blob: c3569495f8b830c1e8c5b4a605d87af052620f6c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import subprocess
import tempfile
import os
import copy
import shutil
import tsqa.utils
import sys
import time
import multiprocessing
import hashlib
import tsqa.configs
import tsqa.utils
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EnvironmentFactory(object):
Make builds of <SOURCE CODE> with optional env/configure flags
This uses a BuildCache to maintain a set of unique "layouts" (built code on disk)
and will return copies of these in environments to callers
class_environment_stash = None
# key -> exception
negative_cache = {}
def __init__(self,
# if no one made the cache class, make it
if self.class_environment_stash is None:
self.class_environment_stash = tsqa.utils.BuildCache(env_cache_dir)
# TODO: ensure this directory exists? (and is git?)
self.source_dir = source_dir
self.env_cache_dir = env_cache_dir # base directory for environment caching
if default_configure is not None:
self.default_configure = default_configure
self.default_configure = {}
if default_env is not None:
self.default_env = default_env
self.default_env = copy.copy(os.environ)
self.build_dir = build_dir
def autoreconf(self):
Autoreconf to make the configure script
kwargs = {
'cwd': self.source_dir,
'env': self.default_env,
'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
'stderr': subprocess.PIPE
if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
# if this is debug, lets not capture the output and let it go to
# stdout and stderr
kwargs['stdout'] = None
kwargs['stderr'] = None
tsqa.utils.run_sync_command(['autoreconf', '-if'], **kwargs)
def source_hash(self):
Return the git hash of the source directory
if not hasattr(self , '_source_hash'):
tmp, _ = tsqa.utils.run_sync_command(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
self._source_hash = tmp.strip()
return self._source_hash
def environment_stash(self):
Return your source_dir's section of the cache
if self.source_hash not in self.class_environment_stash:
self.class_environment_stash[self.source_hash] = {}
return self.class_environment_stash[self.source_hash]
def _get_key(self, *args):
Take list of dicts and make a nice tuple list to use as a key
take that and then hash it
hval = hashlib.md5()
for arg in args:
for k in sorted(arg):
return hval.hexdigest()
def get_environment(self, configure=None, env=None):
Build (or return cached) environment with configure/env
# set defaults, if none where passed in
if configure is None:
configure = self.default_configure
configure = tsqa.utils.merge_dicts(self.default_configure, configure)
if env is None:
env = self.default_env
env = tsqa.utils.merge_dicts(self.default_env, env)
# TODO: global?
# TODO: other things that can change the build...
env_key = {}
for whitelisted_key in ('PATH',):
env_key[whitelisted_key] = env.get(whitelisted_key)
key = self._get_key(configure, env_key)
log.debug('Key is: %s, args are: %s %s' % (key, configure, env_key))
# if we don't have it built already, lets build it
if key not in self.environment_stash:
if key in EnvironmentFactory.negative_cache:
raise EnvironmentFactory.negative_cache[key]
# if we have a build dir configured, lets use thatm otherwise
# lets use a tmp one
builddir = self.build_dir or tempfile.mkdtemp()
kwargs = {
'cwd': builddir,
'env': env,
'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
'stderr': subprocess.PIPE
if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
# if this is debug, lets not capture the output and let it go to
# stdout and stderr
kwargs['stdout'] = None
kwargs['stderr'] = None'Starting build ({0}): configure {1}'.format(key, configure))
# configure
args = [os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'configure'), '--prefix=/'] + tsqa.utils.configure_list(configure)
tsqa.utils.run_sync_command(args, **kwargs)
# make
tsqa.utils.run_sync_command(['make', '-j{0}'.format(multiprocessing.cpu_count())], **kwargs)
installdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.env_cache_dir)
# make install
tsqa.utils.run_sync_command(['make', 'install', 'DESTDIR={0}'.format(installdir)], **kwargs)
# if we had to create a tmp dir, we should delete it
if self.build_dir is None:
# stash the env
self.environment_stash[key] = {
'path': installdir,
'configuration': args,
'env': env_key,
}'Build completed ({0}): configure {1}'.format(key, configure))
except Exception as e:
EnvironmentFactory.negative_cache[key] = e
# create a layout
layout = Layout(self.environment_stash[key]['path'])
# return an environment cloned from that layout
ret = Environment()
return ret
class Layout(object):
The Layout class is responsible for the set of installation paths within a
prefixed Traffic Server instance.
