Apache Tez

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  1. d84fdca TEZ-4577: SortSpan could be created real small, resulting in eventual job failure (#367) (Chenyu Zheng reviewed by Laszlo Bodor) by zhengchenyu · 23 hours ago master
  2. b5bf8dc TEZ-4589: Counter for the overall duration of succeeded/failed/killed task attempts (#382) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Ayush Saxena) by Bodor Laszlo · 3 weeks ago
  3. 53309ea TEZ-4591: Fix typo on TestTaskAttempt: expectedEvenstAfterTerminating (#381). (Kokila N, Reviewed by Ayush Saxena) by kokila-19 · 3 weeks ago
  4. 7cd6480 TEZ-4587: Synchronize Tez site with the current markup (#380) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Ayush Saxena) by Bodor Laszlo · 4 weeks ago
  5. 19b1423 TEZ-4586: Upgrade jersey to 1.19.4 (#378). (lvyankui, Reviewed by Ayush Saxena) by lvyankui · 5 weeks ago

Apache Tez

Apache Tez is a generic data-processing pipeline engine envisioned as a low-level engine for higher abstractions such as Apache Hadoop Map-Reduce, Apache Pig, Apache Hive etc.

At its heart, tez is very simple and has just two components:

  • The data-processing pipeline engine where-in one can plug-in input, processing and output implementations to perform arbitrary data-processing. Every ‘task’ in tez has the following:
  • Input to consume key/value pairs from.
  • Processor to process them.
  • Output to collect the processed key/value pairs.
  • A master for the data-processing application, where-by one can put together arbitrary data-processing ‘tasks’ described above into a task-DAG to process data as desired. The generic master is implemented as a Apache Hadoop YARN ApplicationMaster.