blob: ac00a905916be44efcadefb98f51376b3a0212e3 [file] [log] [blame]
proc failproc {arg1} {
switch $arg1 {
0 {
return -code ok
1 {
return -code error -options [dict create cmd try condition 1] "Errore"
3 {
return -code break -options [dict create cmd try condition 3] "Break"
4 {
return -code continue -options [dict create cmd try condition 4] "Continue"
abort {
::rivet::abort_page arg1
exit {
::rivet::exit 101
::rivet::try {
failproc [::rivet::var_qs get cond]
} on continue {er opt} {
dict with opt { puts -nonewline "continue $cmd $condition " }
} on error {er opt} {
dict with opt { puts -nonewline "error $cmd $condition " }
} on break {er opt} {
dict with opt { puts -nonewline "break $cmd $condition " }
} finally {
puts -nonewline "finalize"