blob: f5c34e9c078118ce8e518b05f2288944c033306e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Velocity Tools Subproject</title>
<author email="">Velocity Documentation Team</author>
<section name="Overview">
The Velocity Tools Subproject is a repository of Java packages
useful for creating
applications using the Velocity Template Engine.
<section name="Packages">
The <b>View</b> package is a standalone servlet that can be used for
template rendering in Web Applications. The <code>VelocityViewServlet</code>
also offers basic tool management, automatically loading a toolset into the
context for each request.
The <b>Struts</b> package is a set of tools, examples and documentation for
using the Velocity Template Engine with the
<a href="">Jakarta Struts</a>
web application framework. It uses the <b>View</b> package in place of
(or along side of) the JspServlet most commonly used in Struts
When in place, this will be a library of generic tools appropriate for use
in the template via the Context.
When in place, this will be a library of Velocity-related utilities.
When in place, this will be a repository of Velocimacros for use in
Velocity templates.
<section name="CVS Repository">
Currently, the code is only available via CVS in the
<a href="">
jakarta-velocity-tools</a> repository. You may of course
access both <a href="">
online</a> as well as with a
<a href="">cvs client</a>.