blob: ab19ba6cc410f4e71ec5e976c43726b0b0042e2d [file] [log] [blame]
# -- http_accept
# function for parsing Accept-* HTTP headers lines.
# http_accept parses an HTTP header line (as in the case
# for language or media type negoziation) and returns a dictionary
# where fields are associated to their precedence
# Output can be controlled with the following switches
# -zeroweight: appends also fiels with 0 precedence
# -default: set default weight value to unset fields
# -list: returns a list of the fields in the header line
# in descending order of precedence
# This function was contributed by Harald Oehlmann
# $Id$
namespace eval ::rivet {
proc ::rivet::http_accept {args} {
set lqValues {}
set lItems {}
# parameter
while { [llength $args] > 1 } {
set args [lassign $args argCur]
switch -exact -- $argCur {
-zeroweight { set fZeroWeight 1 }
-list {set oList 1}
-default { set fDefault 1 }
-- {}
default { return -code error "Unknown argument '$argCur'" }
# loop over comma-separated items
foreach itemCur [split [lindex $args 0] ,] {
# Find q value as last element separated by ;
set qCur 1
if {[regexp {^(.*); *q=([^;]*)$} $itemCur match itemCur qString]} {
if { 1 == [scan $qString %f qVal] && $qVal >= 0 && $qVal <= 1 } {
set qCur $qVal
set itemCur [string trim $itemCur]
if { $itemCur in {"*" "*/*" "*-*"} } {
unset -nocomplain fDefault
if { [info exists fZeroWeight] || $qCur > 0 } {
lappend lqValues $qCur
lappend lItems $itemCur
# build output dict in decreasing q order
set dOut {}
# we are going to keep a list of keys in order of decresing precedence,
# in case the list has to be returned.
# we return a list if oList was set otherwise a dictionary is build
# and returned
if {[info exists oList]} {
set sorted_keys {}
foreach indexCur [lsort -real -decreasing -indices $lqValues] {
lappend sorted_keys [lindex $lItems $indexCur]
return $sorted_keys
} else {
foreach indexCur [lsort -real -decreasing -indices $lqValues] {
set qCur [lindex $lqValues $indexCur]
if {$qCur == 0 && [info exists fDefault]} {
dict set dOut * 0.01
unset fDefault
set item_key [lindex $lItems $indexCur]
dict set dOut $item_key $qCur
if { [info exists fDefault] } {
dict set dOut * 0.01
return $dOut