blob: 6b512e8364d8e99192550231c4a944cdeb8d3a74 [file] [log] [blame]
## wrap - Split a string on newlines. For each line, wrap the line at a space
## character to be equal to or shorter than the maximum length value passed.
## if a third argument called "-html" is present, the string is put together
## with html <br> line breaks, otherwise it's broken with newlines.
## $Id$
namespace eval ::rivet {
proc wrap {string maxlen {html ""}} {
set splitstring {}
foreach line [split $string "\n"] {
lappend splitstring [wrapline $line $maxlen $html]
if {$html == "-html"} {
return [join $splitstring "<br>"]
} else {
return [join $splitstring "\n"]
## wrapline -- Given a line and a maximum length and option "-html"
## argument, split the line into multiple lines by splitting on space
## characters and making sure each line is less than maximum length.
## If the third argument, "-html", is present, return the result with
## the lines separated by html <br> line breaks, otherwise the lines
## are returned separated by newline characters.
proc wrapline {line maxlen {html ""}} {
set string [split $line " "]
set newline [list [lindex $string 0]]
foreach word [lrange $string 1 end] {
if {[string length $newline]+[string length $word] > $maxlen} {
lappend lines [join $newline " "]
set newline {}
lappend newline $word
lappend lines [join $newline " "]
if {$html == "-html"} {
return [join $lines <br>]
} else {
return [join $lines "\n"]