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== Vaadin V8 (LTS) - Simple WebApp in Java
:index-group: Frameworks
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
This demo will show how to start with a simple Vaadin V8 webapp, based
on pure Java API running on TomEE (webprofile)
The Vaadin Framework is OpenSource and available at[Github]
=== Build this example
To build this example, just run _mvn clean install tomee:run_ You will
find the app running under http://localhost:8080/
=== Implementation
This implementation is using the[Vaadin 8
public class HelloVaadin {
public static class MyUI extends UI {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
//create the components you want to use
// and set the main component with setContent(..)
final Layout layout = new VerticalLayout();
.addComponent(new Button("click me",
event -> layout.addComponents(new Label("clicked again"))
//set the main Component
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = MyUI.class)
public static class MyProjectServlet extends VaadinServlet { }
The documentation of the Vaadin Framework is available[here]
=== Support Informations
Vaadin Framework 8 is the latest version based on GWT. V8 itself is a
LTS version.
The new Vaadin Platform is based on WebComponents. As of Vaadin 10,
Vaadin is moving to a release train model with four major releases every
year. This allows them to ship new features faster to developers. Vaadin
is continuing their commitment to long-term stability with long-term
support (LTS) releases. The LTS releases will come out approximately
every two years and offer 5 years of support.