + P + "jira_xmlbeans179.xml");

-        assertNotNull(outFile);


-        if(outFile.exists())

-            outFile.delete();



-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-184]: NPE when running scomp without nopvr option

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans184() throws Exception {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();


-        // compile with nopvr, goes thro fine

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_184_vdx_data_V1.04.xsd_")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);

-        params.setNoPvr(true);


-        try {

-            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            npe.printStackTrace();

-            fail("NPE when executing scomp");

-        }


-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans184() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }


-        // now compile without the pvr option and NPE is thrown

-        params.setNoPvr(false);

-        try {

-            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            npe.printStackTrace();

-            fail("NPE when executing scomp");

-        }


-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans184() : Errors found when executing scomp ");

-        }


-    }




+ *   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ *
+ */
+public class JiraRegression151_200Test extends JiraTestBase
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-175]   Validation of decimal in exponential representation fails
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans175() throws Exception{
+        TestExponentDocument.TestExponent exponent = TestExponentDocument.TestExponent.Factory.newInstance();
+        exponent.setDecimal(new BigDecimal("1E1"));
+        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
+        XmlOptions validationOptions = new XmlOptions();
+        validationOptions.setErrorListener(errors);
+        exponent.validate(validationOptions);
+        for (Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+            System.out.println("Validation Error:" +;
+        }
+        // fails, IMHO should not!
+        assertEquals(0, errors.size());
+        /* note: the following uses JDK 1.5 API, not supported in 1.4
+        // workaround
+        exponent.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(new BigDecimal("1E1").toPlainString()));
+        errors.removeAll(errors);
+        exponent.validate(validationOptions);
+        assertEquals(0, errors.size());
+        */
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-179]   Saving xml with '&' and '<' characters in attribute values throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans179() throws Exception{
+        String xmlWithIssues = "<Net id=\"dbid:66754220\" name=\"3&lt;.3V\" type=\"POWER\"/>";
+        XmlObject xobj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlWithIssues);
+        File outFile = new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + P + "jira_xmlbeans179.xml");
+        assertNotNull(outFile);
+        if(outFile.exists())
+            outFile.delete();
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-184]: NPE when running scomp without nopvr option
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans184() throws Exception {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        // compile with nopvr, goes thro fine
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_184_vdx_data_V1.04.xsd_")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        params.setNoPvr(true);
+        try {
+            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            npe.printStackTrace();
+            fail("NPE when executing scomp");
+        }
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans184() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+        // now compile without the pvr option and NPE is thrown
+        params.setNoPvr(false);
+        try {
+            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            npe.printStackTrace();
+            fail("NPE when executing scomp");
+        }
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans184() : Errors found when executing scomp ");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index 2e16997..2df896a 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,549 +1,549 @@
-/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */

-package misc.detailed;


-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;

-import org.junit.Ignore;

-import org.junit.Test;

-import org.w3c.dom.Element;

-import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;

-import xmlbeans48.FeedInfoType;


-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


-import java.util.*;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;


-public class JiraRegression1_50Test extends JiraTestBase {


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-2] Problem with XmlError.forObject(String,int,XmlObject)

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans02() throws Exception {

-        StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("<test>");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("<testchild attr=\"abcd\"> Jira02 </testchild>");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("</test>");


-        XmlObject myxmlobj = null;

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errors);

-        try {

-            myxmlobj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString(), options);

-            XmlCursor cur = myxmlobj.newCursor();

-            XmlError xmlerr = XmlError.forObject("This is my custom error message", XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, myxmlobj);


-            // call an API on the cursor : verification of cursor not being disposed

-            System.out.println("Cursor Text Value: " + cur.getTextValue());


-        } catch (XmlException xme) {

-            if (!xme.getErrors().isEmpty()) {

-                for (Iterator itr = xme.getErrors().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {

-                    System.out.println("Parse Errors :" +;

-                }

-            }


-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans02() : Null Pointer Exception thrown !");

-        }


-        printOptionErrMsgs(errors);

-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-4] xs:decimal size greater than 18 results in uncompilable java code

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans04() {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();


-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_04.xsd_")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);


-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans04() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }




-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-9] Null Pointer Exception when running validate from cmd line

-    */

-    @Test

-    @Ignore("no shell tests on junit")

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans09() throws Exception {

-        // Exec validate script from cmd line - Refer xmlbeans_09.xsd, xmlbeans_09.xml


-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" ");

-        sb.append(System.getProperty("xbean.rootdir") + P + "bin" + P + "validate.cmd ");

-        sb.append(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_09.xsd_" + " " + scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_09.xml");

-        Process validator_proc = null;

-        try {

-            validator_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(sb.toString());

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans09() : Null Pointer Exception when running validate for schema");

-        }


-        System.out.println("cmd:" + sb);

-        BufferedInputStream inbuf = new BufferedInputStream(validator_proc.getInputStream());

-        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inbuf));

-        String eachline = reader.readLine();

-        try {


-            while (reader.readLine() != null) {

-                System.out.println("output: " + eachline);

-            }

-        } catch (IOException ioe) {

-            ioe.getMessage();

-            ioe.printStackTrace();

-        }


-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-11]: Calling getUnionMemberTypes() on SchemaType for non-union types results in NullPointerException

-    * status : fixed

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans11() throws Exception {


-        StringBuilder xsdAsString = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>");

-        xsdAsString.append(" <!-- W3C Schema generated by XML Spy v4.3 U (\n");

-        xsdAsString.append("  --> \n");

-        xsdAsString.append(" <xs:schema xmlns:xs=\"\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\">\n");

-        xsdAsString.append("   <xs:simpleType name=\"restrictsString\">\n");

-        xsdAsString.append("      <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n");

-        xsdAsString.append("          <xs:length value=\"10\" /> \n");

-        xsdAsString.append("      </xs:restriction>\n");

-        xsdAsString.append("    </xs:simpleType>\n");

-        xsdAsString.append("  </xs:schema>");


-        // load schema file as SchemaDocument XmlObject

-        SchemaDocument sd = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(xsdAsString.toString());


-        // compile loaded XmlObject

-        SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXsd((XmlObject[]) Collections.singletonList(sd).toArray(new XmlObject[]{}),

-                XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader(),

-                new XmlOptions());

-        sts.resolve();


-        SchemaType[] st = sts.globalTypes();


-        System.out.println("NUMBER OF GLOBAL TYPES: " + st.length);


-        try {

-            for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++)

-                    // check if it is union type

-            {

-                System.out.println("IS UNION TYPE: " + (st[i].getUnionMemberTypes() != null));

-            }

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans11(): Null Pointer Exception thrown !");

-        }


-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-14]: newDomNode() throws NullPointerException

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans14() throws Exception {

-        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse("<Baz/>");

-        // add element

-        XmlCursor xCursor = xObj.newCursor();

-        xCursor.toFirstContentToken();

-        xCursor.insertElementWithText(new QName("Some uri", "SomeName"), "SomeValue");

-        xCursor.insertElementWithText(new QName("Some uri", "SomeName1"), "SomeValue1");

-        xCursor.dispose();


-        // debug



-        // throws npe in v1

-        try {

-            xObj.newDomNode();

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans14() : Null Pointer Exception when create Dom Node");

-        }


-    }



-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-16]: newDomNode creates a DOM with empty strings for namespace URIs for unprefixed

-    * attributes (rather than null)

-    * status : fails with crimson and not with Xerces

-    */

-    @Test

-    @Ignore("still happens with current xerces 2.11")

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans16() throws Exception {

-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);

-        sb.append("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n");

-        sb.append("<test noprefix='nonamespace' \n");

-        sb.append("      ns:prefix='namespace' \n");

-        sb.append("      xmlns:ns=''>value</test>");


-        // Parse it using XMLBeans

-        XmlObject xdoc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(sb.toString());


-        // Convert to a DOM Element

-        Element firstChild = (Element) xdoc.newDomNode().getFirstChild();


-        // We expect to find a null namespace for the first attribute and 'ns' for the second

-        NamedNodeMap attributes = firstChild.getAttributes();

-        System.out.println("Prefix for attr noprefix is:" + attributes.getNamedItem("noprefix").getPrefix() + ":");

-        assertNull("Expected null namespace for attribute noprefix", attributes.getNamedItem("noprefix").getPrefix());

-        assertEquals("Wrong namespace for attribute prefix", "ns", attributes.getNamedItem("ns:prefix").getPrefix());


-        // We should be able to lookup 'prefix' by specifying the appropriate URI

-        String prefix = firstChild.getAttributeNS("", "prefix");

-        assertEquals("Wrong value for prefixed attribute", "namespace", prefix);


-        // And 'noprefix' by specifying a null namespace URI

-        String noprefix = firstChild.getAttributeNS(null, "noprefix");

-        assertEquals("Wrong value for unprefixed attribute", "nonamespace", noprefix); // This assertion fails under Crimson


-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-33]:  insertions occur in improper order when subclassing schema types

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans33() throws Exception {


-        xbeansJira33B.SubjectType subject =

-                xbeansJira33B.SubjectType.Factory.newInstance();

-        subject.addNewIDPProvidedNameIdentifier();

-        subject.addNewSubjectConfirmation().addConfirmationMethod("foo");

-        subject.addNewNameIdentifier();

-        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();

-        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

-        options.setErrorListener(list);


-        boolean bResult = subject.validate(options);

-        System.out.println(bResult ? "valid" : "invalid");


-        // print out errors

-        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

-            System.out.println("Validation Error : " + list.get(i));

-        }

-        assertTrue("Validation Failed, should pass", bResult);


-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-34]:  error compiling classes when using a schema with a redefined subelement

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans34() throws Exception {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();


-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_34b.xsd_")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);

-        params.setDownload(true);

-        params.setNoPvr(true);


-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans34() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }


-    }



-    /**

-     * BUGBUG: [XMLBEANS-38]

-     * [XMLBEANS-38]   Does not support xs:key (keyRef NoIllegalEntries)

-     */

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans38() throws Exception {

-        String keyrefXSD = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +

-                "<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=\"\">" +

-                "<xsd:element name=\"supermarket\">" +

-                "<xsd:complexType>" +

-                "<xsd:sequence> " +

-                "<xsd:element name=\"aisle\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:complexType> " +

-                "<xsd:sequence>" +

-                "<xsd:element name=\"item\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:complexType> " +

-                "<xsd:simpleContent>" +

-                "<xsd:extension base=\"xsd:string\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"code\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"quantity\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"price\" type=\"xsd:decimal\"/> \n" +

-                "</xsd:extension> \n" +

-                "</xsd:simpleContent> \n" +

-                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "</xsd:element> \n" +

-                "</xsd:sequence> \n" + //"<!-- Attribute Of Aisle --> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\"/> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"number\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" + //"<!-- Of Aisle --> \n" +

-                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "<xsd:keyref name=\"NoIllegalEntries\" refer=\"itemKey\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:selector xpath=\"item\"/> \n" +

-                "<xsd:field xpath=\"@code\"/> \n" +

-                "</xsd:keyref> \n" +

-                "</xsd:element> \n" +

-                "<xsd:element name=\"items\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "<xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "<xsd:element name=\"item\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "<xsd:simpleContent> \n" +

-                "<xsd:extension base=\"xsd:string\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"code\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +

-                "</xsd:extension> \n" +

-                "</xsd:simpleContent> \n" +

-                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "</xsd:element> \n" +

-                "</xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "</xsd:element> \n" +

-                "</xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "<xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\"/> \n" +

-                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "<xsd:key name=\"itemKey\"> \n" +

-                "<xsd:selector xpath=\"items/item\"/> \n" +

-                "<xsd:field xpath=\"@code\"/> \n" +

-                "</xsd:key> \n" +

-                "</xsd:element> \n" +

-                "</xsd:schema>";



-        String keyRefInstance = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +

-                "<supermarket xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"C:\\tmp\\Supermarket.xsd\" name=\"String\"> \n" +

-                "<aisle name=\"String\" number=\"2\"> \n" +

-                "<item code=\"1234\" quantity=\"2\" price=\"3.1415926535897932384626433832795\">String</item> \n" +

-                "</aisle> \n" +

-                "<items> \n" +

-                "<item code=\"1234\">Java</item> \n" +

-                "</items> \n" +

-                "</supermarket>";


-        validateInstance(new String[]{keyrefXSD}, new String[]{keyRefInstance}, null);

-    }



-    /**

-     * Loads the class at runtime and inspects for appropriate methods

-     * Statically using methods (class.getGeneration()) would stop build

-     * if the bug resurfaced.

