blob: 6dfb035b81331bd10486ea9e53563e9ce0413e42 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* A brief file description
* @section license License
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include "QUICFrame.h"
namespace QLog
class QLogFrame
QLogFrame(QUICFrameType type) : _type(type) {}
virtual ~QLogFrame() {}
type() const
return this->_type;
// encode frame into YAML stype
virtual void encode(YAML::Node &node) = 0;
QUICFrameType _type = QUICFrameType::UNKNOWN;
using QLogFrameUPtr = std::unique_ptr<QLogFrame>;
// convert QUICFrame to QLogFrame
class QLogFrameFactory
// create QLogFrame
static QLogFrameUPtr create(const QUICFrame *frame);
namespace Frame
struct AckFrame : public QLogFrame {
AckFrame(const QUICAckFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
acked_range = frame.ranges();
ack_delay = frame.ack_delay();
if (frame.ecn_section()) {
ect0 = frame.ecn_section()->ect0_count();
ect1 = frame.ecn_section()->ect1_count();
ce = frame.ecn_section()->ecn_ce_count();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::set<QUICAckFrame::PacketNumberRange> acked_range;
uint64_t ect1 = 0;
uint64_t ect0 = 0;
uint64_t ce = 0;
uint64_t ack_delay = 0;
struct StreamFrame : public QLogFrame {
StreamFrame(const QUICStreamFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
stream_id = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.stream_id()));
offset = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.offset()));
length = frame.data_length();
fin = frame.has_fin_flag();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_id;
// These two MUST always be set
// If not present in the Frame type, log their default values
std::string offset;
uint64_t length = 0;
// this MAY be set any time, but MUST only be set if the value is "true"
// if absent, the value MUST be assumed to be "false"
bool fin = false;
// FIXME raw
struct PaddingFrame : public QLogFrame {
PaddingFrame(const QUICPaddingFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type()) {}
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
struct PingFrame : public QLogFrame {
PingFrame(const QUICPingFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type()) {}
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
struct RstStreamFrame : public QLogFrame {
RstStreamFrame(const QUICRstStreamFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
stream_id = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.stream_id()));
error_code = frame.error_code();
final_size = std::to_string(frame.final_offset());
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_id;
// FIXME ApplicationError
uint64_t error_code = 0;
std::string final_size;
struct StopSendingFrame : public QLogFrame {
StopSendingFrame(const QUICStopSendingFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
stream_id = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.stream_id()));
error_code = frame.error_code();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_id;
// FIXME ApplicationError
uint64_t error_code = 0;
struct CryptoFrame : public QLogFrame {
CryptoFrame(const QUICCryptoFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
offset = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.offset()));
length = frame.data_length();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string offset;
uint64_t length = 0;
struct NewTokenFrame : public QLogFrame {
NewTokenFrame(const QUICNewTokenFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
token = QUICBase::to_hex(frame.token(), frame.token_length());
length = frame.token_length();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string token;
uint64_t length = 0;
struct MaxDataFrame : public QLogFrame {
MaxDataFrame(const QUICMaxDataFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type()), maximum(std::to_string(frame.maximum_data())) {}
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string maximum;
struct MaxStreamDataFrame : public QLogFrame {
MaxStreamDataFrame(const QUICMaxStreamDataFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
stream_id = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.stream_id()));
maximum = std::to_string(frame.maximum_stream_data());
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_id;
std::string maximum;
struct MaxStreamsFrame : public QLogFrame {
MaxStreamsFrame(const QUICMaxStreamsFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
maximum = std::to_string(frame.maximum_streams());
stream_type = "bidirectional";
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_type;
std::string maximum;
struct DataBlockedFrame : public QLogFrame {
DataBlockedFrame(const QUICDataBlockedFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
limit = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.offset()));
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string limit;
struct StreamDataBlockedFrame : public QLogFrame {
StreamDataBlockedFrame(const QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
limit = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.offset()));
stream_id = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.stream_id()));
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_id, limit;
struct StreamsBlockedFrame : public QLogFrame {
StreamsBlockedFrame(const QUICStreamIdBlockedFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
stream_type = "bidirectional";
stream_id = std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t>(frame.stream_id()));
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string stream_id, stream_type;
struct NewConnectionIDFrame : public QLogFrame {
NewConnectionIDFrame(const QUICNewConnectionIdFrame &frame)
: QLogFrame(frame.type()), sequence_number(std::to_string(frame.sequence()))
retire_prior_to = std::to_string(frame.retire_prior_to());
connection_id = frame.connection_id().hex();
stateless_reset_token = QUICBase::to_hex(frame.stateless_reset_token().buf(), QUICStatelessResetToken::LEN);
length = frame.connection_id().length();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string sequence_number, retire_prior_to, connection_id, stateless_reset_token;
uint8_t length = 0;
struct RetireConnectionIDFrame : public QLogFrame {
RetireConnectionIDFrame(const QUICRetireConnectionIdFrame &frame)
: QLogFrame(frame.type()), sequence_number(std::to_string(frame.seq_num()))
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string sequence_number;
struct PathChallengeFrame : public QLogFrame {
PathChallengeFrame(const QUICPathChallengeFrame &frame)
: QLogFrame(frame.type()), data(QUICBase::to_hex(, QUICPathChallengeFrame::DATA_LEN))
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string data;
struct PathResponseFrame : public QLogFrame {
PathResponseFrame(const QUICPathResponseFrame &frame)
: QLogFrame(frame.type()), data(QUICBase::to_hex(, QUICPathChallengeFrame::DATA_LEN))
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string data;
struct ConnectionCloseFrame : public QLogFrame {
ConnectionCloseFrame(const QUICConnectionCloseFrame &frame, bool app = false)
: QLogFrame(frame.type()), error_space(app ? "application" : "transport")
error_code = frame.error_code();
raw_error_code = error_code;
reason = frame.reason_phrase();
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
std::string error_space, reason, trigger_frame_type;
uint64_t error_code, raw_error_code;
struct HandshakeDoneFrame : public QLogFrame {
HandshakeDoneFrame(const QUICHandshakeDoneFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type()){};
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
struct UnknownFrame : public QLogFrame {
UnknownFrame(const QUICUnknownFrame &frame) : QLogFrame(frame.type())
raw_frame_type = static_cast<uint8_t>(frame.type());
void encode(YAML::Node &) override;
uint8_t raw_frame_type = 0;
} // namespace Frame
} // namespace QLog