blob: 2df896ab32e8529b33c074968cb3784db2714a43 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package misc.detailed;
import misc.common.JiraTestBase;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Parameters;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import xmlbeans48.FeedInfoType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class JiraRegression1_50Test extends JiraTestBase {
* [XMLBEANS-2] Problem with XmlError.forObject(String,int,XmlObject)
public void test_jira_xmlbeans02() throws Exception {
StringBuilder xmlstringbuf = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
xmlstringbuf.append("<testchild attr=\"abcd\"> Jira02 </testchild>");
XmlObject myxmlobj = null;
List errors = new ArrayList();
XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errors);
try {
myxmlobj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlstringbuf.toString(), options);
XmlCursor cur = myxmlobj.newCursor();
XmlError xmlerr = XmlError.forObject("This is my custom error message", XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, myxmlobj);
// call an API on the cursor : verification of cursor not being disposed
System.out.println("Cursor Text Value: " + cur.getTextValue());
} catch (XmlException xme) {
if (!xme.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator itr = xme.getErrors().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
System.out.println("Parse Errors :" +;
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans02() : Null Pointer Exception thrown !");
* [XMLBEANS-4] xs:decimal size greater than 18 results in uncompilable java code
public void test_jira_xmlbeans04() {
List errors = new ArrayList();
Parameters params = new Parameters();
params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_04.xsd_")});
if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans04() : Errors found when executing scomp");
* [XMLBEANS-9] Null Pointer Exception when running validate from cmd line
@Ignore("no shell tests on junit")
public void test_jira_xmlbeans09() throws Exception {
// Exec validate script from cmd line - Refer xmlbeans_09.xsd, xmlbeans_09.xml
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" ");
sb.append(System.getProperty("xbean.rootdir") + P + "bin" + P + "validate.cmd ");
sb.append(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_09.xsd_" + " " + scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_09.xml");
Process validator_proc = null;
try {
validator_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(sb.toString());
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans09() : Null Pointer Exception when running validate for schema");
System.out.println("cmd:" + sb);
BufferedInputStream inbuf = new BufferedInputStream(validator_proc.getInputStream());
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inbuf));
String eachline = reader.readLine();
try {
while (reader.readLine() != null) {
System.out.println("output: " + eachline);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
* [XMLBEANS-11]: Calling getUnionMemberTypes() on SchemaType for non-union types results in NullPointerException
* status : fixed
public void test_jira_xmlbeans11() throws Exception {
StringBuilder xsdAsString = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>");
xsdAsString.append(" <!-- W3C Schema generated by XML Spy v4.3 U (\n");
xsdAsString.append(" --> \n");
xsdAsString.append(" <xs:schema xmlns:xs=\"\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\">\n");
xsdAsString.append(" <xs:simpleType name=\"restrictsString\">\n");
xsdAsString.append(" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n");
xsdAsString.append(" <xs:length value=\"10\" /> \n");
xsdAsString.append(" </xs:restriction>\n");
xsdAsString.append(" </xs:simpleType>\n");
xsdAsString.append(" </xs:schema>");
// load schema file as SchemaDocument XmlObject
SchemaDocument sd = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(xsdAsString.toString());
// compile loaded XmlObject
SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXsd((XmlObject[]) Collections.singletonList(sd).toArray(new XmlObject[]{}),
new XmlOptions());
SchemaType[] st = sts.globalTypes();
System.out.println("NUMBER OF GLOBAL TYPES: " + st.length);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++)
// check if it is union type
System.out.println("IS UNION TYPE: " + (st[i].getUnionMemberTypes() != null));
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans11(): Null Pointer Exception thrown !");
* [XMLBEANS-14]: newDomNode() throws NullPointerException
public void test_jira_xmlbeans14() throws Exception {
XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse("<Baz/>");
// add element
XmlCursor xCursor = xObj.newCursor();
xCursor.insertElementWithText(new QName("Some uri", "SomeName"), "SomeValue");
xCursor.insertElementWithText(new QName("Some uri", "SomeName1"), "SomeValue1");
// debug;
// throws npe in v1
try {
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans14() : Null Pointer Exception when create Dom Node");
* [XMLBEANS-16]: newDomNode creates a DOM with empty strings for namespace URIs for unprefixed
* attributes (rather than null)
* status : fails with crimson and not with Xerces