-     * <p/>

-     * [XMLBEANS-45]   <xsd:redefine> tag is not supported

-     */

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans45() throws Exception {

-        //this class is built during the build.schemas target

-        Class cls = Class.forName("xmlbeans45.PersonName");

-        //check for methods in class

-        //getGeneration()

-        if (cls.getMethod("getGeneration") == null)

-            throw new Exception("getGeneration() was not found in class");

-        //getTitle()

-        if (cls.getMethod("getTitle") == null)

-            throw new Exception("getTitle() was not found in class");

-        //getForenameArray()

-        if (cls.getMethod("getForenameArray") == null)

-            throw new Exception("getForenameArray() was not found in class");


-    }


-    /**

-     * Could not Repro this

-     * [XMLBEANS-46] Regex validation fails in multi-threaded, multi-processor environment

-     */

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans46() throws Exception {

-        RegexThread[] threads = new RegexThread[45];


-        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {

-            threads[i] = new RegexThread();

-            System.out.println("Thread[" + i + "]-starting ");

-            threads[i].start();

-        }


-        Thread.sleep(6000);

-        System.out.println("Done with RegEx Threading Test...");


-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

-        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {

-            if (threads[i].getException() != null)

-                sb.append(threads[i].getException().getMessage() + "\n");

-        }


-        if (sb.length() > 0)

-            throw new Exception("Threaded Regex Validation Failed\n" + sb.toString());

-    }



-    /**

-     * Incorrect XML

-     * [XMLBEANS-48]   Bug with Root.fetch ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )

-     */

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans48() throws Exception {

-        String incorrectXml = "<sch:Feed xmlns:sch=\"http://xmlbeans_48\">" +

-                "<sch:Feed>" +

-                "<sch:Location></sch:Location>" +

-                "<sch:TimeEntered>2004-08-11T15:50:23.064-04:00</sch:TimeEntered>" +

-                "</sch:Feed>" +

-                "</sch:Feed>";


-        xmlbeans48.FeedDocument feedDoc = (xmlbeans48.FeedDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(incorrectXml);

-        FeedInfoType feedInfoType = feedDoc.getFeed();

-        String location = feedInfoType.getLocation();

-        System.out.println("Location: " + location);

-        if (location != null)

-            throw new Exception("Location value should not have been populated");


-        String correctXml = "<sch:Feed xmlns:sch=\"http://xmlbeans_48\">" +

-                "<sch:Location></sch:Location>" +

-                "<sch:TimeEntered>2004-08-11T15:50:23.064-04:00</sch:TimeEntered>" +

-                "</sch:Feed>";


-        feedDoc = (xmlbeans48.FeedDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(correctXml);

-        feedInfoType = feedDoc.getFeed();

-        location = feedInfoType.getLocation();

-        System.out.println("Location: " + location);

-        if (location == null)

-            throw new Exception("Location value should have been populated");

-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-49]: Schema compiler won't compile portlet.xsd from jsr168/pluto

-    *

-    */

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans49() {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_49.xsd_")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);


-        // needs network downloads enabled

-        params.setDownload(true);


-        try {

-            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        } catch (Exception ex) {

-            if (!errors.isEmpty()) {

-                for (Iterator itr = errors.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {

-                    System.out.println("scomp errors: ");

-                }

-            }


-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans49() :Exception thrown with above errors!");

-        }


-        // view errors

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans49() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * For Testing jira issue 46

-     */

-    public static class RegexThread extends TestThread

-    {

-        private xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument phone;

-        Random rand;


-        public RegexThread()

-        {

-            super();

-            phone = xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-            rand = new Random();

-        }


-        /**

-         * Validates a type that uses the following pattern

-         * <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

-         * <xs:pattern value="\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}"/>

-         * </xs:restriction>

-         */

-        public void run()

-        {

-            try {


-                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

-                    int pre = rand.nextInt(999);

-                    int mid = rand.nextInt(999);

-                    int post = rand.nextInt(9999);

-                    String testVal = ((pre > 100) ? String.valueOf(pre) : "128") + "-" +

-                            ((mid > 100) ? String.valueOf(mid) : "256") + "-" +

-                            ((post > 1000) ? String.valueOf(post) : "1024");


-                    String xmlData = "<xb:usPhoneNumber xmlns:xb=\"http://xmlbeans_46\">" +

-                            testVal +

-                            "</xb:usPhoneNumber>";

-                    //cannot repro using this method

-                    //phone.setUsPhoneNumber(testVal);

-                    //if (!phone.validate(xm)) {

-                    //    _throwable = new Throwable("Multi Threaded Regular " +

-                    //            "Expression did not validate - " + testVal);

-                    //    if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0)

-                    //        System.err.println("ERROR: " + errors);

-                    //}


-                    boolean validated = parseAndValidate(xmlData);

-                    if (!validated) {

-                        System.out.println("Not Valid!!!");

-                    }

-                    System.out.println("Validated " + testVal + " successfully ");

-                }

-                _result = true;


-            } catch (Throwable t) {

-                _throwable = t;

-                t.printStackTrace();

-            }

-        }


-        private boolean parseAndValidate(String val) throws XmlException

-        {

-            xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument xml = xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument.Factory.parse(val);

-            return validate(xml);

-        }


-        private boolean validate(xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument rdd)

-        {

-            Collection errors = new ArrayList();

-            XmlOptions validateOptions = new XmlOptions();

-            validateOptions.setErrorListener(errors);

-            boolean valid = rdd.validate(validateOptions);

-            if (!valid) {

-                for (Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-                    XmlError xmlError = (XmlError);

-                    System.out.println("XML Error - " + xmlError.getMessage() + " at\n" + xmlError.getCursorLocation().xmlText());

-                }


-            }

-            return valid;

