blob: 007abe13d46ab8d68be0ead3536b82bb521b579e [file] [log] [blame]
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.util.Locale;
public interface DateTimeFormatterInterface {
/** Default date format. find supporrted formats in {@link DateTimeFormatterService} */
final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT = "MM/dd/yyyy";
* Property tag for the date format that is to be used for the web
* application.
final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT_KEY = "tool.datetimeTool.format";
DateTimeFormatter getDefaultFormat();
String getDateTimeFormatPattern();
* Formats the given datetime as a String with the #{@link DateTimeFormatterService#defaultFormat}.
* using the default date format.
* @param the {@link TemporalAccessor to format
* @return String value of the date
<T extends TemporalAccessor> String format(T temporalAccessor);
* Formats the given date as a String.
* @param the TimeDate date to format
* @param dateFormatString format string to use. See {@link DateTimeFormatter}
* for details.
* @return String value of the date
<T extends TemporalAccessor> String format(T temporalAccessor, String dateFormatString);
* Formats the given date as a String.
* @param the TimeDate date to format
* @param dateFormatString format string to use. See {@link DateTimeFormatter}
* for details.
* @param locale
* @return String value of the date
<T extends TemporalAccessor> String format(T temporalAccessor, String dateFormatString, Locale locale);
* Maps from an incoming format to an outgoing format {@link DateTimeFormatter}.
* @param src the formatted datetime
* @param outgoingFormat {@link DateTimeFormatter}
* @param locale Locale, if needed for outgoing formatting, no default.
* @param incomingFormat {@link DateTimeFormatter}, optional, default is {@link #defaultFormat}.
* @return the newly mapped
String map(String src, String outgoingFormatPattern, Locale locale, String incomingFormatPattern);
* Uses as incoming format {@link #defaultFormat} and no locale.
* @param src
* @param outgoingFormat
* @return the formatted string
* @throws java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException
String map(String src, DateTimeFormatter outgoingFormat, Locale locale,
DateTimeFormatter incomingFormat);
* Uses as outgoing {@link DateTimeFormatter} {@link #defaultFormat} and no locale.
* @param src the datetime formatted string
* @param incomingFormat the format of this string
* @return the date time formatted using the {@link #defaultFormat}.
String mapTo(String src, DateTimeFormatter outgoingFormat);
* Uses as incoming {@link DateTimeFormatter} {@link #defaultFormat}.
* @param src the datetime formatted string
* @param outgoingFormat the format to which this string should be formatted.
* @param locale
* @return the newly formatted date time string
* @throws java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException
String mapFrom(String src, DateTimeFormatter incomingFormat);
String map(String src, DateTimeFormatter outgoingFormat, Locale locale);