blob: 5318283d14be667d3c89ee6a15cf1b9b910e6d49 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<relativePath><!--Resolve on repository--></relativePath>
<name>Apache TomEE</name>
<description>Apache TomEE is a JakartaEE 10 Web Profile stack for Apache Tomcat</description>
<name>OpenEJB Commits List</name>
<name>OpenEJB Developer List</name>
<name>OpenEJB Users List</name>
<!-- allows release plugin to be overridden -->
<arguments />
<!-- for the default name of the module. Needs to be overridden -->
<!-- To easily change the javaee api version -->
<!-- Project encoding -->
<!-- Plugins and Build -->
<!-- OSGi bundles properties -->
<openejb.bundle.activator />
<openejb.osgi.fragment />
<openejb.osgi.require />
<openejb.osgi.dynamic.import.pkg />
<!-- arquillian related -->
<!-- Starting from 3.34.0 it requires J17+ -->
<!-- Logging frameworks -->
<!-- Apache Commons -->
<!-- Java SE version -->
<!-- Micro Profile API -->
<!-- Micro Profile Impl. -->
<!-- Jackson and snakeyaml required by OpenAPI Impl -->
<!-- Jakarta EE API -->
<!-- we currently rely on Mail API from Geronimo, this might change in the future -->
<!-- Jakarta EE Impl. -->
<!-- com.sun -->
<!-- org.apache -->
<!-- we currently rely on Mail Impl. from Geronimo, this might change in the future -->
<!-- org.eclipse -->
<!-- org.glassfish -->
<!-- org.hibernate -->
<!-- Other API and Impl. not in Jakarta EE -->
<!-- JDBC Drivers -->
<!-- unused properties -->
<dependency> <!-- java 8 NPE fix -->
<plugin> <!-- maven-dependency-plugin:properties doesn't work as well as this one for us -->
<!-- attached to Maven test phase -->
<!-- the following settings are important when working with git -->
<releaseProfiles />
<arguments>-Pno-examples,apache-release -DskipTests -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none -DadditionalJOption=-Xdoclint:none ${arguments}</arguments>
<!-- to be removed when all test lifecycles are fixed -->
<!-- because we specify the MANIFEST.MF from this plugin and we don't want to break everything for maven -->
<Bundle-Name>Apache ${}</Bundle-Name>
<Implementation-Title>Apache OpenEJB</Implementation-Title>
<archive combine.children="append">
<description>Apache TomEE Web Profile delivers Servlets, JSP, JSF, JTA, JPA, CDI, Bean Validation and EJB
Lite. Apache TomEE Plus has all the features of TomEE with the addition of JAX-RS (RESTfull Services),
JAX-WS (Web Services), JMS (Java Message Service) and JCA (the Java Connector Architecture). The
additional functionality is delivered via Apache CXF, Apache ActiveMQ and the Geronimo Connector library
<name>Apache TomEE</name>
<shortdesc>Apache TomEE is an all-Apache Java EE 6 Web Profile stack for Apache Tomcat</shortdesc>
<chair>David Blevins</chair>
<charter>Apache TomEE provides an all-Apache Java EE 6 Web Profile stack for Apache Tomcat</charter>
<name>Apache TomEE</name>
<!-- If this Apache project implements a standard -->
<title>Java EE 6 Web Profile</title>
<body>Java Community Process</body>
<id>JSR 316</id>
<id>Apache Snapshots</id>
<name>Apache Snapshots Repository</name>
<!-- created during shading deps -->
<!-- left around after creating the site -->
<!-- left around after some unit tests -->
<!-- IDEA files -->
<!-- Eclipse files -->
<!-- ASCIIDOC files -->
<!-- examples -->
<additionalOption>--base-dir ${basedir}</additionalOption>
<additionalOption>--attribute "name=${}"</additionalOption>
<additionalOption>--attribute "version=${project.version}"</additionalOption>
<doclint>none</doclint> <!-- Doclint is enabled by default in java 8+, this conf is needed disable it till a rewrite of javadoc is done (>
<name>Apache Snapshots Repository</name>
<name>Apache Repository</name>
<name>Sonatype OSS Snapshots Repository</name>
<id>JBoss Repository</id>
<!-- transitive dependency from WSS4J -->
<name>Apache Software Foundation Plugin Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Apache Software Foundation Plugin Release Repository</name>
<!-- Micro Profile API -->
<!-- Open Tracing API -->
<!-- Following dependencies remain to be cleaned up -->
<dependency> <!-- licence apache, only 110ko -->
<!-- Jackson required by OpenAPI Impl and ActiveMQ Broker -->
<!-- Jackson required by OpenAPI Impl -->
<!-- Jackson Dataformat Yaml requires snakeyaml -->