-        }

-    }


+/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
+import xmlbeans48.FeedInfoType;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import java.util.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class JiraRegression1_50Test extends JiraTestBase {
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-2] Problem with XmlError.forObject(String,int,XmlObject)
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans02() throws Exception {
+        StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("<test>");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("<testchild attr=\"abcd\"> Jira02 </testchild>");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("</test>");
+        XmlObject myxmlobj = null;
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errors);
+        try {
+            myxmlobj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString(), options);
+            XmlCursor cur = myxmlobj.newCursor();
+            XmlError xmlerr = XmlError.forObject("This is my custom error message", XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, myxmlobj);
+            // call an API on the cursor : verification of cursor not being disposed
+            System.out.println("Cursor Text Value: " + cur.getTextValue());
+        } catch (XmlException xme) {
+            if (!xme.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
+                for (Iterator itr = xme.getErrors().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
+                    System.out.println("Parse Errors :" +;
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans02() : Null Pointer Exception thrown !");
+        }
+        printOptionErrMsgs(errors);
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-4] xs:decimal size greater than 18 results in uncompilable java code
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans04() {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_04.xsd_")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans04() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-9] Null Pointer Exception when running validate from cmd line
+    */
+    @Test
+    @Ignore("no shell tests on junit")
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans09() throws Exception {
+        // Exec validate script from cmd line - Refer xmlbeans_09.xsd, xmlbeans_09.xml
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" ");
+        sb.append(System.getProperty("xbean.rootdir") + P + "bin" + P + "validate.cmd ");
+        sb.append(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_09.xsd_" + " " + scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_09.xml");
+        Process validator_proc = null;
+        try {
+            validator_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(sb.toString());
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans09() : Null Pointer Exception when running validate for schema");
+        }
+        System.out.println("cmd:" + sb);
+        BufferedInputStream inbuf = new BufferedInputStream(validator_proc.getInputStream());
+        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inbuf));
+        String eachline = reader.readLine();
+        try {
+            while (reader.readLine() != null) {
+                System.out.println("output: " + eachline);
+            }
+        } catch (IOException ioe) {
+            ioe.getMessage();
+            ioe.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-11]: Calling getUnionMemberTypes() on SchemaType for non-union types results in NullPointerException
+    * status : fixed
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans11() throws Exception {
+        StringBuilder xsdAsString = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>");
+        xsdAsString.append(" <!-- W3C Schema generated by XML Spy v4.3 U (\n");
+        xsdAsString.append("  --> \n");
+        xsdAsString.append(" <xs:schema xmlns:xs=\"\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\">\n");
+        xsdAsString.append("   <xs:simpleType name=\"restrictsString\">\n");
+        xsdAsString.append("      <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n");
+        xsdAsString.append("          <xs:length value=\"10\" /> \n");
+        xsdAsString.append("      </xs:restriction>\n");
+        xsdAsString.append("    </xs:simpleType>\n");
+        xsdAsString.append("  </xs:schema>");
+        // load schema file as SchemaDocument XmlObject
+        SchemaDocument sd = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(xsdAsString.toString());
+        // compile loaded XmlObject
+        SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXsd((XmlObject[]) Collections.singletonList(sd).toArray(new XmlObject[]{}),
+                XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader(),
+                new XmlOptions());
+        sts.resolve();
+        SchemaType[] st = sts.globalTypes();
+        System.out.println("NUMBER OF GLOBAL TYPES: " + st.length);
+        try {
+            for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++)
+                    // check if it is union type
+            {
+                System.out.println("IS UNION TYPE: " + (st[i].getUnionMemberTypes() != null));
+            }
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans11(): Null Pointer Exception thrown !");
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-14]: newDomNode() throws NullPointerException
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans14() throws Exception {
+        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse("<Baz/>");
+        // add element
+        XmlCursor xCursor = xObj.newCursor();
+        xCursor.toFirstContentToken();
+        xCursor.insertElementWithText(new QName("Some uri", "SomeName"), "SomeValue");
+        xCursor.insertElementWithText(new QName("Some uri", "SomeName1"), "SomeValue1");
+        xCursor.dispose();
+        // debug
+        // throws npe in v1
+        try {
+            xObj.newDomNode();
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans14() : Null Pointer Exception when create Dom Node");
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-16]: newDomNode creates a DOM with empty strings for namespace URIs for unprefixed
+    * attributes (rather than null)
+    * status : fails with crimson and not with Xerces
+    */
+    @Test
+    @Ignore("still happens with current xerces 2.11")
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans16() throws Exception {
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
+        sb.append("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n");
+        sb.append("<test noprefix='nonamespace' \n");
+        sb.append("      ns:prefix='namespace' \n");
+        sb.append("      xmlns:ns=''>value</test>");
+        // Parse it using XMLBeans
+        XmlObject xdoc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(sb.toString());
+        // Convert to a DOM Element
+        Element firstChild = (Element) xdoc.newDomNode().getFirstChild();
+        // We expect to find a null namespace for the first attribute and 'ns' for the second
+        NamedNodeMap attributes = firstChild.getAttributes();
+        System.out.println("Prefix for attr noprefix is:" + attributes.getNamedItem("noprefix").getPrefix() + ":");
+        assertNull("Expected null namespace for attribute noprefix", attributes.getNamedItem("noprefix").getPrefix());
+        assertEquals("Wrong namespace for attribute prefix", "ns", attributes.getNamedItem("ns:prefix").getPrefix());
+        // We should be able to lookup 'prefix' by specifying the appropriate URI
+        String prefix = firstChild.getAttributeNS("", "prefix");
+        assertEquals("Wrong value for prefixed attribute", "namespace", prefix);
+        // And 'noprefix' by specifying a null namespace URI
+        String noprefix = firstChild.getAttributeNS(null, "noprefix");
+        assertEquals("Wrong value for unprefixed attribute", "nonamespace", noprefix); // This assertion fails under Crimson
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-33]:  insertions occur in improper order when subclassing schema types
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans33() throws Exception {
+        xbeansJira33B.SubjectType subject =
+                xbeansJira33B.SubjectType.Factory.newInstance();
+        subject.addNewIDPProvidedNameIdentifier();
+        subject.addNewSubjectConfirmation().addConfirmationMethod("foo");
+        subject.addNewNameIdentifier();
+        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
+        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+        options.setErrorListener(list);
+        boolean bResult = subject.validate(options);
+        System.out.println(bResult ? "valid" : "invalid");
+        // print out errors
+        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+            System.out.println("Validation Error : " + list.get(i));
+        }
+        assertTrue("Validation Failed, should pass", bResult);
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-34]:  error compiling classes when using a schema with a redefined subelement
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans34() throws Exception {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_34b.xsd_")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        params.setDownload(true);
+        params.setNoPvr(true);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans34() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * BUGBUG: [XMLBEANS-38]
+     * [XMLBEANS-38]   Does not support xs:key (keyRef NoIllegalEntries)
+     */
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans38() throws Exception {
+        String keyrefXSD = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
+                "<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=\"\">" +
+                "<xsd:element name=\"supermarket\">" +
+                "<xsd:complexType>" +
+                "<xsd:sequence> " +
+                "<xsd:element name=\"aisle\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:complexType> " +
+                "<xsd:sequence>" +
+                "<xsd:element name=\"item\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:complexType> " +
+                "<xsd:simpleContent>" +
+                "<xsd:extension base=\"xsd:string\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"code\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"quantity\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"price\" type=\"xsd:decimal\"/> \n" +
+                "</xsd:extension> \n" +
+                "</xsd:simpleContent> \n" +
+                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "</xsd:element> \n" +
+                "</xsd:sequence> \n" + //"<!-- Attribute Of Aisle --> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\"/> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"number\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" + //"<!-- Of Aisle --> \n" +
+                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "<xsd:keyref name=\"NoIllegalEntries\" refer=\"itemKey\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:selector xpath=\"item\"/> \n" +
+                "<xsd:field xpath=\"@code\"/> \n" +
+                "</xsd:keyref> \n" +
+                "</xsd:element> \n" +
+                "<xsd:element name=\"items\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "<xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "<xsd:element name=\"item\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "<xsd:simpleContent> \n" +
+                "<xsd:extension base=\"xsd:string\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"code\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +
+                "</xsd:extension> \n" +
+                "</xsd:simpleContent> \n" +
+                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "</xsd:element> \n" +
+                "</xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "</xsd:element> \n" +
+                "</xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "<xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\"/> \n" +
+                "</xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "<xsd:key name=\"itemKey\"> \n" +
+                "<xsd:selector xpath=\"items/item\"/> \n" +
+                "<xsd:field xpath=\"@code\"/> \n" +
+                "</xsd:key> \n" +
+                "</xsd:element> \n" +
+                "</xsd:schema>";
+        String keyRefInstance = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +
+                "<supermarket xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"C:\\tmp\\Supermarket.xsd\" name=\"String\"> \n" +
+                "<aisle name=\"String\" number=\"2\"> \n" +
+                "<item code=\"1234\" quantity=\"2\" price=\"3.1415926535897932384626433832795\">String</item> \n" +
+                "</aisle> \n" +
+                "<items> \n" +
+                "<item code=\"1234\">Java</item> \n" +
+                "</items> \n" +
+                "</supermarket>";
+        validateInstance(new String[]{keyrefXSD}, new String[]{keyRefInstance}, null);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Loads the class at runtime and inspects for appropriate methods
+     * Statically using methods (class.getGeneration()) would stop build
+     * if the bug resurfaced.
+     * <p/>
+     * [XMLBEANS-45]   <xsd:redefine> tag is not supported
+     */
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans45() throws Exception {
+        //this class is built during the build.schemas target
+        Class cls = Class.forName("xmlbeans45.PersonName");
+        //check for methods in class
+        //getGeneration()
+        if (cls.getMethod("getGeneration") == null)
+            throw new Exception("getGeneration() was not found in class");
+        //getTitle()
+        if (cls.getMethod("getTitle") == null)
+            throw new Exception("getTitle() was not found in class");
+        //getForenameArray()
+        if (cls.getMethod("getForenameArray") == null)
+            throw new Exception("getForenameArray() was not found in class");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Could not Repro this
+     * [XMLBEANS-46] Regex validation fails in multi-threaded, multi-processor environment
+     */
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans46() throws Exception {
+        RegexThread[] threads = new RegexThread[45];
+        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
+            threads[i] = new RegexThread();
+            System.out.println("Thread[" + i + "]-starting ");
+            threads[i].start();
+        }
+        Thread.sleep(6000);
+        System.out.println("Done with RegEx Threading Test...");
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
+            if (threads[i].getException() != null)
+                sb.append(threads[i].getException().getMessage() + "\n");
+        }
+        if (sb.length() > 0)
+            throw new Exception("Threaded Regex Validation Failed\n" + sb.toString());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Incorrect XML
+     * [XMLBEANS-48]   Bug with Root.fetch ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
+     */
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans48() throws Exception {
+        String incorrectXml = "<sch:Feed xmlns:sch=\"http://xmlbeans_48\">" +
+                "<sch:Feed>" +
+                "<sch:Location></sch:Location>" +
+                "<sch:TimeEntered>2004-08-11T15:50:23.064-04:00</sch:TimeEntered>" +
+                "</sch:Feed>" +
+                "</sch:Feed>";
+        xmlbeans48.FeedDocument feedDoc = (xmlbeans48.FeedDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(incorrectXml);
+        FeedInfoType feedInfoType = feedDoc.getFeed();
+        String location = feedInfoType.getLocation();
+        System.out.println("Location: " + location);
+        if (location != null)
+            throw new Exception("Location value should not have been populated");
+        String correctXml = "<sch:Feed xmlns:sch=\"http://xmlbeans_48\">" +
+                "<sch:Location></sch:Location>" +
+                "<sch:TimeEntered>2004-08-11T15:50:23.064-04:00</sch:TimeEntered>" +
+                "</sch:Feed>";
+        feedDoc = (xmlbeans48.FeedDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(correctXml);
+        feedInfoType = feedDoc.getFeed();
+        location = feedInfoType.getLocation();
+        System.out.println("Location: " + location);
+        if (location == null)
+            throw new Exception("Location value should have been populated");
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-49]: Schema compiler won't compile portlet.xsd from jsr168/pluto
+    *
+    */
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans49() {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_49.xsd_")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        // needs network downloads enabled
+        params.setDownload(true);
+        try {
+            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+            if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
+                for (Iterator itr = errors.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
+                    System.out.println("scomp errors: ");
+                }
+            }
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans49() :Exception thrown with above errors!");
+        }
+        // view errors
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans49() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * For Testing jira issue 46
+     */
+    public static class RegexThread extends TestThread
+    {
+        private xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument phone;
+        Random rand;
+        public RegexThread()
+        {
+            super();
+            phone = xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            rand = new Random();
+        }
+        /**
+         * Validates a type that uses the following pattern
+         * <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+         * <xs:pattern value="\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}"/>
+         * </xs:restriction>
+         */
+        public void run()
+        {
+            try {
+                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+                    int pre = rand.nextInt(999);
+                    int mid = rand.nextInt(999);
+                    int post = rand.nextInt(9999);
+                    String testVal = ((pre > 100) ? String.valueOf(pre) : "128") + "-" +
+                            ((mid > 100) ? String.valueOf(mid) : "256") + "-" +
+                            ((post > 1000) ? String.valueOf(post) : "1024");
+                    String xmlData = "<xb:usPhoneNumber xmlns:xb=\"http://xmlbeans_46\">" +
+                            testVal +
+                            "</xb:usPhoneNumber>";
+                    //cannot repro using this method
+                    //phone.setUsPhoneNumber(testVal);
+                    //if (!phone.validate(xm)) {
+                    //    _throwable = new Throwable("Multi Threaded Regular " +
+                    //            "Expression did not validate - " + testVal);
+                    //    if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0)
+                    //        System.err.println("ERROR: " + errors);
+                    //}
+                    boolean validated = parseAndValidate(xmlData);
+                    if (!validated) {
+                        System.out.println("Not Valid!!!");
+                    }
+                    System.out.println("Validated " + testVal + " successfully ");
+                }
+                _result = true;
+            } catch (Throwable t) {
+                _throwable = t;
+                t.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+        private boolean parseAndValidate(String val) throws XmlException
+        {
+            xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument xml = xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument.Factory.parse(val);
+            return validate(xml);
+        }
+        private boolean validate(xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument rdd)
+        {
+            Collection errors = new ArrayList();
+            XmlOptions validateOptions = new XmlOptions();
+            validateOptions.setErrorListener(errors);
+            boolean valid = rdd.validate(validateOptions);
+            if (!valid) {
+                for (Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                    XmlError xmlError = (XmlError);
+                    System.out.println("XML Error - " + xmlError.getMessage() + " at\n" + xmlError.getCursorLocation().xmlText());
+                }
+            }
+            return valid;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index 7252dc6..c17a2a4 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,117 +1,117 @@

- *   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */

-package misc.detailed;


-import jira.xmlbeans228.substitution.CommentType;

-import jira.xmlbeans228.substitution.FirstCommentType;

-import jira.xmlbeans228.substitution.PersonDocument;

-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;

-import misc.detailed.jira208.FrogBreathDocument;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;


-public class JiraRegression201_250Test extends JiraTestBase {


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-206]: Wrong method finding in getMethod() of InterfaceExtensionImpl

-    *

-    */

-    // Refer test case xmlobject.extensions.interfaceFeature.averageCase.checkin.testJiraXMLBEANS_206


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-208]: validation of decimal with fractionDigits -- special case, additional zero digits

-    *

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans208() throws Exception {


-        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();

-        List err = new ArrayList();

-        options.setErrorListener(err);


-        // decimal value invalid

-        FrogBreathDocument invalidDoc = FrogBreathDocument.Factory.parse("<dec:frog_breath xmlns:dec=\"http://misc/detailed/jira208\">1000.000001</dec:frog_breath>");

-        boolean valid = invalidDoc.validate(options);

-        if(!valid)

-        {

-            for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-                System.out.println("Validation Error (invalid doc):" +;

-            }

-        }

-        // expected to fail

-        assertFalse(valid);


-        // decimal value with trailing zeros tagged as invalid

-        FrogBreathDocument validDoc = FrogBreathDocument.Factory.parse("<dec:frog_breath xmlns:dec=\"http://misc/detailed/jira208\">1000.000000</dec:frog_breath>");


-        err.clear();

-        boolean valid2 = validDoc.validate(options);

-        if(!valid2)

-        {

-            for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-                System.out.println("Validation Error (valid doc):" +;

-            }

-        }


-        assertTrue(valid2);

-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-228]: 

-    * element order in sequence incorrect after calling substitute()

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans228() throws Exception

-    {

-        PersonDocument personDocument = PersonDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-        PersonDocument.Person person = personDocument.addNewPerson();

-        CommentType commentType = person.addNewComment();

-        String ns = "http://jira/xmlbeans_228/substitution";

-        QName qName = new QName(ns, "FirstCommentElement");

-        Object resultObject = commentType.substitute(qName, FirstCommentType.type);

-        FirstCommentType firstCommentType = (FirstCommentType)resultObject;

-        firstCommentType.setStringValue("ThirdElement");

-        person.setComment(firstCommentType);


-        person.setFirstName("FirstElement");

-        person.setLastName("SecondElement");


-        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions().setSavePrettyPrint().setUseDefaultNamespace();

-        StringWriter out = new StringWriter();

-, opts);


-        String exp = 

-            "<Person xmlns=\"http://jira/xmlbeans_228/substitution\">" + NEWLINE +

-            "  <FirstName>FirstElement</FirstName>" + NEWLINE +

-            "  <LastName>SecondElement</LastName>" + NEWLINE +

-            "  <FirstCommentElement>ThirdElement</FirstCommentElement>" + NEWLINE +

-            "</Person>";


-        assertEquals(exp, out.toString());

-        if (!personDocument.validate())

-        {

-            fail("Wrong element order!");

-        }

-    }


+ *   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import jira.xmlbeans228.substitution.CommentType;
+import jira.xmlbeans228.substitution.FirstCommentType;
+import jira.xmlbeans228.substitution.PersonDocument;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import misc.detailed.jira208.FrogBreathDocument;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class JiraRegression201_250Test extends JiraTestBase {
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-206]: Wrong method finding in getMethod() of InterfaceExtensionImpl
+    *
+    */
+    // Refer test case xmlobject.extensions.interfaceFeature.averageCase.checkin.testJiraXMLBEANS_206
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-208]: validation of decimal with fractionDigits -- special case, additional zero digits
+    *
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans208() throws Exception {
+        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
+        List err = new ArrayList();
+        options.setErrorListener(err);
+        // decimal value invalid
+        FrogBreathDocument invalidDoc = FrogBreathDocument.Factory.parse("<dec:frog_breath xmlns:dec=\"http://misc/detailed/jira208\">1000.000001</dec:frog_breath>");
+        boolean valid = invalidDoc.validate(options);
+        if(!valid)
+        {
+            for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                System.out.println("Validation Error (invalid doc):" +;
+            }
+        }
+        // expected to fail
+        assertFalse(valid);
+        // decimal value with trailing zeros tagged as invalid
+        FrogBreathDocument validDoc = FrogBreathDocument.Factory.parse("<dec:frog_breath xmlns:dec=\"http://misc/detailed/jira208\">1000.000000</dec:frog_breath>");
+        err.clear();
+        boolean valid2 = validDoc.validate(options);
+        if(!valid2)
+        {
+            for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                System.out.println("Validation Error (valid doc):" +;
+            }
+        }
+        assertTrue(valid2);
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-228]: 
+    * element order in sequence incorrect after calling substitute()
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans228() throws Exception
+    {
+        PersonDocument personDocument = PersonDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+        PersonDocument.Person person = personDocument.addNewPerson();
+        CommentType commentType = person.addNewComment();
+        String ns = "http://jira/xmlbeans_228/substitution";
+        QName qName = new QName(ns, "FirstCommentElement");
+        Object resultObject = commentType.substitute(qName, FirstCommentType.type);
+        FirstCommentType firstCommentType = (FirstCommentType)resultObject;
+        firstCommentType.setStringValue("ThirdElement");
+        person.setComment(firstCommentType);
+        person.setFirstName("FirstElement");
+        person.setLastName("SecondElement");
+        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions().setSavePrettyPrint().setUseDefaultNamespace();
+        StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
+, opts);
+        String exp = 
+            "<Person xmlns=\"http://jira/xmlbeans_228/substitution\">" + NEWLINE +
+            "  <FirstName>FirstElement</FirstName>" + NEWLINE +
+            "  <LastName>SecondElement</LastName>" + NEWLINE +
+            "  <FirstCommentElement>ThirdElement</FirstCommentElement>" + NEWLINE +
+            "</Person>";
+        assertEquals(exp, out.toString());
+        if (!personDocument.validate())
+        {
+            fail("Wrong element order!");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index 67dbbfa..47994a0 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@

