Title: ASF Newsroom | Apache Software Foundation license: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

ASF Newsroom

Recent News

Press Release Support

Press releases that refer to the ASF and/or its projects must be approved by the VP Marketing and Publicity prior to distribution. Please allow for a minimum of 10 business days to complete the review. We are sensitive to internal approval processes and will expedite feedback when possible.

  • The ASF is vendor-neutral and does not provide testimonials that endorse, promote, or advertise the capability, credibility, or quality of any technology, product, or service. Email: press@apache.org - Joint announcements are rarely issued; examples of such releases include instances where a major industry milestone or initiative takes place, or announcing ASF Platinum-level Sponsorships.
  • You may request a quote for your ASF-related press release. Quotes may not be included unless approved by the VP Marketing & Publicity.
  • Third-party press releases must not include the ASF boilerplate, dateline location, logo, or media contacts.

Publicity Guidelines for Apache Top-Level Projects

ASF top-level projects (TLPs) and their communities are encouraged to actively build awareness of their project and activities through marketing and communications activities such as public relations, email, content, social media, website, and branding. Educational opportunities include Community Over Code, meetups, videos, podcasts, articles, third party conferences, and related community events.

TLP participants are invited to review the guidelines in the internal ASF wiki page.