blob: 780b97b683b04743c7f60050a6f74a8ddf6985b1 [file] [log] [blame]
= TomEE Embedded Maven Plugin
:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
TomEE Embedded Maven plugin has a single goal: `tomee-embedded:run`.
== Configuration
| Name | Default | Description
| warFile | ${}/${} | where is the binary
| httpPort | 8080 | HTTP port
| httpsPort | 8443 | HTTPS port
| ajpPort | 8009 | AJP port
| stopPort | 8005 | shutdown port
| host | localhost | the server host
| dir | ${}/apache-tomee-embedded | the work directory
| keystoreFile | - | the keystore file for the HTTPS connector
| keystorePass | - | the keystore password for the HTTPS connector
| keystoreType | JKS | the keystore type for the HTTPS connector
| clientAuth | - | should HTTPS use client authentication
| keyAlias | - | the key to use for HTTPS
| sslProtocol | - | the protocol to use for SSL/HTTPS
| serverXml | - | a custom server.xml
| ssl | false | is HTTPS active
| withEjbRemote |false | is EJBd active
| quickSession | true | is sessions using Random instead of SecureRandom to generate id (faster but less secure, good for dev purposes)
| skipHttp | false | don't activate HTTP connector (allow to have only HTTPS for instance)
| classpathAsWar | false | deploy the classpath instead of the binary/war
| useProjectClasspath | true | in previous case use the project classpath and not plugin one
| webResourceCached | true | should web resources be cached
| modules | ${} | list of module to add to the classpath of the application
| docBase | ${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp | where is the docBase in classpath deployment mode (where are web resources)
| context | - | which context to use for the main artifact/deployment
| containerProperties | - | map of container properties
| mavenLog | true | should the plugin use maven logger instead of JUL
| keepServerXmlAsThis | false | don't apply port/host configuration to the server.xml if provided
| users | - | map of user/password
| roles | - | map of role/users
| forceJspDevelopment | true | ensure JSP are in development mode (updated)
| applications | - | list of applications to deploy
| applicationScopes | - | scope of the artifact to take into account for the classpath (ignore PROVIDED for instance)
| skipCurrentProject | - | don't deploy current project but only configured applications
| applicationCopyFolder | - | a folder containing applications
| workDir | - | tomee embedded work dir
| inlinedServerXml | - | server.xml content directly in the pom
| inlinedTomEEXml | - | tomee.xml content directly in the pom
| liveReload | - | livereload configuration if activated. This is an object containing these options: {watchedFolder: 'src/main/webapp', path: '/', port: 35729}
| withLiveReload | false | activate livereload for web resources