- *   Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */

-package misc.detailed;


-import com.easypo.XmlShipperBean;

-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;


-public class JiraRegression251_300Test extends JiraTestBase


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-260]: SchemaType#isSkippedAnonymousType() throws an NPE

-    * if _outerSchemaTypeRef is not set

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans260()

-    {

-        // construct an instance of a non-anonymous type

-        XmlShipperBean xbean = XmlShipperBean.Factory.newInstance();

-        // the following call should not throw an NPE;

-        // it should return false instead

-        boolean isSkipped = xbean.schemaType().isSkippedAnonymousType();

-        assertFalse(isSkipped);

-    }


+ *   Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import com.easypo.XmlShipperBean;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+public class JiraRegression251_300Test extends JiraTestBase
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-260]: SchemaType#isSkippedAnonymousType() throws an NPE
+    * if _outerSchemaTypeRef is not set
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans260()
+    {
+        // construct an instance of a non-anonymous type
+        XmlShipperBean xbean = XmlShipperBean.Factory.newInstance();
+        // the following call should not throw an NPE;
+        // it should return false instead
+        boolean isSkipped = xbean.schemaType().isSkippedAnonymousType();
+        assertFalse(isSkipped);
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index 7a490e3..89ee310 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,849 +1,849 @@
-/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */


-package misc.detailed;


-import dufourrault.DummyDocument;

-import dufourrault.Father;

-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;

-import net.orthogony.xml.sample.structure.ARootDocument;

-import net.orthogony.xml.sample.structure.ChildType;


-import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlconfig.ConfigDocument;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Ignore;

-import org.junit.Test;

-import org.w3c.dom.Document;

-import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;

-import org.w3c.dom.Node;

-import test.xbean.xmlcursor.purchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderDocument;

-import testDateAttribute.TestDatewTZone;

-import testDateAttribute.TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument;

-import tools.util.JarUtil;


-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;

-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;






-import java.util.*;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;



-public class JiraRegression50_100Test extends JiraTestBase




-    ///**

-    // * [XMLBEANS-##]  <BUG TITLE>

-    // */

-    //public void test_jira_XmlBeans45() throws Exception

-    //{

-    //

-    //}





-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-52]   Validator loops when schema has certain conditions

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans52() throws Exception{

-     //reusing code from method test_jira_XmlBeans48()

-     String correctXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +

-             "<!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSPY v5 rel. 4 U (> \n" +

-             "<aList xmlns=\"\" " +

-             "xmlns:xsi=\"\" " +

-             "xsi:schemaLocation=\" \n" +

-             "C:\\pfa\\techr3\\TransformationWorkbench\\schema\\errorInXmlBeansValidation.xsd\"> \n" +

-             "<myListEntry> \n" +

-             "<HelloWorld>Hello World</HelloWorld> \n" +

-             "</myListEntry> \n" +

-             "</aList> ";



-     }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-54]: problem with default value

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans54() throws Exception {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();


-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_54.xsd_")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);

-        params.setDownload(true);

-        params.setNoPvr(true);


-        // Runs out of Heap Memory

-        params.setMemoryMaximumSize("1024m");

-        params.setMemoryInitialSize("512m");


-        try {

-            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        } catch (OutOfMemoryError ome) {

-            System.out.println(ome.getStackTrace());

-            System.out.println("test_jira_xmlbeans54() - out of Heap Memory");

-        }


-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans54() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-56] samples issue with easypo schema and config file

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans56() throws Exception {

-        String xsdConfig = "<xb:config " +

-                " xmlns:xb=\"\"\n" +

-                "    xmlns:ep=\"\">\n" +

-                "    <xb:namespace uri=\"\">\n" +

-                "        <xb:package>com.easypo</xb:package>\n" +

-                "    </xb:namespace>\n" +

-                "    <xb:namespace uri=\"##any\">\n" +

-                "        <xb:prefix>Xml</xb:prefix>\n" +

-                "        <xb:suffix>Bean</xb:suffix>\n" +

-                "    </xb:namespace>\n" +

-                "    <xb:extension for=\"com.easypo.XmlCustomerBean\">\n" +

-                "        <xb:interface name=\"myPackage.Foo\">\n" +

-                "            <xb:staticHandler>myPackage.FooHandler</xb:staticHandler>\n" +

-                "        </xb:interface>\n" +

-                "    </xb:extension>\n" +

-                "    <xb:qname name=\"ep:purchase-order\" javaname=\"purchaseOrderXXX\"/>\n" +

-                "</xb:config> ";

-        ConfigDocument config =

-                ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(xsdConfig);

-        xmOpts.setErrorListener(errorList);

-        if (config.validate(xmOpts)) {

-            System.out.println("Config Validated");

-            return;

-        } else {

-            System.err.println("Config File did not validate");

-            for (Iterator iterator = errorList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-                System.out.println("Error: " +;

-            }

-            throw new Exception("Config File did not validate");

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-57]   scomp failure for XSD namespace "DAV:"

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans57() throws Exception {

-        String P = File.separator;

-        String outputDir = OUTPUTROOT + P + "dav";


-        File srcDir = new File(outputDir + P + "src");

-        srcDir.mkdirs();

-        File classDir = new File(outputDir + P + "classes");

-        classDir.mkdirs();


-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_57.xml")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errorList);

-        params.setSrcDir(srcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(classDir);

-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        Collection errs = params.getErrorListener();

-        boolean outTextPresent = true;


-        if (errs.size() != 0) {

-            for (Iterator iterator = errs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-                Object o =;

-                String out = o.toString();

-                System.out.println("Dav: " + out);

-                if (out.startsWith("Compiled types to"))

-                    outTextPresent = false;

-            }

-        }


-        //cleanup gen'd dirs

-        srcDir.deleteOnExit();

-        classDir.deleteOnExit();


-        if (outTextPresent)

-            System.out.println("No errors when running schemacompiler with DAV namespace");

-        else

-            throw new Exception("There were errors while compiling XSD with DAV " +

-                    "namespace. See sys.out for more info");

-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-58]:resolving transitive <redefine>'d types...

-    * This is realted to xmlbeans36 - its the same case but the schemas seem to have been updated at the w3c site.

-    * Hence adding a new testcase with the new schemas

-    */

-    @Test

-    @Ignore("the url doesn't exist anymore ...")

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans58() throws Exception {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();


-        // old url has been retired

-        //params.setUrlFiles(new URL[]{new URL("")});

-        // this seems to be a url for a WS-BrokeredNotification 1.0 wsdl

-        params.setUrlFiles(new URL[]{new URL("")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);

-        params.setDownload(true);


-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans55() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }


-    }



-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-62]   Avoid class cast exception when compiling older schema namespace

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans62() throws Exception {

-        String P = File.separator;

-        String outputDir = System.getProperty("xbean.rootdir") + P + "build" +

-                P + "test" + P + "output" + P + "x1999";


-        File srcDir = new File(outputDir + P + "src");

-        srcDir.mkdirs();

-        File classDir = new File(outputDir + P + "classes");

-        classDir.mkdirs();


-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setWsdlFiles(new File[]{new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_62.xml")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errorList);

-        params.setSrcDir(srcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(classDir);

-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        Collection errs = params.getErrorListener();

-        boolean warningPresent = false;

-        for (Iterator iterator = errs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

-            Object o =;

-            String out = o.toString();

-            if (out.endsWith("did not have any schema documents in namespace ''")) ;

-            warningPresent = true;

-        }


-        //cleanup gen'd dirs

-        srcDir.deleteOnExit();

-        classDir.deleteOnExit();


-        //validate error present

-        if (!warningPresent)

-            throw new Exception("Warning for 1999 schema was not found when compiling srcs");

-        else

-            System.out.println("Warning Present, test Passed");

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-64] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during validation

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans64() throws Exception {

-        // load the document

-        File inst = new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_64.xml");

-        XmlObject doc = RecorderSessionDocument.Factory.parse(inst);

-        // validate

-        XmlOptions validateOptions = new XmlOptions();

-        validateOptions.setLoadLineNumbers();

-        ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList();

-        validateOptions.setErrorListener(errorList);

-        boolean isValid = doc.validate(validateOptions);


-        if (!isValid)

-            throw new Exception("Errors: " + errorList);

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-66]   NullPointerException when restricting a union with one of the union members

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans66() throws Exception {

-        String reproXsd = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +

-                "<xsd:schema targetNamespace=\"\" \n" +

-                "      xmlns=\"\" \n" +

-                "      xmlns:xsd=\"\" \n" +

-                "      elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" \n" +

-                "      attributeFormDefault=\"qualified\"> \n" +

-                "  <!-- Kludge for anySimpleType --> \n" +

-                "  <xsd:simpleType name=\"constantValueType\"> \n" +

-                "    <xsd:union memberTypes=\"xsd:integer xsd:decimal xsd:string xsd:double\"/> \n" +

-                "  </xsd:simpleType> \n" +

-                "  <!-- constant expressions. We have 4 different subclasses for this --> \n" +

-                "  <xsd:complexType name=\"constantExpr\"> \n" +

-                "        <xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "          <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"constantValueType\"/> \n" +

-                "        </xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "  </xsd:complexType> \n" +

-                "  <xsd:complexType name=\"integerConstantExpr\"> \n" +

-                "    <xsd:complexContent> \n" +

-                "      <xsd:restriction base=\"constantExpr\"> \n" +

-                "        <xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "          <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"xsd:integer\"/> \n" +

-                "        </xsd:sequence> \n" +

-                "      </xsd:restriction> \n" +

-                "    </xsd:complexContent> \n" +

-                "  </xsd:complexType>" +

-                "<!-- added for element validation -->" +

-                "<xsd:element name=\"Kludge\" type=\"integerConstantExpr\" />\n" +

-                "</xsd:schema> ";


-        SchemaTypeLoader stl = makeSchemaTypeLoader(new String[]{reproXsd});

-        QName reproQName = new QName("", "Kludge");

-        SchemaGlobalElement elVal = stl.findElement(reproQName);

-        assertTrue("Element is null or not found", (elVal != null));


-        String reproInst = "<Kludge xmlns=\"\"><value>12</value></Kludge>";

-        validateInstance(new String[]{reproXsd}, new String[]{reproInst}, null);

-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-68] GDateBuilder outputs empty string when used without time or timezone

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans68() throws Exception {

-        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

-        GDateBuilder gdateBuilder = new GDateBuilder(cal);

-        gdateBuilder.clearTime();

-        gdateBuilder.clearTimeZone();

-        GDate gdate = gdateBuilder.toGDate();

-        TestDatewTZone xdate = TestDatewTZone.Factory.newInstance();

-        xdate.setGDateValue(gdate);

-        TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument doc =

-                TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-        TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument.TestElementWithDateAttribute root =

-                doc.addNewTestElementWithDateAttribute();


-        root.xsetSomeDate(xdate);

-        System.out.println("Doc: " + doc);

-        System.out.println("Date: " + xdate.getStringValue());


-        if (xdate.getStringValue().compareTo("") == 0 ||

-                xdate.getStringValue().length() <= 1)

-            throw new Exception("Date without TimeZone should not be empty");

-        if (root.getSomeDate().getTimeInMillis() != gdate.getCalendar().getTimeInMillis())

-            throw new Exception("Set Dates were not equal");

-    }


-    /**

-     * This issue needed an elementFormDefault=qualified added to the schema

-     * [XMLBEANS-71] when trying to retrieve data from a XMLBean with Input from a XML Document, we cannot get any data from the Bean.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans71() throws Exception {

-        //schema src lives in cases/xbean/xmlobject/xmlbeans_71.xsd

-        abc.BazResponseDocument doc = abc.BazResponseDocument.Factory.parse(JarUtil.getResourceFromJarasFile("xbean/misc/jira/xmlbeans_71.xml"), xmOpts);