@Ignore("still happens with current xerces 2.11")
public void test_jira_xmlbeans16() throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
sb.append("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n");
sb.append("<test noprefix='nonamespace' \n");
sb.append(" ns:prefix='namespace' \n");
sb.append(" xmlns:ns=''>value</test>");
// Parse it using XMLBeans
XmlObject xdoc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(sb.toString());
// Convert to a DOM Element
Element firstChild = (Element) xdoc.newDomNode().getFirstChild();
// We expect to find a null namespace for the first attribute and 'ns' for the second
NamedNodeMap attributes = firstChild.getAttributes();
System.out.println("Prefix for attr noprefix is:" + attributes.getNamedItem("noprefix").getPrefix() + ":");
assertNull("Expected null namespace for attribute noprefix", attributes.getNamedItem("noprefix").getPrefix());
assertEquals("Wrong namespace for attribute prefix", "ns", attributes.getNamedItem("ns:prefix").getPrefix());
// We should be able to lookup 'prefix' by specifying the appropriate URI
String prefix = firstChild.getAttributeNS("", "prefix");
assertEquals("Wrong value for prefixed attribute", "namespace", prefix);
// And 'noprefix' by specifying a null namespace URI
String noprefix = firstChild.getAttributeNS(null, "noprefix");
assertEquals("Wrong value for unprefixed attribute", "nonamespace", noprefix); // This assertion fails under Crimson
* [XMLBEANS-33]: insertions occur in improper order when subclassing schema types
public void test_jira_xmlbeans33() throws Exception {
xbeansJira33B.SubjectType subject =
XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
boolean bResult = subject.validate(options);
System.out.println(bResult ? "valid" : "invalid");
// print out errors
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Validation Error : " + list.get(i));
assertTrue("Validation Failed, should pass", bResult);
* [XMLBEANS-34]: error compiling classes when using a schema with a redefined subelement
public void test_jira_xmlbeans34() throws Exception {
List errors = new ArrayList();
Parameters params = new Parameters();
params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_34b.xsd_")});
if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans34() : Errors found when executing scomp");
* [XMLBEANS-38] Does not support xs:key (keyRef NoIllegalEntries)
public void test_jira_xmlbeans38() throws Exception {
String keyrefXSD = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
"<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=\"\">" +
"<xsd:element name=\"supermarket\">" +
"<xsd:complexType>" +
"<xsd:sequence> " +
"<xsd:element name=\"aisle\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +
"<xsd:complexType> " +
"<xsd:sequence>" +
"<xsd:element name=\"item\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +
"<xsd:complexType> " +
"<xsd:simpleContent>" +
"<xsd:extension base=\"xsd:string\"> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"code\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"quantity\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"price\" type=\"xsd:decimal\"/> \n" +
"</xsd:extension> \n" +
"</xsd:simpleContent> \n" +
"</xsd:complexType> \n" +
"</xsd:element> \n" +
"</xsd:sequence> \n" + //"<!-- Attribute Of Aisle --> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\"/> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"number\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" + //"<!-- Of Aisle --> \n" +
"</xsd:complexType> \n" +
"<xsd:keyref name=\"NoIllegalEntries\" refer=\"itemKey\"> \n" +
"<xsd:selector xpath=\"item\"/> \n" +
"<xsd:field xpath=\"@code\"/> \n" +
"</xsd:keyref> \n" +
"</xsd:element> \n" +
"<xsd:element name=\"items\"> \n" +
"<xsd:complexType> \n" +
"<xsd:sequence> \n" +
"<xsd:element name=\"item\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" +
"<xsd:complexType> \n" +
"<xsd:simpleContent> \n" +
"<xsd:extension base=\"xsd:string\"> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"code\" type=\"xsd:positiveInteger\"/> \n" +
"</xsd:extension> \n" +
"</xsd:simpleContent> \n" +
"</xsd:complexType> \n" +
"</xsd:element> \n" +
"</xsd:sequence> \n" +
"</xsd:complexType> \n" +
"</xsd:element> \n" +
"</xsd:sequence> \n" +
"<xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\"/> \n" +
"</xsd:complexType> \n" +
"<xsd:key name=\"itemKey\"> \n" +
"<xsd:selector xpath=\"items/item\"/> \n" +
"<xsd:field xpath=\"@code\"/> \n" +
"</xsd:key> \n" +
"</xsd:element> \n" +
String keyRefInstance = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" +
"<supermarket xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"C:\\tmp\\Supermarket.xsd\" name=\"String\"> \n" +
"<aisle name=\"String\" number=\"2\"> \n" +
"<item code=\"1234\" quantity=\"2\" price=\"3.1415926535897932384626433832795\">String</item> \n" +
"</aisle> \n" +
"<items> \n" +
"<item code=\"1234\">Java</item> \n" +
"</items> \n" +
validateInstance(new String[]{keyrefXSD}, new String[]{keyRefInstance}, null);
* Loads the class at runtime and inspects for appropriate methods
* Statically using methods (class.getGeneration()) would stop build
* if the bug resurfaced.
* <p/>
* [XMLBEANS-45] <xsd:redefine> tag is not supported
public void test_jira_XmlBeans45() throws Exception {
//this class is built during the build.schemas target
Class cls = Class.forName("xmlbeans45.PersonName");
//check for methods in class
if (cls.getMethod("getGeneration") == null)
throw new Exception("getGeneration() was not found in class");
if (cls.getMethod("getTitle") == null)
throw new Exception("getTitle() was not found in class");
if (cls.getMethod("getForenameArray") == null)
throw new Exception("getForenameArray() was not found in class");
* Could not Repro this
* [XMLBEANS-46] Regex validation fails in multi-threaded, multi-processor environment
public void test_jira_XmlBeans46() throws Exception {
RegexThread[] threads = new RegexThread[45];
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
threads[i] = new RegexThread();
System.out.println("Thread[" + i + "]-starting ");
System.out.println("Done with RegEx Threading Test...");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
if (threads[i].getException() != null)
sb.append(threads[i].getException().getMessage() + "\n");
if (sb.length() > 0)
throw new Exception("Threaded Regex Validation Failed\n" + sb.toString());
* Incorrect XML
* [XMLBEANS-48] Bug with Root.fetch ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
public void test_jira_XmlBeans48() throws Exception {
String incorrectXml = "<sch:Feed xmlns:sch=\"http://xmlbeans_48\">" +
"<sch:Feed>" +
"<sch:Location></sch:Location>" +
"<sch:TimeEntered>2004-08-11T15:50:23.064-04:00</sch:TimeEntered>" +
"</sch:Feed>" +
xmlbeans48.FeedDocument feedDoc = (xmlbeans48.FeedDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(incorrectXml);
FeedInfoType feedInfoType = feedDoc.getFeed();
String location = feedInfoType.getLocation();
System.out.println("Location: " + location);
if (location != null)
throw new Exception("Location value should not have been populated");
String correctXml = "<sch:Feed xmlns:sch=\"http://xmlbeans_48\">" +
"<sch:Location></sch:Location>" +
"<sch:TimeEntered>2004-08-11T15:50:23.064-04:00</sch:TimeEntered>" +
feedDoc = (xmlbeans48.FeedDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(correctXml);
feedInfoType = feedDoc.getFeed();
location = feedInfoType.getLocation();
System.out.println("Location: " + location);
if (location == null)
throw new Exception("Location value should have been populated");
* [XMLBEANS-49]: Schema compiler won't compile portlet.xsd from jsr168/pluto
public void test_jira_xmlbeans49() {
List errors = new ArrayList();
Parameters params = new Parameters();
params.setXsdFiles(new File[]{new File(scompTestFilesRoot + "xmlbeans_49.xsd_")});
// needs network downloads enabled
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator itr = errors.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
System.out.println("scomp errors: ");
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans49() :Exception thrown with above errors!");
// view errors
if (printOptionErrMsgs(errors)) {
fail("test_jira_xmlbeans49() : Errors found when executing scomp");
* For Testing jira issue 46
public static class RegexThread extends TestThread
private xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument phone;
Random rand;
public RegexThread()
phone = xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument.Factory.newInstance();
rand = new Random();
* Validates a type that uses the following pattern
* <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
* <xs:pattern value="\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}"/>
* </xs:restriction>
public void run()
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
int pre = rand.nextInt(999);
int mid = rand.nextInt(999);
int post = rand.nextInt(9999);
String testVal = ((pre > 100) ? String.valueOf(pre) : "128") + "-" +
((mid > 100) ? String.valueOf(mid) : "256") + "-" +
((post > 1000) ? String.valueOf(post) : "1024");
String xmlData = "<xb:usPhoneNumber xmlns:xb=\"http://xmlbeans_46\">" +
testVal +
//cannot repro using this method
//if (!phone.validate(xm)) {
// _throwable = new Throwable("Multi Threaded Regular " +
// "Expression did not validate - " + testVal);
// if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0)
// System.err.println("ERROR: " + errors);
boolean validated = parseAndValidate(xmlData);
if (!validated) {
System.out.println("Not Valid!!!");
System.out.println("Validated " + testVal + " successfully ");
_result = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
_throwable = t;
private boolean parseAndValidate(String val) throws XmlException
xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument xml = xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument.Factory.parse(val);
return validate(xml);
private boolean validate(xmlbeans46.UsPhoneNumberDocument rdd)
Collection errors = new ArrayList();
XmlOptions validateOptions = new XmlOptions();
boolean valid = rdd.validate(validateOptions);
if (!valid) {
for (Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
XmlError xmlError = (XmlError);
System.out.println("XML Error - " + xmlError.getMessage() + " at\n" + xmlError.getCursorLocation().xmlText());
return valid;