blob: a6dd3e369dc597f4f5215fc068cd246ce3132f9c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import subprocess
Test.Summary = '''
Test transactions and sessions, making sure they open and close in the proper order.
# Define default ATS. Disable the cache to simplify the test.
ts = Test.MakeATSProcess("ts", command="traffic_manager", enable_cache=False)
server = Test.MakeOriginServer("server")
server2 = Test.MakeOriginServer("server2")
Test.testName = ""
request_header = {"headers": "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: oc.test\r\n\r\n",
"timestamp": "1469733493.993", "body": ""}
# expected response from the origin server
response_header = {"headers": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length:0\r\n\r\n",
"timestamp": "1469733493.993", "body": ""}
''), ts)
# add response to the server dictionary
server.addResponse("sessionfile.log", request_header, response_header)
'proxy.config.diags.debug.enabled': 0,
'proxy.config.diags.debug.tags': 'ssntxnorder_verify.*',
'proxy.config.cache.enable_read_while_writer': 0
'map http://oc.test:{0}{1}'.format(
ts.Variables.port, server.Variables.Port)
cmd = 'curl -vs -H "host:oc.test"{0}'.format(ts.Variables.port)
numberOfRequests = 100
tr = Test.AddTestRun()
# Create a bunch of curl commands to be executed in parallel. Default.Process is set in SpawnCommands.
# On Fedora 28/29, it seems that curl will occaisionally timeout after a couple seconds and return exitcode 2
# Examinig the packet capture shows that Traffic Server dutifully sends the response
ps = tr.SpawnCommands(cmdstr=cmd, count=numberOfRequests, retcode=Any(0,2))
tr.Processes.Default.Env = ts.Env
tr.Processes.Default.ReturnCode = Any(0,2)
# Execution order is: ts/server, ps(curl cmds), Default Process.
server, ready=When.PortOpen(server.Variables.Port))
tr.StillRunningAfter = ts
# Signal that all the curl processes have completed
tr = Test.AddTestRun("Curl Done")
tr.DelayStart = 2 # Delaying a couple seconds to make sure the global continuation's lock contention resolves.
tr.Processes.Default.Command = "traffic_ctl plugin msg done done"
tr.Processes.Default.ReturnCode = 0
tr.Processes.Default.Env = ts.Env
tr.StillRunningAfter = ts
# Parking this as a ready tester on a meaningless process
# To stall the test runs that check for the stats until the
# stats have propagated and are ready to read.
def make_done_stat_ready(tsenv):
def done_stat_ready(process, hasRunFor, **kw):
retval ="traffic_ctl metric get ssntxnorder_verify.test.done > done 2> /dev/null", shell=True, env=tsenv)
if retval.returncode == 0:
retval ="grep 1 done > /dev/null", shell = True, env=tsenv)
return retval.returncode == 0
return done_stat_ready
# number of sessions/transactions opened and closed are equal
tr = Test.AddTestRun("Check Ssn order errors")
server2.StartupTimeout = 60
# Again, here the imporant thing is the ready function not the server2 process
tr.Processes.Default.StartBefore(server2, ready=make_done_stat_ready(ts.Env))
tr.Processes.Default.Command = 'traffic_ctl metric get ssntxnorder_verify.err'
tr.Processes.Default.ReturnCode = 0
tr.Processes.Default.Env = ts.Env
tr.Processes.Default.Streams.All = Testers.ContainsExpression(
'ssntxnorder_verify.err 0', 'incorrect statistic return, or possible error.')
tr.StillRunningAfter = ts
tr.StillRunningAfter = server
comparator_command = '''
if test "`traffic_ctl metric get ssntxnorder_verify.{0}.start | cut -d ' ' -f 2`" -eq "`traffic_ctl metric get ssntxnorder_verify.{0}.close | cut -d ' ' -f 2`" ; then\
echo yes;\
else \
echo no; \
fi; \
traffic_ctl metric match ssntxnorder_verify
# number of sessions/transactions opened and closed are equal
tr = Test.AddTestRun("Check for ssn open/close")
tr.Processes.Default.Command = comparator_command.format('ssn')
tr.Processes.Default.ReturnCode = 0
tr.Processes.Default.Env = ts.Env
tr.Processes.Default.Streams.stdout = Testers.ContainsExpression(
"yes", 'should verify contents')
tr.Processes.Default.Streams.stdout += Testers.ExcludesExpression(
"ssntxnorder_verify.ssn.start 0", 'should be nonzero')
tr.StillRunningAfter = ts
tr.StillRunningAfter = server
tr = Test.AddTestRun("Check for txn/open/close")
tr.Processes.Default.Command = comparator_command.format('txn')
tr.Processes.Default.ReturnCode = 0
tr.Processes.Default.Env = ts.Env
tr.Processes.Default.Streams.stdout = Testers.ContainsExpression(
"yes", 'should verify contents')
tr.Processes.Default.Streams.stdout += Testers.ExcludesExpression(
"ssntxnorder_verify.txn.start 0", 'should be nonzero')
# and we receive the same number of transactions as we asked it to make
tr.Processes.Default.Streams.stdout += Testers.ContainsExpression(
"ssntxnorder_verify.txn.start {}".format(numberOfRequests), 'should be the number of transactions we made')
tr.StillRunningAfter = ts
tr.StillRunningAfter = server