blob: a7b6723885b1be7ea479303d2803cfcbe396da4c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<author email="">Jason van Zyl</author>
<section name="Changes">
This document describes what has changed in Turbine on a
particular date. When we release these changes can be tracked
on a release to release basis, but for now we'll just use
the date to keep track of major changes.
<section name="18 March 2001">
The following changes are a result of trying to order the
initialization of the services according to order they
are listed in the TR.props file. To effect this change, the
Configuration class from Velocity was used because it
internally keeps properties in order. Variants of the
Configuration are used in three projects now so we should
work on putting it somewhere so it can be reused. For
now it's being pulled from the Velocity JAR included in
the Turbine distribution but this will change when we
find a home for the Configuration class.
The order of the services has been changed in the TR.props
master file to reflect some dependencies services have
on one another.
The way to tools are specified for the Pull Service has
changed because the Configuration class takes care of
correct ordering. The <code>loader-order</code> key is no longer
required as the tools will be instantiated in the order they
appear in the TR.props file.
Big cleanup to the TurbineResourcesService directory.
The Configuration class is an amalgamation of the
class so they have been removed and the Configuration
class is now used in their place. Here is a list of the
affected files:
Most of these changes have to do with the fact the
the keys returned from a Configuration are in the
form of an Iterator, not an Enumeration.
Some dead files were removed from the TurbineResources
directory. The ErrorResources and the MessageResources.
The MessageResources wasn't doing anything and the
ErrorResources looked like it was being used in
TurbineResources but none of the errors it was supposed
to trap had any effect. For example the message that
it is supposed to display when the TR.props file is
missing wasn't displayed. It looked a bit sketchy
anyway so I removed it. If anyone feels strongly about
it they can put it back. I think we can with a better
error mechanism any way.
The Velocity service has been updated to reflect recent
changes made in Velocity. The Velocity service has started
using the Velocity class which is now the client code
contract with Velocity internals.
TurbineUploadService changed so that a repository
path specified without a leading <code>/</code> is relative to
the webapp.
<section name="21 March 2001">
Email classes
Added ability to set SMTP-From headers, to direct all 'delivery
failed' messages to a separate mailbox.
TR.props also changed to allow for an address for all messages
with failed delivery.
Pull Service
Added getTool() method to allow access to request level
tools in the context without having to do an annoying cast.
Scheduler Service
Cleaned up logging in the WorkerThread class.
<section name="22 March 2001">
HttpUtils class added
A place to hang HTTP utility routines. Currently provides date
formatting and cache header control. Unfortunate name conflict
with HttpUtils class in the <code>javax.servlet package</code>,
but consistant with current utility class naming scheme.
<section name="25 March 2001">
Configuration functionality add to services.
Services now have access to a Configuration object that
can be used instead of a Properties object. Hopefully
we can eliminate the use of Properties all together.
Right now the Velocity Service is the example of how
to use the Configuration object inside a service.
The Torque tasks have been cleaned up. Tried to place
as much of the information required for generation
in a configuration file. Hopefully this will allow
us to add functionality to the generating process without
having to alter the ant task code.
Velocity Service
Updated to keep in step with the changes that are
being made as Velocity moves to 1.0. Velocity can
now be fully configured from the TR.props. In the
Velocity service the subset of the TR.props that
pertain to the Velocity service are extracted
and passed on to the Velocity Runtime. This should
make the Velocity service easier to configure.
<section name="2 April 2001">
Template Services
TemplateService was reworked to associate template file name
extensions with TemplateEngineService implementations and
delegate to the appropriate registered service. The easiest
wasy to write such a TemplateEngineService implementation is to
extend the new BaseTemplateEngineService class.
Added <code>database.query.debug</code> flag for control of
query logging at the <code>DEBUG</code> level.
<section name="5 April 2001">
SQL Logging Facility
A new SQL logging facility has been defined, initially set to
ERROR level. Currently, the logging level must be loosened to
DEBUG to produce logging output.
Dropped <code>database.query.debug</code> from BasePeer in favor
of logging SQL queries to the <code>sql</code> facility instead.
at DEBUG level.
<section name="7 April 2001">
Added SequencedHashtable and BufferCache Collections classes
<code>SequencedHashtable</code> is a Hashtable whose keys are
sequenced. The sequencing of the keys allow easy access to the
values in the order which they were added in. Thread safe.
<code>BufferCache</code> is a fixed length object cache
implementing the LRU algorithm. Convenient for buffering
recently used objects.
<section name="8 April 2001">
Service Names and
Each service's SERVICE_NAME constant has been changed from the
name of Turbine's implemtating class to the name of the
service's interface.
<section name="9 April 2001">
Bug fix to getProperties(String name) to properly handle
internal use of Configuration class for multi-value keys. A
ClassCastException was being thrown erroneously, contradicting
the behavior noted in the JavaDoc. JavaDoc was updated to
recommend getConfiguration(String name) for multi-value keys.
<section name="11 April 2001">
Bug fix to close FileItem OutputStream after data has been
written into it.
MultiPartEmail and FileItem (upload service)
Made FileItem implement the javax.activation.DataSource
interface, and had MultiPartEmail accept DataSource
specified attachments.
Now will only form a multipart/alternative body part if
both the HTML and text parts are specified. If either is
omitted, only the other will be used as the body.
<section name="14 April 2001">
StringUtils and VelocityEmail
Text wrapping capabilities added to StringUtils. Hooks added to
VelocityEmail to make use of this new StringUtils functionality.
<section name="17 April 2001">
Users/Roles/Groups security was extensively revamped in a
branch. Now merged back into the HEAD.
<section name="18 April 2001">
Added a base implementation of a java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
as a Turbine Service.
<section name="24 April 2001">
Integrated a new org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector component
into org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser.