blob: f34d52bb6b3f1810019cf7e0b0832a6f60fb3c8e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Script to decode via header
# @File
# @Author Meera Mosale Nataraja
# Usage: Use it in 2 ways
# 1. Pass Via Header with -s option \n";
# traffic_via [-s viaheader]";
# or
# 2. Pipe curl output
# curl -v -H "X-Debug: Via" http://ats_server:port 2>&1| ./
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Getopt::Long;
my $via_header;
my $help;
#Proxy request header flags and titles
my @proxy_header_array = (
"Request headers received from client", {
'I' => "IMS",
'C' => "cookie",
'E' => "error in request",
'S' => "simple request (not conditional)",
'N' => "no-cache",
' ' => "unknown",
}, {
"Result of Traffic Server cache lookup for URL", {
'A' => "in cache, not acceptable (a cache \"MISS\")",
'H' => "in cache, fresh (a cache \"HIT\")",
'S' => "in cache, stale (a cache \"MISS\")",
'R' => "in cache, fresh Ram hit (a cache \"HIT\")",
'M' => "miss (a cache \"MISS\")",
' ' => "no cache lookup",
}, {
"Response information received from origin server", {
'E' => "error in response",
' ' => "no server connection needed",
'S' => "connection opened successfully",
'N' => "not-modified",
}, {
"Result of document write-to-cache:", {
'U' => "updated old cache copy",
'D' => "cached copy deleted",
'W' => "written into cache (new copy)",
' ' => "no cache write performed",
}, {
"Proxy operation result", {
'R' => "origin server revalidated",
' ' => "unknown",
'S' => "served or connection opened successfully",
'N' => "not-modified",
}, {
"Error codes (if any)", {
'A' => "authorization failure",
'H' => "header syntax unacceptable",
'C' => "connection to server failed",
'T' => "connection timed out",
'S' => "server related error",
'D' => "dns failure",
'N' => "no error",
'F' => "request forbidden",
'L' => "loop detected",
}, {
"Tunnel info", {
' ' => "no tunneling",
'U' => "tunneling because of url (url suggests dynamic content)",
'M' => "tunneling due to a method (e.g. CONNECT)",
'O' => "tunneling because cache is turned off",
'F' => "tunneling due to a header field (such as presence of If-Range header)",
'N' => "tunneling due to no forward",
}, {
"Cache Type", {
' ' => "unknown",
'I' => "icp",
'C' => "cache",
}, {
"Cache Lookup Result", {
' ' => "cache miss or no cache lookup",
'S' => "cache hit, but expired",
'U' => "cache hit, but client forces revalidate (e.g. Pragma: no-cache)",
'D' => "cache hit, but method forces revalidated (e.g. ftp, not anonymous)",
'I' => "conditional miss (client sent conditional, fresh in cache, returned 412)",
'H' => "cache hit",
'M' => "cache miss (url not in cache)",
'C' => "cache miss (url not in cache)",
'N' => "conditional hit (client sent conditional, doc fresh in cache, returned 304)",
}, {
"Parent proxy connection status", {
' ' => "no parent proxy or unknown",
'S' => "connection opened successfully",
'F' => "connection open failed",
}, {
"Origin server connection status", {
' ' => "no server connection needed",
'S' => "connection opened successfully",
'F' => "connection open failed",
##Print script usage
sub usage()
print "\nPass Via Header with -s option \n";
print "Usage: traffic_via [-s viaheader]";
print "\n or \n";
print "\nPipe curl command output to this program";
print "\nEg: curl xxxx | traffic_via\n";
print "\n-h for help\n";
#Subroutine to decode via header
sub decode_via_header($)
my ($header) = @_;
my $hdrLength;
my $newHeader;
#Check via header syntax
if ($header =~ /([a-zA-Z: ]+)/) {
#Get via header length
$hdrLength = length($header);
# Valid Via header length is 22 or 6.
# When Via header length is 22, it will have both proxy request header result and operational results.
if ($hdrLength == 22) {
#Split via header: proxy result and operational result
$newHeader = join('', split(':', $header));
} elsif ($hdrLength == 6) {
$newHeader = $header;
} elsif ($hdrLength == 5) {
# When Via header length is 5, it might be missing last field. Fill it and decode header.
$newHeader = $header . " ";
} else {
# Invalid header size, come out.
print "\nInvalid VIA header. VIA header length should be 6 or 22 characters\n";
sub convert_header_to_array($)
my ($viaHeader) = @_;
my @ResultArray;
#Convert string header into character array
while ($viaHeader =~ /(.)/g) {
#Only capital letters indicate flags
if ($1 !~ m/[a-z;]+/) {
push(@ResultArray, $1);
print "Via Header Details:\n";
for (my $arrayIndex = 0; $arrayIndex < scalar(@ResultArray); $arrayIndex++) {
get_via_header_flags(\@proxy_header_array, $arrayIndex, $ResultArray[$arrayIndex]);
my %valid_keys = ('main' => {
'u' => 1,
'c' => 1,
's' => 1,
'f' => 1,
'p' => 1,
'e' => 1,
'detail' => {
't' => 1,
'c' => 1,
'p' => 1,
's' => 1,
sub valid_char ($$)
my($char, $hash) = @_;
return exists $hash->{$char}
sub validate_keys($)
my($viaHeader) = @_;
my($main, $detail) = split(/[:;]/, $viaHeader);
my $running_main = 1;
my $return_value_valid = 1;
foreach my $group ($main, $detail) {
next if !defined $group;
while ($group =~ /([a-z])/g) {
my $char = $1;
my $valid = 0;
if ($running_main) {
$valid = valid_char($char, $valid_keys{main});
} else {
$valid = valid_char($char, $valid_keys{detail});
if (! $valid) {
print "traffic_via: Invalid VIA header character: $char\n";
$return_value_valid = 0;
$running_main = 0;
return $return_value_valid;
#Get values from header arrays
sub get_via_header_flags($$$)
my ($arrayName, $inputIndex, $flag) = @_;
my %flagValues;
my @flagKeys;
my %flags;
my @keys;
my @array = @$arrayName;
%flagValues = %{$array[$inputIndex]};
@flagKeys = keys(%flagValues);
foreach my $keyEntry (@flagKeys) {
printf("%-55s", $keyEntry);
%flags = %{$flagValues{$keyEntry}};
@keys = keys(%flags);
foreach my $key (@keys) {
if ($key =~ /$flag/) {
#print $flags{$key};
printf(":%s", $flags{$key});
print "\n";
# main
if (@ARGV == 0) {
#if passed through standard input
my @userinput = <STDIN>;
for my $element (@userinput) {
#Pattern matching for Via
if ($element =~ /Via:\s+\[([^\]]+)\]/i || $element =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/ ) {
#Search and grep via header
my $via_string = $1;
print "Via header is [$via_string], Length is ", length($via_string), "\n";
last unless validate_keys($via_string);
} else {
if (
's=s' => \$via_header,
'help|?' => \$help
or defined $help
if (defined $via_header) {
if ($via_header =~ /Via:\s+\[([^\]]+)\]/i || $via_header =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/ || $via_header =~ /(.+)/) {
#if passed through commandline dashed argument
my $via_string = $1;
print "Via header is [$via_string], Length is ", length($via_string), "\n";
last unless validate_keys($via_string);