-        xmOpts.setErrorListener(errorList);

-        abc.BazResponseDocument.BazResponse baz = doc.getBazResponse();


-        if (!doc.validate(xmOpts))

-            System.out.println("DOC-ERRORS: " + errorList + "\n" + doc.xmlText());

-        else

-            System.out.println("DOC-XML:\n" + doc.xmlText());


-        errorList.removeAll(errorList);

-        xmOpts.setErrorListener(errorList);


-        if (!baz.validate(xmOpts))

-            System.out.println("BAZ-ERRORS: " + errorList + "\n" + baz.xmlText());

-        //throw new Exception("Response Document did not validate\n"+errorList);

-        else

-            System.out.println("BAZ-XML:\n" + baz.xmlText());


-        if (baz.getStatus().compareTo("SUCCESS") != 0)

-            throw new Exception("Status was not loaded properly");

-        else

-            System.out.println("Sucess was received correctly");

-    }



-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-72]   Document properties are lost

-     */

-    @Test

-    @Ignore

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans72() throws Exception {

-        String docTypeName = "struts-config";

-        String docTypePublicID = "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN";

-        String docTypeSystemID = "";

-        String fileName = "xmlbeans72.xml";


-        //create instance and set doc properties

-        PurchaseOrderDocument po = PurchaseOrderDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-        org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties docProps = po.documentProperties();

-        docProps.setDoctypeName(docTypeName);

-        docProps.setDoctypePublicId(docTypePublicID);

-        docProps.setDoctypeSystemId(docTypeSystemID);

-        po.addNewPurchaseOrder();

- File(fileName));


-        //parse saved out file and verify values set above are present

-        PurchaseOrderDocument po2 = PurchaseOrderDocument.Factory.parse(new File(fileName));

-        //XmlObject po2 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(fileName));


-        org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties doc2Props = po2.documentProperties();


-        //verify information using DOM

-        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

-        factory.setValidating(false);

-        factory.setNamespaceAware(true);

-        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

-        Document document = builder.parse(new File(fileName));


-        DocumentType docType = document.getDoctype();


-        //System.out.println("Name: "+ doc2Props.getDoctypeName() +" = " + docType.getName());

-        //System.out.println("System: "+ doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId() + " = " + docType.getSystemId());

-        //System.out.println("Public: "+ doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId()+ " = " + docType.getPublicId());


-        StringBuilder compareText = new StringBuilder();

-        //check values - compare to expected and DOM

-        if (doc2Props != null) {

-            if (doc2Props.getDoctypeName() == null ||

-                    doc2Props.getDoctypeName().compareTo(docTypeName) != 0 ||

-                    doc2Props.getDoctypeName().compareTo(docType.getName()) != 0)

-                compareText.append("docTypeName was not as " +

-                        "expected in the document properties " +

-                        doc2Props.getDoctypeName()+"\n");


-            if (doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId() == null ||

-                    doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId().compareTo(docTypePublicID) != 0 ||

-                    doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId().compareTo(docType.getPublicId()) != 0)

-                compareText.append("docTypePublicID was not as " +

-                        "expected in the document properties " +

-                        doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId()+"\n");


-            if (doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId() == null ||

-                    doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId().compareTo(docTypeSystemID) != 0 ||

-                    doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId().compareTo(docType.getSystemId()) != 0)

-                compareText.append("docTypeSystemID was not as " +

-                        "expected in the document properties "+

-                        doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId()+"\n" );

-        } else {

-            compareText.append("Document Properties were null, should have been set");

-        }


-        //cleanup

-        po2 = null;

-        po = null;

-        new File(fileName).deleteOnExit();


-        if (compareText.toString().length() > 1)

-            throw new Exception("Doc properties were not saved or read correctly\n" + compareText.toString());

-    }


-    /**

-     * BUGBUG: XMLBEANS-78 - NPE when processing XMLStreamReader Midstream

-     * XMLBEANS-78 - NPE when processing XMLStreamReader Midstream

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans78() throws Exception {

-        XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();

-        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(JIRA_CASES+ "xmlbeans_78.xml"));

-        XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(fis);

-        skipToBody(reader);

-        XmlObject o = XmlObject.Factory.parse(reader);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Move reader to element of SOAP Body

-     *

-     * @param reader

-     * @throws

-     *

-     */

-    private void skipToBody(XMLStreamReader reader) throws {

-        while (true) {

-            int event =;

-            switch (event) {

-                case XMLStreamReader.END_DOCUMENT:

-                    return;

-                case XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT:

-                    if (reader.getLocalName().equals("Body")) {

-                        return;

-                    }

-                    break;

-                default:

-                    break;

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Repro case for jira issue

-     * XMLBEANS-80  problems in XPath selecting with namespaces and Predicates.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans80() throws Exception {

-        String xpathDoc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> \n" +

-                "<doc xmlns:ext=\"http://somebody.elses.extension\"> \n" +

-                "  <ext:a test=\"test\" /> \n" +

-                "  <b attr1=\"a1\" attr2=\"a2\" \n" +

-                "  xmlns:java=\"\"> \n" +

-                "    <a> \n" +

-                "    </a> \n" +

-                "  </b> \n" +

-                "</doc> ";

-        XmlObject xb80 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xpathDoc);

-        // change $this to '.' to avoid XQuery syntax error for $this not being declared

-        //XmlObject[] resSet = xb80.selectPath("declare namespace " +

-        //        "ext='http://somebody.elses.extension'; $this//ext:a[@test='test']");


-        XmlObject[] resSet = xb80.selectPath("declare namespace " +

-                "ext='http://somebody.elses.extension'; .//ext:a[@test='test']");



-        assertEquals(1, resSet.length);

-        System.out.println("Result was: " + resSet[0].xmlText());

-    }


-    /**

-     * Repro case for jira issue

-     * XMLBEANS-81  Cursor selectPath() method not working with predicates

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans81() throws Exception {

-        String xpathDoc = "<MatchedRecords>" +

-                "  <MatchedRecord>" +

-                "     <TableName>" +

-                "ABC" +

-                "</TableName>" +

-                "  </MatchedRecord>" +

-                "  <MatchedRecord>" +

-                "     <TableName>\n" +

-                "       BCD \n" +

-                "     </TableName> \n" +

-                "  </MatchedRecord> \n" +

-                "</MatchedRecords> ";

-        XmlObject xb81 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xpathDoc);

-        // change $this to '.' to avoid XQuery syntax error for $this not being declared

-        //XmlObject[] resSet = xb81.selectPath("$this//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");

-        XmlObject[] resSet = xb81.selectPath(".//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");

-        assertEquals(resSet.length , 1);

-        XmlCursor cursor = xb81.newCursor();

-        //cursor.selectPath("$this//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");

-        cursor.selectPath(".//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");

-    }


-    /**

-     * XMLBeans-84 Cannot run XmlObject.selectPath using Jaxen in multi threaded environment

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_XmlBeans84() throws Exception {

-        XPathThread[] threads = new XPathThread[15];


-        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {

-            threads[i] = new XPathThread();

-            System.out.println("Thread[" + i + "]-starting ");

-            threads[i].start();

-        }


-        Thread.sleep(6000);

-        System.out.println("Done with XPaths?...");


-        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {

-            Assert.assertNull(threads[i].getException());

-        }


-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-88]:Cannot compile eBay schema

-    */

-    @Ignore

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans88() throws Exception {

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();


-        params.setUrlFiles(new URL[]{new URL("")});

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);

-        params.setDownload(true);


-        // ignore unique particle rule in order to compile this schema

-        params.setNoUpa(true);


-        // runs out of memory..

-        params.setMemoryMaximumSize("512m");


-        try {

-            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        } catch (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ome) {

-            System.out.println(ome.getCause());

-            System.out.println(ome.getMessage());

-            System.out.println(ome.getStackTrace());

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans88(): Out Of Memory Error");

-        } catch (Throwable t) {

-            t.getMessage();

-            System.out.println("Ok Some Exception is caught here");

-        }


-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans88() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-    * [XMLBEANS-96]:XmlDocumentProperties missing version and encoding

-    */

-    @Test

-    @Ignore

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans96() throws Exception {

-        StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("<test>");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("<testchild attr=\"abcd\"> Jira02 </testchild>");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("</test>");


-        XmlObject doc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString());

-        XmlDocumentProperties props = doc.documentProperties();

-        assertEquals("test_jira_xmlbeans96() : Xml Version is not picked up", "1.0", props.getVersion());

-        assertEquals("test_jira_xmlbeans96() : Xml Encoding is not picked up", "UTF-8", props.getEncoding());


-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-98]   setSaveSuggestedPrefixes doesn't

-     * work for QName attribute values

-     */

-    @Test

-    @Ignore

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans98() throws Exception {

-        String outfn = outputroot + "xmlbeans_98.xml";

-        String structnamespace = "";

-        String datanamespace = "";

-        String schemaloc = "xmlbeans_98.xsd";

-        String xsinamespace = "";


-        File out = new File(outfn);

-        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();


-        // associate namespaces with prefixes

-        Map prefixes = new HashMap();

-        prefixes.put(structnamespace, "s");

-        prefixes.put(datanamespace, "d");

-        prefixes.put(xsinamespace, "v");

-        options.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(prefixes);

-        options.setSavePrettyPrint();


-        // create a sample document

-        ARootDocument doc = ARootDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-        ARootDocument.ARoot root = doc.addNewARoot();

-        ChildType child = root.addNewAChild();

-        // This is where the prefix map should take effect

-        child.setQualifiedData(new QName(datanamespace, "IAmQualified"));


-        // Add a schema location attribute to the doc element

-        XmlCursor c = root.newCursor();

-        c.toNextToken();

-        c.insertAttributeWithValue("schemaLocation", xsinamespace,

-                structnamespace + " " + schemaloc);


-        //String expXML = doc.xmlText(options.setSavePrettyPrint())

-        // save as XML text using the options

-        //System.out.println("OUT: \n"+doc.xmlText());

-        //, options);

-, options);

-        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(out);


-        String expXText = "<s:a-root v:schemaLocation=\" xmlbeans_98.xsd\" xmlns:s=\"\" xmlns:v=\"\">\n" +

-                "  <s:a-child qualified-data=\"data:IAmQualified\" xmlns:data=\"\"/>\n" +

-                "</s:a-root>";

-        XmlObject txtXObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(doc.xmlText());

-        System.out.println("xObj: " + xObj.xmlText());

-        //NamedNodeMap n = xObj.getDomNode().getAttributes();

-        //Assert.assertTrue("Length was not as expected", n.getLength() == 3);

-        Node no = xObj.getDomNode();//n.getNamedItem("a-root");

-        Assert.assertTrue("Expected Prefix was not present: " + no.getPrefix(), no.getPrefix().compareTo("s") == 0);

-        //Assert.assertTrue("s prefix was not found " + no.lookupPrefix(structnamespace), no.lookupPrefix(structnamespace).compareTo("s") == 0);

-        //Assert.assertTrue("d prefix was not found " + no.lookupPrefix(datanamespace), no.lookupPrefix(datanamespace).compareTo("s") == 0);

-        //Assert.assertTrue("v prefix was not found " + no.lookupPrefix(xsinamespace), no.lookupPrefix(xsinamespace).compareTo("s") == 0);



-        // throw new Exception(out.getCanonicalPath());


-    }


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-99]   NPE/AssertionFailure in newDomNode()

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans99_a() throws Exception {

-        //typed verification

-        DummyDocument doc = DummyDocument.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_99.xml"));

-        org.w3c.dom.Node node = doc.newDomNode();

-        System.out.println("node = " + node);

-        //UnTyped Verification

-        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES +

-                "xmlbeans_99.xml"));

-        org.w3c.dom.Node xNode = xObj.newDomNode();

-        System.out.println("xNode: " + xNode);

-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-99]: NPE/AssertionFailure in newDomNode()

-    * refer to [XMLBEANS-14]

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans99_b() throws Exception {

-        StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?> \n");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("                <x:dummy xmlns:x=\"http://dufourrault\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:SchemaLocation=\"dummy.xsd\">\n");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("                    <x:father>\n");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("                     <x:son>toto</x:son> \n");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("                    </x:father>\n");

-        xmlstringbuf.append("              </x:dummy>");


-        try {

-            //From empty instance

-            DummyDocument newDoc = DummyDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-            DummyDocument.Dummy newDummy = newDoc.addNewDummy();

-            Node newNode = newDummy.newDomNode();

-            System.out.println("New Node = " + newNode);


-            //set Item

-            DummyDocument new2Doc = DummyDocument.Factory.newInstance();

-            DummyDocument.Dummy new2Dummy = new2Doc.addNewDummy();

-            Father newFather= Father.Factory.newInstance();

-            newFather.setSon("son");

