blob: 617289dcf052ae38c4391212c8b2d644f6d9ff61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.naming;
import org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBRuntimeException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class NameNode implements Serializable {
private final String atomicName;
private final int atomicHash;
private NameNode lessTree;
private NameNode grtrTree;
private NameNode subTree;
private NameNode parentTree;
private final NameNode parent;
private Object myObject;
private transient IvmContext myContext;
private boolean unbound;
private boolean subTreeUnbound;
public NameNode(final NameNode parent, final ParsedName name, final Object obj, final NameNode parentTree) {
atomicName = name.getComponent();
atomicHash = name.getComponentHashCode();
this.parent = parent;
this.parentTree = parentTree;
if ( {
subTree = new NameNode(this, name, obj, this);
} else if (obj instanceof Context) {
myObject = new Federation();
((Federation) myObject).add((Context) obj);
} else {
myObject = obj;
void setMyContext(final IvmContext myContext) {
this.myContext = myContext;
//TODO: probably can be removed, doesn't seem to be used anywhere
public Object getBinding() {
return getBinding(false);
public Object getBinding(boolean createReadOnlyContext) {
if (myObject != null && !(myObject instanceof Federation)) {
return myObject;// if NameNode has an object it must be a binding
} else {
if (myContext == null) {
myContext = new IvmContext(this, createReadOnlyContext);
return myContext;
public Object getObject() {
return myObject;
//TODO: probably can be removed, doesn't seem to be used anywhere
public Object resolve(final ParsedName name) throws NameNotFoundException {
return resolve(name, false);
public Object resolve(final ParsedName name, boolean createReadOnlyContext) throws NameNotFoundException {
final int compareResult = name.compareTo(atomicHash);
NameNotFoundException n = null;
final int pos = name.getPos();
if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_EQUAL && name.getComponent().equals(atomicName)) {
// hashcodes and String values are equal
if ( {
if (subTree != null) {
try {
return subTree.resolve(name, createReadOnlyContext);
} catch (final NameNotFoundException e) {
n = e;
} else if (!subTreeUnbound && !unbound && myContext != null && !Federation.class.isInstance(myObject)) {
try {
return myContext.mynode.resolve(name, createReadOnlyContext);
} catch (final NameNotFoundException e) {
n = e;
} else if (!unbound) {
return getBinding(createReadOnlyContext);
} else if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_LESS) {
// parsed hash is less than
if (lessTree != null) {
return lessTree.resolve(name, createReadOnlyContext);
} else {
if (grtrTree != null) {
return grtrTree.resolve(name,createReadOnlyContext);
if (myObject instanceof Federation) {
final String nameInContext = compareResult != ParsedName.IS_EQUAL ? name.path() : name.remaining().path();
Federation f = null;
for (final Context c : (Federation) myObject) {
try {
final Object o = c.lookup(nameInContext);
if (o instanceof Context) {
if (f == null) {
f = new Federation();
f.add((Context) o);
} else {
return o;
} catch (final NamingException e) {
if (f != null) {
final NameNode node = new NameNode(null, new ParsedName(""), f, null);
return new IvmContext(node, createReadOnlyContext);
if (n != null) {
throw n;
throw new NameNotFoundException("Cannot resolve " + name);
public void bind(final ParsedName name, final Object obj) throws NameAlreadyBoundException {
final int compareResult = name.compareTo(atomicHash);
if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_EQUAL && name.getComponent().equals(atomicName)) {
if ( {
if (myObject != null && !(myObject instanceof Federation)) {
throw new NameAlreadyBoundException();
if (subTree == null) {
subTree = new NameNode(this, name, obj, this);
subTreeUnbound = false;
} else {
subTree.bind(name, obj);
} else {
if (obj instanceof Context) {
if (myObject != null) {
if (!(myObject instanceof Federation)) {
throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(name.toString());
} else {
myObject = new Federation();
((Federation) myObject).add((Context) obj);
} else {
if (subTree != null) {
throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(name.toString());
if (myObject != null) {
throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(name.toString());
unbound = false;
myObject = obj;// bind the object to this node
} else if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_LESS) {
if (lessTree == null) {
lessTree = new NameNode(this.parent, name, obj, this);
} else {
lessTree.bind(name, obj);
} else {
//ParsedName.IS_GREATER ...
if (grtrTree == null) {
grtrTree = new NameNode(this.parent, name, obj, this);
} else {
grtrTree.bind(name, obj);
public void tree(final String indent, final PrintStream out) {
out.println(atomicName + " @ " + atomicHash + (myObject != null ? " [" + myObject + "]" : ""));
if (grtrTree != null) {
out.print(indent + " + ");
grtrTree.tree(indent + " ", out);
if (lessTree != null) {
out.print(indent + " - ");
lessTree.tree(indent + " ", out);
if (subTree != null) {
out.print(indent + " - ");
subTree.tree(indent + " ", out);
public int compareTo(final int otherHash) {
return, otherHash);
private void bind(final NameNode node) {
int compareResult = node.compareTo(atomicHash);
// This seems to be needed because of an inbalanced way
// in which we use bind/unbind/lookup. Bind/unbind require
// the prefix of the node to be appended because lookup
// will add the prefix when doing a lookup. Seems if
// we got rid of the prefix usage in lookup, we could
// kill this if block and would have more balanced
// btrees
if (node.parent == this) {
compareResult = ParsedName.IS_EQUAL;
if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_EQUAL) {
if (subTree == null) {
subTree = node;
subTreeUnbound = false;
subTree.parentTree = this;
} else {
} else if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_LESS) {
if (lessTree == null) {
lessTree = node;
lessTree.parentTree = this;
} else {
} else {//ParsedName.IS_GREATER ...
if (grtrTree == null) {
grtrTree = node;
grtrTree.parentTree = this;
} else {
public void unbind(final ParsedName name) throws NameAlreadyBoundException {
final int compareResult = name.compareTo(atomicHash);
if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_EQUAL && name.getComponent().equals(atomicName)) {
if ( {
if (subTree != null) {
} else {
unbound = true;
myObject = null;
} else if (compareResult == ParsedName.IS_LESS) {
if (lessTree != null) {
} else {//ParsedName.IS_GREATER ...
if (grtrTree != null) {
private void unbind(final NameNode node) {
if (subTree == node) {
subTree = null;
subTreeUnbound = true;
} else if (grtrTree == node) {
grtrTree = null;
} else if (lessTree == node) {
lessTree = null;
void setReadOnly(boolean isReadOnly) {
if(myContext != null) {
myContext.readOnly = isReadOnly;
if(myObject instanceof Federation) {
for (Context current : ((Federation) myObject)) {
if (IvmContext.class.isInstance(current)) {
if (subTree != null) {
if (lessTree != null) {
if (grtrTree != null) {
private void rebalance(final NameNode node) {
if (node.subTree != null) {
if (node.lessTree != null) {
if (node.grtrTree != null) {
protected void prune() {
private void prune(final NameNode until) {
if (subTree != null) {
if (lessTree != null) {
if (grtrTree != null) {
if (this == until) {
if (!hasChildren() && myObject == null) {
private boolean hasChildren() {
return hasChildren(this);
private boolean hasChildren(final NameNode node) {
if (subTree != null && subTree.hasChildren(node)) {
return true;
if (grtrTree != null && grtrTree.hasChildren(node)) {
return true;
if (lessTree != null && lessTree.hasChildren(node)) {
return true;
return parent == node;
protected void clearCache() {
if (myContext != null) {
if (grtrTree != null) {
if (lessTree != null) {
if (subTree != null) {
//TODO: probably can be removed, doesn't seem to be used anywhere
public IvmContext createSubcontext(final ParsedName name) throws NameAlreadyBoundException {
return createSubcontext(name, false);
public IvmContext createSubcontext(final ParsedName name, final boolean createReadOnlyContext) throws NameAlreadyBoundException {
try {
bind(name, null);
return (IvmContext) resolve(name, createReadOnlyContext);
} catch (final NameNotFoundException exception) {
throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException(exception);
public String getAtomicName() {
return atomicName;
public NameNode getLessTree() {
return lessTree;
public NameNode getGrtrTree() {
return grtrTree;
public NameNode getSubTree() {
return subTree;
public NameNode getParent() {
return parent;
public NameNode getParentTree() {
return parentTree;
public String toString() {
return "NameNode{" +
"atomicName='" + atomicName + '\'' +
", atomicHash=" + atomicHash +
", lessTree=" + (lessTree != null ? lessTree.atomicName : "null") +
", grtrTree=" + (grtrTree != null ? grtrTree.atomicName : "null") +
", subTree=" + (subTree != null ? subTree.atomicName : "null") +
", parentTree=" + (parentTree != null ? parentTree.atomicName : "null") +
", parent=" + (parent != null ? parent.atomicName : "null") +
", myObject=" + myObject +
", myContext=" + myContext +
", unbound=" + unbound +
public static class Federation extends ArrayList<Context> {