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= XA DataSource Configuration
:index-group: Datasource
:jbake-date: 2019-07-12
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== Introduction
XA datasources are able to participate in global transactions involving
more than one resource - for example, scenarios where a transaction needs
to encompass connections to two different databases,, or a database and
a JMS resource.
The global transaction manager will provide a two phase commit for all
the resources enlisted in the transaction - if any of the commit
operations fail, then all the resources in the global transaction will
be rolled back.
JTA can still be used with non-XA datasources, however the datasource will
use a local transaction as opposed to a global transaction.
JDBC drivers providing XA capabilities provide an implementation of
`javax.sql.XADataSource`. This makes them a little more tricky to configure
than non-XA datasources. The general technique is to configure an instance
of the vendor-provided `XADataSource` implementation, and to then point
the usual non-XA resource at this instance. Sounds complex? Let's walk
through an example. We'll also provide tested example configs for a number
of well known databases at the end of this document.
== Example
In this example, we'll look at MySQL. First off, download the MySQL driver
from: Once you have the .jar
file, add it to the TomEE `lib` directory. This driver provides the
`com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlXADataSource` class. The properties that need to
be configured vary between datasources, so we'll need to get a list of the
properties and work out the values to set.
From the TomEE bin directory, execute the following command:
`./ setters -c com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlXADataSource` on *nix systems,
`tomee.bat setters -c com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlXADataSource` on Windows systems.
This will give a complete list of paramaters that are available for the XA
datasource. We'll simply use the `URL` paramater for the datasource.
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA" type="XADataSource" class-name="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlXADataSource">
Url jdbc:mysql://
Next, we create a JtaManaged datasource as we normally would, and point it to the
XA datasource using the `XaDataSource` attribute.
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSource" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA
JdbcDriver com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://
username root
password my-secret-pw
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 128
MaxIdle 25
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
ValidationQuery select 1
And finally, a non-JTA managed datasource as well:
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceUnmanaged" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://
UserName root
password my-secret-pw
JtaManaged false
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 100
MaxIdle 50
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
ValidationQuery select 1
== Sample configs
=== Oracle
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSource" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA
JdbcDriver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
username system
password my-cool-password
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 128
MaxIdle 25
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
PoolPreparedStatements true
MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
ValidationQuery select 1 from dual
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA" type="XADataSource" class-name="oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource">
Url jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceUnmanaged" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
UserName system
password my-cool-password
JtaManaged false
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 100
MaxIdle 50
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
PoolPreparedStatements true
MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
ValidationQuery select 1 from dual
=== Microsoft SQL Server
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSource" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA
JdbcUrl jdbc:sqlserver://;database=test
username sa
password my-secret-pw1
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 128
MaxIdle 25
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
PoolPreparedStatements true
MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
ValidationQuery select 1
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA" type="XADataSource" class-name="">
URL jdbc:sqlserver://;database=test
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceUnmanaged" type="DataSource">
JdbcUrl jdbc:sqlserver://;database=test
UserName sa
password my-secret-pw1
JtaManaged false
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 100
MaxIdle 50
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
PoolPreparedStatements true
MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
ValidationQuery select 1
Please note that using XA with Microsoft SQL Server requires the MS DTC to be configured correctly, and sqljdbc_xa.dll to be installed. For instructions, please see this Microsoft article:
=== MySQL
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSource" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA
JdbcDriver com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://
username root
password my-secret-pw
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 128
MaxIdle 25
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
ValidationQuery select 1
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA" type="XADataSource" class-name="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlXADataSource">
Url jdbc:mysql://
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceUnmanaged" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://
UserName root
password my-secret-pw
JtaManaged false
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 100
MaxIdle 50
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
ValidationQuery select 1
=== PostgreSQL
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSource" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA
JdbcDriver org.postgresql.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:postgresql://
username postgres
password mysecretpassword
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 128
MaxIdle 25
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
PoolPreparedStatements true
MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
ValidationQuery select 1
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceXA" type="XADataSource" class-name="org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource">
URL jdbc:postgresql://
<Resource id="demo/jdbc/XADataSourceUnmanaged" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver org.postgresql.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:postgresql://
UserName postgres
password mysecretpassword
JtaManaged false
InitialSize 10
MaxActive 100
MaxIdle 50
MinIdle 10
AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
TestOnBorrow false
TestWhileIdle true
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
PoolPreparedStatements true
MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
ValidationQuery select 1
=== Derby
<Resource id="movieDatabaseXA" type="javax.sql.XADataSource" class-name="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource">
<Resource id="movieDatabase" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/testdb;create=true
ValidationQuery=values 1
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns=1 minute
MaxWaitTime=0 seconds
<Resource id="movieDatabaseUnmanaged" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/testdb;create=true
UserName admin
Password admin
ValidationQuery=values 1
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns=1 minute
MaxWaitTime=0 seconds