-            new2Dummy.setFather(newFather);

-            Node new2Node = new2Dummy.newDomNode();

-            System.out.println("SetFather Node = " + new2Node);


-            //With Loaded instance Document

-            DummyDocument doc = DummyDocument.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString());

-            Node node = doc.newDomNode();

-            System.out.println("node = " + node);

-            //Just Element Type Node

-            dufourrault.DummyDocument.Dummy dummy = doc.addNewDummy();

-            Node typeNode = dummy.newDomNode();

-            System.out.println("TypeNode = "+typeNode);


-            dufourrault.Father fatherType = Father.Factory.newInstance();

-            fatherType.setSon("son");

-            Node fatherTypeNode = fatherType.newDomNode();

-            System.out.println("New Father Type Node: "+ fatherTypeNode);


-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans99() : Null Pointer Exception when create Dom Node");

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans99() : Exception when create Dom Node");

-        }

-    }




-    /**

-     * For Testing jira issue 84

-     */

-    public static class XPathThread extends TestThread

-    {

-        public XPathThread()

-        {

-            super();

-        }


-        public void run()

-        {


-            try {

-                for (int i = 0; i < ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {

-                    switch (i % 2) {

-                        case 0:

-                            runStatusXPath();

-                            break;

-                        case 1:

-                            runDocXPath();

-                            break;

-                        default:

-                            System.out.println("Val: " + i);

-                            break;

-                    }


-                }

-                _result = true;


-            } catch (Throwable t) {

-                _throwable = t;

-                t.printStackTrace();

-            }

-        }


-        public void runStatusXPath()

-        {

-            try {

-                System.out.println("Testing Status");

-                String statusDoc = "<statusreport xmlns=\"\">\n" +

-                        "  <status name=\"first\" target=\"all\">all</status>\n" +

-                        "  <status name=\"second\" target=\"all\">few</status>\n" +

-                        "  <status name=\"third\" target=\"none\">most</status>\n" +

-                        "  <status name=\"first\" target=\"none\">none</status>\n" +

-                        "</statusreport>";

-                XmlObject path = XmlObject.Factory.parse(statusDoc, xm);

-                XmlObject[] resSet = path.selectPath("//*:status");

-                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length + "", resSet.length == 4);

-                resSet = path.selectPath("//*:status[@name='first']");

-                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length == 2);


-            } catch (Throwable t) {

-                _throwable = t;

-                t.printStackTrace();

-            }

-        }


-        public void runDocXPath()

-        {

-            try {

-                System.out.println("Testing Doc");

-                String docDoc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +

-                        "<doc xmlns:ext=\"http://somebody.elses.extension\">\n" +

-                        "  <a test=\"test\" />\n" +

-                        "  <b attr1=\"a1\" attr2=\"a2\"   \n" +

-                        "  xmlns:java=\"\">\n" +

-                        "    <a>\n" +

-                        "    </a> \n" +

-                        "  </b>\n" +

-                        "</doc><!-- -->  ";

-                XmlObject path = XmlObject.Factory.parse(docDoc, xm);

-                XmlObject[] resSet = path.selectPath("//a");

-                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length == 2);

-                resSet = path.selectPath("//b[@attr2]");

-                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length == 1);


-            } catch (Throwable t) {

-                _throwable = t;

-                t.printStackTrace();

