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= How to Setup TomEE in production
:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
You can use TomEE as described on link:../../admin/directory-structure.html[Directory Structure] page but in production it is better to
split TomEE and application binaries and configuration.
Idea is to have this kind of layout (the root is the one you prefer):
label: '/some/path',
description: 'any location on your file system',
children: [
label: 'tomee',
description: 'all tomee binaries will be there, note: you often do the same for the JVM versions you have',
children: [
label: 'tomee-1.7.1',
description: 'a particular tomee version (just unzip it there)',
children: [
{ label: 'bin', description: 'the startup binaries/scripts' },
{ label: 'conf', description: 'default shared configuration for this version, can be overwritten by instance' },
{ label: 'lib', description: 'the binaries' }
label: 'tomee-1.7.2',
description: 'a particular tomee version (just unzip it there)',
children: [
{ label: 'bin', description: 'the startup binaries/scripts' },
{ label: 'conf', description: 'default shared configuration for this version, can be overwritten by instance' },
{ label: 'lib', description: 'the binaries' }
label: 'tomee-7.0.0-M3',
description: 'a particular tomee version (just unzip it there)',
children: [
{ label: 'bin', description: 'the startup binaries/scripts' },
{ label: 'conf', description: 'default shared configuration for this version, can be overwritten by instance' },
{ label: 'lib', description: 'the binaries' }
label: 'applications',
description: 'all applications',
children: [
label: 'application1',
description: 'any application instance (ie configuration + binaries)',
children: [
{ label: 'bin', description: 'provide scripts for this instance (see under that file layout)' },
{ label: 'conf', description: 'the instance configuration, typically what is in tomee/conf when used in standalone' },
{ label: 'lib', description: 'some additional binaries like JDBC drivers' },
{ label: 'logs', description: 'instances logs location' },
{ label: 'work', description: 'dedicated work directory' },
{ label: 'temp', description: 'instance temporary folder' },
{ label: 'webapps', description: 'instance webapp folder' }
label: 'application2',
description: 'any application instance (ie configuration + binaries)',
children: [
{ label: 'bin', description: 'provide scripts for this instance (see under that file layout)' },
{ label: 'conf', description: 'the instance configuration, typically what is in tomee/conf when used in standalone' },
{ label: 'lib', description: 'some additional binaries like JDBC drivers' },
{ label: 'logs', description: 'instances logs location' },
{ label: 'work', description: 'dedicated work directory' },
{ label: 'temp', description: 'instance temporary folder' },
{ label: 'webapps', description: 'instance webapp folder' }
Click on a tree node or open a folder to see the detail there.
== Instance scripts
The idea for instances (applications) scripts is to simply delegate to tomcat ones but customizing the JVM and TomEE versions.
Customizing the version (and locations) is done in `bin/` of instances.
Here are an example for the common scripts (of course you can write helper version like restart etc).
#! /bin/sh
# which java
export JAVA_HOME="/some/path/java/jdk-8u60"
# which tomee
export CATALINA_HOME="/some/path/tomee/tomee-7.0.0-M3"
# where is the application - to let tomcat/tomee finds the configuration
export CATALINA_BASE="/some/path/application1/"
# to let tomee be able to kill the instance if shutdown doesn't work (see shutdown script)
export CATALINA_PID="/some/path/application1/work/"
=== startup
#! /bin/bash
proc_script_base="`cd $(dirname $0) && cd .. && pwd`"
source "$proc_script_base/bin/"
nohup "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/" "$@" > $proc_script_base/logs/nohup.log &
=== shutdown
#! /bin/bash
proc_script_base="`cd $(dirname $0) && cd .. && pwd`"
source "$proc_script_base/bin/"
# we support parameters like timeout and force, typically we would call it this way: ./shutdown 1200 -force
"$CATALINA_HOME/bin/" "$@"