blob: d9658c85dba884b7d89a155397b054aabfb174a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# apachetest.tcl -- Tcl-based Apache test suite
# Copyright 2001-2020 The Apache Tcl Team / The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This test suite provides a means to create configuration files, and
# start apache with user-specified options. All it needs to run is
# the name of the Apache executable, which must, however, be compiled
# with the right options.
set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname [info script]]]
package provide apachetest 0.1
# kill --
# kill a process and wait until it's really gone
# (mimic TclX's kill and wait procs)
# Arguments:
# signal - signal to send (e.g. TERM, HUP, KILL...)
# pid - process id
# Side Effects:
# kills a running process/processes (if permitted)
# Results:
# None.
proc kill {signal pid} {
catch {exec kill -s $signal $pid}
after 100
set i 100
while {1} {
catch {exec ps -p $pid} out
if {[regexp $pid $out]} {
incr i 250
after 250
} else {
if {$i > 100} {
puts "Waiting [expr {$i/1000.0}] seconds until process was killed"
#package require http 2.4.5
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] http.tcl]
namespace eval apachetest {
set debug 1
# name of the apache binary, such as /usr/sbin/httpd
variable binname ""
if ![info exists ::httpd_version ] {
puts stderr "Please create httpd_version variable in global namespace"
exit 1
variable httpd_version $::httpd_version
# this file should be in the same directory this script is.
variable templatefile [file join [file dirname [info script]] template.conf.2.tcl]
# apachetest::need_modules --
# Tell the test suite which modules we *need* to have. The test
# suite will then check to see if these are either 1) compiled
# into the server or 2) loaded in its configuration file.
# Arguments:
# args
# Side Effects:
# Sets up the rest of the apachetest tools to find the needed
# modules.
# Results:
# None.
proc apachetest::need_modules { modlist } {
variable module_assoc
foreach module_pair $modlist {
set module_assoc([lindex $module_pair 0]) [lindex $module_pair 1]
# apachetest::connect --
# Attempt to open a socket to the web server we are using in our
# tests. Try for 10 seconds before giving up.
# Arguments:
# None.
proc apachetest::connect { } {
set starttime [clock seconds]
set diff 0
# We try for 10 seconds.
while { $diff < 10 } {
if { ! [catch {
set sk [socket localhost 8081]
} err]} {
close $sk
set diff [expr {[clock seconds] - $starttime}]
# apachetest::start --
# Start the web server in the background. After running the
# script specified, stop the server.
# Arguments:
# options - command line options to pass to the web server.
# conftext - text to insert into test.conf.
# code - code to run.
# Side Effects:
# Runs 'code' in the global namespace.
# Results:
# None.
proc apachetest::start { options conftext code } {
variable serverpid 0
variable binname
variable debug
variable httpd_version
set fn [file join [pwd] test.conf]
catch {file delete -force $fn}
set fl [open $fn w]
puts $fl [uplevel [list subst $conftext]]
close $fl
#OpenBSD related workaround, their stock apache tries to chroot by default
#have to add -u to the arguments to prevent this
catch {exec uname} uname_str
if {[string equal $uname_str OpenBSD]} {
set server_args "-u -X -f"
} else {
set server_args [list -X -f]
# There has got to be a better way to do this, aside from waiting.
set serverpid [eval exec $binname $server_args \
[file join [pwd] server.conf] $options >& apachelog.txt &]
if { $debug > 0 } {
puts "Apache started as PID $serverpid"
if { [catch { uplevel $code } err] } { puts stderr $::errorInfo }
# apache2 binary started with -X reacts to SIGQUIT and ignores TERM, but KILL is most reliable
kill KILL $serverpid
# startserver - start the server with 'options'.
proc apachetest::startserver { args } {
variable binname
variable debug
if { [catch {
if { $debug } {
puts "$binname -X -f [file join [pwd] server.conf] [concat $args]"
set serverpid [eval exec $binname -X -f "[file join [pwd] server.conf]" [concat $args]]
} err] } {
puts "$err"
# getbinname - get the name of the apache binary, and check to make
# sure it's ok. The user should supply this parameter.
proc apachetest::getbinname { bname } {
variable binname
set binname $bname
if { $binname == "" || ! [file executable $binname] } {
error "Invalid executable '$binname', please supply the full name and path of the Apache executable on the command line."
return $binname
# get the modules that are compiled into Apache directly, and return
# the XXX_module name. Check also for the existence of mod_so, which
# we need to load the shared object in the directory above...
proc apachetest::getcompiledin { binname } {
variable module_assoc
if {[catch {
set bin [open [list | "$binname" -l] r]
set compiledin [read $bin]
close $bin} e einfo]} {
puts "error: $e"
puts "error info: $einfo"
error "caught error in apachetest::getcompledin"
set modlist [split $compiledin]
set compiledin [list]
set mod_so_present 0
foreach entry $modlist {
if { [regexp {(.*)\.c$} $entry match modname] } {
if { $modname == "mod_so" } {
set mod_so_present 1
if { [info exists module_assoc($modname)] } {
lappend compiledin $module_assoc($modname)
if { $mod_so_present == 0 } {
error "We need mod_so in Apache to run these tests"
return $compiledin
# find the httpd.conf file
proc apachetest::gethttpdconf { binname } {
set bin [open [list | $binname -V] r]
set options [read $bin]
catch {close $bin}
regexp {SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="(.*?)"} "$options" match filename
if {![file exists $filename]} {
# see if we can find something by combining
regexp {HTTPD_ROOT="(.*?)"} "$options" match httpdroot
set completename [file join $httpdroot $filename]
if {![file exists $completename]} {
error "neither '$filename' or '$completename' exists"
