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<section id="session_package">
<title>Session Package</title>
This is session management code. It provides an interface
to allow you to generate and track a browser's visit as a
"session", giving you a unique session ID and an interface
for storing and retrieving data for that session on the
This is an alpha/beta release -- documentation is not in
final form, but everything you need should be in this file.
Using sessions and their included ability to store and
retrieve session-related data on the server, programmers can
generate more secure and higher-performance websites. For
example, hidden fields do not have to be included in forms
(and the risk of them being manipulated by the user
mitigated) since data that would be stored in hidden fields
can now be stored in the session cache on the server. Forms
are then faster since no hidden data is transmitted --
hidden fields must be sent twice, once in the form to the
broswer and once in the response from it.
Robust login systems, etc, can be built on top of this code.
<section id="requirements">
Currently has only been tested with Postgresql, MySql and Oracle.
All DB interfacing is done through DIO, though, so it
should be relatively easy to add support for other
<title>Preparing To Use It</title>
<para>Create the tables in your SQL server. With Postgres,
do a <command>psql www</command> or whatever DB you
connect as, then a backslash-i on
<para>(If you need to delete the tables, use <filename>session-drop.sql</filename>)</para>
<para>The session code by default requires a DIO handle
called <varname>DIO</varname> (the name of which can be
overridden). We get it by doing a</para>
<programlisting>RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "package require DIO"
RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "::DIO::handle Postgresql DIO -user www"</programlisting>
<title>Example Usage</title>
<para>In your httpd.conf, add:</para>
<programlisting>RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "package require Session; Session SESSION"</programlisting>
This tells Rivet you want to create a session object named
SESSION in every child process Apache creates.</para>
You can configure the session at this point using numerous
key-value pairs (which are defined later in this doc).
Here's a quick example:</para>
<programlisting>RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "package require Session; Session SESSION \
-cookieLifetime 120 -debugMode 1"</programlisting>
Turn debugging on <option>-debugMode 1</option> to figure
out what's going on -- it's really useful, if
In your .rvt file, when you're generating the &lt;HEAD&gt;
<programlisting>SESSION activate</programlisting>
Activate handles everything for you with respect to
creating new sessions, and for locating, validating, and
updating existing sessions. Activate will either locate
an existing session, or create a new one. Sessions will
automatically be refreshed (their lifetimes extended) as
additional requests are received during the session, all
under the control of the key-value pairs controlling the
session object.
<title>Using Sessions From Your Code</title>
<para>The main methods your code will use are:</para>
<command>SESSION</command> <command>id</command>
After doing a <command>SESSION activate</command>,
this will return a 32-byte ASCII-encoded random
hexadecimal string. Every time this browser comes
to us with a request within the timeout period, this
same string will be returned (assuming they have
cookies enabled).
<para>returns 1 if it's a new session or 0 if it has
previously existed (i.e. it's a zero if this request
represents a "return" or subsequent visit to a
current session.)</para>
<command>SESSION new_session_reason</command></cmdsynopsis>
This will return why this request is the first
request of a new session, either "no_cookie" saying
the browser didn't give us a session cookie,
"no_session" indicating we got a cookie but couldn't
find it in our session table, or "timeout" where
they had a cookie and we found the matching session
but the session has timed out.
<command>SESSION store</command>
Given the name of a package, a key, and some data.
Stores the data in the rivet session cache table.
<command>SESSION fetch</command>
Given a package name and a key, return the data
stored by the store method, or an empty string if
none was set. (Status is set to the DIO error that
occurred, it can be fetched using the status
<title>Session Configuration Options</title>
<para>The following key-value pairs can be specified when a
session object (like SESSION above) is created:</para>
<para>how many seconds the session will live for.
7200 == 2 hours
If a request is processed for a browser that
currently has a session and this long has elapsed
since the session update time was last updated,
update it. 900 == 15 minutes. so if at least 15
minutes has elapsed and we've gotten a new request
for a page, update the session update time,
extending the session lifetime (sessions that are in
use keep getting extended).
name of the cookie stored on the user's web browser
default rivetSession
The name of the DIO object we'll use to access the
database (default DIO)
The probability that garbage collection will occur
in percent. (default 1%, i.e. 1)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>the number of seconds after which
data will be seen as "garbage" and cleaned up --
defaults to 1 day (86400)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>The substring you want to check each
HTTP referer for. If the referer was sent by the
browser and the substring is not found, the session
will be deleted. (not coded yet)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<varlistentry><term>entropyFile</term> <listitem><para>The
name of a file that random binary data can be read
from. (<filename>/dev/urandom</filename>) Data will
be used from this file to help generate a
super-hard-to-guess session ID.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>The number of bytes which will be
read from the entropy file. If 0, the entropy file
will not be read (default 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<varlistentry><term>scrambleCode</term> <listitem><para>
Set the scramble code to something unique for the
site or your app or whatever, to slightly increase
the unguessability of session ids (default "some
random string")</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>The lifetime of the cookie in
minutes. 0 means until the browser is closed (I
think). (default 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<varlistentry><term>cookiePath</term> <listitem><para>The
webserver subpath that the session cookie applies to
(defaults to
<listitem><para>The domain to set in the session cookie
(FIXME - not coded yet)</para></listitem></varlistentry-->
<listitem><para>Specifies whether the cookie should
only be sent over secure connections, 0 = any, 1 =
secure connections only (default
<listitem><para>The name of the table that session
info will be stored in (default
<listitem><para>The name of the table that contains
cached session data (default
<varlistentry><term>debugMode</term> <listitem><para>Set
debug mode to 1 to trace through and see the session
object do its thing (default 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<varlistentry><term>debugFile</term> <listitem><para>The
file handle that debugging messages will be written
to (default
<title>Session Methods</title>
The following methods can be invoked to find out
information about the current session, store and fetch
server data identified with this session, etc:
<command>SESSION status</command></cmdsynopsis>
Return the status of the last operation
<command>SESSION id</command></cmdsynopsis>
Get the session ID of the current browser. Returns
an empty string if there's no session (will not
happen is SESSION activate has been issued.)
<command>SESSION new_session_reason</command>
Returns the reason why there wasn't a previous
session, either "no_cookie" saying the browser
didn't give us a session cookie, "no_session"
indicating we got a cookie but couldn't find it in
the session table, or "timeout" when we had a cookie
and a session but the session had timed out.
<command>SESSION store</command>
Given a package name, a key string, and a data
string, store the data in the rivet session
<command>SESSION fetch</command>
Given a package name and a key, return the data
stored by the store method, or an empty string if
none was set. Status is set to the DIO error that
occurred, it can be fetched using the status
<command>SESSION delete</command></cmdsynopsis>
Given a user ID and looking at their IP address we
inherited from the environment (thanks, Apache),
remove them from the session table. (the session
table is how the server remembers stuff about
sessions). If the session ID was not specified the
current session is deleted.
<command>SESSION activate</command></cmdsynopsis>
Find and validate the session ID if they have one.
If they don't have one or it isn't valid (timed out,
etc), create a session and drop a cookie on
<title>Getting Additional Randomness From The Entropy File</title>
<programlisting>RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "Session SESSION -entropyFile /dev/urandom \
-entropyLength 10 -debugMode 1"</programlisting>
This options say we want to get randomness from an entropy
file (random data pseudo-device) of /dev/urandom, to get ten
bytes of random data from that entropy device, and to turn
on debug mode, which will cause the SESSION object to output
all manner of debugging information as it does stuff. This
has been tested on FreeBSD and appears to work.