| <project |
| xmlns:j="jelly:core" |
| xmlns:m="maven" |
| xmlns:u="jelly:util" |
| xmlns:maven="jelly:maven" |
| default="java:jar"> |
| |
| <!-- Define a post goal for compile to copy intake.dtd into the appropriate |
| location for packaging in the jar file. --> |
| |
| <postGoal name="java:compile"> |
| |
| <copy |
| file="${maven.src.dir}/dtd/intake.dtd" |
| todir="${maven.build.dest}/org/apache/turbine/services/intake/transform" |
| /> |
| |
| </postGoal> |
| |
| <!-- ================================================== --> |
| <!-- Perform the nightly build process --> |
| <!-- ================================================== --> |
| <goal name="nightly:build" |
| description="Build distribution snapshots"> |
| |
| <cvs command="-q update -Pd"/> |
| <attainGoal name="clean"/> |
| <maven:snapshot project="${pom}"/> |
| |
| <j:set var="maven.final.name" value="${snapshotSignature}-${pom.currentVersion}"/> |
| <attainGoal name="dist:build"/> |
| |
| </goal> |
| |
| <!-- ================================================== --> |
| <!-- Deploy the nightly builds --> |
| <!-- ================================================== --> |
| <goal name="nightly:deploy" |
| prereqs="nightly:build" |
| description="Deploy the nightly builds"> |
| |
| <m:user-check user="${maven.username}"/> |
| |
| <echo> |
| deploymentAddress = ${pom.siteAddress} |
| deploymentDirectory = ${turbine.nightly.dist.dir} |
| </echo> |
| |
| <j:set var="dist.dir" value="${maven.build.dir}/distributions" /> |
| |
| <!-- Make sure the destination directory exists before trying to copy --> |
| <exec dir="." executable="${maven.ssh.executable}"> |
| <arg line="${pom.siteAddress} -l ${maven.username} 'mkdir -p ${turbine.nightly.dist.dir}'"/> |
| </exec> |
| |
| <fileScanner var="distFiles"> |
| <fileset dir="${dist.dir}"> |
| </fileset> |
| </fileScanner> |
| |
| <j:forEach var="file" items="${distFiles.iterator()}"> |
| <echo>Processing ${file}</echo> |
| |
| <exec dir="${dist.dir}" executable="${maven.scp.executable}"> |
| <arg value="${file}"/> |
| <arg value="${maven.username}@${pom.siteAddress}:${turbine.nightly.dist.dir}"/> |
| </exec> |
| </j:forEach> |
| |
| </goal> |
| |
| |
| |
| </project> |