Merge pull request #287 from apache/bproffitt-patch-1

Update press/
diff --git a/content/press/ b/content/press/
index 4217896..3bdb0c8 100644
--- a/content/press/
+++ b/content/press/
@@ -16,29 +16,6 @@
 ## Publicity Guidelines for Apache Top-Level Projects  {#project-guides}
-Apache projects and their communities are encouraged to actively build awareness of their project and activities through emails, blog posts, tweets, and other means of outreach. Educational opportunities include ApacheCon, MeetUps, videos, podcasts, articles, third party conferences, and related community events.
+ASF top-level projects (TLPs) and their communities are encouraged to actively build awareness of their project and activities through marketing and communications activities such as public relations, email, content, social media, website, and branding. Educational opportunities include Community Over Code, meetups, videos, podcasts, articles, third party conferences, and related community events.
-Whilst speaking with members of the media and analyst community, projects must be referred to as "Apache _Project Name_" as per the [ASF Branding Guidelines](/foundation/marks/#guidelines). Be prepared to answer "who uses you?": as a project’s known user base grows, PMCs are welcome to promote their users in a "Powered By" page like the [Apache Hadoop Powered By page](  Create and encourage project supporters to utilize the project’s ["Powered By" logo](/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby). Ensure that the project maintains [**vendor neutrality**](/press/media.html#interviews), particularly when referring to project users.
-Projects are advised to prepare news announcements and hone their messaging privately within their PMCs (keeping the content confidential to the PMC, and not on dev@, user@ or any other public list or forum) to ensure that the public or press don’t scoop your story before it’s out or publish inaccurate information. At times messaging changes, features are unable to be delivered as intended, testimonials need adjusting, and so on, and it’s best to minimize the chances of your story to get out with incorrect information, or for nobody to recognize your news story because it was covered earlier and is therefore no longer considered newsworthy.
-Projects should refrain from issuing announcements under embargo. Pre-announcing project features or release dates to members of the media is risky, as not all journalists or outlets honor confidentiality requests in general, or adhere to embargo dates/requirements. Furthermore, many journalists are unable or unwilling to fulfill requests for retractions or corrections. Be aware, be careful.
-Apache PMCs are responsible for the "care and feeding" of a project’s code, community, and communications on a day-to-day basis. Projects are recommended to:
-- Review and adhere to the Publicity Guidelines for Top-Level Projects as described here
-- Ensure your [project listing and DOAP (Description Of A Project) file]( accurately reflect what the project is about --be succinct, particularly with the short description (note that the project may fall under one category): this helps those unfamiliar with your project be able to find you. The longer project description should be used as the official project boilerplate ("About Apache _Project Name_") and, for consistency, be included in official news announcements, media briefings, and other applications (the ASF Boilerplate is for Foundation-originating press releases and is **not** to be used in any project announcements);
-- Upload a high-resolution version of your project’s logo at [](/logos/);
-- Contact ASF Infrastructure to establish a project blog directory (and admin/publishing credentials);
-- Request a project interview on [Feathercast, the voice of the ASF](;
-- Gain additional exposure by posting newsworthy project updates and milestones to [announce(at)apache(dot)org](/foundation/mailinglists.html#foundation-announce); these will be added to the Apache Weekly News Round-Ups which is also sent to members of the media and analyst community;
-- Establish a Twitter (and/or other social media) account(s) with a handle that includes "Apache" or "ASF" with the project name and description (example at []( ) --share information often, and point to your project Website and mailing list archives where possible; 
-- Participate in Media & Analyst Training (held during ApacheCon; complimentary for Apache Committers and Members); and
-- Comply with guidelines for "founding" individuals, organizations, and communities of Apache projects as applicable (detailed below).
-No formal press releases or announcements can be made by a third party on behalf of an Apache project --for example, "Company ABC announces new features in Apache Project Name" (or including it as part of upcoming features/support in their own products). However, interested parties may issue supporting announcements with pointers to official project-originating news providing that a link to the corresponding mailing list(s) and/or blog post is included. Third parties are prohibited from using the official ASF Boilerplate or project boilerplates in their press releases or announcements unless authorized by ASF Marketing & Publicity.
-Guidelines for "founding" individuals, organizations, and communities of Apache Projects: many projects enter the Apache Incubator with a recognized individual founder, a group of founders, or a corporate entity where the project originated and/or which was responsible for its development/administration. The ASF is vendor neutral: all Apache projects are overseen by their respective Project Management Committees (PMCs), who guide the project's day-to-day operations. Once a project comes to the ASF, its development and oversight is the responsibility of the project’s PMC and community. There are no "owners" of any Apache project. Individuals and companies who founded projects that are now under the auspices of the ASF may be referred to as "original creator of Apache Project Name" or "original developer of Apache Project Name". Examples: 1) individual’s title --"Individual’s Name, Apache Member (or Committer) and original developer of Apache Project Name"; 2) company whose founders or employees are the original creators of an Apache project --"Company Name, founded by the original creators of Apache Project Name..." or "several Company Name team members are the original developers of Apache Project Name...". 
-The ASF Marketing & Publicity team is happy to work with organizations as they relate to Apache projects and their overall involvement with the ASF, particularly those with "original developers" status. The [publicity/brand/communications guidelines created by Databricks](/foundation/press/Project-PR-BrandGuidelines.pdf) serve as a "good practice" model for other Apache-focused organizations to emulate.
+TLP participants are invited to review the guidelines in the <a href="">internal ASF wiki page</a>.