blob: c6ac25f5c1f61327d59a81f648438d40fe76944d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tez.dag.api;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
* An @link {@link EdgeProperty} defines the relation between the source and
* destination vertices of an edge. The relation consists of defining their
* communication pattern and dependencies. It also defines the user code that
* actually does the job of writing out data at the source and reading that data
* at the destination via the @link {@link InputDescriptor} and @link
* {@link OutputDescriptor}
public class EdgeProperty {
* Defines the manner of data movement between source and destination tasks.
* Determines which destination tasks have access to data produced on this
* edge by a source task. A destination task may choose to read any portion of
* the data available to it.
public enum DataMovementType {
* Output on this edge produced by the i-th source task is available to the
* i-th destination task.
* Output on this edge produced by any source task is available to all
* destination tasks.
* The i-th output on this edge produced by all source tasks is available to
* the same destination task. Source tasks scatter their outputs and they
* are gathered by designated destination tasks.
* Custom routing defined by the user.
* Determines the lifetime of the data produced on this edge by a source task.
public enum DataSourceType {
* Data produced by the source is persisted and available even when the
* task is not running. The data may become unavailable and may cause the
* source task to be re-executed.
* Source data is stored reliably and will always be available. This is not supported yet.
* Data produced by the source task is available only while the source task
* is running. This requires the destination task to run concurrently with
* the source task. This is not supported yet.
* Determines when the destination task is eligible to run, once the source
* task is eligible to run.
public enum SchedulingType {
* Destination task is eligible to run after one or more of its source tasks
* have started or completed.
* Destination task must run concurrently with the source task.
* This is not supported yet.
final DataMovementType dataMovementType;
final DataSourceType dataSourceType;
final SchedulingType schedulingType;
final InputDescriptor inputDescriptor;
final OutputDescriptor outputDescriptor;
final EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor edgeManagerDescriptor;
* Setup an EdgeProperty which makes use of one of the provided {@link
* org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.DataMovementType}s
* @param dataMovementType
* @param dataSourceType
* @param schedulingType
* @param edgeSource The {@link OutputDescriptor} that generates data on the edge.
* @param edgeDestination The {@link InputDescriptor} which will consume data from the edge.
public static EdgeProperty create(DataMovementType dataMovementType,
DataSourceType dataSourceType,
SchedulingType schedulingType,
OutputDescriptor edgeSource,
InputDescriptor edgeDestination) {
return new EdgeProperty(dataMovementType, dataSourceType, schedulingType, edgeSource,
* Setup an Edge which uses a custom EdgeManager
* @param edgeManagerDescriptor
* the EdgeManager specifications. This can be null if the edge
* manager will be setup at runtime
* @param dataSourceType
* @param schedulingType
* @param edgeSource
* The {@link OutputDescriptor} that generates data on the edge.
* @param edgeDestination
* The {@link InputDescriptor} which will consume data from the edge.
public static EdgeProperty create(EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor edgeManagerDescriptor,
DataSourceType dataSourceType,
SchedulingType schedulingType,
OutputDescriptor edgeSource,
InputDescriptor edgeDestination) {
return new EdgeProperty(edgeManagerDescriptor, dataSourceType, schedulingType, edgeSource,
private EdgeProperty(DataMovementType dataMovementType,
DataSourceType dataSourceType,
SchedulingType schedulingType,
OutputDescriptor edgeSource,
InputDescriptor edgeDestination) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(dataMovementType != DataMovementType.CUSTOM,
DataMovementType.CUSTOM + " cannot be used with this constructor");
this.dataMovementType = dataMovementType;
this.dataSourceType = dataSourceType;
this.schedulingType = schedulingType;
this.outputDescriptor = edgeSource;
this.inputDescriptor = edgeDestination;
this.edgeManagerDescriptor = null;
private EdgeProperty(EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor edgeManagerDescriptor,
DataSourceType dataSourceType,
SchedulingType schedulingType,
OutputDescriptor edgeSource,
InputDescriptor edgeDestination) {
this.dataMovementType = DataMovementType.CUSTOM;
this.edgeManagerDescriptor = edgeManagerDescriptor;
this.dataSourceType = dataSourceType;
this.schedulingType = schedulingType;
this.inputDescriptor = edgeDestination;
this.outputDescriptor = edgeSource;
* Get the {@link DataMovementType}
* @return {@link DataMovementType}
public DataMovementType getDataMovementType() {
return dataMovementType;
* Get the {@link DataSourceType}
* @return {@link DataSourceType}
public DataSourceType getDataSourceType() {
return dataSourceType;
* Get the {@link SchedulingType}
* @return {@link SchedulingType}
public SchedulingType getSchedulingType() {
return schedulingType;
* @return the {@link InputDescriptor} which will consume data from the edge.
public InputDescriptor getEdgeDestination() {
return inputDescriptor;
* @return the {@link OutputDescriptor} which produces data on the edge.
public OutputDescriptor getEdgeSource() {
return outputDescriptor;
* Returns the Edge Manager specifications for this edge.
* @return @link {@link EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor} if a custom edge was setup, null otherwise.
public EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor getEdgeManagerDescriptor() {
return edgeManagerDescriptor;
public String toString() {
return "{ " + dataMovementType + " : " + inputDescriptor.getClassName()
+ " >> " + dataSourceType + " >> " + outputDescriptor.getClassName()
+ " >> " + (edgeManagerDescriptor == null ? "NullEdgeManager" : edgeManagerDescriptor.getClassName())
+ " }";