# For now, just use a static set of directories relative to TS_ROOT. I
# don't think that this will actually work in the general case, since there
# are still a few paths that are defined by the build that you just have to
# know. Maybe we can deal with that by overriding config in the environment
# when we execute tools.
suffixes = {
'bindir': 'bin',
'includedir': 'include',
'libdir': 'lib',
'logdir': 'var/log',
'plugindir': 'libexec/trafficserver',
'runtimedir': 'var/trafficserver',
# TODO: change back to var/run after fixing traffic_manager, who doesn't honor proxy.config.local_state_dir
#'runtimedir': 'var/run',
'sysconfdir': 'etc/trafficserver',
def __init__(self, prefix):
if prefix is not None:
prefix = os.path.abspath(prefix)
self.prefix = prefix
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Raise an error for suffixes we don't know about
if name not in Layout.suffixes:
raise AttributeError(name)
# If our prefix is not set, we don't have any other paths.
if self.prefix is None:
return None
# Yay, we have a path.
return str(os.path.join(self.prefix, Layout.suffixes[name]))
def ParseFromLayout(self, path):
Parse the output of traffic_layout to instantiate a Layout object. This
has a terrible name, and probably needs to die, but it is helpful for
now since we can use it to bootstrap an environment from something we
already have installed.
layout = Layout(None)
stdout, _ = tsqa.utils.run_sync_command(path,
for line in stdout.splitlines():
key, val = line.split(': ', 1)
setattr(layout, key.lower(), val)
return layout
class Environment(object):
This is the core of tsqa. An environment is a directory (effectively a root dir)
with code and configs installed into it. This object is also responsible for
the daemon that will run out of this environment. All environments should be
sandboxed (separate directories), and failures in one environment should not
cause failures in other environments.
def shell_env(self):
environ = copy.copy(os.environ)
environ['TS_ROOT'] = self.layout.prefix
for env_key in ('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', # for *nix
'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', # for mac
if environ.has_key(env_key):
if self.layout.libdir not in environ[env_key].split(':'):
environ[env_key] = self.layout.libdir + ':' + environ[env_key]
environ[env_key] = self.layout.libdir
return environ
def __exec_cop(self):
path = os.path.join(self.layout.bindir, 'traffic_cop')
cmd = [path, '--debug', '--stdout']
with open(os.path.join(self.layout.logdir, 'cop.log'), 'w+') as logfile:
self.cop = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
start = time.time()
# TODO: more specific exception?
self.stop() # make sure to stop the daemons
log.debug('traffic_cop took {0}s to start up'.format(time.time() - start))
if self.cop.returncode is not None:
raise Exception(self.cop.returncode, self.layout.prefix)
def __init__(self, layout=None):
Initialize a new Environment.
self.cop = None
# TODO: parse config? Don't like the separate hostports...
self.hostports = []
if layout:
self.layout = layout
self.layout = None
def create(self):
if self.layout is None:
self.layout = Layout(tempfile.mkdtemp())
# Make any other directories we need.
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.layout.sysconfdir, "body_factory"))
def clone(self, layout=None):
