blob: 238b30a9b1ea874609e1cf9d53401f34c40447ad [file] [log] [blame]
## putsnnl ?-sgml? <string> <width>
## Shorthand for 'puts -nonewline' with the extra feature
## of being able to print a string padded with spaces.
## The ouput has a fixed width <width> and string in <string>
## is left (width > 0) or right (width < 0) aligned.
## When the switch -sgml is passed in as first argument
## the padding is done with &nbsp; SGML entities.
## $Id$
namespace eval ::rivet {
proc putsnnl {args } {
set nargs [llength $args]
if {$nargs == 1} {
set width undefined
set output_string [lindex $args 0]
} elseif {$nargs == 2} {
if {[string match "-sgml" [lindex $args 0]]} {
set output_string [lindex $args 1]
set padding "&nbsp;"
set width undefined
} else {
set output_string [lindex $args 0]
set width [lindex $args 1]
set padding " "
} elseif {$nargs == 3} {
if {![string match "-sgml" [lindex $args 0]]} {
return -code error -error_code wrong_param \
-error_info "Expected -sgml switch" \
"Expected -sgml switch"
set output_string [lindex $args 1]
set width [lindex $args 2]
set padding "&nbsp;"
} else {
return -code error -error_code wrong_num_param \
-error_info "Expected at most 3 args, got $nargs ($args)" \
"Expected at most 3 args, got $nargs ($args)"
if {[string is integer $width]} {
if {$width == 0} {
set final_string ""
} else {
set string_l [string length $output_string]
if { $string_l > abs($width)} {
set final_string [string range $output_string 0 [expr abs($width)-1]]
} else {
set padding [string repeat $padding [expr abs($width) - $string_l]]
if {$width > 0} {
set final_string [format "%s%s" $padding $output_string]
} else {
set final_string [format "%s%s" $output_string $padding]
} else {
set final_string $output_string
puts -nonewline $final_string