blob: 3db61198b5d7d5b7be9eb336425f4b5d92758ecf [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Turbine Installation</title>
<author email="">Turbine Documentation Team</author>
<section name="Installing Ant">
See the <a href="">Ant
documentation</a> for instructions.
<section name="Ant Tasks available in build.xml">
The <code>build.xml</code> contains many Ant tasks. These are run by
typing from the command line:
ant &lt;taskname&gt;
For example, to run the task which generates the turbine-pool.jar type;
ant &lt;pool&gt;</ul>
Other Ant tasks in build.xml include;
usage - Shows a list of Ant Tasks available. <br />
compile - Compiles the source code.<br />
jar - Generates the turbine.jar file ( default ). <br />
jarsrc - Generates the turbine.src.jar file with source only.<br />
pool - Generates the Turbine Connection Pool jar.<br />
docs - Generates the HTML documentation from the XML files in xdocs.<br />
javadocs - Generates the API Information.<br />
package-zip - Generates the Turbine distribution as a ZIP archive.<br />
package-tgz - Generates the Turbine distribution as a TAR.GZ archive.<br />
run-tests - Runs all available testcases.<br />
torque - Generates a torque.jar for stand-alone use. <br />
clean - Cleans up the build directory.