return $completename
return $filename
# apachetest::getallincludes --
# Reads the conf file, and returns its text, plus the text in
# all the files that it Includes itself.
# Arguments:
# conffile - file to read.
# Side Effects:
# None.
# Results:
# Text of configuration files.
proc apachetest::getallincludes { conffile } {
if [file exists $conffile] {
set fl [open $conffile r]
set data [read $fl]
close $fl
set newdata {}
foreach line [split $data \n] {
# Look for Include lines.
if { [regexp -line {^[^\#]*Include +(.*)} $line match file] } {
puts "including files from $file"
set file [string trim $file]
# Include directives accept as argument a file, a directory
# or a glob-style file matching pattern. Patterns usually match
# many files, but are not directories, so we have to handle
# all these 3 cases
# we use the glob command to tell whether we are dealing with
# a pure file expression or a matching pattern
set matched_files [glob -nocomplain $file]
set matched_files_n [llength $matched_files]
if {$matched_files_n > 1} {
foreach fl $matched_files {
puts "including $fl"
if [file exists $fl] {
append newdata [getallincludes $fl]
} elseif {$matched_files_n == 1} {
set file $matched_files
if { [file isdirectory $file] } {
foreach fl [glob -nocomplain [file join $file *]] {
puts "including $fl"
if [file exists $fl] {
append newdata [getallincludes $fl]
} else {
append newdata [getallincludes $file]
append data $newdata
return $data
} else {
# apachetest::getloadmodules --
# Get the LoadModule lines for modules that we want to load.
# Arguments:
# conffile - the name of the conf file to read.
# needtoget - list of modules that we want to load.
# Side Effects:
# None.
# Results:
# Returns a string suitable for inclusion in a conf file.
proc apachetest::getloadmodules { conffile needtoget } {
puts "checking $conffile "
set confdata [getallincludes $conffile]
set loadline [list]
regexp -line {^[^#]*(ServerRoot[\s]?[\"]?)([^\"]+)()([\"]?)} $confdata \
match sub1 server_root_path sub2
foreach mod $needtoget {
# Look for LoadModule lines.
puts -nonewline "check conf line for $mod module..."
flush stdout
if { ! [regexp -line "^\[^\#\]*(LoadModule\\s+$mod\\s+.+)\$"\
$confdata match line] } {
error "No LoadModule line for $mod\!"
} else {
puts ok
set raw_path [join [lrange [split $line { }] 2 end]]
#trimming leading whitespaces
set path [string trimleft $raw_path]
if ![string equal [file pathtype $line] "absolute"] {
set absolute_path [file join $server_root_path $path]
lappend loadline "[join [lrange [split $line " "] 0 1]] $absolute_path"
} else {
lappend loadline $line
return [join $loadline "\n"]
# Compare what's compiled in with what we need.
proc apachetest::determinemodules { binname } {
variable module_assoc
set compiledin [lsort [getcompiledin $binname]]
set conffile [gethttpdconf $binname]
foreach {n k} [array get module_assoc] {
lappend needed $k
set needed [lsort $needed]
puts "needed: $needed"
set needtoget [list]
foreach mod $needed {
if { [lsearch $compiledin $mod] == -1 } {
lappend needtoget $mod
if {$needtoget == ""} {
return ""
} else {
return [getloadmodules $conffile $needtoget]
# apachetest::makeconf --
# Creates a config file and writes it to disk.
# Arguments:
# outfile - the file to create/write to.
# extra - extra config options to add.
# Side Effects:
# Creates a new config file.
# Results:
# None.
proc apachetest::makeconf { outfile bridge {extra ""} } {
variable binname
variable templatefile
set CWD [pwd]
#getting uid and gid of user
catch {exec id} raw_string
# username and group no longer needed. User and Group directives removed from
# main conffile template (#Bug 53396)
# set username [lindex [regexp -inline {(uid=)([\d]+)(\()([^\)]+)(\))} $raw_string] 4]
# set group [lindex [regexp -inline {(gid=)([\d]+)(\()([^\)]+)(\))} $raw_string] 4]
# replace with determinemodules
set LOADMODULES [determinemodules $binname]
puts "reading template from $templatefile"
set fl [open [file join . $templatefile] r]
set template [read $fl]
close $fl
# configure a specific bridge if -bridge passed as argument
if {$bridge == "default"} {
set bridge_conf "# Default bridge"
} else {
set bridge_conf "RivetServerConf MpmBridge $bridge"
set extra [string map [list BRIDGE $bridge_conf] $extra]
append template $extra
puts $template
set out [subst $template]
set of [open $outfile w]
puts $of "$out"
close $of