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* @file cachekey.h
* @brief Cache key manipulation (header file).
#pragma once
#include "ts/ts.h"
#include "ts/remap.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "configs.h"
* @brief Cache key manipulation class.
* Initialize the cache key from the request URI.
* The cache key is to be a valid URI. Key structure documented in doc/cachekey.en.rst#cache-key-structure
* @note scheme, #fragment, user:password@ from URI authority component are currently ignored.
* The query parameters, headers and cookies are handled similarly in general,
* but there are some differences in the handling of the query and the rest of the elements:
* - headers and cookies are never included in the cache key by default, query is.
* - query manipulation is different (stripping off, sorting, exclusion of query parameters, etc).
* That is why seemed like a good idea to add headers, cookies, UA-captures, UA-classes
* to the "hier-part" and keep only the query parameters in the "query part" (RFC 3986).
* @todo Consider avoiding the ATS API multiple-lookups while handling headers and cookies.
* Currently ts/ts.h states that iterating through the headers one by one is not efficient
* but being able to iterate through all the headers once and figure out what to append to
* the cache key seems be more time efficient.
class CacheKey
CacheKey(TSHttpTxn txn, String separator, CacheKeyUriType urlType, CacheKeyKeyType targetUrlType,
TSRemapRequestInfo *rri = nullptr);
void append(unsigned number);
void append(const String &);
void append(const String &s, bool useSeparator);
void append(const char *s);
void append(const char *n, unsigned s);
void appendPrefix(const String &prefix, Pattern &prefixCapture, Pattern &prefixCaptureUri, bool canonicalPrefix);
void appendPath(Pattern &pathCapture, Pattern &pathCaptureUri);
void appendHeaders(const ConfigHeaders &config);
void appendQuery(const ConfigQuery &config);
void appendCookies(const ConfigCookies &config);
void appendUaCaptures(Pattern &config);
bool appendUaClass(Classifier &classifier);
bool finalize() const;
// noncopyable
CacheKey(const CacheKey &) = delete; // disallow
CacheKey &operator=(const CacheKey &) = delete; // disallow
CacheKey(); // disallow
template <class T>
void processHeader(const String &name_s, const ConfigHeaders &config, T &dst,
void (*fun)(const ConfigHeaders &config, const String &name_s, const String &value_s, T &captures));
/* Information from the request */
TSHttpTxn _txn; /**< @brief transaction handle */
TSMBuffer _buf; /**< @brief marshal buffer */
TSMLoc _url; /**< @brief URI handle */
TSMLoc _hdrs; /**< @brief headers handle */
bool _valid = false; /**< @brief shows if the constructor discovered the input correctly */
bool _remap = false; /**< @brief shows if the input URI was from remap info */
String _key; /**< @brief cache key */
String _separator; /**< @brief a separator used to separate the cache key elements extracted from the URI */
CacheKeyUriType _uriType = REMAP; /**< @brief the URI type used as a cachekey base: pristine, remap, etc. */
CacheKeyKeyType _keyType = CACHE_KEY; /**< @brief the target URI type: cache key, parent selection, etc. */