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= TomEE Embedded
:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
TomEE Embedded is based on Tomcat embedded and starts a real TomEE in the launching JVM. It is also
able to deploy the classpath as a webapp and to use either `META-INF/resources` or a folder as web resources.
Here is a basic programmatic usage based on `org.apache.tomee.embedded.Container` class:
try (final Container container = new Container(new Configuration()).deployClasspathAsWebApp()) {
System.out.println("Started on http://localhost:" + container.getConfiguration().getHttpPort());
// do something or wait until the end of the application
All EE features are then accessible directly in the same JVM.
== TomEE Embedded Configuration
The default configuration allows to start tomee without issue but you can desire to customize some of them.
| Name | Default | Description
|httpPort | 8080| http port
|stopPort | 8005| shutdown port
|host |localhost| host
|dir|-|where to create a file hierarchy for tomee (conf, temp, ...)
|serverXml|-|which server.xml to use
|keepServerXmlAsThis|false|don't adjust ports/host from the configuration and keep the ones in server.xml
|properties|-|container properties
|quickSession | true|use Random instead of SecureRandom (for dev)
|skipHttp|false|don't use the http connector
|httpsPort | 8443|https potr
|ssl|false| activate https
|withEjbRemote|false|use EJBd
|keystoreFile|-|https keystore location
|keystorePass|-|https keystore password
|keystoreType |JKS|https keystore type
|clientAuth|-|https client auth
|keyAlias|-|https alias
|sslProtocol|-|SSL protocol for https connector
|webXml|-|default web.xml to use
|loginConfig|-|which LoginConfig to use, relies on `org.apache.tomee.embedded.LoginConfigBuilder` to create it
|securityConstraints|-|add some security constraints, use `org.apache.tomee.embedded.SecurityConstaintBuilder` to build them
|realm|-|which realm to use (useful to switch to `JAASRealm` for instance) without modifying the application
|deployOpenEjbApp|false|should internal openejb application be delpoyed
|users|-|a map of user/password
|roles|-|a map of role/users
|tempDir|${}/tomee-embedded_${timestamp}|tomcat needs a docBase, in case you don't provide one one will be created there
|webResourceCached |true|should web resources be cached by tomcat (set false in frontend dev)
|configuration-location|-|location (classpath or file) to a .properties to configure the server
[pre-task|-|Runnable or org.apache.tomee.embedded.LifecycleTask implementations to execute before the container starts
|classes-filter|-|implementation of a custom xbean Filter to ignore not desired classes during scanning
|basic|-|set /* under BASIC authentication for the realm "Security", authentication role being "*"
Note: passing to `Container` constructor a `Configuration` it will start the container automatically but using `setup(Configuration)`
to initialize the configuration you will need to call `start()`.
You can also pass through the properties `` and `` to customize connector(s)
configuration directly.
== Standalone applications or TomEE Embedded provided main(String[])
Deploying an application in a server is very nice cause the application is generally small and it allows to update the
container without touching the application (typically insanely important in case of security issues for instance).
However sometimes you don't have the choice so TomEE Embedded provides a built-in `main(String[])`. Here are its options:
NOTE: this is still a TomEE so all system properties work (for instance to create a resource).
|--path|-|location of application(s) to deploy
|--context|-|Context name for applications (same order than paths)
|-p or --port|8080|http port
|-s or --shutdown|8005|shutdown port
|-d or --directory|./.apache-tomee|tomee work directory
|-c or --as-war|-|deploy classpath as a war
|-b or --doc-base|-|where web resources are for classpath deployment
|--renaming|-|for fat war only, is renaming of the context supported
|--serverxml|-|the server.xml location
|--tomeexml|-|the server.xml location
|--property|-|a list of container properties (values follow the format x=y)
Note that since 7.0.0 TomEE provides 3 flavors (qualifier) of tomee-embedded as fat jars:
- uber (where we put all request features by users, this is likely the most complete and the biggest)
- jaxrs: webprofile minus JSF
- jaxws: webprofile plus JAX-WS
These different uber jars are interesting in mainly 2 cases:
- you do a war shade (it avoids to list a bunch of dependencies but still get a customized version)
- you run your application using `--path` option
NOTE: if you already do a custom shade/fatjar this is not really impacting since you can depend on `tomee-embedded` and exclude/include what you want.
== FatApp a shortcut main
`FatApp` main (same package as tomee embedded `Main`) just wraps the default main ensuring:
- ̀`--as-war` is used
- ̀`--single-classloader` is used
- `` is set if `` is found in the classpath
== configuration-location
`--configuration-location` option allows to simplify the configuration of tomee embedded through properties.
Here are the recognized entries (they match the configuration, see org.apache.tomee.embedded.Configuration for the detail):
|properties.x (set container properties x with the associated value)|
|users.x (for default in memory realm add the user x with its password - the value)|
|roles.x (for default in memory realm add the role x with its comma separated users - the value)|
|connector.x (set the property x on the connector)|
|realm=fullyqualifiedname,realm.prop=xxx (define a custom realm with its configuration)|
|login=,login.prop=xxx (define a org.apache.tomee.embedded.LoginConfigBuilder == define a LoginConfig)|
|securityConstraint=,securityConstraint.prop=xxx (define a org.apache.tomee.embedded.SecurityConstaintBuilder == define webapp security)|
|configurationCustomizer.alias=,configurationCustomizer.alias.class=class,configurationCustomizer.alias.prop=xxx (define a ConfigurationCustomizer)|
Here is a sample to add BASIC security on `/api/*`:
# security configuration
securityConstraint =
securityConstraint.authConstraint = true
securityConstraint.authRole = **
securityConstraint.collection = api:/api/*
login =
login.realmName = app
login.authMethod = BASIC
realm = org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm
realm.appName = app = configuration/login.jaas
And here a configuration to exclude jackson packages from scanning and use log4j2 as main logger (needs it as dependency):
properties.openejb.log.factory = log4j2
properties.openejb.container.additional.include = com.fasterxml.jackson,org.apache.logging.log4j
== Application Runner
SInce TomEE 7.0.2, TomEE provide a light ApplicationComposer integration for TomEE Embedded (all features are not yet supported but the main ones are):
`org.apache.tomee.embedded.TomEEEmbeddedApplicationRunner`. It relies on the definition of an `@Application`:
@Classes(context = "app")
@ContainerProperties(@ContainerProperties.Property(name = "t", value = "set"))
@TomEEEmbeddedApplicationRunner.LifecycleTasks(MyTask.class) // can start a ftp/sftp/elasticsearch/mongo/... server before tomee
public class TheApp {
private int port;
private URL base;
public Properties add() {
return new PropertiesBuilder().p("programmatic", "property").build();
public void appStarted() {
// ...
Then just start it with:
----, "some arg1", "other arg");
TIP: `@Classes(values)` and `@Jars` are supported too which can avoid a huge scanning if you run with a lot of not CDI dependencies which would boost the startup of your application.