Clone the given layout to this environment's prefix
# First, make the prefix directory.
if self.layout is None:
self.layout = Layout(tempfile.mkdtemp(
prefix=os.environ.get('TSQA_LAYOUT_PREFIX', 'tsqa.env.'),
dir=os.environ.get('TSQA_LAYOUT_DIR', None)),
os.chmod(self.layout.prefix, 0777) # Make the tmp dir readable by all
# copy all files from old layout to new one
for item in os.listdir(layout.prefix):
src_path = os.path.join(layout.prefix, item)
dst_path = os.path.join(self.layout.prefix, item)
# if its the bindir, lets symlink in everything
if item == layout.suffixes['bindir']:
os.makedirs(dst_path) # make the dest dir
for bin_item in os.listdir(src_path):
os.symlink(os.path.join(src_path, bin_item),
os.path.join(dst_path, bin_item),
elif os.path.islink(src_path):
linkto = os.readlink(src_path)
os.symlink(linkto, dst_path)
elif os.path.isdir(src_path):
elif os.path.isfile(src_path):
shutil.copyfile(src_path, dst_path)
# make sure that all suffixes in new layout exist
for name in self.layout.suffixes:
dirname = getattr(self.layout, name)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
os.makedirs(dirname, 0777)
os.chmod(dirname, 0777)
http_server_port = tsqa.utils.bind_unused_port()[1]
manager_mgmt_port = tsqa.utils.bind_unused_port()[1]
admin_port = tsqa.utils.bind_unused_port()[1]
self.hostports = [('', http_server_port),
('', manager_mgmt_port),
('', admin_port),
# overwrite a few things that need to be changed to have a unique env
records = tsqa.configs.RecordsConfig(os.path.join(self.layout.sysconfdir, 'records.config'))
'proxy.config.config_dir': self.layout.sysconfdir,
'proxy.config.body_factory.template_sets_dir': os.path.join(self.layout.sysconfdir, 'body_factory'),
'proxy.config.plugin.plugin_dir': self.layout.plugindir,
'proxy.config.bin_path': self.layout.bindir,
'proxy.config.log.logfile_dir': self.layout.logdir,
'proxy.config.local_state_dir': self.layout.runtimedir,
'proxy.config.http.server_ports': str(http_server_port), # your own listen port
'proxy.config.process_manager.mgmt_port': manager_mgmt_port, # your own listen port
'proxy.config.admin.synthetic_port': admin_port,
'proxy.config.admin.autoconf_port': admin_port, # support pre ATS 6.x
'proxy.config.admin.user_id': '#-1',
# a bunch of debug options
'proxy.config.diags.show_location': 1,
'proxy.config.diags.output.diag': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.debug': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.status': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.note': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.warning': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.error': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.fatal': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.alert': 'OL',
'proxy.config.diags.output.emergency': 'OL',
# set the process_server timeouts to 0 (faster startup)
'proxy.config.lm.pserver_timeout_secs': 0,
'proxy.config.lm.pserver_timeout_msecs': 0,
os.chmod(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.layout.runtimedir)), 0777)
os.chmod(os.path.join(self.layout.runtimedir), 0777)
# write out a convenience script to
with open(os.path.join(self.layout.prefix, 'run'), 'w') as runscript:
runscript.write('#! /usr/bin/env sh\n\n')
runscript.write('# run PROGRAM [ARGS ...]\n')
runscript.write('# Run a Traffic Server program in this environment\n\n')
for k, v in self.shell_env.iteritems():
runscript.write('{0}="{1}"\n'.format(k, v))
runscript.write('export {0}\n\n'.format(k))
runscript.write('exec "$@"\n')
os.chmod(os.path.join(self.layout.prefix, 'run'), 0755)
def destroy(self):
Tear down the environment. Kill any running processes and remove any
installed files.
shutil.rmtree(self.layout.prefix, ignore_errors=True)
self.layout = Layout(None)
def start(self):
if self.running(): # if its already running, don't start another one
raise Exception('traffic cop already started')
log.debug("Starting traffic cop")
assert(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.layout.sysconfdir, 'records.config')))
log.debug("Started traffic cop: %s", self.cop)
# TODO: exception if already stopped?
def stop(self):
log.debug("Stopping traffic cop: %s", self.cop)
if self.running():
# wait for a max of 2s
stoptime = time.time() + 2
while time.time() < stoptime:
# if we got a returncode, we exited
if self.cop.poll() is not None:
log.error('Unable to stop traffic_cop: {0}'.format(self.cop))
self.cop.terminate() # TODO: remove?? or wait...
def running(self):
if self.cop is None:
return False
return self.cop.returncode is None # its running if it hasn't died
if __name__ == '__main__':
SOURCE_DIR = os.getenv('TSQA_SRC_DIR', '~/trafficserver')
TMP_DIR = os.getenv('TSQA_TMP_DIR','/tmp/tsqa')
ef = EnvironmentFactory(SOURCE_DIR, os.path.join(TMP_DIR, 'base_envs'))