blob: 54d53065c27ab5344681f6b556d8492e20d1bb7e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.velocity.test;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Used to check that method calls on Array references work properly
* and that they produce the same results as the same methods would on
* a fixed-size {@link List}.
public class ArrayMethodsTestCase extends BaseTestCase
public ArrayMethodsTestCase(final String name)
* Runs the test.
public void testArrayMethods() throws Exception
// test an array of string objects
Object array = new String[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
checkResults(array, "woogie", true);
// test an array of primitive ints
array = new int[] { 1, 3, 7 };
checkResults(array, 11, false);
// test an array of mixed objects, including null
array = new Object[] { new Double(2.2), null };
checkResults(array, "whatever", true);
// then set all the values to null
checkResults(array, null, true);
// then try an empty array
array = new Object[] {};
checkResults(array, null, true);
// while we have an empty array and list in the context,
// make sure $array.get(0) and $list.get(0) throw
// the same type of exception (MethodInvocationException)
Throwable lt = null;
Throwable at = null;
catch (Throwable t)
lt = t;
catch (Throwable t)
at = t;
assertEquals(lt.getClass(), at.getClass());
private void checkResults(Object array, Object setme,
boolean compareToList) throws Exception
context.put("array", array);
if (compareToList)
// create a list to match...
context.put("list", new ArrayList(Arrays.asList((Object[])array)));
// if the object to be set is null, then remove instead of put
if (setme != null)
context.put("setme", setme);
info("Changing to an array of: " + array.getClass().getComponentType());
info("Changing setme to: " + setme);
int size = Array.getLength(array);
checkResult("size()", String.valueOf(size), compareToList);
boolean isEmpty = (size == 0);
checkResult("isEmpty()", String.valueOf(isEmpty), compareToList);
checkPropertyResult("empty", String.valueOf(isEmpty), compareToList);
// Since 2.1, arrays are rendered the same way as lists
String renderArray = evaluate("$array");
String renderList = evaluate("$list");
System.err.println("<<< " + renderArray);
System.err.println(">>> " + renderList);
if (compareToList) assertTrue(renderArray.equals(renderList));
else assertFalse(renderArray.equals(renderList));
for (int i=0; i < size; i++)
// put the index in the context, so we can try
// both an explicit index and a reference index
context.put("index", i);
Object value = Array.get(array, i);
String get = "get($index)";
String set = "set("+i+", $setme)";
if (value == null)
checkEmptyResult(get, compareToList);
// set should return null
checkEmptyResult(set, compareToList);
checkResult(get, value.toString(), compareToList);
// set should return the old get value
checkResult(set, value.toString(), compareToList);
// check that set() actually changed the value
assertEquals(setme, Array.get(array, i));
// and check that get() now returns setme
if (setme == null)
checkEmptyResult(get, compareToList);
checkResult(get, setme.toString(), compareToList);
// now check that contains() properly finds the new value
checkResult("contains($setme)", "true", compareToList);
private void checkEmptyResult(String method, boolean compareToList)
throws Exception
checkResult(method, "", compareToList);
private void checkResult(String method, String expected,
boolean compareToList) throws Exception
String result = evaluate("$!array."+method);
assertEquals(expected, result);
String listResult = null;
if (compareToList)
listResult = evaluate("$!list."+method);
assertEquals(result, listResult);
info(" <$!array." + method + "> resolved to <" + result + ">");
if (compareToList)
info(" <$!list."+method+"> resolved to "+listResult+">");
private void checkPropertyResult(String property, String expected,
boolean compareToList) throws Exception
String result = evaluate("$!array."+property);
assertEquals(expected, result);
String listResult = null;
if (compareToList)
listResult = evaluate("$!list."+property);
assertEquals(result, listResult);
info(" <$!array."+property+"> resolved to <"+result+">");
if (compareToList)
info(" <$!list."+property+"> resolved to "+listResult+">");