blob: e15776169a77dc1a3525bac741dcb1a78b5fdc19 [file] [log] [blame]
@test velocimacro2.vm
This template is used for Velocity regression testing.
If you alter this template make sure you change the
corresponding comparison file so that the regression
test doesn't fail incorrectly.
#macro( foo $a )
Hello from foo : $a
#macro( foo2 $a )
Hello from foo2 : $a
#macro( foo_two $a )
Hello from foo_two : $a
#foo( "hi" )
#foo2( "hi" )
#foo_two( "hi" )
#foo( $notincontext )
#foo( $notincontext.getThing() )
#macro( tester $a )
$a : yes
$a : no
## test to see if we can print these
## as schmoo
#tester( $notincontext )
#tester( $notincontext.woogie() )
#set($foo = "bar")
#foo2( ${foo} )
#macro( poundthis $truth )
#if ($truth )
<td align=center class=v10><b>#</b></td>
<td align=center class=v10><b> # </b></td>
<td align=center class=v10><b>\#</b></td>
#poundthis( true )
## test for bug reported when stringlit changed to on-init parsing
#macro( blorp $bar ) $bar #end
#macro( schlorp $i )#blorp( "hi $i" ) #end
## test all directive arg types
#macro(dirarg $a)
#set($ref = 1)