blob: fd6bbff4631d252eb0d584c18b0cdd13a04de37c [file] [log] [blame]
Windows NT Service
The two batch files for creating and removing OpenEJB as a Windows Service are basically
self explanatory. Both scripts must be run using an account that has rights to install
or de-install a service. This is usually an administrator account.
If a 'jre' or 'jdk' directory is found in an adjacent path to this 'bin' directory then
this will be used as the preferred runtime, else the installed system runtime is used.
NOTE: If you modify either of these batch files then ensure that there are no hidden
characters after the '^' continuation symbol (such as tab or space). But always ensure
there is a space before (and not a tab). The service installer will drop further options
and simply warn that '++JvmOptions' is unknown, leading to unexpected results.
++JvmOptions=-Dopenejb.home="%openejb%" ^
++JvmOptions=-Xms128M ^[tab or space] <-- Will break here, no further options will be appended
++JvmOptions=-Xmx512M ^
++JvmOptions=-XX:MaxPermSize=256M <-- Last line has no continuation symbol
Using the Monitor
The file named 'OpenEJBServer.exe' can be used to modify service parameters post installation by running as an Administrator.
To use the monitor feature:
1. Create a shortcut to 'OpenEJBServer.exe' in your 'Startup' directory
2. Right click the shortcut and select 'Properties'
3. Edit the 'Target' field and append //MS to the end of the line (Do not forget the preceding space ...\bin\OpenEJBServer.exe //MS)