blob: b07b04b8bbf79e898394a5883d6315773d9905ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.tez.common.TezJobConfig;
import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.combine.MRCombiner;
import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop.DeprecatedKeys.MultiStageKeys;
import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.partition.MRPartitioner;
public class MultiStageMRConfToTezTranslator {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MultiStageMRConfToTezTranslator.class);
private enum DeprecationReason {
// FIXME Add unit tests.
// This will convert configs to tez.<vertexName>.<OriginalProperty> for
// properties which it understands. Doing this for the initial and final task
// as well to verify functionality.
* Converts a single completely configured MR* job to something that can be
* understood by the Tez MR runtime.
* @param srcConf
* the configuration for the entire MR* job. Configs for the first
* and last stage are expected to be set at root level. Configs for
* intermediate stages will be prefixed with the stage number.
* @return A translated MR* config with keys translated over to Tez.
// TODO Set the cause properly.
public static Configuration convertMRToLinearTez(Configuration srcConf) {
Configuration newConf = new Configuration(srcConf);
int numIntermediateStages = MultiStageMRConfigUtil
boolean hasFinalReduceStage = (srcConf.getInt(MRJobConfig.NUM_REDUCES, 0) > 0);
// Assuming no 0 map jobs, and the first stage is always a map.
int totalStages = numIntermediateStages + (hasFinalReduceStage ? 2 : 1);
int numEdges = totalStages - 1;
Configuration[] allConfs = extractStageConfs(newConf, numEdges);
for (int i = 0; i < allConfs.length; i++) {
setStageKeysFromBaseConf(allConfs[i], srcConf, Integer.toString(i));
for (int i = 0; i < allConfs.length - 1; i++) {
translateMultiStageWithSuccessor(allConfs[i], allConfs[i + 1]);
// Unset unnecessary keys in the last stage. Will end up being called for
// single stage as well which should be harmless.
translateMultiStageWithSuccessor(allConfs[allConfs.length - 1], null);
for (int i = 0; i < allConfs.length; i++) {
String vertexName;
if (i == 0) {
vertexName = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.getInitialMapVertexName();
} else if (i == allConfs.length - 1) {
vertexName = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.getFinalReduceVertexName();
} else {
// Intermediate vertices start at 1
vertexName = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.getIntermediateStageVertexName(i);
MultiStageMRConfigUtil.addConfigurationForVertex(newConf, vertexName,
return newConf;
* Translates MR keys to Tez for the provided vertex conf. The conversion is
* done in place.
* This method should be called for each stage config of the MR* job. The call
* for the first vertex should set the predecessorConf as null.
* Since there's no separation of input / output params at the moment, the
* config generated by this can be set as the configuration for Tez
* Input/Output and Processor.
* @param conf
* Configuration for the vertex being configured.
* @param predecessorConf
* Configuration for the previous vertex in the MR* chain
@LimitedPrivate("Hive, Pig")
public static void translateVertexConfToTez(Configuration conf,
Configuration predecessorConf) {
convertVertexConfToTez(conf, predecessorConf);
* Given a source and destination vertex, returns the config which should be
* used for the Output on this edge. The configs must be configured with tez
* keys - or run through translateVertexConfToTez.
* @param srcVertex
* The tez configuration for the source vertex.
* @param destVertex
* The tez configuration for the destination vertex.
* @return
@LimitedPrivate("Hive, Pig")
public static Configuration getOutputConfOnEdge(Configuration srcVertex,
Configuration destVertex) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(srcVertex, "srcVertex cannot be null for an edge");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(destVertex, "destVertex cannot be null for an edge");
return srcVertex;
* Given a source and destination vertex, returns the config which should be
* used for the Input on this edge. The configs must be configured with tez
* keys - or run through translateVertexConfToTez.
* @param srcVertex
* The tez configuration for the source vertex.
* @param destVertex
* The tez configuration for the destination vertex.
* @return
@LimitedPrivate("Hive, Pig")
public static Configuration getInputConfOnEdge(Configuration srcVertex,
Configuration destVertex) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(srcVertex, "srcVertex cannot be null for an edge");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(destVertex, "destVertex cannot be null for an edge");
return destVertex;
private static void convertVertexConfToTez(Configuration vertexConf,
Configuration predecessorConf) {
setStageKeysFromBaseConf(vertexConf, vertexConf, "unknown");
translateMultiStageWithPredecessor(vertexConf, predecessorConf);
* Constructs a list containing individual configuration for each stage of the
* linear MR job, including the first map and last reduce if applicable.
* Generates basic configurations - i.e. without inheriting any keys from the
* top level conf. // TODO Validate this comment.
private static Configuration[] extractStageConfs(Configuration conf,
int totalEdges) {
int numStages = totalEdges + 1;
Configuration confs[] = new Configuration[numStages];
// TODO Make moer efficient instead of multiple scans.
Configuration nonIntermediateConf = MultiStageMRConfigUtil
if (numStages == 1) {
confs[0] = nonIntermediateConf;
} else {
confs[0] = nonIntermediateConf;
confs[numStages - 1] = new Configuration(nonIntermediateConf);
if (numStages > 2) {
for (int i = 1; i < numStages - 1; i++) {
confs[i] = MultiStageMRConfigUtil
.getAndRemoveBasicIntermediateStageConf(conf, i);
return confs;
* Given a single base MRR config, returns a list of complete stage
* configurations.