-            }

-        }

-    }



+/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import dufourrault.DummyDocument;
+import dufourrault.Father;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import net.orthogony.xml.sample.structure.ARootDocument;
+import net.orthogony.xml.sample.structure.ChildType;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlconfig.ConfigDocument;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import test.xbean.xmlcursor.purchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderDocument;
+import testDateAttribute.TestDatewTZone;
+import testDateAttribute.TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument;
+import tools.util.JarUtil;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
+import java.util.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class JiraRegression50_100Test extends JiraTestBase
+    ///**
+    // * [XMLBEANS-##]  <BUG TITLE>
+    // */
+    //public void test_jira_XmlBeans45() throws Exception
+    //{
+    //
+    //}
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-52]   Validator loops when schema has certain conditions
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans52() throws Exception{
+     //reusing code from method test_jira_XmlBeans48()
+     String correctXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +
+             "<!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSPY v5 rel. 4 U (> \n" +
+             "<aList xmlns=\"\" " +
+             "xmlns:xsi=\"\" " +
+             "xsi:schemaLocation=\" \n" +
+             "C:\\pfa\\techr3\\TransformationWorkbench\\schema\\errorInXmlBeansValidation.xsd\"> \n" +
+             "<myListEntry> \n" +
+             "<HelloWorld>Hello World</HelloWorld> \n" +
+             "</myListEntry> \n" +
+             "</aList> ";
+     }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-54]: problem with default value
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans54() throws Exception {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_54.xsd_")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        params.setDownload(true);
+        params.setNoPvr(true);
+        // Runs out of Heap Memory
+        params.setMemoryMaximumSize("1024m");
+        params.setMemoryInitialSize("512m");
+        try {
+            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        } catch (OutOfMemoryError ome) {
+            System.out.println(ome.getStackTrace());
+            System.out.println("test_jira_xmlbeans54() - out of Heap Memory");
+        }
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans54() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-56] samples issue with easypo schema and config file
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans56() throws Exception {
+        String xsdConfig = "<xb:config " +
+                " xmlns:xb=\"\"\n" +
+                "    xmlns:ep=\"\">\n" +
+                "    <xb:namespace uri=\"\">\n" +
+                "        <xb:package>com.easypo</xb:package>\n" +
+                "    </xb:namespace>\n" +
+                "    <xb:namespace uri=\"##any\">\n" +
+                "        <xb:prefix>Xml</xb:prefix>\n" +
+                "        <xb:suffix>Bean</xb:suffix>\n" +
+                "    </xb:namespace>\n" +
+                "    <xb:extension for=\"com.easypo.XmlCustomerBean\">\n" +
+                "        <xb:interface name=\"myPackage.Foo\">\n" +
+                "            <xb:staticHandler>myPackage.FooHandler</xb:staticHandler>\n" +
+                "        </xb:interface>\n" +
+                "    </xb:extension>\n" +
+                "    <xb:qname name=\"ep:purchase-order\" javaname=\"purchaseOrderXXX\"/>\n" +
+                "</xb:config> ";
+        ConfigDocument config =
+                ConfigDocument.Factory.parse(xsdConfig);
+        xmOpts.setErrorListener(errorList);
+        if (config.validate(xmOpts)) {
+            System.out.println("Config Validated");
+            return;
+        } else {
+            System.err.println("Config File did not validate");
+            for (Iterator iterator = errorList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                System.out.println("Error: " +;
+            }
+            throw new Exception("Config File did not validate");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-57]   scomp failure for XSD namespace "DAV:"
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans57() throws Exception {
+        String P = File.separator;
+        String outputDir = OUTPUTROOT + P + "dav";
+        File srcDir = new File(outputDir + P + "src");
+        srcDir.mkdirs();
+        File classDir = new File(outputDir + P + "classes");
+        classDir.mkdirs();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_57.xml")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errorList);
+        params.setSrcDir(srcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(classDir);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        Collection errs = params.getErrorListener();
+        boolean outTextPresent = true;
+        if (errs.size() != 0) {
+            for (Iterator iterator = errs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                Object o =;
+                String out = o.toString();
+                System.out.println("Dav: " + out);
+                if (out.startsWith("Compiled types to"))
+                    outTextPresent = false;
+            }
+        }
+        //cleanup gen'd dirs
+        srcDir.deleteOnExit();
+        classDir.deleteOnExit();
+        if (outTextPresent)
+            System.out.println("No errors when running schemacompiler with DAV namespace");
+        else
+            throw new Exception("There were errors while compiling XSD with DAV " +
+                    "namespace. See sys.out for more info");
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-58]:resolving transitive <redefine>'d types...
+    * This is realted to xmlbeans36 - its the same case but the schemas seem to have been updated at the w3c site.
+    * Hence adding a new testcase with the new schemas
+    */
+    @Test
+    @Ignore("the url doesn't exist anymore ...")
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans58() throws Exception {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        // old url has been retired
+        //params.setUrlFiles(new URL[]{new URL("")});
+        // this seems to be a url for a WS-BrokeredNotification 1.0 wsdl
+        params.setUrlFiles(new URL[]{new URL("")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        params.setDownload(true);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans55() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-62]   Avoid class cast exception when compiling older schema namespace
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans62() throws Exception {
+        String P = File.separator;
+        String outputDir = System.getProperty("xbean.rootdir") + P + "build" +
+                P + "test" + P + "output" + P + "x1999";
+        File srcDir = new File(outputDir + P + "src");
+        srcDir.mkdirs();
+        File classDir = new File(outputDir + P + "classes");
+        classDir.mkdirs();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setWsdlFiles(new File[]{new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_62.xml")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errorList);
+        params.setSrcDir(srcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(classDir);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        Collection errs = params.getErrorListener();
+        boolean warningPresent = false;
+        for (Iterator iterator = errs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+            Object o =;
+            String out = o.toString();
+            if (out.endsWith("did not have any schema documents in namespace ''")) ;
+            warningPresent = true;
+        }
+        //cleanup gen'd dirs
+        srcDir.deleteOnExit();
+        classDir.deleteOnExit();
+        //validate error present
+        if (!warningPresent)
+            throw new Exception("Warning for 1999 schema was not found when compiling srcs");
+        else
+            System.out.println("Warning Present, test Passed");
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-64] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during validation
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans64() throws Exception {
+        // load the document
+        File inst = new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_64.xml");
+        XmlObject doc = RecorderSessionDocument.Factory.parse(inst);
+        // validate
+        XmlOptions validateOptions = new XmlOptions();
+        validateOptions.setLoadLineNumbers();
+        ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList();
+        validateOptions.setErrorListener(errorList);
+        boolean isValid = doc.validate(validateOptions);
+        if (!isValid)
+            throw new Exception("Errors: " + errorList);
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-66]   NullPointerException when restricting a union with one of the union members
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans66() throws Exception {
+        String reproXsd = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +
+                "<xsd:schema targetNamespace=\"\" \n" +
+                "      xmlns=\"\" \n" +
+                "      xmlns:xsd=\"\" \n" +
+                "      elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" \n" +
+                "      attributeFormDefault=\"qualified\"> \n" +
+                "  <!-- Kludge for anySimpleType --> \n" +
+                "  <xsd:simpleType name=\"constantValueType\"> \n" +
+                "    <xsd:union memberTypes=\"xsd:integer xsd:decimal xsd:string xsd:double\"/> \n" +
+                "  </xsd:simpleType> \n" +
+                "  <!-- constant expressions. We have 4 different subclasses for this --> \n" +
+                "  <xsd:complexType name=\"constantExpr\"> \n" +
+                "        <xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "          <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"constantValueType\"/> \n" +
+                "        </xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "  </xsd:complexType> \n" +
+                "  <xsd:complexType name=\"integerConstantExpr\"> \n" +
+                "    <xsd:complexContent> \n" +
+                "      <xsd:restriction base=\"constantExpr\"> \n" +
+                "        <xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "          <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"xsd:integer\"/> \n" +
+                "        </xsd:sequence> \n" +
+                "      </xsd:restriction> \n" +
+                "    </xsd:complexContent> \n" +
+                "  </xsd:complexType>" +
+                "<!-- added for element validation -->" +
+                "<xsd:element name=\"Kludge\" type=\"integerConstantExpr\" />\n" +
+                "</xsd:schema> ";
+        SchemaTypeLoader stl = makeSchemaTypeLoader(new String[]{reproXsd});
+        QName reproQName = new QName("", "Kludge");
+        SchemaGlobalElement elVal = stl.findElement(reproQName);
+        assertTrue("Element is null or not found", (elVal != null));
+        String reproInst = "<Kludge xmlns=\"\"><value>12</value></Kludge>";
+        validateInstance(new String[]{reproXsd}, new String[]{reproInst}, null);
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-68] GDateBuilder outputs empty string when used without time or timezone
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans68() throws Exception {
+        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
+        GDateBuilder gdateBuilder = new GDateBuilder(cal);
+        gdateBuilder.clearTime();
+        gdateBuilder.clearTimeZone();
+        GDate gdate = gdateBuilder.toGDate();
+        TestDatewTZone xdate = TestDatewTZone.Factory.newInstance();
+        xdate.setGDateValue(gdate);
+        TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument doc =
+                TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+        TestElementWithDateAttributeDocument.TestElementWithDateAttribute root =
+                doc.addNewTestElementWithDateAttribute();
+        root.xsetSomeDate(xdate);
+        System.out.println("Doc: " + doc);
+        System.out.println("Date: " + xdate.getStringValue());
+        if (xdate.getStringValue().compareTo("") == 0 ||
+                xdate.getStringValue().length() <= 1)
+            throw new Exception("Date without TimeZone should not be empty");
+        if (root.getSomeDate().getTimeInMillis() != gdate.getCalendar().getTimeInMillis())
+            throw new Exception("Set Dates were not equal");
+    }
+    /**
+     * This issue needed an elementFormDefault=qualified added to the schema
+     * [XMLBEANS-71] when trying to retrieve data from a XMLBean with Input from a XML Document, we cannot get any data from the Bean.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans71() throws Exception {
+        //schema src lives in cases/xbean/xmlobject/xmlbeans_71.xsd
+        abc.BazResponseDocument doc = abc.BazResponseDocument.Factory.parse(JarUtil.getResourceFromJarasFile("xbean/misc/jira/xmlbeans_71.xml"), xmOpts);
+        xmOpts.setErrorListener(errorList);
+        abc.BazResponseDocument.BazResponse baz = doc.getBazResponse();
+        if (!doc.validate(xmOpts))
+            System.out.println("DOC-ERRORS: " + errorList + "\n" + doc.xmlText());
+        else
+            System.out.println("DOC-XML:\n" + doc.xmlText());
+        errorList.removeAll(errorList);
+        xmOpts.setErrorListener(errorList);
+        if (!baz.validate(xmOpts))
+            System.out.println("BAZ-ERRORS: " + errorList + "\n" + baz.xmlText());
+        //throw new Exception("Response Document did not validate\n"+errorList);
+        else
+            System.out.println("BAZ-XML:\n" + baz.xmlText());
+        if (baz.getStatus().compareTo("SUCCESS") != 0)
+            throw new Exception("Status was not loaded properly");
+        else
+            System.out.println("Sucess was received correctly");
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-72]   Document properties are lost
+     */
+    @Test
+    @Ignore
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans72() throws Exception {
+        String docTypeName = "struts-config";
+        String docTypePublicID = "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN";
+        String docTypeSystemID = "";
+        String fileName = "xmlbeans72.xml";
+        //create instance and set doc properties
+        PurchaseOrderDocument po = PurchaseOrderDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+        org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties docProps = po.documentProperties();
+        docProps.setDoctypeName(docTypeName);
+        docProps.setDoctypePublicId(docTypePublicID);
+        docProps.setDoctypeSystemId(docTypeSystemID);
+        po.addNewPurchaseOrder();
+ File(fileName));
+        //parse saved out file and verify values set above are present
+        PurchaseOrderDocument po2 = PurchaseOrderDocument.Factory.parse(new File(fileName));
+        //XmlObject po2 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(fileName));
+        org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties doc2Props = po2.documentProperties();
+        //verify information using DOM
+        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+        factory.setValidating(false);
+        factory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
+        Document document = builder.parse(new File(fileName));
+        DocumentType docType = document.getDoctype();
+        //System.out.println("Name: "+ doc2Props.getDoctypeName() +" = " + docType.getName());
+        //System.out.println("System: "+ doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId() + " = " + docType.getSystemId());
+        //System.out.println("Public: "+ doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId()+ " = " + docType.getPublicId());
+        StringBuilder compareText = new StringBuilder();
+        //check values - compare to expected and DOM
+        if (doc2Props != null) {
+            if (doc2Props.getDoctypeName() == null ||
+                    doc2Props.getDoctypeName().compareTo(docTypeName) != 0 ||
+                    doc2Props.getDoctypeName().compareTo(docType.getName()) != 0)
+                compareText.append("docTypeName was not as " +
+                        "expected in the document properties " +
+                        doc2Props.getDoctypeName()+"\n");
+            if (doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId() == null ||
+                    doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId().compareTo(docTypePublicID) != 0 ||
+                    doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId().compareTo(docType.getPublicId()) != 0)
+                compareText.append("docTypePublicID was not as " +
+                        "expected in the document properties " +
+                        doc2Props.getDoctypePublicId()+"\n");
+            if (doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId() == null ||
+                    doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId().compareTo(docTypeSystemID) != 0 ||
+                    doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId().compareTo(docType.getSystemId()) != 0)
+                compareText.append("docTypeSystemID was not as " +
+                        "expected in the document properties "+
+                        doc2Props.getDoctypeSystemId()+"\n" );
+        } else {
+            compareText.append("Document Properties were null, should have been set");
+        }
+        //cleanup
+        po2 = null;
+        po = null;
+        new File(fileName).deleteOnExit();
+        if (compareText.toString().length() > 1)
+            throw new Exception("Doc properties were not saved or read correctly\n" + compareText.toString());
+    }
+    /**
+     * BUGBUG: XMLBEANS-78 - NPE when processing XMLStreamReader Midstream
+     * XMLBEANS-78 - NPE when processing XMLStreamReader Midstream
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans78() throws Exception {
+        XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
+        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(JIRA_CASES+ "xmlbeans_78.xml"));
+        XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(fis);
+        skipToBody(reader);
+        XmlObject o = XmlObject.Factory.parse(reader);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move reader to element of SOAP Body
+     *
+     * @param reader
+     * @throws
+     *
+     */
+    private void skipToBody(XMLStreamReader reader) throws {
+        while (true) {
+            int event =;
+            switch (event) {
+                case XMLStreamReader.END_DOCUMENT:
+                    return;
+                case XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT:
+                    if (reader.getLocalName().equals("Body")) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Repro case for jira issue
+     * XMLBEANS-80  problems in XPath selecting with namespaces and Predicates.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans80() throws Exception {
+        String xpathDoc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> \n" +
+                "<doc xmlns:ext=\"http://somebody.elses.extension\"> \n" +
+                "  <ext:a test=\"test\" /> \n" +
+                "  <b attr1=\"a1\" attr2=\"a2\" \n" +
+                "  xmlns:java=\"\"> \n" +
+                "    <a> \n" +
+                "    </a> \n" +
+                "  </b> \n" +
+                "</doc> ";
+        XmlObject xb80 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xpathDoc);
+        // change $this to '.' to avoid XQuery syntax error for $this not being declared
+        //XmlObject[] resSet = xb80.selectPath("declare namespace " +
+        //        "ext='http://somebody.elses.extension'; $this//ext:a[@test='test']");
+        XmlObject[] resSet = xb80.selectPath("declare namespace " +
+                "ext='http://somebody.elses.extension'; .//ext:a[@test='test']");
+        assertEquals(1, resSet.length);
+        System.out.println("Result was: " + resSet[0].xmlText());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Repro case for jira issue
+     * XMLBEANS-81  Cursor selectPath() method not working with predicates
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans81() throws Exception {
+        String xpathDoc = "<MatchedRecords>" +
+                "  <MatchedRecord>" +
+                "     <TableName>" +
+                "ABC" +
+                "</TableName>" +
+                "  </MatchedRecord>" +
+                "  <MatchedRecord>" +
+                "     <TableName>\n" +
+                "       BCD \n" +
+                "     </TableName> \n" +
+                "  </MatchedRecord> \n" +
+                "</MatchedRecords> ";
+        XmlObject xb81 = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xpathDoc);
+        // change $this to '.' to avoid XQuery syntax error for $this not being declared
+        //XmlObject[] resSet = xb81.selectPath("$this//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");
+        XmlObject[] resSet = xb81.selectPath(".//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");
+        assertEquals(resSet.length , 1);
+        XmlCursor cursor = xb81.newCursor();
+        //cursor.selectPath("$this//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");
+        cursor.selectPath(".//MatchedRecord[TableName=\"ABC\"]/TableName");
+    }
+    /**
+     * XMLBeans-84 Cannot run XmlObject.selectPath using Jaxen in multi threaded environment
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_XmlBeans84() throws Exception {
+        XPathThread[] threads = new XPathThread[15];
+        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
+            threads[i] = new XPathThread();
+            System.out.println("Thread[" + i + "]-starting ");
+            threads[i].start();
+        }
+        Thread.sleep(6000);
+        System.out.println("Done with XPaths?...");
+        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
+            Assert.assertNull(threads[i].getException());
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-88]:Cannot compile eBay schema
+    */
+    @Ignore
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans88() throws Exception {
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setUrlFiles(new URL[]{new URL("")});
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        params.setDownload(true);
+        // ignore unique particle rule in order to compile this schema
+        params.setNoUpa(true);
+        // runs out of memory..
+        params.setMemoryMaximumSize("512m");
+        try {
+            SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        } catch (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ome) {
+            System.out.println(ome.getCause());
+            System.out.println(ome.getMessage());
+            System.out.println(ome.getStackTrace());
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans88(): Out Of Memory Error");
+        } catch (Throwable t) {
+            t.getMessage();
+            System.out.println("Ok Some Exception is caught here");
+        }
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans88() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * [XMLBEANS-96]:XmlDocumentProperties missing version and encoding
+    */
+    @Test
+    @Ignore
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans96() throws Exception {
+        StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("<test>");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("<testchild attr=\"abcd\"> Jira02 </testchild>");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("</test>");
+        XmlObject doc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString());
+        XmlDocumentProperties props = doc.documentProperties();
+        assertEquals("test_jira_xmlbeans96() : Xml Version is not picked up", "1.0", props.getVersion());
+        assertEquals("test_jira_xmlbeans96() : Xml Encoding is not picked up", "UTF-8", props.getEncoding());
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-98]   setSaveSuggestedPrefixes doesn't
+     * work for QName attribute values
+     */
+    @Test
+    @Ignore
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans98() throws Exception {
+        String outfn = outputroot + "xmlbeans_98.xml";
+        String structnamespace = "";
+        String datanamespace = "";
+        String schemaloc = "xmlbeans_98.xsd";
+        String xsinamespace = "";
+        File out = new File(outfn);
+        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
+        // associate namespaces with prefixes
+        Map prefixes = new HashMap();
+        prefixes.put(structnamespace, "s");
+        prefixes.put(datanamespace, "d");
+        prefixes.put(xsinamespace, "v");
+        options.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(prefixes);
+        options.setSavePrettyPrint();
+        // create a sample document
+        ARootDocument doc = ARootDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+        ARootDocument.ARoot root = doc.addNewARoot();
+        ChildType child = root.addNewAChild();
+        // This is where the prefix map should take effect
+        child.setQualifiedData(new QName(datanamespace, "IAmQualified"));
+        // Add a schema location attribute to the doc element
+        XmlCursor c = root.newCursor();
+        c.toNextToken();
+        c.insertAttributeWithValue("schemaLocation", xsinamespace,
+                structnamespace + " " + schemaloc);
+        //String expXML = doc.xmlText(options.setSavePrettyPrint())
+        // save as XML text using the options
+        //System.out.println("OUT: \n"+doc.xmlText());
+        //, options);
+, options);
+        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(out);
+        String expXText = "<s:a-root v:schemaLocation=\" xmlbeans_98.xsd\" xmlns:s=\"\" xmlns:v=\"\">\n" +
+                "  <s:a-child qualified-data=\"data:IAmQualified\" xmlns:data=\"\"/>\n" +
+                "</s:a-root>";
+        XmlObject txtXObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(doc.xmlText());
+        System.out.println("xObj: " + xObj.xmlText());
+        //NamedNodeMap n = xObj.getDomNode().getAttributes();
+        //Assert.assertTrue("Length was not as expected", n.getLength() == 3);
+        Node no = xObj.getDomNode();//n.getNamedItem("a-root");
+        Assert.assertTrue("Expected Prefix was not present: " + no.getPrefix(), no.getPrefix().compareTo("s") == 0);
+        //Assert.assertTrue("s prefix was not found " + no.lookupPrefix(structnamespace), no.lookupPrefix(structnamespace).compareTo("s") == 0);
+        //Assert.assertTrue("d prefix was not found " + no.lookupPrefix(datanamespace), no.lookupPrefix(datanamespace).compareTo("s") == 0);
+        //Assert.assertTrue("v prefix was not found " + no.lookupPrefix(xsinamespace), no.lookupPrefix(xsinamespace).compareTo("s") == 0);
+        // throw new Exception(out.getCanonicalPath());
+    }
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-99]   NPE/AssertionFailure in newDomNode()
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans99_a() throws Exception {
+        //typed verification
+        DummyDocument doc = DummyDocument.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_99.xml"));
+        org.w3c.dom.Node node = doc.newDomNode();
+        System.out.println("node = " + node);
+        //UnTyped Verification
+        XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES +
+                "xmlbeans_99.xml"));
+        org.w3c.dom.Node xNode = xObj.newDomNode();
+        System.out.println("xNode: " + xNode);
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-99]: NPE/AssertionFailure in newDomNode()
+    * refer to [XMLBEANS-14]
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans99_b() throws Exception {
+        StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?> \n");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("                <x:dummy xmlns:x=\"http://dufourrault\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:SchemaLocation=\"dummy.xsd\">\n");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("                    <x:father>\n");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("                     <x:son>toto</x:son> \n");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("                    </x:father>\n");
+        xmlstringbuf.append("              </x:dummy>");
+        try {
+            //From empty instance
+            DummyDocument newDoc = DummyDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            DummyDocument.Dummy newDummy = newDoc.addNewDummy();
+            Node newNode = newDummy.newDomNode();
+            System.out.println("New Node = " + newNode);
+            //set Item
+            DummyDocument new2Doc = DummyDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            DummyDocument.Dummy new2Dummy = new2Doc.addNewDummy();
+            Father newFather= Father.Factory.newInstance();
+            newFather.setSon("son");
+            new2Dummy.setFather(newFather);
+            Node new2Node = new2Dummy.newDomNode();
+            System.out.println("SetFather Node = " + new2Node);
+            //With Loaded instance Document
+            DummyDocument doc = DummyDocument.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString());
+            Node node = doc.newDomNode();
+            System.out.println("node = " + node);
+            //Just Element Type Node
+            dufourrault.DummyDocument.Dummy dummy = doc.addNewDummy();
+            Node typeNode = dummy.newDomNode();
+            System.out.println("TypeNode = "+typeNode);
+            dufourrault.Father fatherType = Father.Factory.newInstance();
+            fatherType.setSon("son");
+            Node fatherTypeNode = fatherType.newDomNode();
+            System.out.println("New Father Type Node: "+ fatherTypeNode);
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans99() : Null Pointer Exception when create Dom Node");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans99() : Exception when create Dom Node");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * For Testing jira issue 84
+     */
+    public static class XPathThread extends TestThread
+    {
+        public XPathThread()
+        {
+            super();
+        }
+        public void run()
+        {
+            try {
+                for (int i = 0; i < ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
+                    switch (i % 2) {
+                        case 0:
+                            runStatusXPath();
+                            break;
+                        case 1:
+                            runDocXPath();
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            System.out.println("Val: " + i);
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+                _result = true;
+            } catch (Throwable t) {
+                _throwable = t;
+                t.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+        public void runStatusXPath()
+        {
+            try {
+                System.out.println("Testing Status");
+                String statusDoc = "<statusreport xmlns=\"\">\n" +
+                        "  <status name=\"first\" target=\"all\">all</status>\n" +
+                        "  <status name=\"second\" target=\"all\">few</status>\n" +
+                        "  <status name=\"third\" target=\"none\">most</status>\n" +
+                        "  <status name=\"first\" target=\"none\">none</status>\n" +
+                        "</statusreport>";
+                XmlObject path = XmlObject.Factory.parse(statusDoc, xm);
+                XmlObject[] resSet = path.selectPath("//*:status");
+                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length + "", resSet.length == 4);
+                resSet = path.selectPath("//*:status[@name='first']");
+                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length == 2);
+            } catch (Throwable t) {
+                _throwable = t;
+                t.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+        public void runDocXPath()
+        {
+            try {
+                System.out.println("Testing Doc");
+                String docDoc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
+                        "<doc xmlns:ext=\"http://somebody.elses.extension\">\n" +
+                        "  <a test=\"test\" />\n" +
+                        "  <b attr1=\"a1\" attr2=\"a2\"   \n" +
+                        "  xmlns:java=\"\">\n" +
+                        "    <a>\n" +
+                        "    </a> \n" +
+                        "  </b>\n" +
+                        "</doc><!-- -->  ";
+                XmlObject path = XmlObject.Factory.parse(docDoc, xm);
+                XmlObject[] resSet = path.selectPath("//a");
+                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length == 2);
+                resSet = path.selectPath("//b[@attr2]");
+                Assert.assertTrue(resSet.length == 1);
+            } catch (Throwable t) {
+                _throwable = t;
+                t.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index 772902d..dfea55f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
-/*   Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *   limitations under the License.

