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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* limitations under the License.
<title>IDE Howto</title>
<author email="">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</author>
<section name="Use an IDE to write Turbine applications with M.E.T.A.">
Let's face it. Using a text editor and deploying your
application into a container is not everyone's development
style, even when using the excellent <a
editor. Many developers like to use an IDE like <a
href="">Eclipse</a>. M.E.T.A. supports
this style of application development, though some developers
consider the arguments for an IDE to be the same as for <a
The remainder of this page uses <a
href="">Eclipse</a> as IDE because there
is good integration between <a
href="">Maven</a> and Eclipse. Examples
for other IDEs like <a
href="">netBeans</a>, <a
href="">IntelliJ IDEA</a>, <a
href="">JBuilder</a> or any other
IDEs are welcome.
<subsection name="Setting up your workbench">
<p>Setting up Eclipse and Tomcat for M.E.T.A. is very easy to do:</p>
<li>Download Eclipse from the the <a href="">Eclipse Website</a> and install it.</li>
<li>Download Jakarta Tomcat from the <a href="">Tomcat website</a>. This will
be the web container that we use for running and debugging the Turbine application.</li>
<li>For development, it is also very useful if you can start and stop Tomcat directly from Eclipse. A very
useful Plugin for Eclipse is <a href="">the Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin</a></li>
<p>Now configure Eclipse to your installed tomcat by setting its
home directory and server.xml location in &quot;Window&quot;
-&gt; &quot;Preferences&quot; -&gt; &quot;Tomcat&quot;:
<img src="images/eclipse-tomcat-prefs.png" width="721"
height="687" alt="Tomcat Preferences"/>
<subsection name="Prepare your application for use with Eclipse">
Create a new Turbine application by running
maven -Dturbine.plugin.mode=inplace -Dturbine.plugin.inplace.dir=tomcat turbine:setup
This generates a new inplace application that can be used with an IDE.
Build the OM Peer classes:
maven torque:om
Note that you must rerun this command every time you OM schema changes.
The new application must be compiled once with the
M.E.T.A. plugin. This makes sure that all dependencies from the
project descriptor get copied into the web application lib
directory. If you forget this step, you will get a lot of missing
dependencies in Eclipse.
maven java:compile
We must prepare our application for Eclipse. Maven offers a goal
which builds the project description and classpath files:
maven eclipse
The last two commands should be re-run everytime the values in
the application project descriptor change unless you do not intend
to rebuild your project outside of Eclipse.
<subsection name="Develop your application inside eclipse">
Import your application into Eclipse by selecting
&quot;File&quot; -&gt; &quot;Import&quot; -&gt; &quot;Existing
Project into Workspace&quot; and enter the location of your new
Turbine application into the Wizard. The resulting tree should
look like this:
<img src="images/eclipse-helloworld.png" width="841"
height="644" alt="Helloworld in Eclipse"/>
Finally, tell Eclipse that your application is a Tomcat
application and should be run in the web container. Highlight your
application and select &quot;File&quot; -&gt;
&quot;Properties&quot; from the Menu to open the Properties
Dialog for your application. Select the &quot;Tomcat&quot;
<img src="images/helloworld-tomcat-prefs.png" width="676"
height="544" alt="Helloworld Tomcat Preferences"/>
Enter the desired context name in the first text box. In the
second text box, the application root is entered. This must be the
same value as the <code>turbine.plugin.inplace.dir</code> value when
setting up the Turbine application. <font color="red">Make sure that
you have leading slashes in both text boxes!</font> If you forget these,
the Tomcat plugin will not work correctly. Also, check all three checkboxes
to allow Eclipse to manage your application inside Tomcat and to redirect the
<code>catalina.out</code> log file into the Eclipse console.
Now you can launch your application through Tomcat by using the
&quot;Tomcat&quot; menu from Eclipse. You can set breakpoints in
your classes and debug directly in the IDE. Maven and the
M.E.T.A. environment have been used for setting up the
application but are no longer needed for developing inside the