* @param conf
* @return
public static Configuration[] getStageConfs(Configuration conf) {
int numIntermediateStages = MultiStageMRConfigUtil
boolean hasFinalReduceStage = (conf.getInt(MRJobConfig.NUM_REDUCES, 0) > 0);
// Assuming no 0 map jobs, and the first stage is always a map.
int numStages = numIntermediateStages + (hasFinalReduceStage ? 2 : 1);
// Setup Tez partitioner class
// Setup Tez Combiner class if required.
// This would already have been set since the call is via JobClient
boolean useNewApi = conf.getBoolean("", false);
if (useNewApi) {
if (conf.get(MRJobConfig.COMBINE_CLASS_ATTR) != null) {
conf.set(TezJobConfig.TEZ_RUNTIME_COMBINER_CLASS, MRCombiner.class.getName());
} else {
if (conf.get("mapred.combiner.class") != null) {
conf.set(TezJobConfig.TEZ_RUNTIME_COMBINER_CLASS, MRCombiner.class.getName());
Configuration confs[] = new Configuration[numStages];
Configuration nonItermediateConf = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.extractStageConf(
conf, "");
if (numStages == 1) {
confs[0] = nonItermediateConf;
confs[0].setBoolean(MRConfig.IS_MAP_PROCESSOR, true);
} else {
confs[0] = nonItermediateConf;
confs[numStages - 1] = new Configuration(nonItermediateConf);
confs[numStages -1].setBoolean(MRConfig.IS_MAP_PROCESSOR, false);
if (numStages > 2) {
for (int i = 1; i < numStages - 1; i++) {
confs[i] = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.extractStageConf(conf,
MultiStageMRConfigUtil.getPropertyNameForIntermediateStage(i, ""));
confs[i].setBoolean(MRConfig.IS_MAP_PROCESSOR, false);
return confs;
private static void processDirectConversion(Configuration conf) {
for (Entry<String, String> dep : DeprecatedKeys.getMRToTezRuntimeParamMap()
.entrySet()) {
if (conf.get(dep.getKey()) != null) {
// TODO Deprecation reason does not seem to reflect in the config ?
// The ordering is important in case of keys which are also deprecated.
// Unset will unset the deprecated keys and all it's variants.
String value = conf.get(dep.getKey());
conf.set(dep.getValue(), value,;
* Takes as parameters configurations for the vertex and it's predecessor
* (already translated to Tez). Modifies the vertex conf in place.
private static void translateMultiStageWithPredecessor(
Configuration vertexConf, Configuration predecessorConf) {
"Configuration for vertex being translated cannot be null");
for (Entry<String, Map<MultiStageKeys, String>> dep : DeprecatedKeys
.getMultiStageParamMap().entrySet()) {
if (vertexConf.get(dep.getKey()) != null) {
String value = vertexConf.get(dep.getKey());
vertexConf.set(dep.getValue().get(MultiStageKeys.OUTPUT), value,;
// Set keys from the predecessor conf.
if (predecessorConf != null) {
String expPredecessorKey = dep.getValue().get(MultiStageKeys.OUTPUT);
if (predecessorConf.get(expPredecessorKey) != null) {
String value = predecessorConf.get(expPredecessorKey);
vertexConf.set(dep.getValue().get(MultiStageKeys.INPUT), value);
* Takes as parameters configurations for the vertex and it's successor.
* Modifies both in place.
private static void translateMultiStageWithSuccessor(Configuration srcVertexConf,
Configuration destVertexConf) {
// All MR keys which need such translation are specified at src - hence,
// this is ok.
// No key exists in which the map is inferring something based on the reduce
// value.
for (Entry<String, Map<MultiStageKeys, String>> dep : DeprecatedKeys
.getMultiStageParamMap().entrySet()) {
if (srcVertexConf.get(dep.getKey()) != null) {
if (destVertexConf != null) {
String value = srcVertexConf.get(dep.getKey());
srcVertexConf.set(dep.getValue().get(MultiStageKeys.OUTPUT), value,;
destVertexConf.set(dep.getValue().get(MultiStageKeys.INPUT), value,;
} else { // Last stage. Just remove the key reference.
* Pulls in specific keys from the base configuration, if they are not set at
* the stage level. An explicit list of keys is copied over (not all), which
* require translation to tez keys.
private static void setStageKeysFromBaseConf(Configuration conf,
Configuration baseConf, String stage) {
JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(baseConf);
// Don't clobber explicit tez config.
if (conf.get(TezJobConfig.TEZ_RUNTIME_INTERMEDIATE_OUTPUT_KEY_CLASS) == null) {
// If this is set, but the comparator is not set, and their types differ -
// the job will break.
if (conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_KEY_CLASS) == null) {
// Pull this in from the baseConf
conf.set(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_KEY_CLASS, jobConf
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Setting " + MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_KEY_CLASS
+ " for stage: " + stage
+ " based on job level configuration. Value: "
+ conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_KEY_CLASS));
if (conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE_CLASS) == null) {
conf.set(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE_CLASS, jobConf
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Setting " + MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE_CLASS
+ " for stage: " + stage
+ " based on job level configuration. Value: "
+ conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE_CLASS));