- */

-package misc.detailed;


-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;

-import org.junit.Test;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-public class JiraRegressionSchemaCompilerTest extends JiraTestBase {

-    private List _testCompile(File[] xsdFiles,

-                              String outputDirName)

-    {

-        System.out.println(xsdFiles[0].getAbsolutePath());

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));

-        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));

-        params.setQuiet(true);

-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        return errors;

-    }


-    private boolean findErrMsg(Collection errors, String msg)

-    {

-        boolean errFound = false;

-        if (!errors.isEmpty())

-        {

-            for (Iterator i = errors.iterator(); i.hasNext();)

-            {

-                XmlError err = (XmlError);

-                int errSeverity = err.getSeverity();

-                if (errSeverity == XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR)

-                {

-                    if (msg.equals(err.getMessage()))

-                        errFound = true;

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        errors.clear();

-        return errFound;

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans236()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_236.xsd_") };

-        String outputDirName = "xmlbeans_236";

-        List errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))

-        {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans236(): failure when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans239()

-    {

-        /* complexType with complexContent extending base type with

-           simpleContent is valid */

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_239a.xsd_") };

-        String outputDirName = "xmlbeans_239";

-        List errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))

-        {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans239(): failure when executing scomp");

-        }


-        /* complexType with complexContent extending simpleType is not valid */

-        xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_239b.xsd_") };

-        errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);

-        String msg = "Type 'dtSTRING@' is being used as the base type for a complexContent definition. To do this the base type must be a complex type.";

-        assertTrue(findErrMsg(errors, msg));


-        /* complexType with complexContent extending base type with

-           simpleContent cannot add particles */

-        xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_239c.xsd_") };

-        errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);

-        msg = "This type extends a base type 'dtMLSTRING@' which has simpleContent. In that case this type cannot add particles.";

-        assertTrue(findErrMsg(errors, msg));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans251()

-    {

-        File[] xsdFiles =

-            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_251.xsd_") };

-        String outputDirName = "xmlbeans_251";

-        List errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))

-        {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans251(): failure when executing scomp");

-        }

-    }


+/*   Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *   limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+public class JiraRegressionSchemaCompilerTest extends JiraTestBase {
+    private List _testCompile(File[] xsdFiles,
+                              String outputDirName)
+    {
+        System.out.println(xsdFiles[0].getAbsolutePath());
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(xsdFiles);
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "src"));
+        params.setClassesDir(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + outputDirName + P + "classes"));
+        params.setQuiet(true);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        return errors;
+    }
+    private boolean findErrMsg(Collection errors, String msg)
+    {
+        boolean errFound = false;
+        if (!errors.isEmpty())
+        {
+            for (Iterator i = errors.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
+            {
+                XmlError err = (XmlError);
+                int errSeverity = err.getSeverity();
+                if (errSeverity == XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR)
+                {
+                    if (msg.equals(err.getMessage()))
+                        errFound = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        errors.clear();
+        return errFound;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans236()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_236.xsd_") };
+        String outputDirName = "xmlbeans_236";
+        List errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))
+        {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans236(): failure when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans239()
+    {
+        /* complexType with complexContent extending base type with
+           simpleContent is valid */
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_239a.xsd_") };
+        String outputDirName = "xmlbeans_239";
+        List errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))
+        {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans239(): failure when executing scomp");
+        }
+        /* complexType with complexContent extending simpleType is not valid */
+        xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_239b.xsd_") };
+        errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);
+        String msg = "Type 'dtSTRING@' is being used as the base type for a complexContent definition. To do this the base type must be a complex type.";
+        assertTrue(findErrMsg(errors, msg));
+        /* complexType with complexContent extending base type with
+           simpleContent cannot add particles */
+        xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_239c.xsd_") };
+        errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);
+        msg = "This type extends a base type 'dtMLSTRING@' which has simpleContent. In that case this type cannot add particles.";
+        assertTrue(findErrMsg(errors, msg));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans251()
+    {
+        File[] xsdFiles =
+            new File[] { new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_251.xsd_") };
+        String outputDirName = "xmlbeans_251";
+        List errors = _testCompile(xsdFiles, outputDirName);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors))
+        {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans251(): failure when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
index 7d26fae..ad90b1a 100644
--- a/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
+++ b/src/test/java/misc/detailed/
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

- *

- *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- *   You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- *  limitations under the License.

- */


-package misc.detailed;


-import misc.common.JiraTestBase;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;

-import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;

-import org.junit.Test;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static;



- *

- */

-public class JiraRegressionTest101_150 extends JiraTestBase


-    /**

-     * [XMLBEANS-103]   XMLBeans - QName thread cache, cause memory leaks

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans102a() throws Exception{

-        // set the parameters similar to those in the bug

-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_102.xsd")});

-        params.setOutputJar(new File(outputroot+P+"xmlbeans_102.jar"));

-        File outputDir = new File(outputroot + P + "xmlbeans_102");

-        outputDir.mkdirs();

-        params.setClassesDir(outputDir);

-        params.setSrcDir(outputDir);

-        // compile schema

-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        // check for jar - compilation success

-        if(!(new File(outputroot + P + "xmlbeans_102.jar").exists()) )

-            throw new Exception("Jar File was not found");

-        //cleanup

-        deltree(outputroot);

-    }


-    /*

-    * [XMLBEANS-102]: scomp - infinite loop during jar for specific xsd and params for netui_config.xsd

-    */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans102b() {

-        //"test_jira_xmlbeans102: Infinite loop after completion of parsing" );


-        Parameters params = new Parameters();

-        params.setOutputJar(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + "jira102.jar"));

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);


-        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_102_netui-config.xsd_")});

-        List errors = new ArrayList();

-        params.setErrorListener(errors);

-        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);

-        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);


-        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);

-        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {

-            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans102() : Errors found when executing scomp");

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * NPE while initializing a type system w/ a type that extends

-     * an a complex type from a different type system

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void test_jira_xmlbeans105() throws Exception {

-        //run untyped parse

-        XmlObject obj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_105.xml"));


-        //run Typed Parse

-        jira.xmlbeans105.ResourceUnknownFaultDocument rud =

-                jira.xmlbeans105.ResourceUnknownFaultDocument.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_105.xml"));


-        // / we know the instance is invalid

-        // make sure the error message is what is expected

-        rud.validate(xmOpts);

-        assertEquals("More Errors than expected", 1, errorList.size());

-        assertEquals("Did not receive the expected error code: " + ((XmlError) errorList.get(0)).getErrorCode(), 0, ((XmlError) errorList.get(0)).getErrorCode().compareToIgnoreCase("cvc-complex-type.2.4a"));


-    }


+/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+package misc.detailed;
+import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static;
+ *
+ */
+public class JiraRegressionTest101_150 extends JiraTestBase
+    /**
+     * [XMLBEANS-103]   XMLBeans - QName thread cache, cause memory leaks
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans102a() throws Exception{
+        // set the parameters similar to those in the bug
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_102.xsd")});
+        params.setOutputJar(new File(outputroot+P+"xmlbeans_102.jar"));
+        File outputDir = new File(outputroot + P + "xmlbeans_102");
+        outputDir.mkdirs();
+        params.setClassesDir(outputDir);
+        params.setSrcDir(outputDir);
+        // compile schema
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        // check for jar - compilation success
+        if(!(new File(outputroot + P + "xmlbeans_102.jar").exists()) )
+            throw new Exception("Jar File was not found");
+        //cleanup
+        deltree(outputroot);
+    }
+    /*
+    * [XMLBEANS-102]: scomp - infinite loop during jar for specific xsd and params for netui_config.xsd
+    */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans102b() {
+        //"test_jira_xmlbeans102: Infinite loop after completion of parsing" );
+        Parameters params = new Parameters();
+        params.setOutputJar(new File(schemaCompOutputDirPath + "jira102.jar"));
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_102_netui-config.xsd_")});
+        List errors = new ArrayList();
+        params.setErrorListener(errors);
+        params.setSrcDir(schemaCompSrcDir);
+        params.setClassesDir(schemaCompClassesDir);
+        SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
+        if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
+            fail("test_jira_xmlbeans102() : Errors found when executing scomp");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * NPE while initializing a type system w/ a type that extends
+     * an a complex type from a different type system
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void test_jira_xmlbeans105() throws Exception {
+        //run untyped parse
+        XmlObject obj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_105.xml"));
+        //run Typed Parse
+        jira.xmlbeans105.ResourceUnknownFaultDocument rud =
+                jira.xmlbeans105.ResourceUnknownFaultDocument.Factory.parse(new File(JIRA_CASES + "xmlbeans_105.xml"));
+        // / we know the instance is invalid
+        // make sure the error message is what is expected
+        rud.validate(xmOpts);
+        assertEquals("More Errors than expected", 1, errorList.size());
+        assertEquals("Did not receive the expected error code: " + ((XmlError) errorList.get(0)).getErrorCode(), 0, ((XmlError) errorList.get(0)).getErrorCode().compareToIgnoreCase("cvc-complex-type.2.4a"));
+    }